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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Why do so many of you believe in Conspiracy theories? Seriously, why? The outrage over Kyre's beating death was real. It just was insincere on the part of Republicans, Black turncoats and others who have always attacked Black people. Believe it or not, here are some conspiracy theories many Black actually believe 1) The government ships radioactive milk to Black communities 2) Two Black African nations pay an annual tax to France 3) Barack Obama was controlled by White men the whole time 4) George Soros is no friend of Black people, he was once a Nazi 5) Hillary Clinton stole millions from Haitian relief funds 6) The U.S. government committed the 9-11 attacks 7) The super secret Illuminati rules the world 8 ) AIDS was created by the government 9) The 1994 Crime Bill was written by Bill Clinton 10) A government official was found guilty of killing Dr. King None of these are true. But I bet some will swear they are.
  2. Do any of you understand how big that antennae array on the balloon was? It was the length of three buses. Picture three Greyhound interstate cruisers end to end. That's about 39 and a half feet times three. At times, that balloon was 70,000 feet in the air, according to several military and intelligence analysts. If the balloon had been shot down over land and had that array struck homes or people, the damage could have been deadly. Biden was right to shoot it down over the ocean. Balloons are not normally used to cannot carry nuclear warheads. These days, it's a good bet in any all-out war, nukes will be fired via MIRVs, or Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicles. What this means is that a missile can carry multiple warheads which can be fired at different targets independently. All at different speeds and trajectories. And these can be fired from ground missile bases, aircraft or submarines. The U.S. pioneered these type of missiles in the 1970's. Why is China doing this? Because it can. It floated balloons over the U.S. three times when Trump was in the White House, Pentagon sources said. But the flight durations were much shorter. China's leadership is full of dumbasses who love to provoke. They are trying to intimidate the U.S. from defending Taiwan. China also has a balloon over South America. So, since China is being the world's bully... what do you guy suggest? Remember anything you write must be sensible, logical and workable.
  3. @ProfD You can refuse to believe what you want. But YOU do not live in New York City. And the city cannot come up with $150,000 for that one community center. I don't think you understand the power of the New York Post and other Rupert Murdoch-owned other media outlets. Yeah, it's sad that the community center is underfunded. But so are a lot of other initiatives. For a couple of years, elderly Asians were being punched, kicked, whacked upside their heads and thrown onto subway tracks because their assailants were ostensibly blaming them for Covid-19. But some were not even Chinese and had lived here for decades. You don't want Black senior citizens targeted after other ethnic groups start whining "Why Blacks and not us?" because that is exactly what will happen if this one community center is funded. New York City has no money. I said the budget cuts would come and they did. @Troy The only Black Families that may leave New York City are those with the financial means to do so. It is not a mad rush. Most are too poor to go anywhere else.
  4. Sometimes, I think a lot of folks on here play politics as it relates to their bank accounts. And this tends to keep them silent because they are fearful of losing their status. I was plenty radical as a Journalist and an Editor. I pissed off people to the point many roundly disliked me. But I didn't care. But I was decidedly much more dangerous as a Business College professor. For five years, I had my students' undivided attention and answered all of their wide-ranging questions with aplomb and truth. I am not just a Democrat. I am a Black Democrat. And that is why I strike back at some with venom. If your enemies know you can be cowed, they will keep doing what they've been doing. Screwing you. @Pioneer1 The lure of El Norte has a been a rite of passage for Mexicans since the beginning of the 20th Century. Migrants did not begin with Joe Biden. And the political coalition that propelled Obama to victory in 2008 did not include self-absorbed and self-entitled Mexican migrants. AOC is a Democrat in name only. This witch and her Justice Democrats PAC targeted elected Black Congressmen. She thinks she is a friggin' queen and can decide the future of all minorities. But she is nothing but a self-righteous and elitist Socialist whose policies will never work. Because Socialism has failed in every country that adopted it. Blacks alone cannot effect legislative change nationally. There needs to be a Political Coalition. Keep banging your head against this concrete Truism all one will get is a bad headache.
  5. @Pioneer1 Who installed many dictators and kept them in power was never the issue. The failure of people in various countries removing them were. But you are correct. The U.S. is at fault for the rule of many dictators, often in a misguided and foolish attempt to control the world's political narrative. Now, Russia is back to forking around in Africa.
