richardmurray Posted June 22, 2023 Report Posted June 22, 2023 @charityekezie Stitch with @Kjordy #sarcasm #charityekezie #africantiktok ♬ original sound - Charityekezie
Pioneer1 Posted June 24, 2023 Report Posted June 24, 2023 Before 1990 or so, I believe MOST AfroAmericans saw Africa as sort of one big COUNTRY...not so much a continent with thousands of different tribes/ethnic groups and many races in it. So I'm guessing most AfroAmericans didn't have the knowledge of Africa to tell their children which groups their lineage were mixed with. 1
richardmurray Posted June 24, 2023 Author Report Posted June 24, 2023 @Pioneer1 i wish what you said could be proven or disproven. Unfortunately, neither can be done.
ProfD Posted June 25, 2023 Report Posted June 25, 2023 Most AfroAmericans would still see Africa as one big country instead of a continent consisting of several countries if they had to rely on their parents to teach them differently. 1 1
Pioneer1 Posted June 25, 2023 Report Posted June 25, 2023 Now you got a group of FBA fanatics who are running around here saying our ancestors DIDN'T come from Africa but were already
ProfD Posted June 26, 2023 Report Posted June 26, 2023 19 hours ago, Pioneer1 said: Now you got a group of FBA fanatics who are running around here saying our ancestors DIDN'T come from Africa but were already It makes for great conversation I guess but doesn't do anything for Black folks. Knowledge means little or nothing if it's not being used to solve problems and/or make power moves. Philosophers had the luxury of sitting around eating grapes and talking sh8t because they lived in a free society. Black folks cannot afford to indefinitely philosophize and pontificate under the system of racism white supremacy. As Redman once said, it's time for some action. 1
richardmurray Posted June 26, 2023 Author Report Posted June 26, 2023 You made a statement on Stefan's post about the supreme court legislation that will force the district map in lousiiana to change @ProfD and I want to interject simply... It isn't moral or symbolic, it is legal, it is structural. As the black elected official who helped the black family get their land back... who sold it back to whites , said, I paraphrase, the black family won but the black community didn't. A black individual is about to get a 50 year plus seat, in government with full healthcare coverage, access to various opportunities, and will benefit those in their close circle they care for. So a minority of black people will benefit 100%. But, Will the larger black community in the district in Louisiana or the potential other places about the southern states or other states in the usa get high quality black elected officials , quality based on getting results, results defined as policy that helps black people without question? only time can tell, but based on the history of black elected officials from the 1970s onwards, the odds are very low or as near to zero as you can get. But the tradition of Black Elected officials in the USA since the 1970s, and before to be blunt, is universalism so this is expected. Universalism in black elected officials in the usa is based on an interpretation of christian morality. But it isn't a symbol, Black people, few black people, will thrive with these new opportunities. My Proof < ; the exact quote: Community is what got the land back. So, yes, the family won, but the community did not.>
ProfD Posted June 27, 2023 Report Posted June 27, 2023 5 hours ago, richardmurray said: A black individual is about to get a 50 year plus seat, in government with full healthcare coverage, access to various opportunities, and will benefit those in their close circle they care for. Great for that individual and their immediate circle. It does nothing for the remaining 32% of the Black population living there. 1
richardmurray Posted June 27, 2023 Author Report Posted June 27, 2023 @ProfDyou mean remaining 99% of the black populace in a state with 32% black populace:)
ProfD Posted June 27, 2023 Report Posted June 27, 2023 7 hours ago, richardmurray said: @ProfDyou mean remaining 99% of the black populace in a state with 32% black populace:) Correct. 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 1, 2023 Report Posted July 1, 2023 Well....... As I like to say often when it comes to Black politicians, as long as they don't hurt....they help. In other words...... As much help as our communities needs, ofcourse we'd like Black politicians to do more to help our people. But the way things are structured in the U.S. currently.... With SO MANY politicians who come in an make things worse, we have to be grateful for those politicians who come in and do NOTHING. As long as they get in office and don't do any actual HARM to our community but only get a check, let us be thankful for them too! Because you could have someone who comes in like a Clarence Thomas that gets in the seat and helps the enemy do MORE HARM. Also, as someone mentioned already. On a micro level....if ONE Black family (in this case that politician and his/her family) ends up doing better and getting richer because of that political office they hold...then it's worth it. You won't be able to save ALL of our people anyway.
