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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2018 in Posts

  1. Okay, I will be on the the lookout. @Delano You think so? Well, I dunno, but I read somewhere that @Mel Hopkins says that she has measured high on 'Spatial Intelligence' and etc., and well, I had to look that term up! LOL. But she does fit what she is saying, IMO. She is amazing IMO. I only wish I could. But the problem with me is that, I think anyway, I am not that good at picking up deeper signals and messages immediately. It takes me a while. I think it may be because, I am second born in my family and my older sister clearly proved that she was much more smarter than me in certain ways such as in the areas of observation and intuition. She used to trick me all the time and I was slow at realizing it. She always ran circles around me, 'outhinking me'! She went on to do very well in her studies and became a Chemistry Major at a prestigious university. She, on the other hand did say that I was really sharp in other areas. She observed that I am highly intellectual in some areas. I think that I am too, and have become more wiser with age. I dunno; LOL I think you are completely underestimating @Cynique. She just perhaps, not choose to deal with certain topics, but IMO, It seems to me, that if she wants to 'Bring it' she can. LOL. Anyway, I think you are very deep and you go over my head a lot. LOL. but, what I like about you, is that you challenge me, and I like that!
    2 points
  2. I do too! I had to shut down my computer earlier because I suddenly had gotten sleepy and could not finish a thought. But I came back to this because it made me think. I believe that 18 is okay for some, but it's still young enough NOT to understand the deeper ramifications of what the outcome of having sexual relationships can mean. For example, a girl at 18 -- fast forward 20 years later-- to 38 years old, could have had to spend the 20 years hovering over her child as a single mother. But a guy even at that age of 18 also, could end up on the Maury Povich Show with his MOm trying to protect him from being attacked for abandoning a young girl who charged that he left her 'holding the bag', and if the dna test proved he was the father, well, his paycheck becomes depleted for the next 18 years. "but if you can die for your country in a war then for heaven's sake you should be allowed to have sex and buy a drink in bar." Man! That is crazy!!! "I would say 30 is a good age to consider getting married today and it is what I would tell my daughters." I dunno @Troy. In terms of 'women' have you thought about the Biological Clock' issue? The eggs? Some people think that a woman's eggs are stronger when they are younger than 30 and I think after 30, if a woman get pregnant for the first time, she has to undergo certain test for the possiblity of having a Down Syndrome birth which becomes a higher chance for this reason. I think some women start getting scared when they get close to 30 and have not had a child and then may look for potential fathers for their children. But that is another problematic subject IMO.
    2 points
  3. Intersectionality draws attention to invisibilities that exist in feminism, in anti-racism, in class politics, so obviously it takes a lot of work to consistently challenge ourselves to be attentive to aspects of power that we don’t ourselves experience.
    2 points
  4. (bad link removed) Throughout the history of the internet, Messageboards have been one of the foundational tools people have used to connect with like-minded individuals on the web from all over the world. They have stood the test time, predating the AOL Craze, Myspace, and lasting into what we know as the current generation of Social Media with Powerhouses like Facebook and Twitter. The ability for Online-Forums to last so long is the need for people to have meaningful discussions with a form of depth and anonymity that other forms of Social Media cannot not provide. While the heydey of forums can be considered to be over, the continual prominence of several large messageboard that cover all niches of life speak to their importance even in today’s climate. One of the world’s largest and most active websites ‘Reddit’ is a Messageboard. Several prominent forums like Boxden, BlackHairCair, and Kanyetothe.com, have thousands of active members who readily contribute often controversial opinions to different takes on Social Events in Urban Culture. Forum’s still have a unique ability to unite groups of people and provide a depth of information and discussion not often found on certain subjects. One thing that is lacking, are large and prominent Black-Owned Forums. It is even quite hard to find a time in the history of the internet when a true black forum could be considered one of the Top even in the niche of Black Websites. If we take a look at the largest ‘Urban’ (and I call it this instead of ‘Black’ sites for a reason) like the ones mentioned in the previous paragraph, and add in a few others like Lipstick Alley, The Coli, and Topix African-American Forum, we