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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Pioneer1 There is more genetic diversity today in African than there is anywhere else on Earth. Genetically, it is more likely that you are more closely related to the people you call white than you would be to people in Africa who share your complexion. Anyone who believes Africans are "less evolved" than the people who left Africa is simply ignorant of the most basic concepts of genetics. There is zero evidence that anyone is Africa is descended from people who came from Asia. ------------------ The idea that there is a Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosomal Adam is just remarkable to me -- single individuals that we are all related to. Now these folks wree not arried to each other and they were not the only ones on Earth, but we still treat each other like Cain and Abel. ------------------
  2. The clip is compelling but nit exactly representative of the film -- but I still enjoyed the flick. I'll read the link later. As far as how they got to North America they sailed (or flew), as the Pyramids demonstrate those Brothers and SIsters were not as primitive as western culture would like you to believe. Brown African people were the first Homo Sapiens that is not in dispute. I'll check the article later. I'm going off the grid for a few days; camping in an area without cellular service to look at stars and commune with nature
  3. Cynique, they died. What revisionist white researchers are saying that we did not come from Africa? Unfortunately today you don't have to look very hard to find information that contradicts information that is generally accepted by the scientific community; evolution is a hoax, the earth is flat,.. Extraterrestrial origination does have an appeal. Have you watched this film Prometheus? It has an interesting origin story for humanity:
  4. “The Two Foot Shelf of Negro Literature“ Composed of books, selected with care and discrimination, with the idea of offsetting the silence of our educational system regarding twelve million American citizens. Add these volumes to your library. Reading them will increase your respect for the Negro race.” —Kathryn M. Johnson This list is almost 90 years old and is (you know what I'm gonna say) as relevant today as it was back then. Sad but true. Kathryn M. Johnson, who compiled the reading list wrote, The Dark Race in the Dawn: Proof of Black African Civilization in the America’s Before Columbus, which discusses the African presence in America long before Columbus. I was in grade school, a generation after the publication of this book (and the information was not new then), but I was still taught that Columbus discovered America?! I participated in a play on the lie. I would be an adult before learning that Columbus never even set foot in America. Why is the myth of columbus discovering america being perpetrated while knowledge of skilled African sailors hidden? Of course we know this is straight up racism and it adversely impacts Black people to this day.
  5. Yeah the dates change. Presumably the newer information is more accurate. I've send date range for homo sapien sapien range from 200K to 300K years -- which is a big swing, but no one will ever have a precise date nore is one really needed. We can be fairly certain is has not been "millions of years." Sure there were hominids a million years ago, but these creatures would never be confused with being human. That said, I would still not be surprised if there were a race of people (of extraterrestrial origin or not) who were far more advanced that we are that lived and died out more than a million years ago. @Cynique, as you know all men are descended from Africans. However the Black people who arrived in the America's can separately. It is common knowledge, thought not taught in schools, that African traveled to the America's long before Columbus. Indeed the ship logs of european travelers who noted that they saw Black people here. It could have been in Columbus's logs (don't quote me on that). In any case, Ivan Van Sertima writes extensively on this.
  6. to be clear, homo spaiens have only roamed the earth for the last 2 to 3 hundred thousand years.
  7. This is an interesting conversation -- too deep for me to participate in, but interesting nonetheless.
  8. The migrations of people across the planet is very interesting. Man. as the current evidence supports is that we left. Africa in two waves separated by tens of thousands of years. The first wave led to the evolutions of neanderthals (virtually all white people have neanderthals in there DNA). spaiens left later and populated the earth. One branch walked across the bering straits ultimately populating north and south america. We call these native people, but there is evidence that African arrived in both north and south american and even europe much earlier. People we would call Black may have predated what we call native americans by 10K years. There are several books on the site that speak to there evidence. In fact I justed added one today: The Dark Race in the Dawn: Proof of Black African Civilization in the America’s Before Columbus by Kathryn M. Johnson (I'm still collecting information on this book now) But there are others of the top of my head: Africa and the Discovery of America by Leo Wiener, Black Star: The African Presence In Early Europe by Runoko Rashidi, and anything by Ivan Van Sertima
  9. @Kalexander2 Your post about Why do people try to hide who they really are? would be an interesting stand alone topic. Maybe I'll start one. As far as Umar being a utterly complete fraud (assuming a fake identity) I don't believe that. It is too easy to prove this. OK @Pioneer1 I can understand the desire to track the change of human sexuality over time. But what I find that you do is that you assume gay men are feminine. Some are and others are not. Sexual orientation is different than personality. There are some dudes you'd look at, using the western lense of masculinity, and swear they are gay but they are not...
  10. Frances Lincoln Children’s Books publishes high quality picture books, multicultural books, poetry, picture books and information books. Their “Little People, Big Dreams” series is pretty cool.
