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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. @GregBlack thugs are kinda like white grade school girls who post naked pictures of themselves on social media because they have no impulse control. Thank goodness mummy and daddy can afford abortions between supporting their opioid addictions.
  2. @Greg What is that non sequitur supposed to mean?? Your "facts" are cherry picked.
  3. @Greg You don't think. You just string words together. @Delano good one, Del.
  4. @GregThere should be no apostrophes in the pluralization of the word "area", because how it is used is neither possessive nor a contraction. Also, other shallow right-wingers who, like you, lack insight are the only people to whom the bill you cited sounds "logical". What's "logical", despite the fact that it's a situation that remains unaccomplished by inefficient law enforcement, and prevented by the NRA lobby, is getting guns off the street and regulating their ownership. FIREARMS ARE THE CULPRIT! And trolls like you continue to be more the problem than the solution with your out-of-touch pontificating about the "black community". Blinded by your love for all things white, and crippled by your revulsion for anything black, your mentality is an idiotic entanglement of hypothetical fantasies; also known as silly dreams. Time-tested principles such as "the same fire that melts wax, makes steel hard", when put in the context of the ghetto, never occur to dolts like you. The inner-city environment does not turn all black children into block head hoodlums. There's the other side of the proverbial coin, and it reveals how countless numbers of these kids who grow up in the same circumstances as the thugs don't become dense killers, - thanks to their resilient, innate good character and malleable strength. Moreover, their authentic success stories would put to shame you smug, limp dick conservatives, bragging about what you think you did on your own. The controversial idea that comprehensive training programs could be introduced into America's ghettos, entrapping black kids in regimented institutions while programing their minds to be meek instead of aggressive, along with reforming their wayward mamas, is not an idea apt to catch on - unless, in the very unlikely case, there is a similar invasion of the suburbs where maladjusted white kids would have school curricula designed to modify and control their craziness - and ground their "helicopter parents". Bwahahaha. Thanks again, Greg, for providing me with a good laugh!
  5. @GregFor somebody who is always yakking about using proper English, you could benefit from doing so yourself. Your sentence that says: "All of our issues in our Black community is self inflicted and has nothing to do with hardworking Asians, Whites, of Hispanics "etc. should say: "All of our issues in our black community are self inflicted and have nothing to with Asians, whites, or Hispanics etc... Sheeze! In fact, you are a light weight in other areas when it comes to assessing what you mis-label as the "black community". You are incapable of looking at the big picture, or peering past your nose. No deep thinker, you lack the capacity to comprehend that the pendulum of humanity's clock has been wound up and is now on the swing from back to forth. Other ethnicities inspiring your dismay at being victimized by black thugs are collateral damage representing what happens when payback rears its ugly head and justice disappears. Like now. What's being demonstrated as the black aberrations descended from slaves avenge what normal whites did to those slaves long ago. The outcome? Shit happens. If you weren't so busy carping about proper English and unwed pregnancies, and lack of ambition you'd have time to develop some intellectual muscle instead of being stuck on stupid. You could benefit from a little profound cogitation, maybe become enlightened about how CIVILIZATION unfolds, doing what it does, rising and falling, progressing and stumbling, moving on, lurching ahead, time bringing change that reverts back to sameness. In the scheme of things what is now being perpetrated by black criminals is out of control and cannot be fixed. It will have to sort itself out with what will undoubtedly be tragic results. Self Genocide. Martial Law. Race War. That's life. Or will the ghetto culture and mindset that so offends you change over night or even at all. A collective consciousness is deeply entrenched and preserved by an environment that society perpetuates because it needs scapegoats and others to blame for why things are the way they are. You cannot conceive of the idea that your world vision blurs in the face of reality and you are wasting your time and that of those who you harass with your demands. So, as far as the "Greg Project" goes, all of your bitching and lecturing is just drivel. You serve no purpose except to the white puppet masters who pull your strings. Attempting to be the paternalistic arbitrator of what the black community needs to do to be worthy of white approval is an exercise in futility because you are neither a super hero nor a role model. - just a naggin wanna-be. Stefan thinks it's not a good idea to engage with trolls, but you provide me with a way to amuse myself. Ha-Ha.
  6. @Pioneer1Enter the straw man argument. Offering a reason for your not being a supporter of Fred Hampton's politics was in response to what? Who said i was aligned with his beliefs?
  7. You know, of course, that Fred Hampton, Chairman of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party was from my home town. Not really a contemporary of his, I, nevertheless, watched him transform from an idealistic NAACP youth council leader into a radicalized black militant. As an onlooker I knew i was witnessing history in the making. A few years later, i stood in the long line to view his body and - to wonder what the future held. And here we are... A bust of Hampton is on display outside of the local swimming pool named in his honor. He promised the young black kids who had no place to swim that he would one day change that. And he did.
