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Everything posted by Delano

  1. If there are more arguments we can call it antisocial medium. AM
  2. This implies restrictive is better. Let's copy the southern way, the South has risen in the mind of Troy. Then why would you be swayed by social media in the last two years. So you didn't learn anything from 1989 - 2015. And you got perspective from Cynique. Yet you are claiming expertise. Looking forward to your responses. @Troy @Mel Hopkins @Cynique @NubianFellow @Pioneer1
  3. Yes but there are really good sales on Martin Luther King's holiday, plus the song brought together Black people.
  4. Excuse me professor can you educamate me... What does "dude" mean? Professor what causes this weakness in others. Did you root it out of your psyche or did it not exist there.
  5. African Race then means every human, huwomen, those who don't indetify a gender, and any other category. Unless Africa wasn't the birth place of people
  6. Could you proof my writing and the ideas.
  7. Pioneer there are different levels of ownership.
  8. Dad Daddy Pop Pops Daddy Poppie Pa are all synonymous with father. There's an implied affection because of informality. If the young child is calling his parent father this implies formality and perhaps a lack of warmth or emotion. Big Daddy, Sugar Daddy, Big Poppa, Daddy O, Dads Da. The following were movie which ones do you think were mire formal . Poppie Da Big Daddy The Good Father Like a Lady of the Night.
  9. There's no place for name calling. My apologies.
  10. Interested in hearing who is Black or what does it mean to say someone isn't Black.
  11. Listening to someone doesn't mean they felt that you heard them.
  12. Your sentence doesn't make any sense. No clearly you have issues with my positions and style. The only thing i can say is listen. And find people who can hear you.
  13. Troy maybe you need some strong Black Men to give you some perspective.
  14. Using that logic so was Slavery Industrial Complex or SIC. Since African Americans are descendants of people who were enslaved and slavers Culture outlives it's progenitors.
  15. Troy are you kidding. You said the article was bs and not true. That is vastly different than saying you disagree. You refused to acknowledge that Black Women feel unprotected by Black Men. I suggested asking women and everyone else what they thought. To listen and understand a position that differs from your own. You seem to conflate issues. I heard a critique from Mel and Cynique about a global dynamic yiu heard a personal criticism. You ask if i spend time with groups of Black. Whuch implies I am not qualified to ask a question or have an opinion. The irony is that yiu refuse to accept other opinion's based on a really small sample of the wrong group. Agaib ir sounds like you are in a bubble and have an inability to accept divergent opinions. Then you say you agree with the article. In your job you talk to a lot of Black Women try listening. If you want the answer about the circles i ran and run with message me.
  16. Was I equating girls with women I didn't understand thus Mel until I talked with my partner. Would it be an insult if I called them children. No offense meant to women. @Mel Hopkins did you feel I was speaking for you. I hadn't thought so but Troy seems ti think so. Si i figured i would ask you.
  17. Hey fellows if your women says that you did something that hurt her what's the appropriate response. No i didn't, you need stop listening to your girlfriends and that feminist bullshit. I take good care of you. No you listen to understand the problem. Do you think its manly to not man up and say i see your point. Sometimes its not about the answers but listening to the question. Troy I love the work that you do and how you want to make the world better. I know that you are not the type of man to disrespect women. But you can be condescending and dismissive. Mel said you took away her agency. That shouldn't be a discussion about you saying you didnt. Without understanding why she said what she said. Nubian a dialogue implies an exchange of ideas. What ideas did you reveive from Mel. Agreement and acknowledgement are different. Women are saying Black don't have their back. This strikes me as a an individual and collective statement. Before you say Black Men protect women ask the women you know and ask them why they answered the way they did. Not liking the answers doesn't invalidate the response. But not listening is an invalidation.
  18. That may be the honest and depressing exchange I have witness. Between Black Men and Women.
  19. Nubian the reverse is interesting. If Black Men believe they are defending Black Women but are not. How do yiu change that?
  20. I made a statement, so can you inform me what question you thought i asked. The second half sound like you're speaking for women. Yes Troy you are so right. (sarcasm)
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