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Everything posted by Troy

  1. No, I wouldn't argue that Black are disproportionately represented the percentage of college graduates. The foundational reason for the disparity is a long history of institutionalized racism. I do not believe, as you say, "Most AfroAmerican males ARE NOT college material." This statement, among others you have made, says that Black men are inherently unqualified to attend college. This is an idea I disagree with. Now if we disagree with the cause of the problems we will disagree on the solutions. Racism is the system that created a crappy in primary schools in Black neighborhoods, which make it difficult for those students to be admitted and graduate from our best universities. I think we were better off running our own schools, but too few of us will support them.
  2. No, laughing is much better than getting angry and shutting down. The mongolians were on a rampage trying to take over the entire world. I don't think skin color was a motivation, but if there is a valid source (i.e. not Dr, Umar) that states this I would be happy to read it. Genghis khan raped so many people that 1 out of 200 people on Earth today are a direct descendant,
  3. The problem with this reasoning is that anything that Black men and women disagree about can conceivably be attributed to some diabolical scheme hatched by white folk to divide us. When these conspiracies are articulated by a charismatic Brother, like Dr Umar, it is are given credibility because he has a Phd (supposedly) and it just feels good to hear. Think about it: you are saying that some cabal of white men told Harry to find him a "biracial" woman, because this will help destabilize the relationships between Black Men and women in the UK, America -- indeed globally. Do I understand what you believe correctly?
  4. Maybe I just simply can't get myself to believe that even Ben Carson or Kanye West would deliberately do something to harm other Black people. Sure I could be naive and too trusting of these individuals. Now if we were talking about some ex drug dealer turned rapper sure, but not these too guys. Kayne has mental health issues and I believe Dr. Carson is somewhere on the autism spectrum. These guys can not be held completely accountable for what they say or do. The real shame is that white media love to give these guys complete coverage of their ramblings -- exploiting their nonsense for revenue... and we pay the price.
  5. @wallace That is THE point. Whites have a great wealth of films depicting themselves as heroes. We get one film, Black Panther a character made up in the 60's by a couple of white boys, and we go ape-shit. We are so needy. They are not. In this respect there is a world of difference between Black people and white people.
  6. @Chevdove, looking forward to reading what you've learned. I don't know the nature of you research, but hopefully you use the information to effect change.
  7. Wait, what?! Y'all really believe that they "let" a so called Black woman into the royal family as a way to weaken Black female support for Black men, as Dr. Umar asserts? To my mind that sounds preposterous; one because I don't think those white folks arranged the marriage for this purpose, and two even if I brought into that conspiracy theory I don't think for one second that it would be effective. The conscious London based African sisters that I work with on a regular basis are not motivated by some stupid wedding -- they don't have time for it. But you know what, I will ask a couple that, I'm trading emails with, now what they personally think, and what they think the broader Black community in London thinks about the royal wedding.
  8. I agree @Chevdove, Ben and Trump are being used and they are not conscious enough to recognize it. Perhaps all the attention and money they received has blinded them to this fact. @Pioneer1, you views of college are distorted and warped. Indeed, they do sound like the ramblings of someone who never attended. As someone who has attended college (I have two masters degrees), currently teaches at the college level, and who has put two kids through college, I'd be the first to admit that colleges have serious problems -- particularly as it relates to the education of poor Black people. But the stereotypes and the generalizations you make -- particularly about Black men -- are far from the reality. @Cynique gives a good explanation why this is the case.
  9. Yeah political activism of this type is not practised by most of us... shoot it is hard enough just to get us to vote during the midterms.
  10. John S. Mbiti, is considered “The Father of Contemporary African Theology,” and the author of the book, African Religions & Philosophy. It is essential reading for anyone concerned with African religion, history, philosophy, anthropology or general African studies.
