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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2017 in all areas

  1. It is obvious White supremacy is a global problem, and Black folk is learning how to do 'White' fast; savagery of White folk is no excuse for us to do as they do! The problem of Black people is Black people, not White people; not only doing as they say but also, doing as they do. Attitudes of ethnocentrism, xenophobia, and greed (in all humans) have been a universal dilemma since man learned to communicate. Additionally, over time, humans have learned to identify right and wrong behavior as well as means of checking wrongs against what is right. But instead of checking what is wrong, we adopt the wrong behavior. Jews have (debatably) over 6,000 years of being mistreated by virtually every society on earth, Black folk have (perhaps) even more; yet, Jews are doing to Palestinians what was done to them; and Black folks are doing to each other what Whites are doing to us now. One does not have to be a rocket scientist or even educated to understand White supremacy, what it does, or how it works. Moreover, failure to understand it is no less confusing than failure to understand where we want to be in a White man’s world. Most, if not all, Black folks know what we are doing to our bodies, minds, and hearts when we go the hairdresser, grocery store, or chat with the neighbor. Indeed, what is confusing is our attempt to justify our wrong behavior in name of equality or a constitutional civil right. What’s going on in Libya can (as you suggest) be attributed to Africa’s failure to purge itself of European ways. Because it did not, however, is no excuse for selling their own people today. Thoughtful response!!
    1 point
  2. Reflection - serious thought or consideration of actions past or present. The count down to a new year offers a time/an excuse/ an opportunity to reflect on resolutions past, and you will either celebrate your accomplishment(s) or recognize the interception. Either way, its the journey ahead that awaits. Refection(not misspelled) - a refreshment of mind, body and/or spirit. What will you resolve in 2018? Then, Own it - Do it! Feel free to share your journey via my blog http://deemillerinspired.blogspot.com/?m=1 I have no regrets about resolutions intercepted. My truf for partially/not achieving my resolution is simply this - I'm a work in progress. As for 2018 - I resolve to make myself a hobby.
    1 point
  3. If you look at what's going in in Africa you'll see 2 major problems: 1. When Black African nations "officially" freed themselves from the reins of European colonialism, instead of re-instituting their former political and social institutions from pre-colonialism.....or developing NEW political and social institutions....most of them decided to KEEP the same political and social structures than the Europeans forced on them. This is leading to many of their problems. European morals and social habits (like monogamy and the nuclear family) aren't necessarily good for African people. 2. Atleast under colonialism (as under slavery) Africans were FORCED to work. They were FORCED to produce food and other products and weren't allowed to be idle or lazy. Since the end of "official colonialism" many (certainly not all) Africans have become too lazy and disorganized among themselves to produce mass cash crops and foods to sustain themselves. Many would rather wait on foreign assistance from America or European nations and divide them among themselves or LEAVE Africa and travel to Europe as immigrants. Even if you look here in America, it seems like a lot of Black people work their hardest only when White folks FORCE them to work. Again, I'm in no way saying this is the case with all or even most Africans....but it is the case with far too many. Slavery and colonialism has taught too many of our people to be afraid of and shun work and this has to be corrected.
    1 point
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