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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hey DT I see the book is #1 on Amazon bestseller (congrats) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Politics & Social Sciences > Politics & Government > Elections & Political Process > Practical Politics (free cateory) But can you describe what it is about? The description on Amazon does not shed much light. Thanks -
  2. Gwen's passing was indeed a loss. She was a dying breed, a pure journalist. R.I.P.
  3. Facebook does not seem to have a problem doing, shoot they make it look easy :-) I would have commented on Tony Blog were it not for the Facebook login requirement, that plus the fact that Tony is not responding to any of the comments. Mel, after reading the article I would not be surprised it the article was written by someone else using Tony's name. Call me paranoid... but it is hard to take anything at face value on the web.
  4. The transparent background allows you to place so that the back is not obscured by anything other than the logo. Consider the images below the first image used a .jpg file with a white background. If your page is white this may be perfectly acceptable, but if your background is not white, or is another image, the effect may be less desireable. The 2nd image used a transparent background, which allows you to see the author images behind the logo. The 2nd image also a bit transparent, allowing you to see through it a bit. @Mel Hopkins, if you post your logo I may be able to remove the opaque background, which will give you much more flexibility on where and how your log can be used.
  5. I didn't even know Tony was still producing new content. It sounds like the days of hosting the Francis Cress Welsings of the world are over... huh ;-) Let me click through and read the article before jumping to conclusions... ...OK I read the article and essentially agree with his observations, where I diverge wth him is the belief Trump will be a benefit to Black folks. But anything is possible, and we absolutely have to work with Trump to try to gain some benefits. All the protesting can't possibly accomplish anything as the man won the election. Unless your goal is to overthrow the president, which would be stupid, our efforts would be best used to try to get what we can out of the Trump administration. Since Trump is not Black, Black folks don;t about have to worry about dissing a brother and holding him less accountable than we did Barack. So while I don't think it is time for celebrating, as Tony seems to suggest, I do think we need to try to do some "really great deals" with Trump. It pains me to see Tony have to reference all the conversations happening on Facebook on his Blog. Even the commenting software requires you to login with Facebook. But I understand why he does it. Again it is just painful to see the dependence.
  6. I guess Dr. Frances Cress Welsing was a contemporary of yours Cynique. Did you ever attend any of her lectures? I never heard her speak in person. She really did a lot of work trying to understand why white people has caused so much misery for Black and Brown people all over the planet. I was thoroughly impressed with her in the video below. I also miss programs like Tony Brown's Journal. Thoughtful intelligent programs like Tony Brown's journal that provides platforms for conscious and intelligent Black women like Dr. Welsing are in tragic short supply.
  7. Pioneer your opening salvo sounds very racist. But I definitely hear where you are coming from and completely understand the sentiment When Africans came to the Americas they did not take ownership of land and resources, rape women, or enslave people. They came, they exchanged knowledge, and left. When Europeans went anywhere, they were so hell bent on domination that they weren't even above exterminating native people. Tanzania is a relatively recent example. When Europeans came to Africa and North America they were welcomed with open arms and they took savage advantage of the hospitality. Their hostility, of course, has not been limited to Black and Brown people. During WW II they managed to murder 3% of humanity in just a few years. Many if not most of these people were other white people. This is not to say there are not righteous white people--there are a great many of them. Today the Belgians, Italians, British and Germans are not nearly the same murderous lot they once were. And of course there are murderous Black people. But if you looks at the most violent Black people they were placed into conditions created by racist white people. Whether it was Black folks crowded in urban ghettos or setup in puppet regimes in some country white folks created. The entire conflict in the Middle East is really a European/American creation. Outside of white influence, there is no evidence to suggest that Black people behave ever behaved in the same manner that the most evil white people have. I know that might sound racist as well, but I'd be happy to defend the position. I believe, as any reasonable person should, that there are a great number of decent white folks who are interested in sharing and who despise the "enrich-yourself-at-the-expense-of-others" mentality. Sometimes I have to ask myself, "where the hell are they now?" I think people are just worried about their own survival. Working to improve the conditions of anyone outside your immediate family takes resources most of us don't have or don't want to expend. Besides that mentality is not really part of the American or western culture. Working to improve the group is part of African culture, at least before the arrival of the European. It is the part of our culture that was lost when we were enslaved here. I think many of us carry it in our DNA, we just can't express it here in America and it is probably why many of us need mental help today. Someone pass the Xanax please.
  8. Here is the logo. Thanks for asking. It is a .png file with a transparent background.
  9. 12% of Black people who voted, voted for Trump. Many more Black people (I'm sure) did not vote at all the others voted for a 3rd party candidate--all of which are effectively the same thing--support for Trump. Even those Black folks that voted for Hillary vary widely on what they think of her. So no, I don't think Black unity is something that will happen anytime soon. I fight for it on a daily basis and it is a constant struggle. I beginning to think there is a more pressing battle than Black unity and that is American unity. Trump apparently does not believe in man-made climate change. What is the point of fighting for Black unity if the Earth is becoming increasingly hostile to support human life?