  11. Thanks for sharing the @jmachats, this is news to me as well -- and I remember search engines from day one -- and I've actually used Archie! I had no idea a Brother invented it. I could see why he did not patent it. Clever people created utilities like this all the time The Brother says he would not change a thing. That does not ring particularly true to me. But he seems like a nice guy and I could be reflecting my sensibility onto him.... I rather Alan Emtage be the bazillionaire, I'd be willing to be Google would be far less cut throat.
  12. During Black Classic Press's 40th Anniversary I had the pleasure of hearing Navasha Daya perform. I was teasing @harry brown in an earlier post by asking who buys music anymore. But I actually purchased Navasha's CD. One is the songs she performed really moved me. It speaks to the struggles of poor people. She is a Baltimore based community activist; her lyrics and music is influenced by people she meets -- pehras that is why it rings true to me.
  13. While might sound good and can make a people who have been victimized by white people for hundreds of years -- it is just a racist statement. Umar's views on the LGBTQ community are no different than those of your garden variety Christian. @Kalexander2 in the vast a majority of cases I earn a commission on book sold here. If I direct readers to an independently published author's site I usually don't earn a commission. I just opened a store: https://aalbc.com/store/ where I sell books directly. I have not loaded my entire database into it yet; right now I'm focusing on books where I have commitment from the publisher or a group of readers to buy the books.
  14. Oh don't get me started on street parking @QueenX Poor people, who don't have the benefit or even availability of parking garages, park on the street. Have two outstanding tickets and your car will be booted and towed away -- incurring tow charges, storage fees and more fines! It is really criminal what they do to poor people -- again as you said in residential neighborhoods. Chicago people are going bankrupt, San Francisco, the city famous for people renting driveways so they can sleep in their cars, sells the cars of 4,000 people a year who can't pay tickets. Then of course there are the bogus tickets that are given out -- especially in poorer neighborhoods. Now, in NY City they are putting bike lanes everywhere -- making parking even more difficult. I guess they don't want poor or lower income people to own cars and have some semblance of a happy life - they rather just sell us cigarettes and liquor, and placate us with social media.
  15. Seriously, listen to some right wing news sources -- you'd think 45 is up for a Nobel Peace prize and that the investigation is a witch hunt.
  16. Well the Earth is not trillions of years old indeed the entire the universe is not even close to a trillion years old. I believe current estimates place the Earth's age at roughly 4 billion years, still plenty of time for a far more advanced civilization to have evolved and died. There is no evidence of this but I don't think it can be completely ruled out given the large time scales involved. Then again, I think the pyramids are proof of an ancient and advanced culture. They may not have had iPhones with facebook, but i believe that were advanced in ways we can't understand
  17. Kanye has new music out? Is it any good? People still buy music?
  18. I'm not surprised the album make more money than the film -- it was inspired. K2 summed up the movie quite well. There was a lot of great music from that era...Stevie Wonder, the staple singers, and I really would love to hear Gil Scott's poetry on 45's presidency.
  19. Del you should widen your source of information everything you share just reinforces what you (what we all) want to believe). The reality is Trump is not going anywhere before the end of the year -- even if he is completely guilty. The wheels of justice turn slowly... if at all. Meanwhile time the Warner monopoly has been approved, net neutrality shut down, facebook owns social media and is working on destroying the rest of the web, and colin Kaepernick has been banned from playing football and no one cares
  20. Obviously I listened to the music and the lyrics @Delano, but you know one can craft a justification for just about anything...
  21. @Delano I presume he did it for the money. I dunno, maybe he did not appreciate what the movie was about. Maybe he was not as conscious as you make him out to be...
  22. If you ask me, the only good thing about Superfly was Mayfield's soundtrack for the original film. Kam Williams thinks the reboot is excellent ★★★★ (out of 4 stars): Coincidentally Mayfield's Thinking popped up on my Ipod this afternoon while driving around this afternoon. I find this song very inspirational, in stark contrast to the film.
  23. Yeah, the "flat earthers" are a curious bunch. I, and don't ask me why, watched one of there stupid videos. It was well done but completely full of nonsense. It would only appeal to people who are utterly ignorant, which I presume is a growing demographic given the amount of time we spend on social media.
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