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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/22/2018 in Posts

  1. According to BBC.Com - 5 October 2017 “The New York Times publishes a story detailing decades of allegations of sexual harrassment against Harvey Weinstein. Actresses Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd are among women who come foward. ...Weinstein apologizes and takea a leave of absence” a lot more stuff then on 25 May 2018 “Weinstein turns himself in to NY Police on sexual misconduct charges.” Police charge him with rape and several other counts of sexual abuse against two women. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-41594672
    2 points
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/oct/20/dark-matter-day-scientists-hunt-ghost-particle?CMP=share_btn_fb&fbclid=IwAR1ZGzsjHu9SaRsRjDeFyGVrzqtBl1rg_YrQI4kV6-sh5T2Rd8CSQZ9kd4Q
    1 point
  3. @Delano WHEW! That is High Science and way beyond my understanding! -- Or, is it DEEP Science!? One part reads, "Most of it is made up of material from the dark side, the side we cannot yet see.” Okay, so here, it reads that we, 'humans' are not made up of spectacular 'stuff' and that the better material are way beyond our galaxy!? "… In fact, after 20 years of searching – and the investment of tens of millions of pounds – not a single Wimp has ever been detected, either at Cern or in underground detectors built in Britain, Europe and the US." That is a lot of 'pounds' or money!-- in the search for a better understanding of 'Wimps'. "…Theorists came up with the idea that invisible dark matter must be providing the mass that gives galaxies their gravitational force, which has since been born out by other observations." Very interesting! You know, I guess it would be a good timing to have this 'Dark Matter Day' on Halloween because of the very mystery of 'life itself' and 'Death'. Still after thousands and thousands of years, the mystery of how we came to be and what happens after we die is still a great wonder. However, IMO, there is 'Intelligent Design', ... very intelligent design and so far, no man can explain completely. No one can completely define how our SUN came to be. Thank you for posting! Very informative.
    1 point
  4. I LIVED IN ST. LOUIS FOR MONTHS IN 2017, and I can tell you the atmosphere and racial tension is extreme! I initially did NOT believe my relative prior to moving there in his assessment, but experienced it for myself, and am ashame to say now, that he was right and I believe him only because I was there. He said that when he would go to the park, he was being stocked aggresively. He said that old white people came up behind him as he was sitting near the lake and told him they did NOT want his kind there and 'to go back to Africa'. He told me that when he drove to the park and parked where there was no one nearby, a White woman drove up behind him and stopped and did not leave and ten minutes later, he took a picture of her and sent it to me! HIGHWAY K is the parrallel area near to St. Louis, and it is predominantly 'all white' and the parks are visited by mostly 'all white' and a lot of East Indians live there too, but they are also racially profiled, heavily. The church I went to, the pastor even said, repeatedly that this was 'an evil city'. The strip malls look terrible in certain areas in St. Louis, but Hwy K and the other 'white areas' are clean and beautiful. And most of the White people work the fast foods and restaurants, and they seem to make a living doing these kind of 'hand out jobs', you know, like the one that woman had when she felt so confident to screen the Black man at the condo. I went to a park nearby hwy k, and was surprised at the atmosphere myself. Although, I had some amazing people mostly White men, be very friendly towards me. A kind word in the midst of so much hatred, makes my day.
    1 point
  5. @Cynique This baffles me too. BTW I'm amazed at your writing style! @Troy Again, I just don't understand how you can pass this incident off as being trifle. Are you deliberately ignoring the fact that this woman CALLED THE POLICE on this Black man, or are you subconsiously ignoring this? Are you willfully ignoring the fact that she said and 'ALLUDED' on national television that this Black man 'SHOVED HER ASIDE'-- something that can be defined in court as 'AN ASSAULT AND BATTERY' or, are you subconsciously ignoring this? I am trying to understand your assessment based on this kind of incident that has been going on in the past and did ruin lives. "Again, I'd be willing to bet none of the men I know would not have shot a video of the woman and put it on twitter or Facebook. They would have used their key or shoved her aside." **The White woman is alluding Assault and Battery "Fifteen years ago no one would have even seen this video, and it would never have risen to the level of national prominence. Home boy would have had to handle the situation like an adult man. " ** **She called the police! "Now that I know your actual motivation for seeing this story being shared is the opportunity to spite white folks. Because obviously this situation on its own merits does not warrant much attention" **She called the police! "...I'm not trying to minimize the situation. The situation is minimal on its own."** **She called the police! ..."... you have to admit that there are many more things of significance that occur on a daily basis."** **yes, even after slavery, this happeded and is happening on a daily basis and ruining peoples lives. Troy, she called the police! She made sure to make it known that he got past her, and that he assaulted her. You don't think that the police would have arrested him?