  11. I actually did see one post about the suppression of Black history in Europe, but I'll have to make time to read it. Pioneer, it looks like stuff you'd be interested in.
  12. I worked for defense contractors for most of the 1980's, many of the people I worked with voted republican (I voted republican once). simply because people wanted to ensure the contracts kept rolling in. But I do believe that many people, most probably, have understandability lost faith in the political process. Much of the reason for this has to do with how we get information. The news (journalism) has been perverted. I can listen to two different radion station and get a completely different understanding of the different issues -- it is hard to know what is true...
  13. If you say the homosexual population has almost tripled in a generation (btw, where did you get those percentages), why do YOU think this has happened?
  14. No, I wouldn't argue that Black are disproportionately represented the percentage of college graduates. The foundational reason for the disparity is a long history of institutionalized racism. I do not believe, as you say, "Most AfroAmerican males ARE NOT college material." This statement, among others you have made, says that Black men are inherently unqualified to attend college. This is an idea I disagree with. Now if we disagree with the cause of the problems we will disagree on the solutions. Racism is the system that created a crappy in primary schools in Black neighborhoods, which make it difficult for those students to be admitted and graduate from our best universities. I think we were better off running our own schools, but too few of us will support them.
  15. No, laughing is much better than getting angry and shutting down. The mongolians were on a rampage trying to take over the entire world. I don't think skin color was a motivation, but if there is a valid source (i.e. not Dr, Umar) that states this I would be happy to read it. Genghis khan raped so many people that 1 out of 200 people on Earth today are a direct descendant,
  16. The problem with this reasoning is that anything that Black men and women disagree about can conceivably be attributed to some diabolical scheme hatched by white folk to divide us. When these conspiracies are articulated by a charismatic Brother, like Dr Umar, it is are given credibility because he has a Phd (supposedly) and it just feels good to hear. Think about it: you are saying that some cabal of white men told Harry to find him a "biracial" woman, because this will help destabilize the relationships between Black Men and women in the UK, America -- indeed globally. Do I understand what you believe correctly?
  17. Maybe I just simply can't get myself to believe that even Ben Carson or Kanye West would deliberately do something to harm other Black people. Sure I could be naive and too trusting of these individuals. Now if we were talking about some ex drug dealer turned rapper sure, but not these too guys. Kayne has mental health issues and I believe Dr. Carson is somewhere on the autism spectrum. These guys can not be held completely accountable for what they say or do. The real shame is that white media love to give these guys complete coverage of their ramblings -- exploiting their nonsense for revenue... and we pay the price.
  18. @wallace That is THE point. Whites have a great wealth of films depicting themselves as heroes. We get one film, Black Panther a character made up in the 60's by a couple of white boys, and we go ape-shit. We are so needy. They are not. In this respect there is a world of difference between Black people and white people.
  19. @Chevdove, looking forward to reading what you've learned. I don't know the nature of you research, but hopefully you use the information to effect change.
  20. Wait, what?! Y'all really believe that they "let" a so called Black woman into the royal family as a way to weaken Black female support for Black men, as Dr. Umar asserts? To my mind that sounds preposterous; one because I don't think those white folks arranged the marriage for this purpose, and two even if I brought into that conspiracy theory I don't think for one second that it would be effective. The conscious London based African sisters that I work with on a regular basis are not motivated by some stupid wedding -- they don't have time for it. But you know what, I will ask a couple that, I'm trading emails with, now what they personally think, and what they think the broader Black community in London thinks about the royal wedding.
  21. I agree @Chevdove, Ben and Trump are being used and they are not conscious enough to recognize it. Perhaps all the attention and money they received has blinded them to this fact. @Pioneer1, you views of college are distorted and warped. Indeed, they do sound like the ramblings of someone who never attended. As someone who has attended college (I have two masters degrees), currently teaches at the college level, and who has put two kids through college, I'd be the first to admit that colleges have serious problems -- particularly as it relates to the education of poor Black people. But the stereotypes and the generalizations you make -- particularly about Black men -- are far from the reality. @Cynique gives a good explanation why this is the case.
  22. Yeah political activism of this type is not practised by most of us... shoot it is hard enough just to get us to vote during the midterms.
  23. John S. Mbiti, is considered “The Father of Contemporary African Theology,” and the author of the book, African Religions & Philosophy. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with African religion, history, philosophy, anthropology or general African studies.
  24. Thanks for sharing the @jmachats, this is news to me as well -- and I remember search engines from day one -- and I've actually used Archie! I had no idea a Brother invented it. I could see why he did not patent it. Clever people created utilities like this all the time The Brother says he would not change a thing. That does not ring particularly true to me. But he seems like a nice guy and I could be reflecting my sensibility onto him.... I rather Alan Emtage be the bazillionaire, I'd be willing to be Google would be far less cut throat.
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