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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. A green comet, eh? And some think it's a bad omen? Well, it's been visible since Jan. 12. But it's just a comet that is tinted green. It has no special significance and neither does any other. One thing to consider it that the Old Testament condemned Spiritism as well as those who look for omens. "For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune-telling, or use sorcery, or interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord. It is because the other nations have done these detestable things that the Lord your God will drive them out ahead of you." - Deut. 18:10-12 Many believe in Astrology. But Astrology could not save the Third Reich. Heinrich Himmler reportedly didn't make a move without consulting his horoscope. But the stars didn't help the boss of the Nazi's SS at all. Neither could Astrology save ancient Babylon. Nabonidus, was devoted to the Moon God Sin, according to Britannica dot com. According to the Bible, the fortified city fell in one night to Cyrus the Persian. After he was captured, Nabonidus was sent into exile. But his son, Belshazzar, was killed the night the Medes and the Persians took the city. I doubt something this momentus will occur because of this green comet.
  2. I am not confused. I know exactly what he wrote. Europe is no longer assertive to acquiring territory outside of the continent. But its various nations want to enlarge and expand the market share of its corporations and their products. However, Imperialism is not dead at all. It's main driver is China. China's Imperialism poses a real threat to Black Africa Now, answer my questions, Mr. Know It All. Stop ducking. You made certain claims. Now, back them up or admit you are wrong.
  3. The European Imperial era has already ended. Although Russia is making a try at absorbing a former territory and facing stiff opposition. The reason it has ended is because global corporations have tossed nationalism into the dust bin and opted for riches. The world needs to fear China.
  4. Answer my questions which you always duck. And no one can stop the cocaine trade because there is too much money to be made from it. The reason cocaine was not much of a problem in Castro's Cuba is because the risks outweighed the rewards. You run afoul of the Bearded One, death is usually your punishment. But I am sure come Cubans in Cuba used cocaine because their ruler ran the trade. But one man actually claims that Fidel Castro himself was a cocaine trafficker. And intelligence sources agree. Which makes awesome sense. What better way to get back at his U.S. enemies than to ruin them with cocaine? Fidel Castro was a cocaine trafficker Now, if you want more details ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1999/02/01/cuba-and-cocaine/378f08a2-75ea-4a6a-a07e-481a57ce078a/ Now, how many Blacks have moved out of California because you said they should? How many Haitians have given up their western beliefs to return to worshiping African spirit deities as you demand?
  5. Will Smith is an incredible actor. I just cannot believe he actually slapped Chris Rock who was picking on a woman who suffered hair loss due to an illness.
  6. Cite proof. Post a link from an academic or anthropological source that says this. I am discussing Black African Slaves and I know a few regions of Africa suffered the loss of people to slave traders. Those who lived in North Africa were not Black. East Africa's forgotten Slave Trade
  7. I knew all about the protests against Netanyahu's Right Wing coalition government. However, I understand that posters to this discussion group should be concerned with issues and information that pertain to the Black Community. So, I never mentioned it. And by the way, that was the second Israeli protest against the new government. I have no idea why some Black people fail to understand why news of a legitimate and peaceful protest against Israeli policy should never be combined with a call to destroy Israel. Because one is ignoring the 80,000 people in Israel who are actually clamoring for their country to do the right thing. This is similar to Islamic terrorists, such as Al-Shabab, who kidnap school girls, kill government troops and threaten the tourism industry in Africa leading to many Whites demanding the complete extermination of all Black Africans. They are both illogical positions.
  8. This is not a question of displaying keen interest. It is a matter of being aware. Some people don't get having a passing interest in something such as me caring about women's fashion. I don't think about that. But I cannot get away from it since this topic, as well as photos pertaining to it, are all over the news media.
  9. Most of the complaints over this sculpture came from White people, such as writers and editors of the New York Post. These are individuals who love to make excuses for the criminals and wrongdoing among Whites. However, they think they can lecture and determine what is good or bad for Black people. I always ignore them. And no, the sculpture does not resemble a penis.
  10. There is a chitload of trauma we must still face, thanks to these dumb ass Republicans. But you will always be honored.
