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Everything posted by Xeon

  1. “Perhaps now people will see this election wasn't about race. This election, like all of the others, was about power and money. Wealth inequality will continue to grow. The Trumps of the country will get richer and we'll all get an upgraded iPhones that we struggle to pay for driving for Uber, delivering groceries for Google or delivering books for Amazon, in this exploitative "gig" economy.” True….true. Hillary paid the price for ignoring the white working/middle-class whites. A lethal mistake. Many of those white voters who voted for Mr. Obama in the past two elections -voted for Trump this time. What else is there to say? She was out hustled on the campaign trail by Trump. The Monday morning analysis after the Sunday game always gets it right…. “Now that Trump is dissing his own supporters by appointing more Goldman Sachs bazillionaires. Trump even hired that guy, Steve Mnuchin, who stole homes from elderly people who took out reverse mortgages (I didn't even know you could lose your home with a reverse mortgage).” Ha! Ya got that right! Trump said he was going to drain the swamp of plutocrats, insiders and corporate financial oligarchs who were making millions while American workers were being sacrificed at the altar of Wall Street and big business. What does he do? He stockpiles his cabinet and administration with corporate barons and financial pirates, the very people he accused Hillary of hobnobbing with! He is appointing people to posts who are the complete antithesis to the very administrations they are heading! It’s like appointing a convicted Mexican cartel leader to run the DEA or ex-KBG agent to lead the CIA or NSA. Rick Perry to head the Dept of Energy?? WTF????!!! The irony and hypocrisy is absolutely stunning! It’s a sad and very ugly joke unfolding in front of us! “Sure, Donald worked to appeal to racists, xenophobes, and other simple people. But, he will not build a wall, he will not stop jobs from leaving, he won't even go after Hillary. All he will do is enrich himself.” Well, again, from the current indicators and optics, I think you're right…….
  2. “The Japanese run Japan, The Chinese run China, but sadly, Europeans still run Africa. This is a very significant difference and perhaps explains why those Asians you mentioned believe they are superior to whites folks.” True. The Asians are very smart, technical, resourceful and have a work ethic that cannot be beaten. The Chinese are making huge inroads in Africa. They are the ones providing the technology for building infrastructures, advanced shipping ports, hydro-power plants and dams, extraction oil and mining of exotic minerals, etc. The black Africans are just bystanders in their own countries since they lack the technology to develop and exploit their own vast natural resources. So, the Europeans and Asians come in and do it for them… at a VERY STEEP PRICE! The despot corrupt black African governments reap the scraps off the table while their own people are mired in a bottomless swamp of poverty, ignorance and disease. There is absolutely no indication this inexcusable entrenched tradition will change…. “While we show little indication that we even value our own lives...” Sigh…well…your statement is a perfect example of fact and raw reality. Negroes have no respect for themselves (as a group). No need to further pontificate. Oakland, Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Washington DC and Baltimore provide all the incontrovertible evidence. E’nuff said… “Closer to home in our own communities they own the property, the business, and run our schools. They control our media. Great masses of our people seem to be possessed by handheld devices controlled by corporations who are literally making billions of dollars feeding them nonsense 24/7.” True. And Negroes seem to be content with this arrangement since as a group, they have done nothing to stem or reverse it. All racial/ethnic groups control the commerce and business in their communities –except the American Negro. Whites, Jews, Arabs and Asians control and establish small stores and businesses within black America. Negroes are just consumers and customers. End of subject… “Nah, the source of much of our difficulty is indeed pretty simple. What has proven intractable are solutions.” Ha! Ya think?! The conversation and debate is exactly the same as it was in 1970. Nothing has changed. It leads one to a very ugly and dismal conclusion….
  3. That is a weak and over simplification of the facts Troy. I know Negroes obsess over attributing any dysfunctional with black people (or non-whites) to whites. The Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Koreans, etc, are not colonized people. At one time, yes, they did experience white imperialism. But not now. They are all powerful juggernauts on the world's political and economic stage. I can personally tell you Asians obsess over light and bright skin....JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER NON-WHITE GROUP! They always have! I should know, I've lived and been to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, et al. Yes, I know the nefarious Negro rationalization is, "Da white man taught them to be like that!" There has never been a point in the history of the majority of non-white people when they did not show a preference for lighter skin. There are over one billion people in Pakistan and India and they are just as bad as Asians, Latins and Negroes when it comes to the light vs dark conundrum! As far as looking to whites as being superior...uhhhhh...yes, Asians do believe that. They look at whites as leaders and innovators in technology, medicine, economics and culture. But don't get it confused. Although they see whites as being a superior group -they feel superior to whites! And please don't ask me what they think of Negroes unless you want your feelings hurt. Ha! Just sayin'.....