  8. The day we "pro-choice" women have secretly been dreading has infortunately arrived with the reversal of Roe vs Wade by the U.S. Extreme Court. With Hillary Clinton's defeat in 2016, I knew then there was a possibility of this ruling be rescinded because the political right was crawling with fetus-worshipping hypocrites frantic to make motherhood a punishment rather than a privilege, - via reinstating a ban on legal abortions. This was why I had been urging Hillary haters to get on board with the Moderates in order to maintain the supreme court liberal majority through appointments made possible by the election of a Democratic president. That majority was what would protect Roe vs Wade for years to come... Wishful thinking. The Supreme Court Justice who wrote the decision that reversed Roe vs. Wade asserted, in part, that the Constitution doesn't protect a woman's right to abortion because no such right exists. That's on a par with saying that slaves had no right to be free because they belonged to their slave masters. On the other hand, privately and publicly bearing arms, whose only purpose is to kill or injure, was a right the Foundling Fathers endowed themselves with while playing fast and loose with the word "inalienable". Now, over 2 centuries later, citizens are still under the thrall of a document that in this country rivals the Bible when it comes to being sacred. In reality, the revered Constitution is flawed and outdated, and those who wrote it were misogynistic, racist, potential murderers, and have been reincarnated in the form of right-wing Conservatives with their skewed interpretations of when a right exists and who is entitled to exercise it. Black folks, beware! Your right to have been emancipated might be challenged next. Lincoln could be ruled ineligible to undo what God let happen. And speaking of rights and legacies, let's focus on the "notorious RBG". This prim, shriveled-up little Jewish lady garnered much acclaim and admiration presumably because of her great legal mind. But Ruth Bader Ginsberg wasn't above thinking small when, in her late 70s, she was approached by an uppity black POTUS daring to suggest she retire so he could appoint a younger person to secure a liberal majority in the high court. Ruth obstinately rejected this idea, implying that this was a request she preferred to grant to Hillary Clinton. But - thanks to that other disastrous ruling known as the "electoral college", Hillary lost, RBG died, Trump appointed, and the rest is history. So, here we are. 2022. Liberals, in jeopardy of being inundated by a conservative tsunami that will wash away all the progress that honored personal choices and privacy, are now left with only one choice: Fall back and regroup. What? Me worry?
  9. @KENNETH Abortion has always been a luke warm issue in the black community because an unplanned pregnancy that results in bringing a baby into an unstable environment is something that dates back to slavery days, and is an experience imprinted on the black psyche, which instinctively adjusts to adverse situations. So having a baby is something many black females just take in their stride... Society doesn't seem to care about this. Nor is there any concern emanating from the conservative ranks of latter day slave masters masquerading as pro-lifers about the plight of such children. There is, however, a tendency among certain blacks to be lax in critical thinking when it comes to this issue. The situation isn't exclusively about abortion; it's about control. Those with the authority to make a woman have a baby, can also force her to not have a baby. The only person who has the right to exercise control over a woman's body is the woman, herself! Black people should be very leery about laws that intrude on an individual's personal choices. These insidious bans can be a gateway to enforcing other restrictions.
  10. The syntax and quality of your writing has lapsed. Are you the "Greg troll" replacement for the other one we sent skulking away. You're wasting your time. Nobody here cares what a trained seal like you blubbers about. yada, yada, yada.zzzzzzzzz
  11. @TroyWell, for somebody who described a shoe that fit me, when you chided us Republican Party haters for unjustly accusing this MAGA Mecca as being racist, I always raised an eyebrow over your intense hate for am*zon for it being a monopoly in a capitalistic country. So now you have reluctantly had a slight change of heart. OK. We are all entitled to like or hate whomever we choose.
  12. What's with the C spot thing? The clitoris isn't a "spot", it's an organ that reacts to titillation. The G spot is where you detonate the really BIG BANG . It's a reclusive area located elsewhere in the genital folds, just waiting for the master touch. Men have the nerve to make women the object of sexual ridicule. But the laugh's on them.
  13. @TroyExactly! Greg's idea of history is "hearsay" from racists. Money is the great equalizer. Given a choice between a fine, well-off black man and a fine well-off white man, me and most other black women would choose the black guy. That's really hitting the jackpot! the white guy would just be an "also ran" who got beat in the home stretch. @DelanoLOL You are "incredible"- in a good way. You get points in the Renaissance man designation for being so conversant in the classics.
  14. @Del @Mel Hopkins So fortunate to have my life enriched by crossing paths with you 2 delightful unicorns!