  11. Anthropologists, historians and those who dig deep into ethnicities mostly determine that although many Black Slaves were kidnapped from western Africa and taken to the Western Hemisphere, about a third were transported east to the Arabian peninsular. Here is one post on the subject, but I am certain you guys can find many more. The Arab Slave Trade
  12. Israelis did not mistreat Ethiopian Jews after Israel they took the time to rescue many from the northeastern African nation. That was not the policy of the government. In fact, many Ethiopian Jews were greeted with raucous celebrations upon their arrival. However, in the years since then, individual Israelis, mostly settlers, have taken it upon themselves to mistreat them. And in some cases, this mistreatment is brutal and humiliating. Despite this, some Ethiopian Jews have joined the Israeli Defense Forces and were awarded medals for their bravery in combat. Even Binyamin Netanyahu has praised them at times and demanded an end to the racism, harassment and criticism they face. This was during his first go-around as Prime Minister. Israel's Bibi gives props to Ethiopian Jews. demands end to racism But Ethiopian Jews remain the poorest, least educated and are not offered the same opportunities as other Israelis. I have not read of any forced sterilization. But if you read about it, post a link to prove your claims. There is little doubt that Palestinians are treated much worse than Ethiopian Jews.
  13. I never said that Blacks should be interested in the Middle East. What I said is that more Blacks are going to die in the Middle East. And this is due to another war pushed by Israel. I am not the first to say this. Plenty of others have as well. And it has little to do with anyone's personal interest. This is why I abhor those who post pseudo-history without any proof, fail to offer links and concentrate on crap like celebrities which does help the Black Community. Kenneth, I applaud you for knowing about PNAC. Most don't and when it comes to the Middle East, they often generalize and posit little understanding of how we got where we are. In 1979, Andrew Young was forced to resign as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. in 1979 for meeting with a representative of the PLO. African Americans were put on the defensive by angry supporters of Israel who said Blacks have no business discussing MidEast affairs. But Rev. Jesse Jackson pushed back and warned that African Americans have no choice but to be aware of what goes on the Middle East because their people will be among the first to die in that region's conflicts. I knew exactly what he was referring to. Blacks join the U.S. military in high numbers, often as they decide their ultimate future or many sign up for a career. It was not a silly choice after the Vietnam War ended. That's when the U.S. military began airing commercials touting "Be ... All That You Can Be" along with promises of money for college which often eludes young Blacks and Latinos because of their financial constraints. So many Blacks, Latinos and poor Whites did sign up. But little did anyone know that Israel would begin championing total control of the Middle East. Likud Party officials began maneuvering behind the scenes in Washington, D.C., to get the U.S. to launch wars on behalf of Israel. Even before George W. Bush took office in 2001, their allies in the U.S., (the NeoCons), openly admitted they wanted to replace Middle East dictatorial regimes with democracies. One had to be a fool not to realize the countries NeoCons targeted - Iraq, Syria, Iran and even Saudi Arabia, were enemies of Israel. The Neocons planned to begin with Saddam’s Iraq, seen as the weakest opponent, the elimination of which would pave the way for regime change elsewhere. They first took their plan, the PNAC to Bill Clinton who promptly told them to shove it. Pissed off, the NeoCons got Israeli Mossad agent Linda Tripp to coerce a love sick Monica Lewinsky to tell all about her semen stained dress. That move crippled Clinton for the rest of his presidency. In comes Dubya, one of the dumbest men to become POTUS. Donald Trump is the most ignorant. Dubya had no idea there were differences in beliefs between the Shi’ite and Sunni Muslims. By removing Saddam, who was a Sunni, Bush allowed the majority Shi’ites to gain control of Iraq. And the Shia immediately formed a tight link with their Shi’ite brethren who rule Iran. About U.S. 4,550 military members and 3,793 contractors were killed in Iraq between March 2003 and October 2018, according to various databases I've perused. There is no racial breakdown of these numbers. According to Iraq Body Count, (https://www.iraqbodycount.org/) about 288,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed due to the U.S. invasion since 2001. Estimates by PLOS Medicine Journal suggested 405,000 civilian deaths since the U.S. invasion. That’s a little more than the population of Bakersfield, Calif. The link is: https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/search?filterJournals=PLoSMedicine&q=iraq civilian deaths&utm_content=a&utm_campaign=ENG-467 But this is only part of the human real carnage. By taking out Saddam, al Qaeda had no real opposition and simply moved into Iraq. They’ve been there ever since and had an outsized influence in the creation of ISIS. Which has killed thousands of Black Africans in a never ending holy war against the West. For those who may not know, ISIS in Iraq was initially comprised of Sunni Muslims who were forced out of power in Iraq by the U.S. military. They're not finished causing damage. And Because Israel cannot possibly invade and occupy Iran, which is huge in land mass, it needs the U.S. That is what Jesse was warning about in 1979. Our people will likely be in the thick of this nonsense.
