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Mel Hopkins

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Status Updates posted by Mel Hopkins

  1. Thankful for leaving baggage in the past where it belongs while cherishing the blessings and lessons learned over the years.




  2. Currently re-editing my #flashfiction story, "Law-Abiding Ghouls." A cautionary tale for politicians who long for the good ole days. A time that wasn't so great for anyone.

    Law Abiding Ghouls Cover-1.png

  3. From left: abolitionist and writer Frederick Douglass, educator and writer Booker T Washington and American writer and sociologist WE Du Bois. Photograph: Getty
    Not so fast: Prolific Black Authors left out of a soon-to-be-published book of writers covering the past 2500 years.  The Guardian reports with too Black voices missing from the nearly 750 page book, a major US publisher cancels publication. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/may/16/whos-missing-top-author-stirs-anger-with-too-white-history

    1. richardmurray


      Al Sharpton said something a while ago, on a show on PBS, 
      This is the main strategic reality with black people in the anglophone<USA/UK/South Africa >, and is replicated by black people in other phones. In the article both David Olusoga or Hakim Adi display an idea that history in college should be of a certain moral code. The industry of history need to have a moral code. 
      The moral code is: history is only valid when absolutely truthful or fully comprehensive to all people. 
      Richard Cohen's book is not fully comprehensive, by absenting the stated works in the article or the fact Cohen needed to make additions to the book which were not suitable to the usa based book publisher. 
      But, do all histories have to be absolutely truthful plus fully comprehensive, to be histories ? 
      If a black person writes a history book and displays the names of all the peoples of Africa during the invasion by white european communities; if said black person gives details to each african community from eating ways to names to art styles, to religions as how influenced by invaders as comprehensive as possible. Is said book false when the white european invaders are mentioned only as blood suckers from northern lands. 
      By Al Sharpton's words, by the philosophy of the Black historians in the article, the answer is no. But is it?
      I found the show , find the quote in capitols 

  4. Book Wish List 

    • Sympathy for the Devil: An Angela Bivens Thriller by Christoper Chambers - A metaphysical police procedural romance thriller with a Black female lead? How could it not be good? I must read this book! 
    • Trumbull Park by Frank London Brown - I found out about this book from my daughter. Her partner's grandfather wrote this novel about hostile integration at Chicago's Trumbull Park public housing in the late 50s. Ain't that some ish? Public Housing was reserved for whites only but, everyone's taxes fund the project. Good News, though, in 2020, the Chicago Literary Hall of Fame selection committee nominated Mr. Brown's novel for inclusion. It appears from this post from Richard Guzman he was inducted.  BRAVO!!


    • TBD
    1. richardmurray


      nice story


    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      I thought so too!

  5. Have a Wonderful and Prosperous New Year!!! 🤗

    1. Troy


      🙂 Thanks so much Mel!

    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      You're welcome! I hope you had a great celebration!

    3. Delano


      Happy Belated, Troy.

  6. stone-heart11.jpgHOLD ONTO LOVE. 

    Shit happens — no need to immortalize it.
    If you survive it, internalize what's left.



    Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. Troy


      Happy Valentine's Day Mel and everyone!

    2. richardmurray


      Happy valentine's day to all

      @Troy what is your valentine's day album?


  7. I blogged about him in 2014. In 2016 Casey Gerald gave a tedtalk "the gospel of doubt" that npr says went viral then today I noticed Penguin Random House published his memoir in 2018... He was on my radar because of a new post I was writing -what I didn't know is he's on the world's radar too.  I wonder what they have planned for him.


    1. richardmurray


      do you believe in the hero's journey as a structure? @Mel Hopkins

    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Happy Valentine's Day @richardmurray !  

      I don't believe the hero's journey  conforms to all stories.  Children's books come to mind - I just wrote a story about my grand"pup" and communication. And that story is more of a fable and doesn't follow the path of the hero's journey.  

      NOW my novel, "Sleeping with a D-Man" follows the Hero's Journey's format at every step.   So, I'd say most novels loosely follow the structure.

