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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Dr. Cornel West is indeed brilliant. But I will never vote for him. I recall his incessant kneecapping of President Barack Obama as if this one Black U.S. Senator who ascended to the Oval Office could magically erase centuries of racism, discrimination and economic nonsense. In this latest extreme partisan and racist era, there is no way West or another third party candidate can win a national election.
  2. I completely disagree with you on many points. What you authored is a whole lot of nothing. The world's scientists and physicists possess a great deal of knowledge of our planet and many of them have a keen understanding of what is wrong with our environment. You just want to be a humorous pundit. Dinosaurs have nothing to do with our situation. Still think I was wrong for pointing out the obvious? I was over 100 degrees on the island of Puerto Rico today. Large pat of the U.S. has been inundated with smoke from Canada's wildfires.
  3. For those who believe the Bible, I would not be concerned about the longevity of the physical Earth. The Bible writer of Eccl. 1:4 intones that the planet Earth is here forever. But that is not what my thread is about. It was about a study from a group of scientists, collectively calling themselves the Earth Commission, who have concluded that the demands of humankind on our planet have pushed it beyond several safety factors for human life. I do not understand why so many claim our planet's environment is simply the same as it always has been. Because the world's environment has plainly deteriorated. https://climate.nasa.gov/effects/ This may seem an issue that does not concern you. But the Earth is facing more frequent and severe storms, higher death rates, dirtier air, more wildlife species becoming extinct, higher sea levels and the oceans becoming much more acidic. The planet will always be here. But millions of people may lose their lives. Homeowners in flood-prone areas in the U.S. are facing huge price increases for flood insurance that could cause hundreds of thousands of people to cancel their policies and risk financial ruin if their home is flooded, according to Climate Wire. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, which runs the largest flood insurance program in the U.S., published projections showing that its premiums are on track to jump by thousands of dollars a year in some areas, Climate Wire said. And this is not even counting the premium increases or policy cancellations for homeowners in areas prone to wildfires or even sandstorms such Phoenix and other southwestern regions. Personally, I'm not too overly concerned. I don't live in a flood, wildfire or sandstorm zone. Aliens aren't coming to Earth. The Sun is not going to explode. And there's no Zombie Apocalypse on the immediate horizon. However, warming temperatures WILL continue leading to crop failures in countries whose populations can least escape the dire effects of them. Many of these nations are in Black Africa. THAT worries me - because it has already happened. But I'm pay more attention more to chances of a vessel or aircraft collision between U.S. navy ships and jets of China in the Taiwan Strait which would could easily lead to war. And that conflict could turn nuclear.
  4. @ProfD Oh, you must be pissed off that I exist. I am on several discussion and news forums and boards. I am keenly interested on how others think or prove silly. What? Do you think your unproven analysis should go unchallenged? Foolish man. Pay no attention to me. Go back and raise scads of money for a golden statue of your crack addict Mayor whom you lionize so fervently.
  5. Forget Green Comets, evil aliens and even raging White Supremacists. We're too busy destroying the Earth ourselves. According to a new study, Earth has pushed past seven out of eight scientifically established safe limits for life. We are now heading into “the danger zone,” not just for an overheating planet that’s losing its natural areas, but for the well-being of human beings, according to a study published in the magazine Nature on May 31, 2023. There are several of these studies out on the Internet right now. The trick is finding an analysis of one that does not require a Ph.D in Science and Biology to read and understand. I’ll try this one: https://www.telegraphindia.com/world/planet-earths-limitations-at-stake-due-to-excessive-demands-of-human-beings/cid/1941677 But here's the link that seems to be the easiest read: We've passed seven out if eight safe limits
  6. I kept telling folks that White Supremacy never went away. And I was appalled that some people who, up until that point, I respected, disagreed angrily. Many of you don't know much or aware of nuances to issues because you fail read news wires or the synopsis of national stories in local papers.
  7. I don't panic. I do research. Did you read any of the the material from the links I provided? Of course not! Research is beyond you, Mr. All Blacks need to leave California because I'm still pissed off over a jay walking ticket I received many years ago. That proved California ain't chit, according to a post from you. I also do not see millions of Blacks shelving their Christian and Muslim beliefs and returning to the worship of African spirts because you think this is what is ailing Black America. Don't panic now because no one is listening to you.