ProfD Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 11 hours ago, Pioneer1 said: On a micro level....if ONE Black family (in this case that politician and his/her family) ends up doing better and getting richer because of that political office they hold...then it's worth it. Man, on some Hall & Oates sh8t...I can't go for that. That mindset is one of the reasons Africa is a mess. It's another form of divide and conquer is to give a few a lot and let the rest fight over crumbs or starve to death. As human beings, we can do so much better. There's enough resources on this planet for everyone to have a great life. The deadly sins won't allow human beings to be their best. 1
richardmurray Posted July 2, 2023 Author Report Posted July 2, 2023 hmm @Pioneer1 I love your honesty to your stance, I am a communalist. I have always opposed a few from a group growing as acceptable. But I think your position is most efficient for the black community in the usa. @ProfD well, a few getting while most not is how white people did it in NYC. The White community in NYC was never some efficient group, but rich whites led and lead positively. I don't mind the black 1 percent in africa but their lack of leading positively is what I oppose.
Pioneer1 Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 ProfD Come on man, now I gotta listen to me some HALL AND OATS......Smiiiiile Sarah That mindset is one of the reasons Africa is a mess. Africa is a mess for MANY reasons, but I don't believe that's one of them. One of the reasons Africa is a mess is because too many African nations and societies in general have maintained an old COLONIZER system of government that doesn't work for Black people in general because it goes against our very nature and genetics. When Africa ALLEGEDLY gained her independence she should have scrapped the old British and French systems of government with the damn wigs and shit and developed a BRAND NEW viable African based system of governing their nations. Another reason is that most of Africa is roughly divided between Christianity and Islam....two religions that came down to them from outside of the continent and was used by Europeans and Arabs to colonize the people mentally. Using moral and ethical codes that are UN-AFRICAN like celibacy, telling people that listening to music, dancing, or women showing their titties is "haraam" and sinful. This type of moral confusion leads to hypocrisy and conflict as one African Christian tries to "out European" the African Muslim tries to "out Arab" the other. And those who seem to act more like the European Christian or the Arab Muslim is often seen as "better" than the native African with leads to more frustration and low self esteem. Actually keeping it real and ADMITTING that as Black men we want plenty of money, plenty of women to have sex with, nice big homes, plenty of wealth and better for us. Why? Because it's HONEST. Now we're starting off with HONESTY which is the foundation every lasting society should be built upon. It's another form of divide and conquer is to give a few a lot and let the rest fight over crumbs or starve to death. As human beings, we can do so much better. There's enough resources on this planet for everyone to have a great life. Sure there's ENOUGH resources on this planet for everyone to have a great life, but everyone won't because of many reasons. Some people are just too STUPID to accumulate and have the resources they need...does that mean others should do without? Some people are poor because of circumstances beyond their control, but a lot of people living in the ghetto, in the favelas down in Latin America, in the slums across Asia and Africa are in that condition because of DRUG ADDICTIONS and POOR FINANCIAL PRACTICES. Others are there because they WANT to be there......aren't driven enough to get out. Some are making money there doing a lot of underground things. Should ALL Black folks sacrifice themselves and remain poor and in the gutter because SOME or even MOST are poor? I don't know of any race on the planet where ALL the people of that group would choose to remain in poverty in order to show solidary with the many or even most in poverty. Even during the Holocaust....although many Jews didn't sacrifice THEIR wealth to show solidarity with those suffering in Germany and Poland. You're not going to help CAN'T help everybody. It's as plain as that. So if you can help ONE Black family at a time accumulate wealth and prosperity....seems to me that would be worth it. richardmurray I love your honesty to your stance, I am a communalist. I have always opposed a few from a group growing as acceptable. But I think your position is most efficient for the black community in the usa. Well I like to consider myself a PRAGMATIST. You do WHAT WORKS. Do the best you can with the tools you have at your disposal until better comes along. Ofcourse I would like for a MAJORITY of my people to be safe, successful, and living lavishly in prosperity! I would very much so like this! The question is, how will we get there? I don't think you get there by sentencing ALL Black folks to poverty and lack UNTIL enough money is generated to give ALL Black folks $10 million dollars and a mansion. That's not going to happen anytime soon. So what do we do in the mean time? I say enrich AS MANY Black folks as we can as best we can with what we have. As long as it's not taking away from other Black families....LET a Black family get rich, own land, build up a power base. As long as they keep it Black and in the family. Or would we rather White folks get the spot?
ProfD Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 @Pioneer1, you're right about the root cause of Africa's problems. One effect is that mentality. The basic needs of every human being (food, shelter, clothing and healthcare) should be guaranteed. There should be no poverty or homelessness. There's a difference between insuring a standard of living and merely giving handouts. A lazy person doesn't deserve luxuries. Those things should be reserved for those who are willing to work for them. As I've mentioned before, look no further than Scandinavian countries. They don't have the *problems* that plague countries that are predominantly Black. The welfare system of Scandinavian countries provides its citizens with the basic necessities I mentioned above. The only people living on the streets in those countries do so by choice whether it's mental illness or they don't want to bear any responsibilities. America was built on capitalism. Along with the religion of racism white supremacy, it thrives on the mistreatment of Black people all over the planet. Every other white and wannabe white country is down with the program of keeping Black folks on the bottom in the prison yard.
