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Everything posted by Delano

  1. @Troy I am not certain but the adrenaline boost my cancel out the wind drag. Biles created her own move. She's getting some serious air.
  2. What about Simon Biles https://youtu.be/CmRHT4LdyMk
  3. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-organization-investigation-0748eb0e34dfd944a680205b90617661 Let's see what next week brings.
  4. It is easier to tell some people we are going to outer space than feeding hungry people.
  5. One half of the famous Watson and Crick, Francis Crick reportedly discovered the double-helix structure of DNA in 1953 while under the influence of LSD. https://www.businessinsider.com.au/scientists-and-geniuses-who-used-drugs-2013-8?r=US&IR=T#francis-crick-lsd-1 The Art of Scientific Investigation (public library; public domain) by Cambridge University animal pathology professor W. I. B. Beveridge — a brilliant treatise on creativity in science and, by extension, in all endeavors of the mind. Beveridge constructs what’s essentially a florilegium of quotes by famous scientists and case studies of watershed discoveries to synthesize insights on what makes successful science — and successful creative thinking in general, exploring subjects like serendipity, intuition, and imagination to reveal the habits of mind that produce good ideas. https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/06/01/the-art-of-scientific-investigation-beveridge-2/ It is said that Bohr, when he was offered a Danish knighthood, constructed his own coat of arms and put in it the well-known Taoist Yin-Yang symbol (yin dark, yang light). He also added in Latin ‘opposites are complementary’. https://www.royalsociety.org.nz/research/yin-and-yang-bohrs-complementarity-and-inclusive-knowledge/ It turns out that revolutionary ideas come from interesting sources: drugs, dreams, eastern philosopy. Genius and innovation result from the ability to see the every day world from a different perspective.
  6. I feel there ae already aliens among us, some are helpful some are not. However all are hidden.
  7. @Cynique was there a noticeable change between May 28 and June 11, 2021. Also between March 24 - April 7, 2021.
  8. Very interesting. Does the tingling go up the center of your spine? With the Xray vision are the objects various colours and the colors not confined by borders? Do you find that your intuition or your psychic ability to see hear and smell heightened after strong feelings(I don't this is a factor). Also do you find that you mostly have visions between Thurs - Sat, but not Sunday through Tuesday. I am not certain what happens Wednesday. Also do you have a nap between 2:13pm and 3:22pm. Will check the sky. If it has been raining and/or cloudy, you won't see any stars at night. Also can you note the time that you wake up at night after these visions, can you let me know the time down to the second and which day. I have recently been dreaming about dead relatives and frequently feel as though someone is walking behind me. No they don't sound weird to. Lately I have been experimenting with time and I have found that time has a quality. What i have found is that I can feel differences in time . So I am interested in the exact times that you have these experiences since there may be a pattern or I may be able to shed some light on them @Cynique I said it earlier you have a really strong masculine and feminine side. On the Masculine is your imagination. On the Feminie side is your thinking an intuition. So I feel that even though you have a strong logical side your intuition shapes your thinking. I think you have a really strong sense of self which is protective of your emotional nature. When the feminine side trust someone you have an emotional link that may feel telepathic. You can feel them, they can feel you and there's safety and trust. It may not be a function of time shared but affinity. Thank you again, Del
  9. However I don't consider my self as normal. Would love to hear more about your otherworldly experiences. Do they happen at certain times or particular situations @Cynique
  10. How is this related to magick?
  11. Nothing seems weird to me @Cynique
  12. Ironically Cynique said I shouldn't leave the discussion.
  13. A Grand Jury sounds serious to me. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/06/donald-trump-jeff-mcconney-grand-jury
  14. https://abcnews.go.com/US/manhattan-da-brought-trump-organization-controller-testify-special/story?id=78088595
  15. Do you think Donald Trump will do jail time?
  16. I heard that some of your future lives are in the past. Which is fascinating to me.
  17. I had one client who said she could see I was a psychic. Another person said they could see the "information" entering my head. I think with some psychic there's no or little control. I had a card reader she was amazing for the first two readings. And then later on it felt like she was on in the beginning and then the rest was filler. @Mel Hopkins how would an intuitive be different than a psychic?
  18. Or open the link in an incognito window
  19. @Mel Hopkins thoroughly enjoyed the Issae Rae piece that you wrote.
  20. I have met a few that were mind blowing. And a couple that were not very good.
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