  14. Now that he is back in power, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is hoping he can convince President Biden to join an attack on Iran, ostensibly to stop Iran from building a nuke. Haven't we heard Bibi's bullcrap before? For two years, Netanyahu told reporters and correspondents that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was building a nuke. And that Iraq was filled with all sorts of dastardly Weapons of Mass Destruction. But Iraq was NOT building a nuke. And it did not have large stockpiles of WMD's. Because none were ever found. However, insistent Bibi was able to convince the U.S. news media, Right Wing Christians and warmongers in the West of his sincerity by holding numerous press conferences where he used a pointer on various maps and graphs to mask his real intentions: Using the U.S. military in a series of wars and invasions to crush Israel's enemies. The first would be Iraq, then Syria and finally Iran. It was called "The Project for the New American Century" and it was not a conspiracy. If you've never heard this before you must have missed this on Ted Koppel's "Nightline." Here are two links: The Project for the New American Century https://www.wanttoknow.info/020907pnacprojectnewamericancentury Know what worries me? As in the Iraq War, many Black and Latino Americans in the military will end up forfeiting their lives and their future health in this insane chit. While the ones who cheer sit safely on the sidelines.
  15. Since the demise of the Roman Empire in the west, Tunisia was always associated with Islam and never suffered centuries of European Imperial rule. It is France that dominated North Africa in the latter part of the 19th Century. France is but one country and its government in Paris proved a major influence in the affairs of Algeria. Not Tunisia, which is where fabled conqueror Hannibal Barca is from.
  16. I loathe individuals who never post links or facts, but think they are so smart. The reason they don't post facts is because they are actually ignorant, but love making generalizations.
  17. @Pioneer1 You do realize the late Fidel Castro ran a country that was intent on stopping those who wanted to infiltrate his nation? You also fail to grasp that cocaine is only trafficked into regions and countries where Cartels and criminal gangs can make a healthy profit. Since Most Cubans in Cuba never could cannot match the average income of cocaine users in the U.S., it would not make sense for anyone to risk prison and assassination to eke out puny income by bringing cocaine to the island while Castro was alive. And that's the only reason Cocaine did not appear to be much of a problem. Maybe if you actually put some logical thought before responding you would come up with better replies. By the way, how many Blacks in California have taken your advice and left the state? Have most Haitians accepted your stance of shunning their birth religions and adopting the worship of old time African spirits? I mean, those spirts did wonders for Black Africans over the centuries, haven't they? Black Africa is on the cusp of world leadership in politics, the economy and respect.
  18. Trump inspired jerks everywhere. Such as Kari Lake, who lost her election for Arizona governor, lost recounts and court cases to name her the winner. Now, she's taken to calling her self "Arizona's duly elected governor." Apparently, there's no end to this craziness. In Brazil, supporters of Jair Bolsonaro invaded federal offices, the Supreme Court and the Congress building in Brasilia. This is today's Right Wing Politics, lose an election, refuse to accept the results and then riot when you don't get your way. Democrats have been battling these clowns since the 70's. But when judges side with them and agree with their antics - we all lose. To those who think nothing is being done, start paying attention. Democrats, which include Liberals, Progressives and Moderates, fought back hard and actually kept the U.S. Senate. They nearly held the House when the conventional wisdom was that they would be blown out in the 2022 midterms. No one on the Left is complacent. Not with liars such as George Santos around.
  19. You planned your cowardly attack since 2017. You shot ten people, terrorized all of New York City and thought little of it. But your oversized backside was never destined to escape the law. And that's coming, Frank James. You face life imprisonment on 10 counts for attacking the New York City subway system and a single count on discharging a firearm during the assault. I have no idea how much time you will get, but here's betting it's gonna be a lot. And it should be a lot. We do not need psycho knuckleheads getting all bent out of shape over their personal demons and then taking out their angst on perfectly innocent folks. There are too many of them trying to do that already.
