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Everything posted by Delano

  1. I am very impressed Pioneer. I thought Pioneer had you with the ancestral thing but you smashed that with the US no less. I don't lnow about ancestral worship in Europe but hey did have it in Rome.I believe it was Vesta for the Romans and Hestia for the Greeks.
  2. @Kalexander2 What school conferred your degrees?
  3. @Troy I was temping there in the Autumn of 1986. That Christmas the company gave a 30% of base pay bonus to their 10,000+ employees on top of that there were merit bonuses. That year Michael Milliken was paid $500 million in bonus. I was there for the market crash. When I left they were being investigated. I saw Milliken twice he seemed really intense. I also saw Reggie Lewis and said hello.
  4. There are other astronomical structures In many parts of the world. Perhaps it was with the assistance of aliens. In which case they favored the Egyptian over all nations. It's the only of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.
  5. Certain things blow my mind. "Light is stronger than gravity. "
  6. You are either overestimating your intelligence/knowledge or underestimating mine. Neither of which is an induction for dialogue. Wally Famous Amos Berry Gordy are neither White nor Jewish .
  7. Levitation would either invalidate the laws of physics require new laws to be written or exist in a category with special rules. I believe in keeping an open mind. However that doesn't mean that I want to spend my resources pursuing some ideas.
  8. @Kalexander2 @Troy @Cynique I just saw this. And now I understand why Cynique said I had been to University. So no I have nothing to say about statistics and probably very little about anything else Kalexander2
  9. What jobs will remain after technology is steadily making various jobs obsolete.
  10. Why wouldn't I know SPSS in your mindetails.
  11. It has no relationship to will Donald Trump be the next president. @Kalexander2 Can you move this to its own thread @Troy
  12. @Kalexander open a separate thread. You are way off topic. @Troy
  13. What lead you to believe this?
  14. The oaths as religious I have to think about that one. In court you put your hand on the bible. Western thinking and mathematics predates Christianity. American Blacks are more American than African.
  15. I answered this question before you asked it. In the other thread. So why are you asking me again.
  16. I am not prepared to knock anyone's belief.
  17. Thanks for explaining Troy to me. You apparently know him better than I.
  18. https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/news/mueller-subpoenas-trump-organization-bringing-investigation-closer-to-the-president/vi-BBKh6iT
  19. It's make believe that's making people believe. Does the intangible nature of music make it unimportant. BP is not important to the previous posters . That doesn't invalidate or even undermine it's importance to others. Intangibles are the source of much inspiration. The Wakandan muse is silent for those who have no need for it to speak to them. WF or WTF BP wasn't a member of the Fantastic Four he fought them. Also Lowndes County is in Alabama.
  20. Did the Black Panther inspire the BPP I don't know. But it did predate the BPP. They are two separate issues.
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