  8. @richardmurray Can YOU offer any credible proof that Crypto proved a viable investment tool for Black people? You never provide proof of anything, just baseless and ludicrous opinions. A few feature stories in the NY Times about White dudes are NOT proof that Crypto benefited Black people. Let's see some links to a credible news source discussing how Crypto proved a boon for Blacks. I remember your past nonsensical bullcrap: How you wanted me to help you write a post extolling the virtues of NYC Subway Terrorist Frank James. You admired James because as you told me, he made Black NYC Mayor Eric Adams look bad. And James was, according to your rancid thinking, striking a blow against homelessness. I have no idea how came up with that garbage. I replied James had been little but a crazed dumbf-ck for years who would be sentenced to a long prison term. And that's exactly what happened. You also swore that it would have been ideal for Blacks to create an all Black Political Party in the year 1865. Although in a subsequent message to me, you labeled it a Black Party of Governance. There is no Black Party of Governance and creating one in the U.S. in the year 1865 would have gotten so many Black men lynched. (Because remember, it took many decades before women were officially granted The Vote). For the most part, Blacks could not freely vote in the United States in 1865 and in fact, most Black Slaves in the South never had any inkling they had even been freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. When they found out, they created the beginnings of the Juneteeth Celebration. There would have been precious little benefit to creating an all Black political party back then. Your problem is that you rarely understand historical or even factual context.
  9. A whole of people need to be sued for the Crypto fiasco. Shaq is not the only one. Crypto was touted as a get rich scheme in many circles, but especially in the Black Community. I knew it wasn't and simply cautioned its cheerleaders to be cautious. Rudy, Rudy demanded some booty So, how did his strategy go? It worked for a while as she spit back the bile But then she let everyone know
  10. Unless one has actually lived in New York City and ridden its subways for years, you have no clue what can happen underground. People are terrified of altercations, especially in subway cars where one cannot walk into an adjoining car. From all news and witness reports, I agree that Jordan Neely did not pose a physical threat. But few subway riders enjoy a person who appears disheveled screaming. The randomness unnerves them. Most are trying to get to work or go to school. This is the reason subway terrorist Frank James engendered such notoriety. But he had been nutty for a long time and simply chose the NYC subway to pull his nonsense. There is nothing funny or admirable about an individual shouting incoherently in any subway. But I don't believe Neely should have been killed. And the amount of money donated to the man who cost him his life is further proof of what I have saying all along: White Supremacy never went away. Nothing, except massive government and private intervention, will curb homelessness in NYC and other big cities.
  11. Republicans are holding the Debt Limit increase hostage. It has never been held up before, even under Trump. And according to several pundits, a financial default will devastate Black communities. https://news.yahoo.com/debt-ceiling-battle-could-affect-155223598.htmln https://newsone.com/4590811/debt-ceiling-crisis-black-america/ It's been warned repeatedly that a default could also destabilize world markets and lead to widespread recessions. https://www.npr.org/2023/05/24/1177668000/default-debt-ceiling-limit-negotiations-recession-global-financial-crisis But I am concerned only with the aftermath a Default would have on Blacks. You may want to ask Mel Hopkins to weigh in on this. I believe she was an economics reporter for the TV station she worked at. Great writer. Or you can just read whatever oozes from the uninformed. The U.S. has never defaulted. But came close. The history of Debt Ceiling is here: https://time.com/6281003/debt-ceiling-history/ Personally, I believe Republicans will definitely try to pass another massive tax cut for the richest of Americans. I could never see myself voting for a member of a political party that has so many members who believe Black History is unworthy and deserving of dismissal. Because Black History in this country is U.S. History. Here is what White adults displayed for six-year old Ruby Bridges as she integrated an all-White school in Louisiana.
  12. I am not a Slave. NBA Playoffs are not an example of Black culture. It’s a part of Black Entertainment or Black Escapism. Just like action movies are. If you want to believe this? Go right ahead. There was a dude who called himself Nels on here who swore committing crimes is part of Black Culture, too. And he even provided spurious FBI crime stats to prove it. I do not believe that Black people, men or women, are criminally minded. Nels and another guy named Greg do. I would rather stand with this man who writes OpEds for The Grio: https://thegrio.com/2023/05/26/jordan-neelys-death-reminds-us-of-the-lynching-atmosphere-that-still-exists-for-black-people/ I don't necessarily agree with everything he wrote. But there is little doubt White Supremacy has never gone away even though some on here claimed it no longer exists. I post opinions based on facts. When I was a News Reporter, I could never write stories without proving my contentions. So, I eventually created a huge source list. I just do not make chit up. I became so adept at my profession, I became a Senior News Editor. And then a Writing Teacher. But I still never made up stuff and if called upon to prove my position, I always had multiple sources to back me up. And that seems to piss off a lot people who cannot do the same.
