Bestselling Books, National Book Award Nominees, 100+ Events, and More

July/August 2016 Bestselling Books Titles on Go On Girl! Book Club’s reading list are prominent on our bestsellers list this period. This is good, be

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Titles on Go On Girl! Book Club’s reading list are prominent on our bestsellers list this period. This is good, because these books excellent reads, and commissions earns from their sales are contributed to Go On Girl! Book Club’s scholarship fund. Several novels, published by Brown Girls Books, made our fiction list because of the of the quaily of their literature and Brown Girls Books’ support of as an online bookseller. Readers, publishers, and authors all win in these scenarios.

news-harlem-book-fair’s Events Calendar will track all of the important book festivals in North America (Canada, the United States, and the Caribbean). We currently have 118 terrific events, covering the next 12 months, and are actively expanding our calendar.

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“The mission of the National Book Foundation and the National Book Awards is to celebrate the best of American literature, to expand its audience, and to enhance the cultural value of great writing in America.”

A total of 40 books are longlisted in four categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Young People’s Literature. On October 13, five finalists, in each category, will be announced. The winners will be celebrated at a wonderful awards ceremony on November 16, 2016. Check out our list of longlisted and winning writers, of African descent. The first award was presented to a Black writer in 1953; do you know who it was?


“Our plan is to make these titles available as a complete collectors’ library and encourage readers to enjoy them and share them with future generations.”
—W. Paul Coates, publisher Black Classic Press.

Black Classic Press, in partnership with the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), is pleased to announce the launch of The Woodson Series, which recognizes the pioneering efforts of Carter G. Woodson, The father of Black History Month, as a pub lisher and institution builder. Dr. Woodson founded The Association for the Study of Negro Life and History, which became ASALH in 1915.

Enjoy a 30% discount, off the retail price, of all ASALH titles thru October 31.


Bibsy by Brenda Ross

Bibsy was a finalist (first fiction) for a 2016 Phillis Wheatley Book Award. Our reviewer, Carol Taylor, called Brenda Ross, “…a writer to watch, with a uniquely lyrical and assured voice and style.”

Bibsy gives keen insight into the complexity of the lives of African Americans during the construction of the bridge and the development of the land. It’s the end of a way of life for hundreds of poor displaced families. It’s a story not often told yet this type of displacement happened in widespread areas across the country. Read the complete review.


The Gem Connection by Michael R. Lane

The caper, The Gem Connection, penned by Michael R. Lane, features a private eye team. C.J. Cavanaugh and his partner, Renita Harris. Harris is a computer whiz. They are paired on the Windell slaying following a letter employing them with a hefty fee of $200,000 with the catch that the team must fly under the radar, without the knowledge of the Portland Police Department. However, Cavanaugh has the added pressure to keep all of the information from his long-time lover, Homicide Detective Destini Pendleton, who has been assigned to head the high-profile case. Read the complete review written by Robert Fleming.


Recommended Reads


Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine by Damon Tweedy

Black Man in a White Coat examines the complex ways in which both black doctors and patients must navigate the difficult and often contradictory terrain of race and medicine. As Tweedy transforms from student to practicing physician, he discovers how often race influences his encounters with patients. Through their stories, he illustrates the complex social, cultural, and economic factors at the root of most health problems in the black community (Picador, September 6, 2016).

Be sure to check out the book club discussion questions for Tweedy’s book; which was also selected by Folktales Black Women’s Literary Society for their reading list.


The Sellout by Paul Beatty Shortlisted for Man Booker Prize

The Sellout was one of six novels shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize for Fiction on September 13. This annually awarded literary prize is for the best original novel, written in English, and published in the UK. It is open to writers of any nationality. The winner of the 2016 Prize will be announced at a ceremony in London on Oct. 25. In addition to a prize of 50,000 (approximately $65,513), Beatty is one of two Americans to be honored this year.

The Sellout is a biting satire about a young man’s isolated upbringing and the race trial that sends him to the Supreme Court, Paul Beatty’s The Sellout showcases a comic genius at the top of his game. It challenges the sacred tenets of the United States Constitution, urban life, the civil rights movement, the father-son relationship, and the holy grail of racial equality—the black Chinese restaurant. (Picador, March 1, 2016).


Invisible Man, Got the Whole World Watching: A Young Black Man’s Education by Mychal Denzel Smith

How do you learn to be a black man in America?

Smith unapologetically upends reigning assumptions about black masculinity, rewriting the script for black manhood so that depression and anxiety aren’t considered taboo, and feminism and LGBTQ rights become part of the fight. The questions Smith asks in this book are urgent for him, for the martyrs and the tokens, and for the Trayvons that could have been and are still waiting. (Watch a Video of Smith Reading with Melissa Harris Perry)

news-southside with you

Southside With You — Film Review

The story unfolds in Chicago during the summer of 1989 when Michelle was already employed as an attorney and living back home with her parents. Barack had just finished his first year at Harvard law school and had landed an internship as her assistant at her prestigious, white-shoe firm.

Apparently, he was so instantly smitten with Michelle that he could barely contain himself. So, she had to politely remind him of the the office’s strict rule against fraternizing among associates. Nevertheless, when she refused to consider a romantic rendezvous, he pitched her on the idea of attending a business meeting with him… (read more).


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Troy Johnson,
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