  4. Well, I have to agree with you on this one bro Troy. The origins and legacy of Saint Nick is rooted in white folklore and history. He is a white character -not a black one. A similar situation would be a white actor playing Kunta Kinte in another remake of Roots. Negroes would howl and riot in the streets with indignation. Bottom line: It's a petty and insignificant issue! If Negroes are that upset about a black Saint Nick, they should exclude him from their celebration of Christmas. Besides, if I recall (I might be wrong) celebrating Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Jesus Christ, not a mythical character that promotes commercialism....
  5. Could not have said it better. The total and absolute truth. Thank you Ms. Cynique for posting this most factual yet denied and ignored fact...
  6. OMG!!!! Ha! Ha! Ha! well, all I can say is the mind is a terrible thing to waste.....
  7. Ha! The woman was a joke. Sorry to burst your adulation bubble.....
  8. Well, you're wrong for a number of reasons.Having a black president and head of HS has nothing to do with violent Negro thugs in the street and the dysfunctional toxic culture that spawned them. But I do agree with you for suggesting they be declared domestic terrorists and be treated as such. But ACLU, NAACP and rank and file Negroes would hysterically rebel and claim racism. Simple fact. The former NFL running back, McNight, was shot and killed by a white man -not a black man. Had the man who killed McNight been black -YOU AND ANYONE ELSE READING THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HEARD ABOUT IT!! Just like you know nothing about the 700 (and counting!) black people murdered in Chicago. Negroes killing other Negroes is business as usual and...well...boring. No one cares -not even Negroes. But white person killing a Negro is a man bites dog story! That's just the way it is. "Black Lives Matter" (the ultimate farce and contradiction) ONLY WHEN THE VICTIM IS BLACK AND THE PERPETRATOR IS WHITE! END...OF...SUBJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Wow! Sad to see this very professional reporter die so premature. She was a trailblazer and ultimate professional. Gwen Ifill overcame adversity and hurdles as a woman and a black American to become a principled and respected first class journalist.She will be greatly missed.
  10. “I'm forced to ask better than what? Better than what they were before they went in, or better than what they would have been if they, say, went to college, gotten a decent job, or learned a trade.” Your question makes no sense Troy because you are comparing two different paths. Yes, for the most part, people who generally serve in the military are better after they leave the military than when were prior to entering the service for the most obvious reasons. Foremost is maturity. That is a given. Most people who enter the military will encounter responsibilities they never faced nor had before. It also affords them the opportunity to interact and develop relationships with people (whether professional or personal) that they would unlikely have because they will encounter various types of people and cultures from their travels, tours and deployments. I lived in the Philippines, Japan and Scotland. The people and experiences were completely different. People in the military encounter people from all walks of life, socioeconomic backgrounds, different races and ethnicities and professional levels. Such valuable and eye-opening experiences can never be overstated nor underestimated! Depending on their scores, they can receive invaluable technical training, experience and security clearances that they could never get in the civilian world. Such experience and job codes can put you at the head of the line for employment. Trust me on this –I’VE BEEN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE FENCE! I KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT! If you care to debate this –bring it on! I can be very specific and definitive with my argument! It also gives many young people their first experience of getting up on time and being at work. Most learn discipline. Something many never exercised in their life. For many young people, being in the military gives them the opportunity to have their first bank account, first checking account, first credit card, first technical education, first time to pay rent (and for some, their first home) or finance a car and their first experience in a foreign country. I can go on and on but I’m hoping you get the gist. Now, when you say better than going to college, getting a decent job or learning a trade –THEY CAN GET ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED IN THE MILITARY!!!! PEOPLE DO IT ALL THE TIME! I PERSONALLY KNOW OF COUNTLESS FORMER MILITARY PEOPLE WHO DID EVERY SINGLE THING IN YOUR STATEMENT (COLLEGE, DECENT JOB AND A TRADE) So, to be honest bro Troy, I have no idea what you were attempting to suggest or say.