  13. @frankster Post links proving your points. All news forum posters elsewhere post links to prove their contentions. Neither are you in Sudan, nor do you have any inside information as part of the warring factions. So when you claim the two men were not friends, you need to prove it. Or you're just talking nonsense, which so many on this discussion group always do. Black Africans will not step in during the conflict in Sudan. They simply are unable to. Do you even understand the geography? Sudan and South Sudan are NORTH of the Sahara Desert. And no Black African nation possesses reliable airborne divisions to make the hop over that hot sand. That's the reason Black African nations sat on their haunches and never made any move to rescue Blacks being held as slaves in Libya soon after Moammar Gaddafi was overthrown in 2011. I remember all the nonsense about Nigeria and South Africa supposedly coming to the rescue of those enslaved Blacks at that time. It would have been a huge undertaking and a military coalition would have been needed. Naval ships would have had to have been docked offshore Libya to assist with the evacuation of slaves. Because no Black African nation can force march a mechanized military force through the Sahara. Look at a map! Black African nations did not do anything then and they will not do anything now. You are dreaming if you think otherwise. The reason why frontline African states endeavored to aid the African National Congress in its war of liberation against the Afrikaaners is because they did not have a huge natural obstacle to overcome. The Sahara Desert is not frigging joke. And friendship between the two generals does not mean they were sharing cocktails or going to clubs together. Black Americans are ignorant because they see everything through their eyes and only their experiences. Which is why we pay an inordinate amount of attention to celebrities and NBA playoff games. How quickly did many Blacks eat up the garbage about getting rich through Cryptocurrency? Burhan and Hemedti cooperated as they planned to divvy up the riches of Sudan, with each other and that was the extent of their friendship. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/5/16/sudan-to-break-the-cycle-of-violence-end-the-kleptocracy Depending upon where one derives their news, they were friends/rivals who were always suspicious of each other. But Hemedti was much worse than Burhan. You have no information and no one else on this discussion group has any either. They just make chit up and hope it flies. But they've been wrong so many times it's comical. But you notice they NEVER post any links? I do, which is proof that I have no fear of clowns. Here's proof the viciousness of Hemedti. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/apr/20/sudan-outsider-hemedti-mohamed-hamdan-dagalo-leader-militia-army-war-conflict
  14. @Chevdove The conflict in Sudan is not a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia. It is violent battle between two men who were once friends. However, both men fear the prospect of free elections in Sudan. Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman al-Burhan is the Sudanese army general who has ruled Sudan since Omar al-Bashir was overthrown in a series of revolutionary protests in 2019. In August of that year, Burhan became head of the Sovereign Council and de facto ruler of Sudan. The Council was comprised of civilian and military leaders that were supposed to oversee a transition towards elections, according to a news report from Al Jazeera. But Burhan, who dissolved Council just two years later, is now opposed by his deputy, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, who heads the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces. Neither man wants free elections in Sudan. Dagalo, also known as Hemedti, was once an enforcer for Bashir, an Islamist and was considered a warlord. Burhan elicited help from Arab Gulf States to oust him and enjoyed good relations those nations. He even hosted Egypt’s president in Khartoum. The RDF are successors to the Janjaweed, the vicious bastards who massacred men and raped scores of women in Darfur. To help him take over Sudan, Dagalo also gets help from Gulf States and has turned to Russia’s Wagner Group who have been busily slaughtering Ukrainian civilians. But Warner Group also protects the ruler of the Central African Republic which supplies Russia with mined gold to pay for its invasion of Ukraine. Dagalo claims Wagner Group has departed Sudan. Sudan seems complicated. But it is not. It is simply a case of a vile Black man (Dagalo) who is perfectly willing to kill his own people for power, prestige and probably an expensive car or two. If you notice, a whole lot of White people have fled Sudan. Proof that Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman al-Burhan at least ran a stable state so well that foreigners had little problem working and living there. What’s going to happen? Who knows? But the U.S. will not become ostensibly involved in this civil war owing to lingering memories of what happened in Libya when Obama was President. And there is little the average Black man in the U.S. can do, despite all the fulminating by some loudmouths who never knew about Wagner Group until I mentioned them. The situation is a damn shame: https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/cq23pdgvgm8t/sudan To get a good handle on Sudan, one will have to check several news Websites, policy groups and think tanks. Here's one: https://www.crisisgroup.org/
  15. @Chevdove I don't wear a tin foil hat and I do not believe aliens live among us. The fastest an object with mass can travel is the Speed of Light, according to various astronomers and scientists. Those photos of distant galaxies we see all the time? They're billions of light years away, according to those same astronomers and scientists.