  20. No, you couldn't. You lack the writing talent and understanding of the issues.
  21. @Pioneer1 You have little clue what you are grousing about. You do not live in California and you are too busy clamoring for Black people to move out of the state. You claim little Latino boys in California feel represented? How would you know? You talk to any of their parents lately? Seriously, you need to rethink your mantra and stop acting as if only you have all the answers. All I see from you is a bunch of whining. Latinos have the numbers in southern California. But they do not vote in those numbers. Because if they did they would have probably made serious inroads towards electing one of their own as Governor long ago. You don't see Black people packing up and moving out of California, do you? That means no one is listening to you. And don't try to lump Asians in with Latino migrants. They have different mindsets, support groups, political strategies and are amendable to change. Tom Bradley was L.A. Mayor from 1973 to 1993. The fact he kept being re-elected demonstrated that the best of us have staying power. And a winning electoral coalition. But according to you, he's to blame for the current state of affairs in Los Angeles today? When drug gangs destroy the quality of life as they do in many states, there is little one can do especially when your law enforcement agencies become corrupted. Bradley was a big city Mayor. His main job was showcasing the glamour and profitability of L.A. living. Attracting businesses was the job of beaches and the sun. When the Rodney King riots broke out in Los Angeles in 1992, did you know that 51% of the individuals who ended up being facing charges for violence, looting and other mayhem turned out to be Latino? And many were young. Bradley was not responsible for Black and Latino gangs turning L.A. into shooting galleries. Blacks in L.A. had three intractable foes: A racist police force personified by Daryl Gates, street gangs and limited social, economic and community resources. But one guy is supposedly responsible for all of this? No one can stop the cocaine trade. Too many want it, get rich from it and aim to gain control through it. Why do angry people such as yourself always blame one person? You think you can do better? Run for office or at least offer some WORKABLE proposals. You don't have the answers to urban decay, rampant substance abuse, criminality or job creation. All you do is whine and complain. Black people do not need to leave California. Because running away is not a solution. It is surrender. The continuing fight Blacks have in L.A.
  22. There were no great numbers of billionaires in the immediate aftermath of World War II. Harry S Truman's Marshall Plan took the lead in financing and rebuilding Europe. It was budgeted at $15 billion. France did not require much rebuilding. But Britain and Germany did. The fear was, with Europe remaining devastated, Communism might prove an irresistible lure. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/marshall-plan-1
  23. Well, he made it. ProfD, I saw your thread after I posted mine. So, now we have to survive two years of hate, viciousness and intolerable attacks on People of Color from the House.
  24. I bought this publication when it was first released. I always viewed it as a companion to "100 Years of Lynching." I understand and fully support Troy's initial reaction. Since I had already read "100 Years of Lynching" and bought two more copes for friends, "Without Sanctuary" merely confirmed the information I had and what my imagination had conjured up. Black Americans have been mistreated horribly in this hemisphere. We should never ignore this or attempt to stop others from learning or teaching about it. That's how we ended up with an ignorant Kanye West spouting "Slavery was a choice." If this fool knew what went on and what our ancestors suffered during those dark times, he would have never said that. While I was teaching, my students were prone to ask all sorts of questions that were unrelated to essay writing. One query had to do with how Black Slaves were treated in the U.S. Since half of my students were either born overseas or were first generation Americans, I decided to bring my "Without Sanctuary" book to my classes. About a third of my students in total were Asian and their parents hailed from different countries. Most were women. The students were understandably shocked and dismayed at the photos. Those who were Black and Latino were especially upset. None smiled. But it was on the train ride back to Brooklyn that I received the most memorable reaction. This was just months after Barack Obama stunned the world and won the White House. I sat in my subway seat and pulled out the book. And slowly began to turn the pages. A lot of subway passengers who were standing were staring at the photos. But no one said anything. Until the the train stopped in Chinatown. At this station, I always craned my neck and searched the rush of oncoming riders because there was bound to be someone much older who needed to sit down. But there were none this day. Instead, the train car filled up. I didn't see any ones would could not stand and I resumed slowly turning the pages. I knew many were who were standing near me were staring at the photos. Suddenly, a young Asian woman about 25 snatched the book from my lap and held it up to her so her boyfriend could see the photos right side up. A crowd of Chinese immediately surrounded her, all looking at the photos. She went back to the first page and began turning the pages. Everyone around her pushed in closer to see the photos. The train rumbled across the Manhattan Bridge on its way to Brooklyn. The woman kept the book until we got to the subway stop at 36th Street. Then she handed it back. She had tears in her eyes. I simply nodded and said softly ... "this is what they used to do to us." 36th Street is the station where subway terrorist Frank James launched his attack. You would think Chinese college students, who must have seen photos of "The Rape of Nanking" and countless Holocaust images, would not be moved by lynching photos. But this young woman and the ones who stood behind her were. This is why this publication must be seen. And never hidden. The world must know.
  25. When someone supports a terrorist who targets innocent people that person is a POS. And when a person lies to make themselves look good - I want nothing to do with them. And Frank James is a terrorist. After his arrest, investigators discovered he had been planning such an attack for years. While it was still unclear what his motives were, Troy asked me what will happen to him and I immediately replied he would be charged with terrorism. Which is exactly what happened.
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