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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/2015 in all areas

  1. Sandra Bland is the latest casualty in the war between black motorists and white cops. Not surprising, a highway in Texas was the battle ground for a confrontation between a pesky black woman who bugged a white patrol officer, a face-off that eventually led to the arrested woman being found hanged in her jail cell under suspicious circumstance. The sad, stark lesson to be learned from this incident is that you have to humor cops, Carrying a gun does not sufficiently stroke their egos. They need submissiveness to reinforce their need for control. When you thwart their aggressiveness, you disarm them. In this battle of mind games, you triumph. The prize is your survival. Justice laughs at the joke it has played, and the cop is left to wallow in his false sense of security. Just another day in post-racial America. Just another chapter in the "black lives matter" saga.
    2 points
  2. I love confidence more than anything, so hair really doesn't matter. Intelligence, looks and shape... I'm married, but I'm just answering the question. My wife is natural and she and her sister run a natural hair website. They don't judge or condemn. They simply discuss the benefits and issues of wearing your hair natural. www.natural-ness.com is the site. I think we are far too fixated on hair. When we should be focused on how to capitalize on the hair market since it is a billion dollar industry that Blacks fund, but don't own.
    2 points
  3. I was not condemning or judging. Just sharing info :-)
    1 point
  4. I tried it before, but unless you are constantly removing spam, it is a pain to run. Under Wordpress PHP I installed Buddypress. I pushed a lot of people to sign up for it, since it looked almost like Facebook. People used for one day and went right back to Facebook. So creating a content that streams ala Facebook and Twitter is out of the question and it doesn't even matter. Consider that Google + is all but dead and couldn't compete with FB/Twitter/Instagram. Black people simply have to make an effort to visit more websites outside of social media and to interact with the websites as opposed to only on social, but it's very hard to get them to understand this so you have to factor in consumer education when you decide to create a site that is content driven. Troy has an old platform which means he has an extensive database. He has the best chance of any of us to get Black people to a single location, but in order to do so AALBC will have to become an information based site that caters to every walk of Black life. In a way he already does this with the books and film reviews. He simply has to add other sections of entertainment, business and education content. Once these streams have been set up then it's a matter of finding dedicated writers. I always mention Wordpress, but any content provider that allows the blogger layout would work. The ease of adding users is straightforward. This is what I did when I made a call for writers (which didn't go very well). I required each writer to have an Amazon Associates account and a Google Adsense account. When they wrote an article that was about music or books, they had to link to the item on Amazon and they could add an Adsense ad to their post. (By not having any adsense ads on my site this is allowed. If I had adsense, I would only place the banners in two locations leaving a third for the writer to post theirs in their article.) By forcing the writers to sign up and have their own blogs, they could monetize every blog post. All writers would theoretically make money if they are sharing their articles on FB/Twitter/Insta when people visit and if they click through. This was an incentive. It can work. But there is also a learning curve in teaching writers about the benefits of monetizing. Hell most writers don't even run their own sites. Getting people to use the site is as simple as building a staff of writers who will write one article per month. 30 writers with a network of 1000 people on Facebook. A tenth of their followers see their posts is 10 people x 30 writers is 300 extra unique visitors per month and if they simply click one extra page in their visit then you are talking a solid number of page loads. The key is getting the writers. The rest is easy.
    1 point
  5. Based on the actions Darren Wilson said Michael Brown took, Michael Brown committed suicide by cop. If Wilson's story is truthful, why did Michael Brown commit suicide by cop? Was Michael Brown suicidal? Did Michael Brown have a history of mental illness? Was Michael Brown suffering from depression? I ask these questions because they would explain Brown's actions on that tragic day. I just can't imagine a young black man attacking a cop, attempting to disarm him, telling the cop that he's too vagina (my word) to shoot him, and then charging toward the cop after already being shot by the cop. These actions are not actions of a sane person. Was Brown insane? These actions sound like the actions of a person who is suicidal. Was Brown suicidal? These actions sound like the actions of a person that just committed a serious crime. What serious crime did Brown commit? These actions sound like the actions of a person on hard narcotics. What narcotics did Brown have in his system? Brown's actions, according to Wilson, were completely irrational and violent. Some people would like to point to the store robbery as proof that Brown was acting irrationally and violently that day. But when we observe the tape, we see Brown restraining himself from pummeling the clerk: the clerk attempted to stop Brown from leaving the store, on the clerk's second attempt, Brown walked toward the clerk in an intimidating manner and then exited the store. Indeed, Brown was acting irrationally, but clearly he wasn't acting extremely violent. According to WIlson, Brown's actions were contrary to what we see on the store's surveillance tape. According to Wilson, why did Brown's actions go from irrational to completely irrational, violent, and suicidal? Did Brown have a history of violence? These are questions that could have been asked in a trial. What are your thoughts?
    1 point
  6. I agree because persecuting Africans and Christians goes back in history, with every crime that has happen some has been identified as hate crimes and persecution, that’s why I think their should be more people who speak up, and take things to the court of law, with all the police brutality us Black folks have to start speaking up, you know where I'm coming from.
    1 point
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