can go as far as to say that the majority of these sites are owned by non-black entities. That’s why we want to provide a list of the best True Black Forums on the internet, ones that are really Black-Owned, and that facilitate positive discussions and representations of the Black Community Honorable Mention – The Black Board Community Forum (bad link removed) bad link removed Did you think we wouldn’t mention ourselves? The newest forum out of all the ones mentioned, it could be argued that it deserves a place near the top of this list. But to be fair-and-balanced (since we are writing this article after all) we will leave it off the official standings. The Black Board opened in early 2016 and has already established itself quickly as one of the best places on the internet where Black People can discuss a variety of issues under a Black-Owned Umbrella. The Black Board focuses on general discussion on News and Social Issues, and also on everyday experiences in Life. The owner of the website is active in the local and national Black Activism community and partners with a variety of other Black Websites and Media Content Creators. They also have a great form of community currency that encourages interactions. # 5: Black Visions (bad link removed) bad link removed Black Visions is one of the oldest sites on this list. They describe themselves as “ your go-to place to experience news, information, entertainment, and political discussion with black people from all around the globe. Post your thoughts on a modern, efficient bulletin board software system, with a full suite of text editing, emotes, pictures, and videos. Connect with your black brothers and sisters everywhere at any time, with our message board.” Black Visions focuses on more serious discussions, often on political topics. They also feature a system of closed membership that vets potential members. This allows them to closely control the quality of discussions and enforce anti-Black trolling. 4: Cocoa Lounge ((bad link removed)) (bad link removed) The Cocoa Lounge is a O.G. on this list. Around for over a decade, it has managed to remain at the forefront of Black Forums and maintain, while many other sites have come and gone. The Cocoa Lounge specializes in discussions that involve Black Literature, Poetry, Spirituality, Current Events, and Celebrities. While not as active as some of the other sites on this list it has years of an incredible backlog of great discussions due to it being a mainstay for such a long time. The Cocoa Lounge has more than earned it’s spot in this conversation. 3: SomaliSpot.com (www.somalispot.com) somalispot.com SomaliSpot is technically the newest forum officially on this list, but they are by far the most active. They broke out of long established messageboard SomaliNet just a few years ago and already have appeared to supplant that site as the Premiere discussion forum for the Somali People on the internet. A general discussion board that focuses on conversations going on in Somali Culture, the site as already proven to have a influential reach, with discussions there going viral and even spilling over into News Stories that effect real life situations, going as far as Elected Public Officials. This site also may be the most controversial on here as well because of some of these situations, but there is no denying SomaliSpot and it’s Owner appear to have etched their mark in The Online World of The Somali People in a short time, which deserves respect on it’s own. 2: AALBC (https://aalbc.com/) aalbc.com AALBC is unique in this list because they specifically focus on African-American Books & Literature. This also gives them their strength, as you will be hard pressed to find a forum with more mature discussions from a Black userbase on the internet. Also focusing on Cultural and Racial Discussions, AALBC puts a spotlight on journalists and writers in the Black Community, with a dedicated owner who is respected in the field and also covers events that he features on the site. AALBC is about educating and networking, and the importance of that work in the Black Community gives them their well-deserved spot as #2 on this list. 1: Destee (www.destee.com) destee.com The Granddaddy (Grandmother) of all Black Forums, past or present, on the internet. There was absolutely no question that Destee would perch itself at the very top of this list. Around for almost 20 years, Destee.com is the trailblazer for all Black Forums on the web. The namesake of the forum’s owner (Sister Destee, one the most respected Black figures online) Destee is the number one place on the web for no-nonsense, 100% pro-black, discussions. The greatness of Destee lies not just in it’s ability to stand the test of time, but also by without hesitation eliminating any negative conversations or members that wish to harm the black community. Although heavily moderated, and not as active as other sites on this list, Destee has more than earned it’s spot as the leader of Black Forums, period. We look forward to 20 more years of seeing Destee remain one of the Best Places online Period for Black People!