  11. “See while you and others enjoyed the "epic battles," between Cynique and Kola, too many others participants strongly disliked Kola and were put off . Thumper hated her. In fact, I think Thumper held it against me for allowing Kola to even participate. I also know others who stopped participating because of Kola. To this day, I can not serve Google ads on the Thumpersconer.com domain because of posts Kola made. Today neither Kola or Thumper posts here, but they both post on Facebook.” Thank you very much bro Troy for your thorough explanation. I was not aware of the issues you were battling with spammers nor the deleterious impact Kola was having on the board. I knew she was a lightning rod but she also had loyal disciples regurgitating and supporting anything she said. I could respect her fierce race pride and defense of black women but often times it was drowned in the bath tub by her ugly race baiting, vicious profane outbursts, continually posting silly pictures of herself, name calling and rabid racist attacks on anyone with a skin complexion lighter than hers. It was so sad and very revealing of a tormented psyche. Thank you for archiving the old board. It’s fun (and ridiculous –I know!) to look back on what was happening in those days. There were many people consistently writing and popping in intermittingly, giving the board a robust plethora of socially aberrant subject matter and pyrotechnics. Looking back in the archives brought back memories of so many posters. As I said previously, I came to the board late but I enjoyed every minute of it. I also wanted to thank you for your administrative hands off approach to heated controversy, vicious feuds and excessive fatuousness. I have always admired and respected your laissez faire approach. I do recall you doing it once (deleting posts and blocking the writer). I can’t recall her exact moniker (ebo girl or something like that) but she crossed the line with spamming the board with sexually graphic comments and images. She crossed the line and you had to deal with it. But I’ve always admired your restraint and tolerance for free speak whether you agreed with the writer or not. Your approach and advocacy for free unfettered speech is unique bro Troy. TRUST ME! I have joined a number of Negro forums over the years and I have been banned from all of them! Was I using profanity? No. Was I making outrageous vicious Kola Boof style personal attacks? No. Posting offensive material? No. Threatening anyone with violence? No. So, what was the reason for my dismissal? Well, the readers of the board hysterically disagreed with my politics. They did not like the things I was saying even though everything I said was true! I even stated numerous times for the naysayers to point out an error or fabrication in my writing. Their response was simply, “..it’s not that you’re lying, it’s just the way you say it!” WTF? Am I not free to express my opinions in a manner that I believe to be accurate? I stated many times that I disagreed with their missives but I felt they had the right to express their opinions in any manner they chose. Even if that expression was a personal attack against me. And predictably, that’s what they did. They never addressed any of the points in my writing. It was nothing but histrionics and personal attacks –never a definitive or compelling rebuttal. And because of my refusal to parrot victimization, racial entitlement and haranguing and demonization of non-blacks –I was dismissed. Anyway -you be the man Troy! Ha! Please continue your philosophy of freedom of expression and personal opinions even if they may run contrary to yours.
  12. “Are you telling me that when Dr King made his case for demanding from Washington what America owes us he was doing nothing more than entertaining an absurd fantasy?” Well, let me start out by saying this –Mr. King was a great man who did wonderful things in his life. He transformed America. But it must also be said that contrary to the chagrin and angst of his loyalists, he was not a man without flaws and shortcomings. But his overall contribution and significance to this nation cannot be understated. During his lifetime, he witnessed the denial of basic constitutional rights, brutal treatment, segregation and extreme violence inflicted upon black Americans. He dedicated his life to changing the aforementioned. With that said, I believe his reasoning for programs assisting black people was based on the horrid conditions black people were laboring under at that time. This was more than forty years ago. A generation ago! If you think for one second, the United States congress is going to authorize the funding of a designer Marshall Plan for Negroes only and no one else –you really need to seek medical help. Your brain is not functioning properly! With the deep partisan gridlock and an intransigent House controlling all originating committee bills introduced to congress for debate –please tell me how this is going to happen? Please tell me how many house members are going to commit instant political suicide by supporting such a recreant measure? And after that, tell me how the rest of the nation would react to such an exceptionally divisive attempt? I would love to hear your explanations! And I didn’t even address the absurdity and fallacy of reparations! OMG!
