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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Wait until Israel convinces Congress that a war against Iran is not only necessary, but is ordained by G-d. And Blacks, Latinos and poor Whites must fight and die in it. While their families must make do with massive budget cuts to healthcare, education, roads, bridges, tunnels, transit and naturally, law enforcement. The only political party that matters at this point in time is called The Party of Trump.
  2. It is unreal how many fall for the distractions. Go ahead, let's have your opinions on Will Smith and Chris Rock? Okay, what about Dave Chappelle? NFT's and the dizzying array of opinions on Cryptocurrency? How Donald Trump is the greatest of the greats, according to those who've deluded themselves that they're going to be invited to clean his kitchen. All women need to keep silent and only listen to men. Yeah, which ones? Discuss. Does your friend have to a right to get angry if you lift their mobile phone they temporarily misplaced? And give it to your friend. Who gives it to their friend. Who tries to sell it back to the original owner even though it has a cracked screen?
  3. Leave forgiveness up the families and friends of the dead. Not all those who were murdered in the Buffalo, N.Y., supermarket have even been buried yet. You can forgive those who commit vile acts against you, according to the scriptures.
  4. I hope everyone now understands WHY I question suggestions that Black people arm themselves. If one is purchasing a legal firearm for home protection and obtains the necessary permits, I have no problem with this. I've been advocating this myself for more than two decades. But you'd better learn how to use the firearm or else you'll end up shooting someone you know. But we all know that many Black people, no matter how old, have arrest records. That is a huge drawback, not so much for law enforcement, but for the news media. How many times have we read or heard a news report that intoned "he (or she) has a long record?" Do you how many people I've encountered who always thought dimly of our people's abilities and our accomplishments? How many have YOU heard say this? Dr. King was well aware of this in his time on this planet. But he really did not know the extent of White hatred against Black people until he marched in northern cities. Here's the proof: https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-mlk-king-marquette-park-1966-flashback-perspec-0731-md-20160726-story.html Now, for those who demand that Black people should arm themselves enmasse, that is completely foolish. For what end? To be arrested by the busload? Or to counterattack and exact revenge? We'd be slaughtered. We would be giving White racists a chance to do what they've long dreamed of. To slaughter us.
  5. Abbott Nutrition decided that spending the money to clean equipment at its shuttered baby formula plant in Sturgis, Mich., was not as important as enriching its shareholders. In fact, FDA officials were given warnings about food safety violations at the plant in October 2021, according to a 34-page document reviewed by staff at Politico. The document, which detailed lax cleaning practices at the plant, was sent along to the FDA officials. Two infants died after Abbott officials deliberately falsified records about the dirty plant equipment, a whistleblower said. This is why the Sturgis plant was ordered to shut down creating a terrible shortage of baby formula. As new mothers screamed in anger and impotence, Republicans claimed President Joe Biden was secretly hiding baby formula for use by immigrants. They even had the nerve to claim photos taken at an immigrant detention center proved it. But the boxes in the photos turned out to be powdered milk. Unadulterated avarice and lying led to this situation. The first link proves what I said about Abbott enriching shareholders at the expense and risk of infants' health. And the second and third links are about the noxious goings-on at the Abbott plant. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/20/abbott-baby-formula-shareholder-profits https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/28/whistleblower-fda-baby-formula-00028569 https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/what-happened-with-abbott-baby-formula-that-worsened-us-shortage-2022-05-16/
  6. Chevdove I really admire you. But you started off basing your contention on the Bible. Now, you want to bring in feel good stories and a bunch of findings by archaeologists, ancient historians and those who consider themselves expects on Egypt. No thanks. I never looked at ancient Egyptians as heroes. I was never that insecure. We Black people have our own heroes. And they are not Egyptian. I view issues differently because I am trained news writer, fact finder, blogger and news editor. I am also a teacher and love history myself. So, it has always been incumbent upon me whether in a news room, tutoring immigrants or teaching my students, to speak the truth. Which I could prove. I got asked so many questions outside the range of what I was teaching and tutoring and by my photography clients that I had to remind myself constantly to note what was my personal beliefs and ideas and what I could prove as truth. I acknowledge that individuals have their own ideas, beliefs and theories. But unless they can be decidedly proven, they remain theories.