    1 point
  6. @Troy I do think all white Trump voters were racists, some more than others, and i don't buy the reason you give for those who you say aren't racists, not being racist. Plus , as i previously reminded, racism doesn't have to be toward just blacks. or does one have to be white to be racist toward Hispanics and Arabs or even Asians. Which is the case with my son, who doesn't think Arabs should be allowed to immigrate to this country. This nation was founded on racism as evidenced by how the Constitution regarded slaves to be 3/5 human, and Native Americans to be savages, and Chinese railroad workers to be treated like dirt. White second-generation immigrants assimilated into the American culture and became racists., too, when it came to black, brown and yellow people. Racism doesn't have to be of the "cross-burning" kind; it can be subtle and this is often the most insidious kind. White supremacy is the glue that holds America together and is what reinforces its power to discriminate against minorities. ""Yellow journalism" dates back to the turn of the 20th century, having been originated by William Randoph Hearst, a millionaire publishing tycoon. Have you ever seen the movie "CHICAGO" about how the Roxie Hart murder case was sensationalized back in the 1920s? Scandal is an integral part of the American scene and it is news because it's comparable to "man biting dog". And the way you try to minimize the condo incident escapes me. It rubs the noses of white people in the shit that stains the fabric of this country but , you prefer not to appreciate how holding racial profiling up to ridicule forces America to realize how the more things change, the more they become the same. Yes, this country is polarized because when all is said and done, race still matters. I repeat: We have to agree to disagree.
    1 point
  7. Cosby had a trial in 2005. So that is 13 years. Cosby has been drugging raping and assaulting women from 1969 - 2014. Can someone post Harvey's rap sheet
    1 point
  8. @Troy I was speaking in terms of this issue going beyond what happened to this young man and in terms of what could have happened had he not had a camera. That is why 'Racial Profiling' should be a legal issue. If he did not have a camera, and she called the police, he probably would have been in a lot of trouble. If that were a Black man blocking a White woman, and telling her tht she had to tell him what apt. number she lived in and followed her to her door, and called the police on her for expecting a Black man to let her in the secured bldg., then what do you think the police would have done to tht Black man!? Do you think he would have been fired from his job? No necessarily. Many times the victim is further badgered. I remember back in the 60s women who were victims of rape were badgered if they wnet forward to report it. I don't know how to answer this question objectively due to the experiences that I have endured with being one of many AFrican Americans fired from a past job, and witnessing how others are hired even if they don't have the job requirements. I was at this company for seven years and they fired about 14 Black woman and a number of Black men who were highly skilled and trained new incoming employees, but no White person was ever fired. Tht is not a case of Racial Profiling. That bi-racial woman went off at Black people and that white man called her "RACIST"!!! He called her racist even though he was probably the only White person in that subway car! Troy, that is not racial profiling, that was him attacking her! She turned from commenting against the Black people for not offering a seat to the Black mother, to defending herself agains the busy body White man that took the opportunity to striker her down! Now, I don't agree with her attacking the Black people like that, but that White man was 'passive aggresive' and he spitefully opened his mouth to mock her. IF that were a White woman doing that, saying that to Black people, I would be surprised if that White Jew would have called a White woman out. And even if he did, that would still not be a case of Racial Profling. @Troy When White women accuse Black men of 'breaking the law' or 'not following rules' like what happened to the young man, Emmit Till, there lives are completely destroyed. Therefore, 'Racial Profiling' should be defined legally because this seems to be a prevalent issue. If this young man did not have a camera, this woman was bold even though it was in the early morning darkness, and I don't think he would have come out ahead if he did not film her. Troy, she called the police on him!? That is extreme.
    1 point
  9. @Troy I am very familiar with the Bi-racial woman that went off on that White Jewish man, and that is NOT Racial Profiling, she was responding to his statment. She was angry at the other Black people, from what I remember, because no one got up and gave up a seat to a Black woman, and I think she had a child or something. Then the White man responded and she tore at him. So, she was defending that issue about a Black woman not being provided with a seat on a busy subway. But, I do not agree with her doing that, however. I agree that it would have been curtesy for someone to offer the mother a seat, but not necessary for her to go off on the Black people like that. LOL! Me too. Well the management might have fired her because of avoiding a backlash from people at the home community that she was an administrator due to her racist attitude towards that man. She was clearly wrong and I think if he pressed charges, she may be found guilty for stocking him at the very least. I did realize too, that he did have a key fob that he did use. He clearly said tht he had buzzed himself in but she blocked him from moving past her as she stood in the doorway and demanded that he tell her his loft apartment number. That is so important though to report and just as important as help the homeless and jobless. Racial Profiling, in my opinion, has crippled our government for so long. @Troy I am especially so so so grateful for progressive African Americans like you that have provided a 'social media board' that offers a forum to have 'a voice, no matter how small' because for so long, I don't feel that Black Americans had a way of voicing our experiences with this government. We can't get into court or anything to a significant degree because we were given a platform or access, but this new age technology has given us a process. And guess what, here is a short video that speaks to this issue: LOL, @Troy It is a big deal, sort of like your posting 'the doll test'. this kind of incident has destroyed so many lives. It's like taking a cross section, and by making it public information, it gives people a chance to use this as a hopeful message that shows people, times may improve as our government is being pressured to get this sort of thing in the court and put the shoe on the other foot against racist people who do this and ruin people's lives. But as you said too, this is not only an issue that White racist do, or White Women who want to have their way, but Black people are good for doing this to each other!
    1 point
  10. So would you rather be Cosby or Kavanaugh? Wealth doesn't Trump colour. @Troy
    1 point
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