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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2017 in Posts

  1. Cynique I have a few parallels with your story. I was always seeking truth. The light and the truth seemed indistinguishable or oerhaps two sides of the same coin. And now I want to embrace love but more importantly for me compassion. My phone sometimes will type phrases, call people or refuse to show me the bottom of a page
    3 points
  2. This is just something i want to share along these lines. About 5 years ago when i would've been about 78 years old, far past the prime of my life and at a stage when I should've been filled with a modicum of wisdom that comes with age, on a bright summer morning after taking a brief stroll around my quiet neighborhood, I ended up standing in my driveway. There was not a soul in sight, just a few birds flying around and flowers blooming and ants crawling and a soft breeze stirring. While standing in the drive way with my back to the sun i looked down and saw my shadow; a perfect silhouette of "me" and what spontaneously popped into my head was that I exist, brought to this realization by seeing what was visible when I blocked the sunshine and cast a dark outline of myself. To me, this was a revelation and maybe even an epiphany that took 3 quarters of a century to hit home. and confirm what i believe about the truth being right before our eyes, just waiting to be discerned. Also, when the subject of the Akashic records came up here, this struck a familiar note with me Why, I don't know, but my memory of the past sometimes fails me. Finally, I looked back into my saved files and found a wealth of information about this subject stored there, much of which seem to speak directly to me. I don't know how this information got there, but it came from somewhere and I was so fascinated by what i read that I am going to embrace its message and experiment with what it suggests. Love, Truth and Light were the guide words in this material, and, in my waning years, truth has been foremost in what i have been seeking, Now i am inspired to include Love and Light in this quest. I also find it sobering that my keyboard doesn't seem to want to capitalize "I" and it often comes out "i" which i have been correcting, But now i think i will stop correcting it. Maybe this is the Universe's way of reminding me to keep myself in perspective when it comes to the big picture. My health is failing and i think the Akashic files i unearthed were meant to be found by me so i can understand my purpose before i shift into another plane.
    2 points
  3. Feel free to post your ideas, feelings and questions. It's about sharing without domination . At least it is for me.
    1 point
  4. Del as a standalone product, the relative merits of Echo Look are debatable, but in the context of everything else Amazon is doing, I don't see how any of the benefits outweigh the downsides. btw, you don't have to copy the post before replying to it (i deleted it).
    1 point
  5. At Bethune-Cookman Graduation ,Graduates -Booed,The,Education Secretary ..Why Was She Asked To --,,Speak? She Is A Idiot Like Idiot President Trump. President-Trump Has Done Enough To Be Impeached. The Racist U ..S,Attorney General ,Wants To Give Maximum , Time To -Non,Violent Criminals,. Being Racist That Means Black Males..
    1 point
  6. @Pioneer1 You're correct. Excuses are the tools of the incompetent. I agree, we make our decisions based on the information we have, but here in America there's nothing preventing us from access to information. If one has never learned to read - there's a organization out there most likely in the poorest neighborhood to help. I'm not a high-achiever; I am well-read. I acquire so much data, I have to set aside time to process it. A high-achiever is someone who has accomplished a lot, to produce a lot for the betterment of society. For example, someone who has created a process where everyone has clean drinking water; or made it easier for us to communicate and/or share ideals, etc. I'm not that person. I follow my interests (thanks mom and dad) However, we don't live in an nanny-state for a reason. We, as a society, may capitalize off of what we believe are poor choices but we don't prevent people from doing what they want. Pharmaceuticals are heavily regulated and made illegal because Big Pharma has seized up the patents and can't make a huge profit, if "Pookie" is dispensing on the corner. FDA don't give an ish about safety... if they did "Hillbilly Heroin" (Oxycontin) wouldn't even be available by prescription. There would be a tracking system in place to make sure abusers don't go doctor-shopping to get scripts. In fact, some of the drugs on the market will kill and maim you quicker then a bad batch of smack. Our laws have nothing to do with our safety...I spent 7 years in News and when I wanted answers about laws I looked to Trade deals and followed the money trail . Soda is taxed heavily in some communities but not because of the sugar content - but rather it's a cheap way to get energy. if it doesn't grow from the ground or have eyes ...then it's nothing more than a 64 oz bottle of soda, packaged in a box. Even anything should be regulated it should be the sugar producers! Still, I believe people choose how they want to live their lives. I started smoking cigarettes after I got married , and continued smoking well after my divorce. Then one day, when I was about to do a photo shoot for my black enterprise article, something in my mind said "you don't want to be known as a smoker." (now of course the article was for "Techwatch" there wasn't going to be any mention of me smoking ) I quit the day before the photo shoot. I haven't picked up a cigarette since. It was my decision. No one should be making decisions for another person. That is unbelievably arrogant. It is also arrogant to think people don't know what they're doing just because they don't fit into a construct we've built.
    1 point
  7. @Mel What if she said cool?
    1 point
  8. Mothers Day, Standing By Her Grave,Memories ,Remembering..Joy They Are Bringing..Her Favorite Flowers,Upon Her Grave Is Placed. Remembering Her Smile,And Loving Embrace...She Had A Heart That Did,Understand.. Always Having A Guiding Hand..Teaching,Wrong And Right. Within ,Her Spirit Shined,Like,The Sun Bright..Wiping Away Tears. Whenever There Were Fears...Giving Words,Of,Knowledge,Wisdom And Advice,Always Inspiring ..To Have Had Her As A Mother Was A,Blessing...
    1 point
  9. @Pioneer1 LOC is only real in your presence. For everyone else who is not present, it's an idea... While it may be real when you visit, once you leave it you cannot prove it exists... Using someone's verification, such as asking directions, and purchasing a plane ticket, that LOC exist is based on trust and faith.
    1 point
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