  13. "How odd. You've never heard of the rape and depopulation of Africa.... where Timbuktu is located. Try googling the Atlantic Slave Trade. Btw, who said the people in Mali were "the most technically backward and dependent people IN THE WORLD?" Just curious...." Well, tell ya what...why don't you give me the name of one black African country in 2016, that leads the world in technological, medical and scientific development. Give me the name of one black African nation that is a global leader in engineering, economics, agriculture and education. How many black African nations are totally and completely free of technological assistance, infrastructure development and economic assistance from China, Europe or the US? And when you finish that list, give me another list of "non-Negro nations" and governments that are dependent on "black African countries" for technological advisors and developers. I'll wait.....
  14. "Today I can barely understand WHAT the hell most of those younger cats from Mississippi and Georgia are saying they are mumbling and dragging and half pronouncing so much of thier vocabulary. White kids born and raised in the same district don't even sound like them. Some of these young negroes sound like slaves who just stepped off a plantation." Interesting you should say this. A friend and I were having a discussion about this very subject two days ago. I have noticed that Negroes from the South are the worst offenders of staggering poor English. Yes, I understand how a history and legacy of slavery, segregation and Jim Crow was the perfect formula for this tragedy. I got that. But at some point, you would have to know that your ability to articulate and enunciate words properly is compromised. It's not as if these people are isolated to the point where they only hear themselves and have nothing to compare their usage to (the rest of the world). I have seen these Negroes on television say things that left me paralyzed with disbelief. In fact, at one point, it was so bad -I had written a number of instances down (don't have them front of me at this moment). Unfortunately, in America, there is a linguistical divide based on race. There is so-called black English and then there is rest of the American populace. Yes, there are various southern, midwestern and east coast accents. But there is a very definitive and highly recognizable verbalization difference between most Negroes and the rest of the populace. And for the record -there is no such thing as speaking white! This is nonsense. It is Negroes and their different levels of Ebonics and standard North American English that is spoken by the rest of the nation. Yes, I know such talk offends many Negroes but it does not change the naked and harsh reality of the American Negro dialect and the rest of the English-speaking population.... "Again, other than thinking you sound dope, where is your proof for the above? Except for 'abandoning' the slums and ghettoes to move into middleclass (white) neighborhoods, you're blowing smoke. BIG time!" THANK YOU! The commentary you are referring to is so convoluted and ridiculous I had to read it twice! There was not one shred of fact or evidence that was even remotely connected to reality!
  15. Nice try but the analogy will not work. It's like comparing apples and refrigerators. There is no logical nor intelligent argument for reparations -only an emotional one rooted in bombast, politics for racial grievance and fantasy. I understand this is an affront to your race pride and a sincere belief of the absurd. I got that. But trust me my friend -it's simply not going to happen!
  16. OMG! Tell me it ain't so Cynique! It would not be the same without you. Seriously. I remember those days when I first came to the forum. I came kinda late but it was so much fun back then. There was a very dynamic nature with the original board. I recall the epic battles you had with Kola. Oh yeah! And there were so many colorful characters, alliances, rivals and pyrotechnic debates and challenges. Damn! What happened to those days? When bro Troy converted the forum format -it was like someone pulled the plug! Done deal! Many of our dynamic and ridiculous comrades never embraced or adapted to the transition. I used to go back and review the archives Troy had established for nostalgia and recreation. TROY -WHY DID YOU ERASE IT?? Dang! It's all lost forever. And now one of the most prolific contributors and consistent writers is bailing out??? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. "In the fifteenth century in Timbuktu the mathematicians knew about the rotation of the planets, knew about the details of the eclipse, they knew things which we had to wait for 150 almost 200 years to know in Europe when Galileo and Copernicus came up with these same calculations and were given a very hard time for it." Oh really? Hmmmm....That's interesting. If they were so scientifically advanced and superior -then how did they the descend into the most technically backward and dependent people in the world? If it took the Europeans hundreds of years to catch up to their advanced civilization -why are they so technically under-developed and destitute now? How did that happen? Just curious......