      Now here's where my personal belief comes in. Whenever, I'm experiencing and going through a particularly stressful period in my life.  I take a step back and map out the points and highlights on the Hero's Journey plotline to see exactly where I am in the journey. I want to see if the prize is on horizon.  :D

    3. richardmurray


      Happy Valentine's day @Mel Hopkins :)


      tell me your valentines album https://aalbc.com/tc/blogs/entry/261-black-hearts-day-art-or-text-craft-parade-good-news-blog/


      good point, fables do not fit the hero's journey or any story that does not involve a guide or a maturing lead hero character


      Interesting insight into the life of Mel:)

  8. ARES"ARES" stars 26-year-old Dutch actress Jade Olieberg who plays a multi-ethnic character that advances the original series plot in ways that are not obvious in the beginning.  My initial reaction was the .5 % wealthiest of society will not be happy.  But then this portrayal of secret societies targets any of us who "belong" to one.  Cutting to the chase without spoilers;  this series asks "What do you want" and what are you prepared to do to get it.  I'm still thinking  about this show today. It revealed a lot to me about myself ...and has me giving the side eye to friends, family and folks I see on the street.  I couldn't binge watch the series - it was a little too intense for me.  What did you think about ARES?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. richardmurray


      @Mel Hopkins black voices was sold but not black planet, black planet was bought by tv one, probably the largest black owned media enterprise in the usa. Black planet's problem is twitter and facebook, paid for many top accounts originally and then the rest was entropy.

      Good points, I am fine with being Black Famous too:)

    3. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins



      Black planet's problem is twitter and facebook, @richardmurray

      How is twitter and facebook a problem for Black Planet?  I assume you mean competition.  Am I correct? 

    4. richardmurray


      You are correct,  I meant a problem in fair competitiveness. Facebook nor Twitter have any straight concern to Black planet or AALBC :)  To be fair, facebook/twitter/youtube do a lot of backdoor attacks to each other. And, any website that becomes very popular will have to deal with that ewar reality. I must end with something you know already @Mel Hopkins but I feel must be said,  financially, many firms view the existence of competition as a problem, meaning monopoly is their goal. 

  9. I recently updated a short story for digital readers called "Classified" - The political thriller is the first in the series of the small-town reporter Nicole Jettison aka Nicky Jett.  Nicky developed her supernatural gift during the first year in college.  Nicky's prophetic dreams transported her to the netherworld.  Once there, she gained abilities to see and battle shape-shifting drug dealers and a sorcery-wielding obeah priestess. She also recognizes nothing is as it seems.  When Nicky recovers, she hides in a journalism career.  She breaks news stories thanks to her all-seeing third-eye.  Nicky's gift is well-suited for news reporting but awful for her personal life.  Nicky morphs into a full-blown space-cadet once those preternatural abilities gain control. Check out Nicky Jett's riveting back story in the page-turner "Sleeping with a D-Man" available at theleadstorydotorg.


    1. richardmurray


      will share in my newsletter and about the everse:)

    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      You are so good too me! Thank you so much!!!

    3. richardmurray


      always the village

  10. 843afb31-3e68-422c-926d-5df10449446a.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. richardmurray
    3. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      @richardmurray   Not sure. There is an interview I want to get but it really isn't about the celebrity  per se, but more about the  topic.  This particular subject is known for creating value for the professional boxers he manages - and that goes to the core of the story I'm interested in writing next.  


        I really don't pursue celebrity interviews.  I prefer to write about topics such as my cryptocurrency article in the same issue.  

    4. richardmurray


      fair enough @Mel Hopkins just happy you are doing what you love:) ... is any digital currency black owned? I know a  blockchain is expensive to setup or maintain. 

  11. The Cooking Gene by Culinary Historian Michael W. Twitty  is The 2018 James Beard Award (non-cookbook) winner and as much as I can't stand awards I have to give them a second look now because without hearing that Twitty won the award I would not have heard of this book - which I now absolutely must have on my bookshelf.   

    I love to cook but I especially love to cook the foods that are indigenous to my family.   Anyway, I found this interview from Mr. Twitty  and African Ancestry's co-founder Dr. Gina Paige and it too is delightful!!!


  12. b0cefa84-8c8d-4d76-9044-761ce653112b-mar

    If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?  Of course, one of the wishes would be to get more wishes. In absence of wishes, then 10-year-old Marley Dias made a goal.  She decided to get more books with Black girls as the protagonists into elementary schools. To make this happen she launched  #1000blackgirlsbooks campaign. Once she accomplished goal, she then authored a book, "Marley Dias Gets it Done and so can you"  to create more activists.   "Marley Dias Gets it Done and So Can You" is available from Scholastic Books

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Troy


      LOL that is the most positive way of looking at it @Mel Hopkins :)


      ...and sounds like a good approach.  I know a few folks who secured the white co-sign, but in order to keep it you have to distance yourself from those who may be perceived as too radically Black.


      For example, in order for Obama to keep his white co-sign he had to repudiate Minister Farrakhan and distance himself from Jeremiah Wright.  Obama got a lot of grief from some, in the Black community, for doing this, but you can't become POTUS or any white institution without the white cosign.