  6. We are already in the midst of a mass struggle and have been since the First Slave Revolt. The payments for police misconduct have been ordered by courts and the City of New York must pay them. People suffered at the hands of NYC cops and some think their complaints and redress should be ignored? They sued for damages, won and now it's time for them to be paid. The reason the community center has been underfunded is because NYC has run out of money. And this is the fault of AOC and her dopey band of Progressives who have encouraged migrants to demand hotel rooms, instead of being squeezed into a shelter, (which are at overcapacity), Metro cards, free cell phones and of course, food (which they tend to throw away). Did you read the thread I wrote on AOC? A year ago, I said on other forums (where people actually read and click on news links) that Mayor Eric Adams would have to cut the municipal budget because of migrants. But few wanted to hear of it. Do you really think Black Americans could cross our southern border in the millions, show up in Mexican cities and demand services in English, hotel rooms, free access to regional buses, subways in the capital, free cell phones and an adoring army of English-speaking activists to tell Mexican residents to donate their clothes and other unused items? This is just the beginning of pain for ordinary New Yorkers. Mayor Adams has asked for $2 billion from the federal government to help. He gets nothing. Because racist Republicans would scream bloody murder if Biden sent even $50. The GOP is all about Cruelty. They are loving this chit. Which is why I despise Black people who refuse to condemn Republicans. I've always suspected it's because they're living easy and have little regard for those beneath them. Just as their White and Latino counterparts in the GOP do. Now, I wonder if Pioneer is going to order Black people to leave New York City as he did Black people in California.
  7. @Rodney campbell Russia's military does not want to overthrow Vladimir Putin. And the main reason are the grotesque and horrific penalties for failure. Putin is a vicious dictator. The news of his many outrages are muted in the news media, Western as well as Eastern. What manages to eke out are rumors, parts of the truth and old news. When Putin first assumed power, ordinary Russians and emigres adored him. The world was forced to reckon with a KGB-trained ruler who knew how to scare people. Finally, Russia was great again! Their country mattered once more. But everyone forgot the old adage: Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely. And slowly but surely, those who preferred Free Thought and Human Rights and Independence were intimidated and eventually silenced or eliminated. I bet most don't realize that Free Thinking rejects authority and established beliefs, which includes any Dogma associated with Religion. Unless the person being discussed is noted and many worry about their safety and well-being, you will not hear what happens to them. What I wrote about Putin's initial popularity in Russia and elsewhere could also be said of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. They were both beloved. Hitler was idolized. There are people living today who still want to be like Hitler or promote his nonsense. You could probably input the name of any modern military-fascist leader and the foregoing sentences would apply to them.
  8. The thread is about a new Middle East War. You are the one wallowing in the past.
  9. A hearty and loud thank you to Troy for giving us place to discuss matters close to our hearts.
  10. @ProfD I doubt that the world's militaries have many folks who are willing to pull grenades under their bodies to save colleagues these days. Not when they know drones, attack helicopters and fighter bombers can bring whole buildings down on miscreants or enemy soldiers who are resisting. The same is true of the streets. Not many want to face police bullets, batons or even handcuffs. Desperate, aggrieved and angry people might want to. But in reality, most choose not to go down fighting.
  11. @Troy No, fast as in the creator of ChatGPT reacting to the scorn of his AI program. You have underlying and natural intelligence, Troy. You also have an abundance of common sense. Many people who post on here do not. Which is why some post the silliest things that invite ridicule. I do not believe any race of people on this Earth went through hundreds of years of mindless brutality, persecution, hatred and discrimination in the same way Black did. What people experienced the long term trauma Black people in the Western Hemisphere have endured? And that is why I resent attempts to equate others' suffering with that of Black people. Most people do not realize that one of the most well-known Slavs is Melania Trump. When was the last time any of her people were beat down by police in this country? A lot of peoples on this planet were Slaves. Some were not. By law, Black People are not longer Slaves. But our trauma and the suffering continue. And I will never accept someone who calls themselves Black who brays "but, but others were Slaves, too." Yeah to all of that. But who suffered as long and as horribly as Black People?
