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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. @Pioneer1 A loser like you would know this; what woman wouldn't want to change you into something other than what you are. Um, - a loser.
  2. @Pioneer1Oh, puleeze. With 5 kids, 8 grandkids, 8 great-grandkids, hundreds of FaceBook friends, and the luxurious option of solitude, I'm a winner- looking forward to celebrating my 89th birthday in August. Not to mention that I consider all the regulars on this board my pals - with one dank exception. . Now, go back to doing what keeps your world from collapsing; believing that you are infallible.
  3. @GregSMH You are so dense and dumb - the total captive of your one-track mind. The "superior race" headline is a play-on-words pun referring to a sporting event (race) which because the members of one team ran faster than its opponents, their team proved to be the best (superior) one by coming in first. Your stupidity apparently extends to your eyesight, making you unable to see that 2 of the runners on the team that won the race were "white". Once again your lack of critical thinkin skills makes you mentally inferior and just plain stupid.
  4. Predictably, pioneer has to add his worthless 2 cents to what has already been said because not doing so would cause his festering gut to bust. He can never pass up a chance to prove what an unoriginal thinker he is. "Dank" is his favorite new word in his ludicrous attempts to be "creative". Get a life, Loser.
  5. @KENNETH Why don't you post more often? I appreciate how succinct you are, something which makes your input even more anticipated. I also like that you solicit rather than impose opinions and, like Del, don't feel the need to be a stifling omnipresence. Oh, well. See ya when I see ya.
  6. @ChevdoveHi. Did you watch the World Track and Field Finals on NBC tonight? Weren't the relays thrilling! Our girls really did their thing, taking first place. The first person I thought about was you, wondering if you were checking this out.
  7. In your dreams. You, like Greg, have become a predictable bore. Same ol, same ol.
  8. The few cases I have observed when it comes to couples with opposing views have resulted in politics becoming an off limits subject between them, something they simply stopped discussing to keep the peace. I quit being friends with a women I'd known for years because she became a Trump supporter, a conspiracy theorist fanatic and a big fan of Fox news, and i couldn't stand being around her. I do, however, try to be tolerant of open-minded people. At this stage in my life. I'm set in my ways. I'm not somebody attracted to opposites because it has also been my observation that an individual's personality influences his politics and the personalities of people whose poltical views are not aligned with mine, make them the type who turn me off. Different strokes for different folks.
  9. The Greg project is played out. It has become predictable and boring. You know it's a bust when somebody as argumentative as I am has lost interest in sparring with him. i'll leave Greg to those who still get a kick out of squelching him.
  10. @Pioneer1Gee, this is too easy. And we look forward to the day when you favor us with something other than the far-fetched rationales you come up with in your pitiful attempts to avoid admitting you are wrong. They are the real jokes when it comes to comic relief. And what it is, is a" Liberal Agenda", dummy. Spare us the subterfuge you routinely resort to when trying extricate yourself from the ridiculous ambiguity of your "rebuttals". Nobody said "liberal" was just associated with sexuality, except you in your futile attempt to appear smart instead of dumb. Liberal in this case refers to the "political left". That's the whole point of my disputing your claiming the LBGT "tribe" was a sub category of the Caucasian "race". It takes Troy to set you straight on the subject of race. He does have an advantage, however, because he relies on scientific facts. "Arabic" of course is overlooked in your "general" assessment, of what you think you know. Well, I know. Chances of you saving anything but your inflated ego are nil. You're a lost cause, suspended in the limbo of pioneerism. Poor ol guy.
  11. @Pioneer1 It should come as no surprise that anybody who thinks birds spread seeds, would also figuratively mix apples and oranges when trying to argue a point - while going off on a tangent. Even if Caucasoid was a race, which is debatable, a "Liberal Agenda" which is what the LGBT community is, would not be a sub category of it. And even if Caucasoid was a race. which is debatable, the descendants of the Semitic tribes would not be in the same classification with it. But, of course you know more than the scientists who determine such things. And because you have a hot line to Yahweh you know allllll about the "Jews". When can we expect you to step up and save the world????? Or don't you know? @ProfD You favor us with your voice of reason
  12. @Pioneer1I see you edited your response to me, apparently trying harder to transform your blather into substance, drawing as usual from the "knowledge" you've acquired as an expert on nothing but what you decide is true, trying but failing to tidy up your sloppy explanations. After labeling my input as a straw man argument and referring to the origin of 2 facts as a "dark dank closet", you then get even sillier, going into great detail to defend what you claim you didn't say. And your excruciating attempt to legitimize your calling the LGBT community a "sub category" of the "white caucasian race" was a classic example of the BS you pull out of your "dark dank" ass. harry brown is so much more authentic than you.
  13. Judaism is a religion, not a race. And the LGBT community, which is made up of all ethnicities (and genders) is not a sub-division of the Caucasian "race".
  14. I think "Greg" is a troll tag team made up of a 1 white racist and 1 black fool. These 2 alternate with their scripted comments which sometimes overlap, and one is a little dumber than the other.
  15. @DelanoDon't forget Toni Morrison who won a Nobel prize for literature. Also Ralph Bunch who won A Nobel prize for peace. Duke Ellington was also considered a genius in the field of jazz as were Charlie Parker, Errol Garner, Herbie Hancock, among many others too numerous to mention. Jazz is a bona fide American music genre. Greg is a not a well-informed, well rounded person. He's a bore.
  16. Greg, whether he is black or white, invalidates himself because he is not an ideal alterative to what he condemns. He doesn't want blacks to embrace what is positive and unique about who they are, he simply wants to give them a make-over as white. He really believes that "white is right" and that being it absolves a multitude of sins. He is undoubtedly in denial about the caliber of the white cretins involved in the January 6th attack on the Capitol. He's too biased to be respected, and is only good for making himself the butt of jokes.
  17. @GregYour ol dumb-ass kids must've taken after their ignorant Daddy {who still doesn't know that a pluralized noun doesn't call for an apostrophe.) Becky's genes undoubtedly helped to render her offspring so stupid they don't recognize Sheniquas when they see 'em. Probably because they're bullies, themselves.
  18. @GregToo bad the cops called to the scene at the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting displayed no impulse to do their sworn duty to "serve and protect". Thanks to their cowardly restraint, 2 teachers and 19 students lost their lives. Just another example of how your tunnel vision has programmed your gullible mind to only see what you've been instructed to look for. You really suck.
  19. @Greg And black people call planation negroes like you, "foot-shufflin' mouth pieces for "Mr. Charlie". "Yassuh, Boss, I runs down my folks so y'all don't look so evil. And my Miz Becky, she let me in da front door when I acts proper. I jes wish our chillun didn't have nappy hair."
  20. @GregYes, you'd prefer the blare of heavy metal bands made up of drug heads whose white skin thrills you to no end.
  21. Behind closed doors we blacks refer to white air-head soccer moms as Beckys, the type you probably married because that's the best you could do.
  22. You're not an authority of black women. (none of them would want to be bothered with a dork like you.) Stick with the Becky you probably married, anxious to have some half-white kids.
  23. False metaphor. Birds don't spread seeds. They eat and enjoy them. The wind spreads the seeds in the natural scheme of things.
  24. @DelanoAs usual, pioneer has polluted what you made clear. That's a lie.
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