  7. All Affirmative Action did was open up professions in industries to Black men and women who for decades had been shut out of these jobs and industries simply because of the color of their skin. For further reading on this issue, rather than relying on people who rarely do any research, here ya go: https://www.justgreatlawyers.com/legal-guides/affirmative-action-statistics-facts But when it was all said and done, the primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action turned out to NOT to be Black men and women, but White women. At least this was the case in the mid-1990's. How many of you actually knew this? And why Affirmative Action was needed and is probably STILL needed is because of this type of racist garbage: https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2022/05/19/roeper-school-teacher-on-leave-after-assignment-depicts-barack-obama-alongside-primates/ Nels, who seems to have it in for former President Barack Obama, would likely be okay with this. I'm not. Black people are NOT apes or monkeys.
  8. Here’s some GOOD NEWS on the White Supremacy front. Christian Cooper, the Black birdwatcher falsely accused of harassment by a White woman who was annoyed after being told to keep her dog leashed, got the job of his dreams this week. National Geographic has offered Cooper his own bird watching show called “Extraordinary Birder.” There’s no start date for the new show. But it marks a dramatic turnaround for the 59-year old, who will host a six part series featuring him birding in deserts, cities, rainforests and the rural South, according to the New York Times. Two years ago, Cooper earned the ire of Canadian Amy Cooper (no relation) while birdwatching in Manhattan’s Central Park, which is home to 200 species of birds. His accuser dialed 911 and accused the birdwatcher of threatening her and her dog in May 2020. Her complaint was dismissed and Ms. Cooper was later fired by investment firm Franklin Templeton, said the National Post of Canada. She has sued the investment firm for dismissing her unfairly and the suit is ongoing. She also gave up the dog and has been keeping a low profile ever since. As I've always maintained, White Supremacy never went away. It never expired and has been getting worse. We know about the massacre in the Buffalo, N.Y., supermarket. But what most refuse to consider is that Black men, women and children experience thousands of racist micro-aggressions every frigging day. Christian Cooper's experience is just ONE of these racist micro-aggressions. Here, read what National Public Radio wrote about this development: Black birdwatcher triumphs in the end
  9. People forget that the Apostle Luke was a physician. Of course, his medical knowledge was rudimentary and in no way even close to the technological advancements of the medical industry these days. But he was a physician. And in his self-named Gospel account, (He probably also wrote the Book of Acts), Luke prophesied that just before the end there would pestilences in one place after another. (Luke 21:11). He also predicted famines, which have always occurred. But the one predicted by global analysts because Ukraine cannot export its grain is supposed to be most horrendous, especially for Africa.
  10. @ProfD In the event a catastrophe like this occurs, the helping and loving each other will last maybe a month. If that. After the 9-11 attacks and the Twin Towers collapsed, nearly everybody in New York City was overly solicitous to another for a few weeks. If you had been here, you might never have expected this. But it did happen. People ate their egos, checked their normal anger at having someone block them or brush up against them or stepped ahead of them in a line. It was an amazing time. And then .... BLINK! It was gone. Just like that. The kind and thoughtful and patient folks one got on the bus and subways with, crossed paths in the streets were replaced by surly, grousing and always ready-to-fight New Yorkers once again. In the event of really bad natural disaster, greedy individuals will hoard, those with goods will price gouge and those bent on evil will use their guns and other weapons to terrorize murder, rape and abuse. It may not take long for this to happen.
  11. @Mel Hopkins It's nice to know someone appreciates decent sourcing of information and good writing. There does not appear to be many news sources inside of Russia that display some sort of focus on Black people, either from Africa, the Caribbean or the Americas. If any exist, what they offer would likely be self-serving towards Putin. He needs some positive news to toss to a skeptical global news media which seems to have already decided that his invasion of Ukraine is a failure. I continue to worry about Brittney Griner and whether all the Black Africans who were studying or living in Ukraine made it home. But what concerns me at this moment is the so-called Monkeypox Virus. It has been detected in the U.S. Because of international travel, this malady which is said to have originated in Black Africa, has the potential to morph into an epidemic. Full blown Monkeypox appears to make patients appear to have the once-dreaded smallpox.
  12. @Mel Hopkins A lot of folks in the U.S. are relying on relatives or friends in Europe or can speak and read different languages so they peruse foreign news Websites. Most in the U.S. who are closely following the Russo-Ukrainian war are using this Website: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine-conflict-updates The data from that Website is said to be the most current and its analysis is considered to be the most unbiased and accurate.