  16. Yeah, I'm always on other forums because I need to read analyses of what's going on the world. I am constantly checking the goings on in our world. I was worried about you. But I debated inquiring about you lest such a move would lead to a furor. Unlike others, you are truly polite. Even though we're on opposite sides of the political spectrum, you don't stoop to hurl ad hominen personal attacks.
  17. @frankster You are wasting your time with these puerile racists. I have no doubt some may actually be Black, but they definitely hate and disrespect their own kind. More than two years ago, I posed a thread alleging that White Supremacy had not dimmed and was still lethal. I was surprised to receive blowback and opposition from several posters, one of which was Troy himself. This was the time shortly after David Duke and the Klan had been supplanted by Donald Trump and his myopic and racist “Make America Great Again” crowd. So, I began posting a series of news stories about horrible racist incidents and there were many of them. This was when I was greeted by a pure clown who called himself Nels. He began posting nonsense from right wing websites and the Washington Times, which used to promote Sun Myung Moon’s Unification Church. Nels was not the only one. The sad reality of many of these posters who attack the Black Race continuously is they ignore the multitude of micro aggressions that Blacks must contend with every day. Which are actually crimes of racial harassment. There actually is no shortage of really silly and illogical people in this discussion group. Which is why I spend much of my time on other forums where the writing is far superior and numbers of intelligent posters with logical and plausible explanations always defeat the racist crazies. All the best to you. @daniellegfny Good to see you, my man.
  18. Neither the KKK, nor the GOP, are controlling the levers of conflict in Sudan. It is Russia. Pure and simple.
  19. Learn to read. Few are being passive except you closet Trump supporters.
  20. Someone tell me what the status is with the Green Comet. Can I take off this bent, folded and torn tin foil hat? I do not believe there are any aliens living among us. The vast distances between Earth and other stars is too much of a hurdle to overcome. And scientists and astronomers have concluded that the fastest an object with mass can travel - is the speed of light. But I do believe the Earth is undergoing major environmental changes and nothing can stop this from continuing. But no heavenly body, except the moon, can exert visible changes on Earth as it does with ocean tides. The sun can slam Earth with all sorts of radiation and geomagnetic storms as plasma erupts from the sun's surface. But unless it's gonna grow arms and yank our planet to its bosom, we're going to be okay.
  21. @Troy Thank you. Some common sense is finally brought to this issue. The mother did need to be arrested as well as the person who sold the firearm to her. I feel for her. My niece is a teacher for the hard-of-hearing. She loves her job and taught both her son and daughter to sign. Chevdove is a teacher. We do not need childhood instructors harmed. I don't remember being six, Troy. That has to be back in the Mesozoic Era
  22. @KENNETH The influx of migrants has definitely affected Black people in New York City. I doubt you live there. Did you read this line from my thread starter? Migrants do not make decisions of what municipal budget items will be fully funded and which ones won't be. It is clear from all the publicized incidents involving the homeless and mentally ill, that New York City simply lacks the funds to follow through the needs of all its residents. This is NOT the fault of Black politicians on the Dem side who have been clamoring for more funding from the Biden administration to take care of migrants. It is because the Biden administration must still defend this country from external threats such as Russia and China, while forking over $30 billion a year to Israel. I can just imagine what $30 billion a year could do for New York City. But no matter how badly Biden wants to help migrants, the majority of Republicans will oppose his measures. As it is, the GOP is demanding massive spending cuts to approve a debt limit increase which occurred three times under Trump. There simply is no extra money. The Biden administration was spending $60 billion a week to shelter unaccompanied minors and this was back in April. Biden admin spent $60B to house unaccompanied minor migrants
  23. Chevdove, thank you. If I lack facts, then I find some. Claiming one is posting a response to a crucial issue minus details or data is fine and dandy for many. But not for those who want a fully nuanced and credible retort. I had to look a several news stories and three websites of analyses before I hit my keyboard. And I'm still not happy.
  24. Chevdove asked a question. I answered it - with FACTS. Not with a non-sourced or a non-attributed opinion. Anyone can do the same.
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