    1 point
  5. God does not play dice.. Albert Einstein In want of other proofs, the thumb would convince me of the existence of a God. — Sir Isaac Newton You are in good company. @Chevdove Listen to your own voice above all.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Sorry!--I wrote, LIKE, a book-- LOL! But anyway, you may or may not believe in what I write, but ----- HERE GOES . . . When it comes to RELIGION, I believe that some of the ancient religions are based on SCIENCE and without this basis, then the people are NOT following something concrete. If the book publications in the Bible cannot be marked scientifically in any manner, then I think it would be ridiculous to give any of the contents in the Bible credibility. Therefore, for me, the Bible must be based on Science in order to understand truth and any semblance of how religions were observed and practiced. In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah came Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon unto Jerusalem, and besieged it. … [3] And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; [4] Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, … DANIEL 1: 1-4. Also, when it comes to science and scientific concepts, not all of it can be proven facts because of the time issue when it comes to the human lifespan today. So some SCIENTIFIC CONCEPTS are still THEORY [a thesis based on a set of scientific facts that can be measured] that have not been confirmed yet, still though, it would be SCIENCE. So when it comes to some of the questions that you pose, THAT would be the case. Furthermore, some Scientific concepts are completely confirmed but it may be that I or you or certain people just may not understand. Just because we or ‘you’ may not understand certain aspects of ancient publications in books compiled in what we know as ‘the Bible’ does not mean that it is not science for the mere fact that many scientific concepts today are not understood by many people unless they go to college and study a discipline under someone more learned than they are on certain subjects. For example, just because I don’t understand how to construct an airplane doesn’t mean that I don’t believe in them, however, I believe in them because of certain facts that are tangible, and there are credible reports about them. So with the Scientific Aspect of the Bible, it does come down to ones’ belief and hopefully due to ones’ OWN INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH and inquiry and by believing in credible, measurable and well documented accounts. That’s the best way I can explain for now, how Science and the Bible correlate. So although, It’s not my favorite approach to put a references that are from the Bible, I will do a little because of your questions, and also site some secular references briefly: [1] THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Part of this ‘Scientific concept’ is based on references and topics that I have already touched upon in other context. Although the Pre-Modern HOMINIDS are an expression of A MUTATION, however, this sort of correlates to what the ancient scriptures are referencing in terms of the Virgin Mary becoming Impregnated without sexual intercourse from a man. This Scientific concept can only be a theory because today, it has not been repeatable, therefore we are not able to measure it or equate it to any other human. But it was written in prophecy long before it happened in the BOOK OF ISAIAH. He wrote that a virgin shall conceive. And then it was witnessed and written down what Jesus said, of which gives more light to this Scientific Concept: … [23] The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him, [24] Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother. [25] Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother: [26] Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh. [27] And last of all the woman died also. [28] Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her. [29] Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. [30] For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. ST MATTHEW 22:23-30. So, here it has been published about this concept of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, but the average Black Christian does not even have any idea unless they understand certain concepts about science. ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION is what Jesus has revealed and this goes way back before the Neanderthals were ever MUTATED to become MUTATED INTERSEXED BEINGS of whom cannot produce MALE OFFSPRING. More specifically though, Asexual Reproduction there are many distinct kinds of Asexual Reproductions today and very distinct terminologies that defined the detailed aspects of these kinds of reproductions. This kind of reproduction has been measurable on earth in many other regards both in the plant and animal kingdoms. IN the Plant Kingdom, THE FIG TREE [ie. The BLACK BERRY TREE] would be a major example and would be why the Bible authors used it in many, many of their writings. Anyway, here are some secular references that may help to understand the many different aspects to this Asexual Reproduction: ==Parthenogenesis == (… from the Greek …, Parthenos, [virgin’ + … genesis, ‘creation’ [3]) is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur without fertilization. In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. In plants parthenogenesis is a component process of apomixis. Parthenogenesis occurs naturally in some plants, some invertebrate animal species … and parasitic wasps) and a few vertebrates (such as some fish, [4] amphibian, reptiles [5][6] … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis == Life history types == Some species reproduce exclusively by parthenogenesis (such as the Bdelloid rotifers), while others can switch between sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis. This is called facultative parthenogenesis (other terms are cyclical parthenogenesis, heterogamy [9][10] or heterogony [11][12]). They switch between sexuality and parthenogenesis in such species may be triggered by the season (aphid, some gall wasps), or by a lack of males or by conditions that favour rapid population growth (rotifers and cladocerans like daphnia)…. