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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/16/2015 in all areas

  1. Looks like the nails are being hammered into the coffin of Bill Cosby’s dead career. All the critters are abandoning his sinking ship and his house of cards is collapsing. Like all of these metaphors, the deserters are mixed, a cross section of former supporters who are now denouncing him, including staunch defender Whoopi Goldberg and a former male cast member of the Cosby show. Other unnamed sources are also starting to reveal that it was common knowledge among people he worked around that Cosby was a lecher. And this well-kept secret perhaps explains why all of the high profile black organization have been so quick to condemn and abandon him. Were they themselves familiar with Cosby’s behind the scenes piccadillos and for this reason had no problem believing the current accusations being leveled against him? It’s too bad that in the twilight of his long and successful show business tenure, Bill will live out his remaining days in disgrace. I am not that sympathetic toward him because so much of what has doomed him was brought on by the ego that let his fame and fortune go to his head - and I don’t mean the one on his shoulders… Here’s a guy who didn’t think the rules applied to him and his hypocritical credo seemed to have been don’t do as I do, but do as I say do. This is borne out by the harsh criticism aimed at the black underclass who he chided for embracing a welfare lifestyle and an Ebonics mentality. Yes, he did demonstrate a black consciousness about racial injustices and he has been very generous, using his millions to aid black colleges and prestigious institutions, but now one has to question his ulterior motives and whether these gestures and gifts were to enhance his image as a man worthy of the admiration he thinks he deserves. It is even coming out that he didn’t write his masters or doctorate thesis but hired 2 academics to complete the requirements that elevated him to the status of an intellectual scholar. tsk-tsk. Admittedly, I have never been a big fan of Cosby and, to me, his rambling anecdotal monologues were more corny than funny. One thing that struck me about him was how obvious a control freak he was. Whenever he appeared on talk shows, he would always take over the interview and turn it into a subject of his own choosing, while giving the host instruction on how to be his straight man. And to think that he reprimanded comics like Richard Pryor and later Eddie Murphy, pointing fingers at these upstarts for stooping to gutter humor and using profanity in their stand-up routines, apparently expecting them to emulate his clean, family-friendly approach to evoking laughter. To further implement this wholesome philosophy, he made the momentous decision to introduce the world to an affluent overachieving black family via The Cosby show. Early on, black critics of this long running sitcom, dismissed the Dr. Cliff Huxtable family as not being an accurate depiction of the average black household, and Cosby’s attempt to counter the idea that all Blacks were struggling working-class stiffs reeked with the implication that they had to be twice as accomplished as Whites in order to be on a par with them. Even so, this well-produced, ground-breaking show did serve to dispel negative misconceptions about black people. It also provided Cosby with the perfect cover for his sleazy hobby. Like all of his victims claimed when questioned as to why they didn’t come forward with their accusations: Who would believe anyone accusing the alter-ego of the respectable, consummate father figure, Cliff Huxtable, of being a rapist? In the final analysis, Bill Cosby made the mistake of becoming too big for his britches. And when he pulled them down in order to assault helpless females, he exposed his penis as being an erection to his sordid underbelly. Yes, he still has his millions, but is sadly paying the price for allowing power to corrupt him. Unfortunately, Cosby is not the first man to whom this has happened, and he won't be the last.
    1 point
  2. What would YOU be willing to do, in order to make a life-changing course correction? One that would ensure you were on a path towards True Legacy. A path that would lead to a paradigm shift in your thinking, as well as your understanding of the TRUE America... and the TRUE opportunity America holds for you. A path on which the Game will be illuminated & you will now see its construct ALL around you, thus affording you the ability to truly participate as a Player.... and not merely a pawn. Would you be willing to get a book, read it, and share the knowledge you've acquired?? If so, here it is...... http://amzn.to/1ACmUxF - Financial Literacy & Ownership; What They Don't Want "Us" to Know.... by Dameon V. Russell
    1 point
  3. Troy, your inserts into those letters are all saying what we've know for a long time, NOTHING is going to change. Just because these angry white men are now facing the hit we faced years ago, they are crying. It will accomplish nothing for them because the machine is moving and Newton's Law is in effect! The only way to stop the Amazon object from moving is like you said, White publishing houses would need to pull the catalogs and that simply will not happen. In other words the fact that for all of these years people continue to build up platforms outside of their own is just a matter of chickens coming home to roost. You didn't want to publish Black authors. Black authors discovered self publishing, which has always been an option, but the success of certain Black authors swayed even well known and White authors to begin self publishing... only accepting deals to gain greater distribution. Now that writers have gotten over the process of being rejected and having to use the 1. submit to agent 2. get rejected 3. finally get an agent 4. get rejected by publishing house 5. finally get accepted 6. take 1-2 years for a book to release model, it is reaching into the pockets of large White publishers and now they have something to say... Nothing is going to happen. These guys will run out of money before they are able to use the monopoly argument against Amazon. This stuff is going no where fast and I know this for a fact because the majority of Amazon's inventory is not, I repeat, is not even purchased by Amazon!!!! It is primarily FBA. In other words the big publishers are delivering the books to Amazon's FBA warehouses and Amazon has the ultimate godfather. You use them because you literally (pun intended) don't have a choice since people just won't buy directly from you or your site. It's great information to read, but we know as Cynique would say (and Shakespeare) this is much ado about nothing.
    1 point
  4. I want to comment on what you wrote about Brucilyn, but I just can't find the words to match what I'm feeling. That was too funny. I don't know what to say about Bill Cosby, but I heard Whoopi's comment and the other girl [can't remember her name] on THE VIEW, but I agree with them. I will wait to see what Bill says. Anyway, who gave the press to right to release some statement like that from some court proceedings? I don't know, it just sounds fishy to me. I mean, if Bill did all of that, I just don't understand why didn't this come out years back? What is so different now as opposed to years ago that would cause these women to speak up now? I mean, is the government going to go after all of these ballers and rock stars and etc. that have also had a reputation for having many women follow them? What if these 'season girls' start saying that the ballers and rock stars encouraged them to have drugs? I just don't get it yet, but I'm listening up though to see how this is going to unfold. I heard that Bobby Brown was being blamed for Whitney's drug use, but it was all cleared up when Whiteney's brother spoke up and said that Whitney was on drugs before she even met Bobby. i think sometimes, the press distorts some issues. I just recently saw a documentary about some girls that were given terrible press as 'the lesbians who beat up a man' yet, they were approached first and seems like to me, they acted in self-defense. As a result of bad press, in my opinion, some of them were sentenced to prison. That man pursued them first and the videotape showed too, that there was another man, that clobbered that guy, yet the girls were prosecuted. Times are changing it seems, for the worse.
    1 point
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