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Everything posted by Delano

  1. The bet was Trump would be out by Mid January. But I'll check if I said out or in the way out. Clearly you haven't been reading the news. All of Australia is not on fire. I know people who have been directly effected. Although it's has been smokey and I have seen some falling ash. The fires are about 55miles or 88 km away. It's really hard to get news. A lot of people hey their news from Facebook, bit don't bother to fact check. Although there may be a growing trend to do so. I trust the Guardian , the Onion and Dave Chappelle.
  2. I have pretty good recall for certain conversations.
  3. This is from two years ago @Troy. Can you guess who the sole like us for this statement?
  4. Yes he is the reason I studied Numerology. We have been friends since about 1987.
  5. Will listen to the clip. I have made post that reached 500 people without advertising, by sharing it to various groups. So don't pay them.
  6. Yes he did my numbers in his head, and read me and my friend the first time he met us. So he is my spiritual Godfather.
  7. 2020: Everyone will have perfect vision. No glasses or contact lenses are needed. It’s 2020, a universal year for order: laying a solid foundation to build and grow. Collectivity and balance, oneness in thought and action. The heart should be balanced on the scales of justice to let go, grow and flow. Let go of those memories that attach to the past stagnation that prevents change for the better. Forgive and be forgiven. Love and be loved. Let the artist out. Get into your rhythm, your music. Harmonize, build, grow and unite. Love is in demand, Be complete. All the bestAubrey Doris 20 are even, and 19 is odd. Even numbers are considered feminine and receptive.
  8. The end of a decade or a century has a different vibration. Personally the 90's were very different than the 00's.
  9. I would say that the item you lost, you have been showing to other people. I would also say that you have two hiding places for it. You find it by either uncovering it or while looking for something else.
  10. @Pioneer1 when did you stop working? Also was the prediction right or was it wrong?
  11. At the same time there has been vocal criticism of racist and fascist behaviour.
  12. Yes but there is a growing tide of racism. One a couple of occasions i have seen African and Afro-American boys acting the fool.
  13. https://edition-m.cnn.com/2019/11/13/politics/trump-erdogan-republican-senators/index.html Out by Mid January 2020. It's looking more like a reality. The public and the Republicans are changing their stance as well.
  14. https://edition-m.cnn.com/2019/09/27/politics/donald-trump-impeachment-democrats-nancy-pelosi/index.html
  15. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2019/sep/27/donald-trump-ukraine-live-news-latest-us-politics
  16. I may have been off by one year. Mid January 2020. Instead of December 2018.
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