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis == Arrhenotoky == (from Greek … tokos “birth of-“ + arrhen “male person”), also known as arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, is a form of parthenogenesis in which unfertilized eggs develop into males. Typically, females are the offspring in parthenogenesis, hence the important distinction. In the most commonly used sense of the term, arrhenotoky is used synonymously with haploid arrhenotoky: the production of haploid males from unfertilized eggs in insects having a haplodiploid sex-determination system https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrhenotoky == Fig fruit and reproduction system == Fig plants can be monoecious (hermaphrodite) or gynodioecious (hermaphrodite and female). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus#Fig_fruit_and_reproduction_system But there are two more concepts that connect to this Immaculate Conception written about in ancient scriptures. [1] One is the description of ADAM. When it was written that Eve was CLONED from his bone, then that would be another hint at the potential that the human body does possess! So, in a way, Mary and about a thousand years earlier, BATHSHEBA become a marker for the presence of Adam’s Eve. Because of the concentration of Hebrew Israelites in that region and their generations, this phenomenon occurred. In other words, because Bathsheba was Black African typed, this phenomenon was able to happen because the Hebrews did not intermix on a wide scale with other foreigners in contrast and comparison to other people at that time. But as Jesus did say, this whole world has been intermixed, however, the Bible brings out the science and genetics about this issue. Solomon was rebuked for bonding with certain type of women due to worship of White Supremacy [ie the goddess ASHTEROTH], but even though he was defined as being, true-black-skinned, he was not pure-black in his generations due to his Great-grandmother Ruth, a White woman. Nevertheless, the Jews were not as intermixed as the Ten Tribes and many other people and therefore, both Bathsheba and later Mary become the genetic marker for this phenomenon to occur. Due to Solomon’s sin, the House of David was divided and Solomon’s brother Nathan became apart of the story of Mary and Joseph. Solomon continued the Y-DNA and the patrilineal line of Adam and David as was written in the Book of MATTHEW but, Mary came from the line of NATHAN, of which both Solomon and Nathan were the sons of Bathsheba. The lineage of Mary in the Book of ST LUKE shows the branch at the lifetime of Zerrubabbel and Salathiel during a time of captivity under the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia. Therefore, the presence of Jesus becomes directly related to the Matrilineal DNA and Jesus could perhaps be defined as a clone. Although Adam and Eve lost that ability, however, Mary becomes the marker that reveals the Modern Human connection to a Pre-Modern Hominid existence before the Neanderthals were mutated. But the more amazing description would be in this reference: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, … ST JOHN 3:16. This is the most important concept that correlates to the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. It was written that Adam was Created in the Image of God, but Jesus is the ‘only Begotten SON!!!’ This reference reveals a huge insight into ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION!!! And most Black Christians have no idea! So, in contrast and comparison to Intersexed Beings that are born, Asexual reproduction becomes very a very unique process. Here are some other references: == Metagenesis ==- or == Alternation of Generations == Animals develop differently. They directly produce haploid gametes…. (Some insects have a sex-determining system whereby haploid males are produced from unfertilized eggs; however the females are diploid.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternation_of_generations == Heteromorphy == ...some plants have distinct egg-producing and sperm-producing gametophytes, … In the seed plants, the microgametophyte is called pollen. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gametophyte == Heterogamy == The production of two type of gametes is called heterogamy. … In reproductive biology, heterogamy is the alternation of differently organized generations, applied to the alternation between parthenogenetic and a sexual generation. [1][2] … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterogamy Again, this would be one major reason why the Fig Tree becomes a symbolism in the Bible as well as the HONEY BEES. In the Animal Kingdom, there are certain types of fish that are asexual. But then there is another reference about this phenomenon; the description of a future tree written about in the BOOK OF REVELATION in that it bears 12 different kinds of fruit every year. The distinction about the MUTATION that led to Intersexed Neanderthals is that they can’t produce MALE OFFSPRING. Something happened to their Y-DNA. Yet another description of Intersexed Beings that correlates to this subject would be the