Pioneer1 Posted July 2, 2023 Report Posted July 2, 2023 ProfD I agree with you that everyone should have the OPPORTUNITY to have their basic needs met. I think the government should offer basic food, clothing, healthcare, and shelter to EVERYONE. Basic level. And go from there depending on people's needs such as -whether or not they have children -whether or not they have a disability the prevents them from working -whether or not they are elderly What people do with that opportunity should be up to them, but atleast PROVIDE it for them so there'll be no excuse. It should be a GUARANTEED CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of every person regardless of race, sex, or ethnicity. I agree with this 100% However until we get this....Black people should be allowed to generate and accumulate wealth the best way we can as long as they are depriving OTHER Black people of wealth and resources. Now if they're getting rich off the blood and suffering of other Black folks....NO. Absolutely not. That's why I don't support the Black warlord or drug dealer. But as far as some of these politicians and actors....if White folks are just GIVING them wealth for their entertainment or to hold TOKEN political positions. And especially if they are threatened with the possibility that if THEY don't want that position....White folks will remove them and put another Black person in it and the show will still go on. They better TAKE IT and keep their mouth shut until a better idea comes to mind! It looks good in the movies, but running your mouth to power and sacrificing your wealth for the masses doesn't always have the outcome you expect. Sometimes some of the very people you're fighting and sacrificing for not only don't appreciate what you're doing for them but will even call you a fool to your face for denying yourself. Like when James Evans found the money and turned it in to the police instead of keeping Niggas were throwing all types of dummy dolls in his apartment and sending him crazy phone calls for that dummy
richardmurray Posted July 3, 2023 Author Report Posted July 3, 2023 @Pioneer1 You made me think on labels. I realize now, and I hope I remember in the future, that the black community in the usa has two types of pragmatism, based on how I define pragmatism. Safe PRagmatism side Risky PRagmatism. Safe PRagmatism in the Black community in the usa while supported by whites has shown more results, ala the Black community in Tulsa, the modern Black 1% of rich, black elected officials in the usa, . But Risky Pragmastism in the black community in the usa while opposed by whites has produced results too. Garveyism did produce results. Black people left the usa, and started businesses. I do also think, as I have told many black militants or nationalists over the years, black militancy or black nationalism simply has no space to grow as a movement in the usa long term unless many things change in the usa, which can happen but I don't think will. To your questions involving the word we, well it is clear that many we's don't really exist
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 richardmurray And the thing BOTH pragmatisms have in common is that they both involve SMART Black folks who take ACTION in organizing people and putting their plans to work. After a while, you begin to realize that regardless of your race or the obstacles you face, for most people the United States is THE place for success if you know what you want and are determined to get it. Just like Jay Z and Byron Allen are Black Capitalists who got rich doing their thing in the U.S.....Elijah Muhammad and Marcus Garvey also became successful doing THEIR things in the U.S. We can grow and expand but you must leave the dead weight behind.
ProfD Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 On 7/2/2023 at 10:38 AM, Pioneer1 said: However until we get this....Black people should be allowed to generate and accumulate wealth the best way we can as long as they are depriving OTHER Black people of wealth and resources. But as far as some of these politicians and actors....if White folks are just GIVING them wealth for their entertainment or to hold TOKEN political positions. And especially if they are threatened with the possibility that if THEY don't want that position....White folks will remove them and put another Black person in it and the show will still go on. They better TAKE IT and keep their mouth shut until a better idea comes to mind! @Pioneer1, along the lines of taking a leap of faith, if Black folks took power away from white folks, they wouldn't have to beg, borrow and wait for anything. The only thing stopping Black people from doing whatever it takes to have a better life is fear and insolence. If Black folks took the initiative to build their own infrastructure and institutions, they wouldn't have to depend on white folks for their subsistence. 1
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 12 minutes ago, ProfD said: @Pioneer1, along the lines of taking a leap of faith, if Black folks took power away from white folks, they wouldn't have to beg, borrow and wait for anything. The only thing stopping Black people from doing whatever it takes to have a better life is fear and insolence. If Black folks took the initiative to build their own infrastructure and institutions, they wouldn't have to depend on white folks for their subsistence. And this PRESUMES that we collectively are smart enough and capable of not just building our own infrastructures and institutions.....because we certainly are and have been doing so for thousands of years before the even existence of Caucasians BUT...... Smart enough and capable enough to build infrastructures and institutions that are BETTER or atleast JUST AS GOOD AS those built by the Caucasians. The reason I make that distinction is because as I've said before, human nature often seeks the path of least resistance. We're pro-Black....but not every Black person is. Infact, probably most aren't. ....and just like most Black folks aren't going to patronize a Black business ONLY because they're Black, but will only do so if the service and prices are good..... ....most Black folks aren't going to support a Black nation or society ONLY because Black folks are running it. They'll only do so IF the infrastructure and institutions are better or atleast just as good as what they're used to under White folks! Most Black folks ain't trying to pack up and move to a subdivision with dirt roads, janky electricity, a non existent sewar system, and a shitty public safety department featuring "cops" without uniform, a station wagon for an ambulance, and a hospital where the doctors are only doctors on certain days of the my man from Sanford and Son.