  13. Since the thread was based on the Bible, I just employed Bible scriptures during the debate.
  14. I've already proven it! Because events have borne out what I have said.
  15. @Chevdove And here is where I leave the debate which began with the Bible. Fantasy, supposition, theories and feel-good tales are good for the soul and the ego. But I will never look to ancient Egypt for inspiration or the source of my ancestors. They were Slavers, too. And according to the Bible, Yahweh whooped their butt, drowning the then-Pharaoh along with his vaunted chariot force in the Red Sea.
  16. I wonder where Nels got the warning a giant asteroid was going to strike Earth? He must have gotten an email from General Melvin Meteor, Commander of the Asteroid Army. Well, we're on the lookout for the giant Nels-sponsored asteroid. In the meantime, you might wanna buy one my bright yellow, hard hat helmets with the revolving red lights for $79.99. They'll make great post-Apocalyptic gifts for the special one in your life. That is if General Melvin Meteor spares them.
  17. I am not questioning the video. Just the timing. Are we sure these Black Africans traveled to Russia POST invasion? Or were they already in the country and allowed to stay? Because they would have had to have already been in the eastern portion of Ukraine to make it into Russia. Judging from everything I've read, Russian troops have been acting viciously in towns they've taken over and occupied, murdering Ukrainian civilians trying to escape, raping women, many times in front of their children and murdering their husbands. No Ukrainian men will admit to being raped, but I'm sure it has happened. All one needs to do to make a video is have a decent video camera, an attractive talking head, a suitable background with carefully placed props and imitate your favorite on-camera person. Then, of course, a paid membership for YouTube. Why is anyone so quick to believe the woman in his video when it's quite apparent that a Black woman most want to come home from Russia is still being held there against her will? WNBA star Brittney Griner.
  18. Nels is an apologist for White Racists. His whole mantra and the reason he posts is to demean Black men and women, castigate the victims of racial violence and explain away the awesome achievements of the Black Race as sheer luck. This is why I still don't believe he is Black. He sounds like he is of the same ethnic background as Dinesh D'Souza. I've encountered countless like-minded individuals from the same country online who exhibit a deep seated hatred against Black people. Such ones all display an appalling and delusional contempt for Barack Obama and never fail to weigh in on this country's racial ills - but always on the side of racist Whites and Republicans. The worst aspect of their posts is that they try to be funny about it. White Supremacy is REAL and the adherents of this sick and dangerous Group Think are becoming more emboldened and committing horrible acts every few months. And the victims are not only Black. They are Latino, Asian, Muslim, Hindu and from Central and South America. Here is the end result of another hate crime attack, this time, the victim is Peruvian. A 64-year White man in Milwaukee, Wisc., was just sentenced to ten years in prison for tossing drain cleaner in Mahud Villalaz's face after questioning the victim's immigration status. The incident happened outside a Mexican restaurant in November 2019. Villalaz is a U.S. citizen. Who called this a hate crime? The jurors and the judge. Ya'll can go ahead and bury your heads in the sand as so many on here do. Or adopt Nel's ridiculous position - that this is all the fault of Black people and well meaning people who call this viciousness out. Here is one of a few news stories on the outcome of this crime: Another racial hate attack, this time the victim is Peruvian
  19. President Joe Biden called out White Supremacy when he visited the supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y. How many still don't believe it exists? Or are too cowardly or embarrassed to admit that I was right all along? Quite a few, I'd bet. Biden mourns Black victims of White Supremacist mass killer
  20. I'm selling bright yellow helmets with revolving red lights. The asteroid is supposed to pass close to Earth. But then, so many meteors and other asteroids do.
  21. Either one can wallow in the past, which cannot be changed, or look to the future. This is a nation where the White Man was supreme for two centuries and where women were necessary for entertainment, sexual pleasure and child bearing. So, of course, Democrats and Republicans and even Independents, all bear blame for how this country evolved politically. But let's deal with NOW. What major political party poses the greatest threat to women? And should men decide what women want to do with their bodies? And to go further, men should also keep quiet about how women should wear their hair, clothes, what careers they should have, whom they should date and how they should think. Should women really be forced to carry a rapists' child to term? How do you think their husbands, boyfriends, mothers, fathers, friends and other relatives would be feel about that? Men can take their time to put on a condom. If they are mature, patient and conscious that their decisions will alter the lives of others. Because birth control regimens may not be healthy, suitable or acceptable for all women of child bearing age.
  22. @ProfD The major reasons why the Native Americans were slaughtered is because they failed to unite and were facing an invading enemy who denied the humanity of their men, women, children and aged. This evidence is staring Black people right in their faces and many can't seem to accept it. Yeah, there will always be turncoats in our midst. But we suffer from far too many of them these days.
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