  12. I am hoping authorities sort this out quickly ... Double amputee shot dead by police
  13. I don't care how smart some people think you are, do you know what .50 caliber bullets will do a human body? It is not easy to depose an autocratic ruler who enjoys the support of a nation's military and police apparatus. If it were easy, there would be no dictatorships. Why do you think Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe lasted so long? It was only when the military was convinced he had to go - that he actually went. There are 57 dictatorial rulers on our planet, according to planetrulers dot com: The world's dictators
  14. The Memphis cops were part of an elite anti-crime unit. So was the NYPD team that slaughtered Amadou Diallo. I was not aware that the one of the cops remained ticked off at Tyre. If folks are still wondering why they were fired so quickly, it is obvious the City of Memphis saw a chance to rid themselves of problem cops. But it is disgusting that many other police departments keep paying officers who do chit like that. Four of those cops had reprimands and suspensions
  15. Here are some universities that benefited from Slavery. It's from a 2017 Time feature of the Princeton and Slavery Project. How America's elite universities benefited from Slavery
  16. After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez managed to get herself elected in a Bronx-Queens, N.Y., district in 2022, Democrats were ecstatic. "She's young! She's smart! She's beautiful. She cares about people" That is what many crowed. I took a wait and see approach. Heady with undeserved praise, AOC believed she was a political goddess. So much so, she decided she was going to end Trump's government shutdown all by herself. So she put on her red lipstick, invited chosen media types to join her as she stomped into the Rayburn Senate Office Building to find Sen. Mitch McConnell and force him to help her. Unfamiliar with the Rayburn building, Ms. Knucklehead got lost. It was then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who ended the shutdown. But AOC wasn't done. She appointed herself sotto voce ruler of Black people and her Justice Democrats PAC targeted eight elected Black Congressmen for defeat. No one else. Just Black representatives. I guess they weren't sufficiently radical enough. We know AOC loves Mexican immigrants. Which is why the folks who greet migrants at the Port Authority Bus Terminal fill their head with what they supposedly deserve from taxpayers. Because of the advice they got from AOC and her Progressive minions. To be fair, Chinese also do this for their new arrivals through their community agencies. Which is why many Latino migrants refuse to go shelters, which are at capacity anyway. They want three-star hotel rooms. Think Haitian immigrants are awarded hotel rooms, able to toss away carefully prepared meals, shun registering, according to our laws and are treated with kid gloves by law enforcement? A year ago, I predicted New York City would quickly run out of money trying to house and please these migrants. And it has. Mayor Eric Adams was forced to slash the municipal budget. So ordinary New Yorkers will have to put up with slashed services in AOC's Wonderful World of Migrants. Of course, you could always vote for Republicans and get your kids schools shut down, be told your history dosen't count, be ordered to never mention your Black heroes because that's being woke. Running away as someone suggested will never work. But Voting does.
  17. How many are proud that riots did not occur? ProfD said they wouldn't. He was right.
  18. Well, that was fast! Those who hope to cheat their way to fame and fortune by passing off AI-generated writing as their own may run into a few roadblocks. The maker of ChatAPT has unveiled a cheater detection tool. It's not perfect. I am sure other tech companies will soon create their own versions. ChatAPT maker rolls out cheater detection tool
  19. There will never be any true Reparations unless this country acknowledges the trauma and damage that has been done to the Black Community over hundreds of years. If you're sitting on your butt waiting for a million dollar Reparations check, keep sitting. Because you ain't getting one. A National Apology is required first. The Reparations issue
  20. Politics is neither a distraction nor a bunch of lies. Dr. King was political. So were most of our great leaders. Why do so many generalize or lump whole groups of people together? I will tell you why. Doing research is hard work. Especially for those who can't string a couple of well-written paragraphs together. And it's easier to dismiss ideas with what one would believe is a pithy sentence than actually getting to the heart of the matter. Then there's ego. So many of our own look down upon others that they cannot help to be negative when discussing them. They simply assume they know more than others do. They don't. I avoid people like that because they're full of chit. Pioneer claims "most parents are ignorant, uneducated and highly dysfunctional." Untrue. Does anyone really believe this? Pioneer offers no evidence and no proof. Just his own biased angst. That sounds like something Nels would write. But here's the truth: Top ten concerns of parents
  21. I knew a White cop was involved in the incident. Apparently, it was his body cam video that showed Tyre being pulled out of his car. Maybe he was told to remove himself from the scene or left on his own accord. But he was not accused of hitting Tyre. Some cops in these undercover units suppress their rage over home, work and social issues. Or they were not able to hurt a couple of previous drivers. Then their anger explodes in incidents like we saw in the beating videos. There's going to be a lot rumors, innuendo and bullchit swirling about. Be careful who you believe.
  22. @Troy Thank you for digging up that Readers Digest feature.
  23. The huge question is who gets to access the data? Think the Palestinians in the West Bank can freely access these data banks? What about ordinary Chinese citizens in China? The average North Korean? The average Russian? Can Black school students in Florida use these data banks to explore the history of their race? What about the nations of Black Africa? Are they going to be left behind? Just a couple of questions.
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