  10. I'd be flabbergasted if Carson, Palin, and Christy all get Cabinet positions. Maybe he'll give Amarosa a cabinet position. Man, we are living in a crazy time.
  11. Hillary did not make herself human until her concession speech, where you could see the genuine hurt and disappointment she obviously felt. Pioneer, Blacks did come out to Hillary she got 88% of the Black vote. I have not seen the figures on how many people that represents. If you have them please post a link; it would be interesting to see those figures. Democrats have had the Black vote on lock for years, why promise us anything? Obama never did and he is Black. Cynique, I'm not sure the 3rd party votes did Hillary in. It is not clear how many of those voters would have voted for Clinton without the 3rd party option. Besides in places like OH and NC, even if Hillary got all of the 3rd party votes, it would not have made a difference in the results. But as you suggest it was not just one thing that hurt Hillary. I voted for her, but she did not need my vote, she won NY by 1.5 million votes. I almost not did bother to vote for that reason, but changed my mind at the last minute, and am glad I did because I contributed to the popular vote giving Hillary that "win," which at least shows what the majority of people wanted, for what it is worth... We will never know who would have been better for Black people. I never had that much faith in Hillary, and I don't believe it is possible for Trump to do as much damage as many Black people believe he will do. Time will tell.
  12. Hey Pioneer, you should listen to the hard left. My local NPR affiliate WNYC, had plenty of people complaining about a rigged election -- there have street protests with people complaining that the election was invalid. The was not a Republican win; this was a Trump win and he won despite the Republicans and probably because of the Democrats.
  13. Sankofa Video Books & Cafe is located at 2714 Georgia Ave.,NW Washington, DC 20001
  14. If you can stand it, listen to Rush Limbaugh or anyone on the far right and it may give you some additional insight into the way some of the electorate see things. There are great numbers of people who were with Trump and predicted the win. They feel the pollsters simply lied about Trump's reach to undermine his impact. I always believed the media are the cause, or certainly had a hand, in the rise of Trump. Because of their interest in ratings, they gave him tons a free coverage. No other candidate in the history of elections got as much free coverage as Trump did over the course of his campaign. I can't see him doing 8 years in office.
  15. If you use Amazon to buy anything, bookmark this link: http://aalbc.it/supportaalbc to make your purchases. Your purchases will generate commissions for AALBC.com, which enables us to grow our platform to better SUPPORT BLACK LITERATURE. I sell books any way they can be sold; directly; through our publisher partners (like Black Classic Press and Just Us Books); as an affiliate of all the major online booksellers (B&N and Amazon); and even through other indie booksellers like MahoganyBooks.com. Despite the variety of ways that I sell books, the vast majority of these sales are made through Amazon. I have offered books for sale that were autographed and priced less than Amazon, despite that people often choose to buy the book from Amazon. I also appreciate that many people use Amazon Prime , so they have an incentive to make all online purchases through Amazon--even when the prices are higher. What I don't understand however is why we fail to take advantage of Amazon's commissions. Even authors who send people to Amazon to buy their book rarely use links (like this ) to earn commissions. So while I've given up trying to get people to use indie booksellers, I can't give up trying to help people earn commissions for themselves or AALBC.com. So use the link and help support this site. Peace
  16. Bernie had as good a chance as a young inexperienced Black man, for they both promised change, which is what Trump promises. Trump was not jubilant because he was probably on his meds. It also might have dawned on him that being president will actually be a very difficult job and he'll have to work very hard for the next four years to accomplish anything or go down in complete disgrace. Eisenhower might not have been a politician, but he was obviously familiar with politics, the military, and the government. I would not put Dwight and Donald in the same category. I don't think (or hope) Donald is egotistical enough to think he can do the job himself. Also, don't underestimate the impact of the state of the economy. While I can understand why you might say it is not that dire. The reality is that all the growth has gone to the people at the top, and the masses are increasingly worse off. Think of it this way; there are more websites and more people online than ever before, but much of the wealth generated, as a result of this growth, is going to fewer websites. This creates oligarchic conditions which is resulting in most websites being worse off--despite the overall growth. Fewer websites are sharing the benefits of this growth. Because fewer websites are benefiting, people are worse off because they have less choice. This is the American economy.