      What disappointed me is that Obama did not give a single Black-owned newspaper an interview during his first 6 years in office and may have served his entire presidency without doing it (I did not research the last two years).  One might think; what harm could some from speaking to a journalist at a Black newspaper? The problem is that Obama might have been called to account for his lack of direct support of the Black community which was too big a risk.  Obama is the "president of all people."


      I'll have you know I was told recently that I'm perceived as radical.  I was told this by an industry icon and mentor.  I repeated what they said to make it clear that I hear the correctly and to determine if they were serious. They replied "Yes, you are."  Would you believe I took that as a compliment :-)  


      I took it as a compliment because I know anyone who explicitly advocates for Black people and institutions, without couching it in language of "diversity" is perceived as radical.


      I also know that anyone who advocates a boycott of Facebook and Amazon is definitely one willing to go against the grain and is not trying to win friends by going with the majority... Honestly, if I run AALBC.com thinking like everyone else, this site would have died a long time ago.



    3. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      Pwuhahaha!!! These Snatched Co-Sign cards are hilarious!!!

      I proud of you!  We have to be radical, even when working for a PWI!  In fact, one of the terms my former supervisors used to write about me over and over was "strong opinion" I believe that was code word to let others know "beware she will not "shuck, jive and yasam" for anyone in your organization.   I couldn't! It is important to let your employer know when they're being racist! Or when they are harming others with their policies.   

      How can we not? 

      We must be radical.   

      HIGH FIVE!!! 

    4. richardmurray


      excellent dialog from you both

  13. @TroyI can't respond to The New Religion by Zaji.  I get this error notice 




    Not Acceptable

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /tc/forum/5-culture-race-economy/ could not be found on this server.

    Additionally, a 406 Not Acceptable error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.




  14. DeRay-Mckesson_CAA-Speakers_Web-330x360.


    "Brian Tart, President and Publisher of Viking says; "DeRay McKesson is the voice of a new generation, leading the charge in the fight against racism and injustice today,"   


    And that voice will sound off in the upcoming book with Viking - On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope by DeRay McKesson.   Read more here:  The Thriving Writer


  15. pioneers-of-african-american-cinema.jpg


    Tucked away in their vast film library -  Pioneers of African-American Cinema  streaming on Netflix  - "This newly preserved collection features more than 20 films made by groundbreaking African-American directors for black audiences from 1915-1946. "


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. richardmurray


      yes @Mel HopkinsI found the list too, i have found some of the films on youtube complete side for free. i was going to post it later as a blog post in aalbc, as well as my email list. I can private message you in aalbc if you want to see the links. 

    3. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      @richardmurray  Thank you.  That is thoughtful of you but it won't be necessary, I'm currently a netflix subscriber.  I do look forward to your review.  

    4. richardmurray


      ok cool:) thanks  @Mel Hopkins Hope you enjoyed valentines:)

  16. Quote

    A rich source of melanin is beneficial to those who need to survive the effects of radiation.   Some could ingest it because it's also found in fungi.   
    Using melanin to determine "race" is a slippery slope.  I rather not be someone's source of survival in an aftermath of a nuclear holocaust  because I'm dark skin. :o:D

      From ~ The Problem of Identifying Ourselves Based Upon Whites' Concept of Race

    Mel Hopkins replied to Troy's topic in Culture, Race & Economy 

  17. books-1655783_1920-sq.jpg


    You can borrow another  $100 -200,000 to get your Masters  or  you can



    "learn from the people who know what they're doing."

     ~Amy Astley 

    1. richardmurray


      i love photography,as you may know,where did you get this from?

  18. 31kwame1-master768.jpg

    From YA Author to Newbery Medalist to having his own imprint!  "Kwame Alexander Will Start His Own Imprint. The Name? Versify. Get It?   "  Link:  New York Times Books

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      @richardmurrayI would if I wrote cutting age Young Adult novels!

    3. richardmurray


      why not try? try to do something unique in black history month, something you had not before, or just this year in general?

    4. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      That is exactly my plan but so far it doesn't involve YA books - at least I don't think it does :)

  19. Kwanzaa 2017-2018


    I celebrated  Kwanzaa (first fruits) 2017-2018 through my thoughts and words.  In answering the phrase Habari gani  I wrote a separate blog post  in response.  It  put me in a positive community-focused frame of mind to start off the year.   

    From my blog on theleadstory.org.   

