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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Dude I have thought about what you wrote. Many of the ideas in mind head are not based upon my experience. These ideas, often the most profound ones, come from reading. For example, my belief in a single human race is derived completely from information outside my own experience. If I used my own experience, like Pioneer and perhaps yourself, I would still believe in multiple races. If your only source of information is your personal experience can not assimilate new information, not an you grow. This is not to say that I don't have my own ideas, based upon experiences, like my stance on Google and social media. Now I know my perspective is in the minority so when the journalist at 60 Minutes substantiated my ideas I feel justified in running with them. If the broadcast refuted everything I wrote. I would be forced to reconsider. I'm perfectly open to doing this, when the preponderance of evidence is against me.
  2. Del, experiences are one thing, ideas are quite another. One's experiences and the interpretation of them are subjective; some people find getting spanked erotic others find it humiliating. With regard to Pioneer I'm talking about ideas. For example the idea that 20 year olds access women solely on whether they are a desirable sex partner. That, I'm sure, the way he viewed women at that age; and he takes that perspective and assumes it must be true for every 20 year old. Of course there probably a lot of 20 year olds who think that way. But I doubt it's the majority (did you think about women that way when you were 20 Del?)
  3. Then I suspect Del that 45 must be going insane. Very few people have ever had this level of insults constantly hurled at them. 45 has to live in his own bubble of fox news, sycophants and disillustion racists. The real world is much too hostile. If he were not POTUS I would probably feel a but sorry for him.
  4. When I say Pioneer is "projecting" I mean to say that he is taking is world view and assuming it is the same shared by others. Does that answer your question Del? Pioneer I suspect not even YOU want sex from the women you meet. Surely, you must have female friends that you not contemplating screwing, right?
  5. If 45 sicced Cohen on the The Onion, the man must be incredibly thin skinned. But imagine being the constant butt of jokes and harsh criticism. Imagine what it must be like for a 45's kid to see his dad (and family) ridiculed on most media outlets.
  6. Yes, because you are saying that you, "45," and the boys you hang out with in the club are typical Black men.
  7. Oh, hell-to-the-no! I doubt there are very many heterosexual Black men on Earth -- even --- the British ones, who could give a flying f*ck about this wedding. Assuming Mel is serious, I suspect that there is a strong correlation between the genders (assuming two for simplicity sake) regarding interesting in the "royal" wedding. If there are any men Black heterosexual men who watched the wedding, I'd like to hear from you. What motivated you to do it and what did you get out of it? As far as the so called "race" of the bride, who cares?
  8. @Delano, I get it; 45 is a crook and the justice system knows this. However getting him to leave office in 7 months seems unlikely. Comparisons to Watergate are flawed Tricky Dick and 45 are two very different people, despite the common propensity to abuse the office.
  9. 60 Minutes did a segment on Google power on Sunday. The segment is shown below. They literally addressed every single point i raised in my Blog post. Honestly, it was almost as if they read my article an did their segment. I tell you white folks are at least discussing these issues and we, in the Black community, are still going around praising these monopolies as if they will be our salvation. If was sad to hear that the Obama administration took so much money from Google. I mean we know that Google controls our government, but our utter lack of coverage of this issue is why we (Black folk) get f*cked everytime. Goolge I assert is in fact of the reasons WHY there are fewer Black journalist covering issues that matter to the business community.
  10. Hey Whit, thanks for sharing. Does this review also appear in the print version of PW? Harlem Mosaics by Whit Frazier
  11. @Delano I hope you are right, but without doing nearly as much research you have done history tells us that the law is very slow at catching up with wealthy people — if ever.
  12. @Delano I doubt they will even impeach 45 before the year is out. You might be listening to too much left-wing news. Try some right-wing news for a minute it might throttle your giddiness.
  13. You can forget July man. 45 has a better chance of winning a nobel peace prize than getting booted out of office in July
  14. @Pioneer1, there you go again projecting your values and beliefs onto those of the general population. What about a man that wants to simply had]ve a woman as a friend?
  15. Films are screened at the cinema; movies are watched that the theater with a tub of popcorn and a 1/2 gallon of Coke
  16. LOL! Sad, but that would probably get the site a lot of attention. It may even get Pioneer to talk about it. I did have to look up the Coyote Ugly reference
  17. there are people who welcome this hostility. they believe it signals the end of days, the return of Jesus Christ. Some are happy about this.
  18. Hey @Milton welcome back man! I was unaware that you "fell off" for a few years because I still hear your name. Please post a list of ISBN13s for any books I may be missing on your page: Milton J. Davis. Given your presence on the site and other who write in your genre, the books are here it may just be a matter of presenting them in a way that makes them easier to find. The site's search engine is one way to find these books. Another way is the "Top Ten Book Lists" I've been compiling. Maybe you can help me create a list of the "Top 10 Afrofuturism Books." I started one for Steampunk and Sword and Soul. You have books on both lists, but I need help finding additional titles and of course spreading the word.
  19. Del you should know by now "facts" have nothing to do with 45. If they did he would not be POTUS, wouldn't you agree?
  20. Hi Katie do you have any titles to suggest?
  21. Impeachment is STILL unlikely and removal from the office (before the end of the year is sheer fantasy). Brothers, your faith in our system is indeed prodigious, but woefully misplaced. Kalexander I have no problem giving you two an extra 12 hours, shoot 12 days won't make a difference. We'll go by Washington DC time which of course is the same as New York Time. Del I know you must be on something really strong if you think 45 is gonna get the boot before the end of the summer.... and I thought I was the optimist. I was unaware 45 gave up his financials. Interesting. but 45 is the "teflon don"ald
  22. Hey Del since The Year end sooner where you are we'll use New York time
  23. @Pioneer1 your critique is promotion, whether you recognize it or not. The book reviews I publish are a fee based service that authors purchase, because critiques are a great way to promote a product. Here is a review I posted yesterday, An Extraordinary Life: Josephine E. Jones by Wendy Jones. The reviewer had positive and negative things to say about the book but overall it was a fair assessment and it will help potential readers decide if they want to read the book -- much more than the promotional copy written by the publisher. Man the worse thing that could have resulted from Gambino's video was for no one to talk about it. People are manipulated by clever marketers without ever recognizing it is happening. I'm not sure about human nature but I personally spend every day of my life sharing information about things that I like or feel is important for people to know. But to your point, the negative stuff attracts the most attention. Marketers know this and the web exploited this to the hilt. Hey Pioneer, if I took off my shirt and wiggled around in a video shooting people would you talk about AALBC on other websites?
  24. There was a time when some of these title were considers really scandalous. Today they'd ruffle few feathers; not because people are more sexually liberated, but because we have become so crass more pronographic than erotic. The hookup culture of randomly banging people you barely know... The strip clubs where guys and gals can get women to do pretty much anything with the right amount to cash. Erotica is about the mind as much as it is about the body. https://aalbc.com/top10/index.php?category=Books+of+Erotica
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