  18. "I always like asking older Black people were Black people as criminal-minded and immoral as they are today. I've read about the 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s and the struggles Black people went through dealing with the raw racism of that time, but I've read few books that actually go in depth about how Black people.. ....and I've noticed this in just one generation. So it makes me wonder how much things have changed over SEVERAL generations". Your observations and commentary are on point and very correct. Not much more can be said that you have not already stated. It is a sad observation and an equally depressing reality. It has been a staggering cultural and moral decline over the past 35 years. The malignancy of the buffoon coon culture has taken deep roots in black America and there doesn't appear to be any major changes in the near future....
  19. A summit with Troy and Cynique? Nice...!!!
  20. "No one will ever receive a check, or any other form of compensation, from the U.S. Government for compensation for the enslavement of our ancestors. White people don't even want to pay for educating, housing, or providing medical care for each other. Anyone who thinks white folks will pay Black folks for something that ended a century and a half ago is out of their mind" Your point is accurate and realistic. I've never understood this silly pipe dream that will never happen. To debate or argue the subject is intellectually embarrassing and pointless. E'nuff said.....
  21. Bro Troy stated: “But I will not blame the victims for the root cause of the problem, which stems from an economic system entrenched with white racism.” Really? And that’s the problem. Instead of holding people accountable for their personal poor decisions making and the consequences of those poor decisions –you will give them a free pass and blame their reckless self-destructive behavior on history and past grievances. Trust me –I am more than aware of the historical injustices and race based violence that black people in America labored under. But the uber dysfunction and hyper-violence that is pandemic with Negroes today has nothing to do with slavery, segregation or racism. Such an assertion (“white racism and an economic system entrenched with white racism”) contradicts both history and facts. You are putting the cart before the horse bro Troy. I want to say this first –yes there is racism against black people (the current POTUS is a perfect example) and yes there is such a thing as racial profiling, discrimination in housing, employment and in the justice system. This particular condition is not in dispute. It is not the “existence” but the degree to which it exists and the definitive impact it has Negroes. This is where you and I disagree. If an “economic system entrenched with white racism” is the direct cause of all the violence, illegitimacy, coonery and buffoonery that is common in black America today, you have to explain why widespread (legal) racial violence, total segregation, minimal access to American political and economic institutions, Jim Crow laws, fettered education, illiteracy, exclusion of blacks from state and federal jobs, quotas and restrictions of job classifications in the military (e.g. cooks and manual laborers only) and virtually no judicial redress, let’s say 100 years ago –did not reduce black people to what you see today. You have to explain why the Moynihan Report in 1965 (more than 50 years ago!) attempted to sound the warning siren about a projected black illegitimacy rate of 25%. Yet today, the black illegitimacy rate it is estimated to be over 70%! Let’s go back further. Did you know data from U.S. Census reports reveals that between 1880 and 1960, married households consisting of two-parent homes were the most widespread form (vice single female today) of black American family structures? For example, a study of 1880 family structures in Philadelphia showed that three-fourths of black families were nuclear families, composed of two parents and children. In your beloved New York City, in 1925, 85% of kin-related black households had two parents! How is this possible when virulent racism, job and housing discrimination and extreme race violence (the norm) was exponentially worse than what it is today? You suggested the abysmal state of American Negroes in 2016 is the result of poverty. Well, you have to explain why black communities of more than 50 years did not endure the level of violence and senseless homicides that is so common today. The overall poverty level of black Americans has greatly declined when you compare it to what it was 100 years ago. In fact, 50 years ago, in 1966, 41.8 percent of black Americans were in poverty. By 2012, the poverty among black Americans had fallen to 27.2% (yes -still more than double the rate among whites!). My point is this -the current state and total collapse of the black two-parent home would have been inconceivable to black people 100 years ago! The rate of poverty among black Americans 100 years ago was staggering when compared today. The ongoing siege of black communities by street gangs, thugs and the mindless violence today -would floor black Americans of 100 years ago. But according to you, the current pathology of black America is the direct result of poverty and racism when 100 years ago the poverty and racism black people endured was ten fold worse! Yet black people did not suffer the crushing exigent dysfunction and intra-group violence as Negroes in 2016. WHY? I will wait for your response……
  22. "Look at what happened to Sandra Bland..." Sarah Bland was not shot nor killed by the police. Her demise occurred while held in custody in the Waller County jail. The sheriffs dept runs the country jails -not the police.
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