snail. But I can’t remember the details. I think it represents ‘true Hermaphroditism and became a major symbol for the ancient Mayans. Now, to quickly conclude and complete a thought, IMO, and due to the account of a very violent time in the Pre-Modern Human world, Jesus perhaps was the Only Begotten Son but, He may not have been the only begotten . . . !!! I think that there was another very closely related Being to this story and that being correlates to the presence of a mutation that led to a mutated intersexed being. We today may not be able to grasp such a concept of HOMINIDS being ASEXUAL or INTERSEXED, but this is what surrounds the prophecy about the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. All humans today, have to possess that capability within our chromosomes, IMO. It doesn’t seem that difficult to believe for me. [2] BEING DEAD 3 DAYS AND THEN RESURRECTED & AN ELUSIVE CREATOR I guess another term could be REGENERATION. And there is such a concept that can be equated with this scientific concept. Right off my thoughts, I kinda remember that certain SNAKES may have this presence. Today, we don’t think of DEATH as SLEEPING or being in a comatose state that can revive, and I don’t know too much right now, but that is what I believe can correlate to this theory about a human body going through DEATH and DECAY and then REGENERATION. The scripture redundantly term it as FROM THE DUST OF THE EARTH I CAME AND TO THE DUST I WILL RETURN… until Resurrection. Some other ancient civilizations term it as ‘THE PHEONIX RISING FROM THE ASHES’ [which is the same as DUST]. But nevertheless I will present some SECUALAR SCIENTIC IDEAS THAT MAY CORRELATE TO THIS CONCEPT OF RESURRECTION of the Human Body: Matter is neither created nor destroyed. In 1842, Julius Robert Mayer discovered the Law of Conservation of Energy. In its most compact form, it is now called the First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is neither created nor destroyed. In 1907 (I think), Albert Einstein announced his discovery of the equation E=mc2 and, as a consequence, the two laws above were merged into the Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy: The total amount of mass and energy in the universe is constant. Generally, textbooks would add, as I am doing, that mass and energy can interconvert. https://www.chemteam.info/Thermochem/Law-Cons-Mass-Energy.html Okay, that’s it for now… LOL == Komodo Dragon == By Neil – self-made, CC BY-SA 3.0, A baby Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, produced through parthenogenesis. Komodo dragons are an example of a species which can produce offspring both through sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parthenogenesis PARTHENOGENESIS means VIRGIN BIRTH
    1 point
  8. @Cynique Del's deleted post may have been a mistake on my part. Lately Del has made posts multiple times. Yesterday there were 4 of the same posts scattered all over the place. In my attempt to clean up the duplicates i may have gone too far (@Delano if that is the case sorry about that). better to look it up than wonder what is going on. Your sister does indeed sound smart and she is right.
    1 point
  9. No, i won't "get it" if you proceed on the premise that the same criteria should be used in the 2 different statements you made, statements which i thought were diametrically opposed, not "similar' as you have decreed. You are lining up players for a mind game where you make the rules. Pioneer and Troy will be awarded points depending on whether or not they agree with you. Chevedove is the favorite. Mel can go either way. BTW, did you stay up all night pondering this dilemma which apparently prompted you to delete your 2 posts in which you quoted my statement about your mercurial explanations? (You should be advised that my acknowledgement of your being well-read, trumped my other observation.) Soooo, here we go, another discussion where subjective opinions will be an obstacle to resolutions.
    1 point
  10. @Pioneer1 It's nothing deep. I just saw a lot of ongoing jabbing going on in the community and thought it would be a good idea to start this thread. But I really found what you said here very interesting. I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this at work. Yes, I think people give our signals all the time directed at someone. IMO, there are too many different personalities on the internet today, and it is no telling what kind of atmosphere a community might develop, but I just try to 'monitor' myself and stay on the same purpose for why I come to sites like this one. in the first place. Self Control is good for me, but I also believe that the atmosphere can change, no matter who the manager is, male or female, and this can cause a negative atmosphere where people have veered off the topic. I try not to feed into this negative energy by 'remembering' that I came to the community for other things--Not to insult, belittle or attack someone deliberately. I don't believe anyone presently visiting this community actually came here to insult anyone, but it happened and I think it would be good if we try to have some respect because, it helps. Because there will be controversial topics that will always come up in a discussion forum, offenses are bound to happen, but it is good to stay on topic because, I know I can grow from these experiences.
    1 point
  11. @Pioneer1 LOL. I'm pretty sure the answer is yes for most, but not with any Tom, Dick or Harry. But in light of this thread, a virgin would not neceassarily know what 'sweet talking' could lead to. yes that's it!-- But again, a virgin may not realize the outcome Yes!
    1 point
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