    Imani: Golden Rule

    Kuumba : The Chosen Ones

    Nia: Reasons

    Ujamaa: Until the Lion Learns

    Ujima: Yes We Can

    Kujichagulia Goal Minds build Gold Mines

    Umoja No Man's Land


    Storytellers play the long game - 
    "We must remember, we’re a civilization rooted in story-telling.

    We share information filled with iconic imagery, symbolism, and sounds.

    Celebrities are no different.

    They use the media to tell stories that voice their platform position or opposition." ~Melhopkinsdotcom


  21. 5a18bf694a0e5.image.jpg

    "Marc Lamont Hill, a noted author, social commentator and professor, has made a foray into entrepreneurship by opening a new coffee shop and bookstore in Philadelphia.

    His new shop, Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books, officially opens Monday morning in the city’s Germantown section. The store serves up LaColombe coffee, coffee drinks, gourmet teas and hot chocolate." Via The Philadephia Tribune

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      @Troy  I think I received three items that are flagged and queued up to read. I'll most likely post the newsletter on theleadstory.org - too 

    3. Troy


      Thanks Mel.


      Keep me posted on efforts with your book. I'm still working on an affiliate program to allow readers/fans to direct sales to an author's site in exchange for a commision .  Did I ever mention that to you?

    4. Mel Hopkins

      Mel Hopkins

      @TroyI was just thinking about posting something about ISBN.  I may not use an ISBN  at all.  I'm pondering this might be a way from amazon acquiring the title even in an return status.  So while you're considering the affiliate program concept,  is it possible for you to figure that action (no ISBN) into it?  EDIT


    Jesus said unto him "Thou shalt love the Lord thy G-d with all thy heart, and with all ... 39 And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."  #Greatestcommandment #relationshipgoals



    Nah, I’d rather you love me better.  It seems most of Y’all don't love yourself all that well.  


  23. “It is good to be ‘woke’. It is even better to be ‘woke” to your own f*cked up sh*t too…” ~Manatole  From  Mel Hopkins' Actuate: Thought Into Action

  24. End of Poverty ?, the documentary by Philippe Diaz  should be called how thugs ravage the land and have taken over the world.


    Imagine coming up with a concept for a book, writing a draft and then shipping the raw document to someone else - only to have to pay $14.95 to read the finish product. 

    Except that is exactly what is happening in so called third world countries such as Kenya - "predatory capitalism" where the impoverished Kenyans work the land ship their raw materials for tea and coffee to other countries and never profit from it.   

    I became interested in watching the documentary after seeing an interview clips from Confession of an Economic Hitman, author John Perkins.  He talks about how he and others like him work on the behalf of multinational corporations to jack the land and resources from people in African countries... We're not free in this country - it's impossible to be - because no one will be free until everyone is free...  Watch the documentary. Read the book,  and then really begin to wake the Eff up!



  25. 22555254_1954162668133210_78241719640165



    2015 Newbery Medal Winner 2015 Coretta Scott King Honor Award Winner novelist and Poet, Kwame Alexander, brings a new show to facebook - "Bookish with Kwame Alexander"  

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Troy


      Third World is a good example.  They were struggling as a business and are now a not-for-profit.  Haki has been give about a bazillion awards and honors, but we needed to be figuring out a way for the press to become a publishing powerhouse reaping the benefit of publishing bestselling authors.


      Man I must be an a bad mood.... seems I can only find the negative in things lately...I guess I'm just tired of us being so marginalized and weak....:(

    3. richardmurray


      @Troy Well, if you want to feel better about the entire black community,I will try to lift your spirit... as you know,  one hundred year ago, whether in africa/the caribbean/north or south or central america/ any part from asia - all black people were enslaved in that we either wore shackles or helped put shackles made from others on ourselves. Now, am I telling you to jump above the sky now that we are less marginalized or weak, while still being marginalized or weak... no. I am telling you to strengthen the weapon that allowed black people to find happy lives throughout the recent times; that weapon is patience. A patience that: seem silly on a plantation, seem silly in the mountains from ethiopia, seem silly on the shores from saint domingue, seem silly as we make our first homes in the usa or brasil, seem silly as we are making the first  black college in a state in the union, seem silly as we make illegal fiscal profit anywhere, seem silly as we march in every land we are in from france/england/u.s.a./brasil to jamaica/ghana/congo/south africa, seem silly laying down near fred hampton, seem silly as we see a few from us reach individual heights the collective seem unable to achieve... until, one day, after we are excruciatingly patient,after we have been tired so long we only know about  being tired, nothing seem silly; cause we each had the patience to wait till nothing no longer is.

    4. Troy


      :) thanks @richardmurray that was generous, kind, and uplifiting. I'll add patience to my vocabulary. 

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