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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2017 in Posts

  1. If there are an infinite number of universes, there are those who believe you can occupy any one of them--effectively changing your reality. In this universe, I'm slogging away in relative obscurity trying to uplift my people. In another, I'm in corporate America living a comfortable life, complaining with my pals about those ghetto negroes and their laziness. We choose our reality... Mel, is it possible that you did not actually die? Where you officially pronounced dead? Could it be than what you experienced were that last throes of brain activity prior to physical death? I ask not to dispute your experience (I can't do that), but to clarify what happened to you and to see how you may have addressed alternative explanations for the experience. This stuff fascinates me :-) Perhaps one reason you came back was to help AALBC.com
    3 points
  2. @Mel In keeping with the idea of multi-verses, perhaps you did die in another world where your death was mourned. You are alive and well in this one, and maybe disabled in yet another one where you are describing how you became crippled. There are infinite possibilities in this school of thought. As for there being a oneness to humanity, this idea plays into another school of thought about there being a "god head" from which everyone came and to where everyone returns. The late Carl Sagan described humans as star children because they are all made up of the same elements as the stars. Implicit in the big bang theory is that it spawned everything, making us all parts of a whole.
    2 points
  3. To be completely honest I forgot about your site. I did an Internet search for African American book reviewers and your site came up, then I remembered submitting my very first book with you. Thanks for updating my page. I noticed that the image for my book; Brothers Are You Listening is the wrong cover. I'm working with Amazon to correct it. I'm attaching the correct cover if you can replace it. In regards to your question, I do not believe there is such a thing as death, there is only transition. I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience instead of a human being having a spiritual experience. We don't have a soul, we are a soul. We are literally spiritual. Every major religion promotes the idea that we are connected to something divine. That divinity is our birthright and it is our responsibility to accept it and embrace it. Knowing that I am connected to a power greater than myself which I choose to call The Source and this power is infinite and omnipresent, puts my mind at ease about the experience we refer to as death. I therefore have absolutely no fear of death, as a matter of fact I look forward to it with wonderment and expectancy.
    2 points
  4. In.Seattle ,18 Year Old African American Muslim,Teen,Was ,Found Hung.He Was Reported Missing In November . Last Year. January ,He Was Found Hung In .Seattle Woods.. Jewish,Cemetaries Have Been Vadalized In Philadelphia,New York And St. Louis. Wondered Are Black Grave Yards Safe.. Black People Don't Care About Their Communities Or Their ,Grave Yards....Black Man In St. Louis Arrested For Two Black, church Arson Fires. Black People Do What Klan Does,Burning,Down Black Churches,Murdering Black People,Black Leaders Do Not Care.....
    1 point
  5. @Cynique Poetry! I can absolutely relate to this scenario! It's beautiful and definitely explains some of the activities in my dreams!
    1 point
  6. As I spout about all the time, words are just sounds and syllables used to describe reality. But one person's reality may not be another one's; what one person sees as green may be what another one sees as red but this doesn't matter because words are superficial. And the word "reality" itself is an attempt to assign sounds or symbols to the totality of what "is". Mathematics are a more accurate vehicle for conveying and exchanging information. Geometry, in particular, has been deemed the universal language. To me, there is the existing world, and then there is language which attempts to condense what exists into words - and a lot may be "lost in the translation". Even now I am struggling to put my theory" into words. And speaking of schools of thought, spirituality has been referred to as the "third eye". People who have or acquire one, see the world from a broader more perceptive perspective.
    1 point
  7. @Troy, As a former high-flying flight attendant for 8 years, I learned one thing about death in this dimension - you can be dead as a door nail for hours or until your flight lands and pulls into the gate but as far as the state is concerned you are "alive". Next time you hear of someone being unresponsive but on the way to the hospital ... that means they've left earth as we know it but no one in authority has pronounced them dead. Death here in America is a legal term - but when you give up the ghost that's an esoteric ... Yes, my soul departed my body... when they joined together again I was lying on the street in the arms of an angel who happened to be a nurse... How wild is that? She actually cradled my body and when I returned I heard her say "Come back to me, baby. Come back" The next thing I remember was being in the hospital having an ear reattached, my face sewn up and a doctor talking to my mother and stepfather. It was all surreal but not is surreal is being among the dearly departed... Another reason I know I "eft" is because when I returned I was able to occupy several dimensions and the ability remains. (I say dimensions for a lack of a better definition because really there's no here or there...there's only here and now. I believe so too!
    1 point
  8. I still need to follow up on this. Here too is another area where Google dominated--control over online advertising. Over that years I've participated in a number of advertising networks, including Black-owned ones. In the past, they provided a diverse revenue stream, which reduced risk. Today Goolge has won the battle of the ad networks (at least for this site). Google Adsense is the only one that generates a reasonable amount of revenue. When there is an effective monopoly, bad things begin to happen. Today with AALBC.com page views at record highs, Google Adsense revenue is lower than it has been historically, even with less traffic. Of course with fewer options, Google can reduce with they pay to the platforms who carry their ads. Fortunately, I can, and do, sell my own advertising. Selling ads directly provides a better, less expense, more flexible service to the customer than they would get going through Google, but it was better having a more diversified revenue stream.
    1 point
  9. An unknowable statement what is the highest prime number. However when i look at the esoteric meaning of unknowable. I now realise I have keys to get at least a type of answer. The odd things is that I had the keys all the while.
    1 point
  10. @Mel Hopkins thanks for the link . Unknowable. You have inadvertently given me a Magickal key. I am grateful.
    1 point
  11. That's just it! We are NOT locked into this particular timeline. We choose to be. And yes but it wasn't near... I was a goner but returned. I guess my body was viable enough to inhabit it once again. My experience in eternity was nothing like you described especially "time" because there isn't any. Yes we all remain who we are but there is a oneness so there's no need to individuate in eternity. Or maybe it's not possible while you're in eternity because you are ONE... Some people say my earthly perception of what eternity would be like influenced my experience but it did not. I grew up in the church - fire-brimstone church and when I returned to the ONE it was nothing like preachers talk about - NOTHING... Prior to my death. I was heavily in to magic spells and casting - when I returned, I didn't anymore. I became extremely interested in life , and experiencing it while searching for that feeling - that wholeness, completeness or agreement that I felt when I was in eternity... The weird thing though when I was there, I said I had to go back because I had something to do - and as quickly as I said I had to go back... I was back here.
    1 point
  12. An ancient book of magic was a grimoire. So you can see why they are called spells. David Alan Hulse states the following languages are Magickal or have special qualities German Latin Greek Hebrew Sanskrit Arabic, English and Numbers.
    1 point
  13. So you think Scientology and Islam can both be true? Could it be our perception is merely a function of our physicality, the result of the combination of the structure of our genes, our environment, and experiences?
    1 point
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