  17. Gore, who probably would have been an honorable president, also won the popular but lost the electoral college. I wish they would use the popular vote to decide who becomes the POTUS. Despite the general consensus that I observed as I skimmed Facebook, Hillary's loss, I believe, was less an of an indictment of the liberal policies, but more a reflection of the economic pain people are feeling. Keep in mind there are plenty of Black people who have a disdain for the LGBT agenda, Muslims, etc, so I doubt it was just these issues. I think the democrats made a strategic error trying to shove Hillary down our throats. Bernie would have almost certainly destroyed Trump. Unfortunately, Hillary is finished and Bernie is not likely to have the energy to run a campaign in 2020. But it really should not be too difficult to get a solid opponent to beat Trump in four years, if the Democrats simply take a few minutes to really listen to their constituents. Trump understood exactly what he needed to say to get people to vote for him. It did not matter that everything Trump said came without a plan, or wasn't even within the realm of possibility. Trump was brilliant, taking advantage of the uneducated, the struggling, and yes, the racists. These people, it appears, makes up at least 50% of the American population--Trump knew this going in. Obviously, Trump is not going to bring back manufacturing, or build a wall, deport more people than Obama has, or do anything for Black people struggling in the inner cities. With Republican majorities in both the House and Senate and maybe 2 or 3 Supreme Court nominees, the Republican agenda will be advanced a great deal in the next fours years. This does not bode well for people without a lot of money or small business owners, like myself. Why this caught anyone by surprise is beyond me. But I guess it is more a reflection of the filter bubble we all inhabit. If you get your news from only one source or social media, you are simply being lied to, or woefully uninformed--at best. We did this to ourselves, and deserve what we get. Maybe it will prompt us to actually do something about it..
  18. Well, my vote has been cast; though Hillary did not exactly need it as she will win my district and state by a healthy margin I'm sure. CBS reported that Virgina, Texas, and New York were are at risk of a terrorist attack by al Qaeda before the election. There were no details or instructions on what we should do in reaction. Cynical me says, CBS are desperate and will do anything for clicks. I think folks in the Deep South have more to fear from American terrorism after the election...
  19. Juanita Broderick accused Clinton of rape and he paid Paul Jones almost a million dollars to go away. A quick search will provide many credible sources and a great level of detail, for those interested. Bill is objectively a sexual predator. Also, it was not that Hillary was a victim here; she actively worked to silence these women. The left criticizes the right for overlooking all of Donald obvious flaws, but the left does the same thing with the Clintons. But hey she is better than Donald. The devil you know...
  20. Cynique you asked what crime did Bill commit? It is fascinating how Clinton's rapes and infidelity roll off him like water off a duck while the other Bill (Cosby) was vilified. This is not about "hate;" It is about power. Of course, hindsight is 20-20 and I know full well how Black folks were desperate to see crime rate go down--I was one of them. But what we did not know was how much money rich folks were planning to make by locking up over a million Black people. When you compare this to the government's reaction to the current epidemic of heroin use by white people; it becomes obvious where the source of the actual hate comes from and who it was directed against. I think characterizing a critique of the Clinton's as "blind hatred" is simplistic. Here is a recent article about Hillary and some of her scandals written by The Atlantic. You can't read this and not view Hillary as a flawed candidate. This is not "spin" or "hate;" it is journalism. So while Clinton is far and away a more desirable candidate than Trump, let's not pretend that Hillary is even close to being an ideal candidate. To do so reveals a complete blindness to her behavior or an ignorance of it. Again, we will learn a lot about our country after this election, which states go to Trump, what the turnout is, who wins the popular vote, it will be fascinating, were it not so scary
  21. SINGLE MAMA DATING DRAMA, the titles says it all. This book was far and away the top-selling book on AALBC.com, for the past two months, across all genres. If features stories from 17 different writers.
  22. Hi @Yasheca LaSha, I'm sorry you had difficulty adding and image. I added your book's cover. It is possible the image you were attempting to add exceeded the maximum allowable size I allow, but the error message would have said that. There may have been some other problem with the image. If you have an opportunity it would be helpful to me if you send me the error message you got so that I can track down the cause of the problem. Thanks for sharing information about your work, if we decide to review the book I'll follow up with the email address you used to sign up here.
  23. What crime did Bill Clinton commit? Seriously? Bill is at worse a rapist and best a sexual predator, he is likely a criminal, then there is Whitewater, of course, all the shenanigans at their foundation, and on. That is before we even talk about the havoc wrecked on the Black community with the hyper-inceration and draconian drug laws. Not all criminal go to Jail Cynique--especially the rich and powerful. No, the Presidential election is not like selecting the Pope. No one wants to trade "leave no child behind" for "Leave no child's behind." I'd agree with you in principal about a POTUS's qualification, but in practice, we see this is not true. Because it does not square with what actually happens. It is possible that Trump can be elected president on Tuesday, and he is very likely nuts. I think the candidates we have is a reflection of a population that is both ignorant and uneducated--due to no fault of their own. It is all of our faults.
  24. I don't think Donald rigged the election. Trump got to where he is in a manner that is perfectly consistent with the way the process was designed to work. What are the qualifications to run for President? I'm sure we all appreciate the most "qualified" people to be POTUS wouldn't subject themselves to the process--it has nothing to do with qualifications... otherwise you'd think the republicans can do better than Trump or Palin as candidates. Yeah, Trump is a crook, and probably should have done a little time for the University scheme he ran. But Bill Clinton was a crook too, and we elected him for two terms. We'll get the candidate we deserve.
  25. Looking at the books on Children's Bestsellers List I see a very nice mix of books from a variety of publishers.
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