richardmurray Posted July 3, 2023 Author Report Posted July 3, 2023 @Pioneer1 that's your view, again, all I will say is, I don't concur to the principles of the following from your prose. Again, I don't want you or anyone else to change your views, but I am free to say you don't speak for me or my views are not analogous to yours or anyone else's Quote And the thing BOTH pragmatisms have in common is that they both involve SMART Black folks who take ACTION in organizing people and putting their plans to work. After a while, you begin to realize that regardless of your race or the obstacles you face, for most people the United States is THE place for success if you know what you want and are determined to get it. Just like Jay Z and Byron Allen are Black Capitalists who got rich doing their thing in the U.S.....Elijah Muhammad and Marcus Garvey also became successful doing THEIR things in the U.S. To the following, I am certain all groups in humanity can grow or expand as well as lessen or diminish . Any human who thinks any group in humanity can't get better or worse at any time , is for me, a true fool. But I don't comprehend what you mean by dead weight, what are you talking about? Quote We can grow and expand but you must leave the dead weight behind.
Pioneer1 Posted July 3, 2023 Report Posted July 3, 2023 richardmurray But I don't comprehend what you mean by dead weight, what are you talking about? By that I mean dysfunctional and toxic people who not only refuse to improve themselves but SPREAD their dysfunction and toxicity around the rest of the community, encouraging future generations to be even more dysfunctional and toxic. You must CUT THESE PEOPLE LOOSE or they'll fuck up the program and the progress you make. They will retard and reverse the advancements the community makes..if the community is able TO make advancements with them around. For example.... Uncle Jimmie may be a crack addict who has a history of lying and stealing. But he also has a history of atleast TRYING to get clean, going in and out of rehab, going to the mosque or church trying to "get right". He can be found praying on it and asking for help even when he falters and back slides. He's unfortunate....but he's trying. I don't consider him dead weight. We can work with him. However Wanda from down the street not only is a heroin addict and has been one for over 20 years, but has turned several of her BOYFRIENDS on to the shit as well. She ain't even TRYING to get clean. Infact, she won't even admit she shoots up -if you ask her. She also sells dope to get money to use...but that's not her primary source of income. Her primary source is ho'ing around. ....and she's HIV positive, and doesn't even tell the men she's sleeping with! Wanda is DEAD WEIGHT. She needs to be abandoned...left to the streets. And trust me.....when you study history. Leaving people like that alone and just keeping them away from our community is a VERY NICE way of dealing with them! Be happy I'm willing to let it go at THAT.
richardmurray Posted July 4, 2023 Author Report Posted July 4, 2023 @Pioneer1 now I comprehend. You call the people the community fails , dead weight, fair enough .
Pioneer1 Posted July 4, 2023 Report Posted July 4, 2023 3 minutes ago, richardmurray said: @Pioneer1 now I comprehend. You call the people the community fails , dead weight, fair enough . No....I call people who fail THEMSELVES "dead weight". In a society like this, the community only has a LIMITED amount of control over what an adult does with their bodies and lives. Much of it is up to THEM. The "community" didn't force Wanda to pick up a needle and do heroin. It may have had a DEGREE of influence on her by it being available, but SHE made the decision to poke herself just like her sister Jennifer made the decision NOT to. Most of it is on her.
Stefan Posted July 5, 2023 Report Posted July 5, 2023 On 7/3/2023 at 7:57 PM, Pioneer1 said: By that I mean dysfunctional and toxic people who not only refuse to improve themselves but SPREAD their dysfunction and toxicity around the rest of the community, encouraging future generations to be even more dysfunctional and toxic. You must CUT THESE PEOPLE LOOSE or they'll fuck up the program and the progress you make. They will retard and reverse the advancements the community makes..if the community is able TO make advancements with them around. One of the most defining observations and explanations of negative Black behavior one will ever read. 1
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