  15. This thread kinda befuddled me. I couldn't figure out just what Richard and Mel were debating in their wordsmith smack down All i know is that I was not entirely in sync with the vibe. Delano recently referred to be an Alpha intellect(?) . Not true. i don't consider myself an intellect. i can't quote Kafka or Kant, deconstruct Existentialism, relate Coltrane to Bartok, exalt great literary heroes or tragediennes, toss Latin phrases around, debate quantum physics, expound on the specifics of a zone defense. A verbal induced orgasm? Get outta here. Soon to be 89, the quintessential Renaissance Man has, alas, eluded me, denying me this thrill, undoubtedly because I didn't make the cut, myself. No, I'm not an intellect but I would answer to being an iconoclast or, better still, a polemicist. So my contrary input into the conversation would simply be that Kim Kardashian is a 4th generation Armenian on her father's side. This ethnic group balks at being called Arabs as they often are referred to, but they can't deny that among their population is a considerable sub species of gypsies... When it comes to the Kardashians, the old expression about how you can "take the the nigga out the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the nigga" kinda comes to mind... As for referring to black men as being "beautiful", that is so typical of Mel and her uniquely exuberant perspective on things. "Polemecist" that I am, an alternative adjective that comes to my mind when narrowing down the the vast spectrum of black men is "exotic", a term white women used to use when possessed by an attack of jungle fever. (I'm sure our favorite troll, Greg, would insist that the reason white women listen when black men talk is because they're afraid of them. He doesn't have the balls to imagine what an aphrodisiac danger can be. ) Whatever. Whenever a brotha commanded a second lip-lickin look from me i just called him "fione". So much for the ramblings of a krazy ol broad. I'm done.
  16. @DelAs you know, yesterday was the summer solstice, so I just took it all in. Here, it was a beautiful, blue-skied, warm, balmy day. I went for a slow leisurely walk, and that evening i went back out to stare at the sky. Awesome. Now we are headed for the darkness of the winter solstice. i don't know what lies ahead, but whatever will be will be...
  17. Black folks should boycott the 4th of July! An insignificant holiday in our history. Nah, we gotta fire up the grill and barbeque. Blast our stereos and play bid whist. Or spades. ( I can just picture ol Greg gagging at the thought. ) Hope he chokes.
  18. @DelanoA liberating endeavor! I'm on a similar path, very close to reaching the point where I don't give a damn about anything.
  19. None of the above statements are anything but misconceptions on your part. You have no facts nor figures to support your claims. Wonder what attracted your parents to each other? They have to be depressed over what a dud their marriage produced. A malcontented sociopath so consumed by his hate of the "black communityi" that he is doomed to a life of frustration over how little an impact he has on the world. Poor ol Greg.
  20. @GregThere you go pretending to "think" again as you come up with lame responses that totally miss the mark. There are no black TV shows with the titles you gave. They're just silly figments of your programmed imagination as you scrape the bottom of the barrel trying to come up with anti-black quips. You aren't even good at being a troll. You have become an object of ridicule who nobody any longer takes seriously. You also suck at being a black Nazi. The swasticka crowd currently attaching themselves to the Retrumpican party are probably snickering at your trite attempts at slamming jews.
  21. We should give a slight nod to those who have the courage of their convictions. Being open minded can also include wishy washy fence sitters who just shrug their shoulders when it comes to issues. Open mindedness is best practiced when it proceeds taking a position. i am not always open minded, but i am aware of the fact that emotions influence my biases. When it comes to liberals and conservatives, i admit that I usually side with Liberals because I like them. They're cooler and more personable and compassionate and humorous than conservative stiffs who are square and corny and sappy.
  22. @GregWell, Dingbat, it's been firmly established that "thinking" isn't your strong suit, so I consider the source when it comes to your opinion. Not surprising you are the personification of the old adage about things being "easier said than done". All of the "solutions" you come up with are just clap trap, difficult if not impossible to implement. I mentioned that I was not Afro-centric so why would i decide to move to Africa? I have no love for America, but i don't have to love it to tolerate it. I'm pragmatic, not some dreamer looking for a utopian paradise. Nor am I obligated to serve a purpose by staying here. You're staying here and are a totally failure at achieving any purpose.
  23. @Greg Oh, stfu. As if i owe you any explanations. I will however, give you what your deserve. I am an American by accident of birth, and couldn't care about being a better one because I don't do patriotism. You won't see me getting bleary eyed at the sight of that red white and blue polyester banner flapping in the breeze. What i care about this jive-assed country amounts to very little. And spare me a recitation of what you find when you consult your files for "retorts to hostile black sistas" because I am an equal opportunity cynic. Afro centrism doesn't make my heart beat like an Ibo drum. But the innate essence of my blackness is what dissipates the stench of sorry-assed, right-wing nerds like you. Now, go crawl back under your rock. @Troy My father from time to time mentioned his "coal black" grandmother who he said was a freed slave, but he didn't go into detail about this, possibly because, as i recall, she was very old and possibly senile. Also, as a child, my family would make periodic trips to Nashville,Tennessee, to visit my maternal grandfather who looked like a white man. He was born a slave but was freed when he was a child. Floating around among my relatives are copies of the slave narrative he dictated as a participant in a project during the 1930s where crews went around the country recording memories of ex-slaves. i have read it, and because he was only a slave for about 6 or 7 years, there wasn't a lot to tell. I do remember him talking about his father and a posse of other black townspeople fighting off a raid of Klu Klux Klanners and sent them runnin'. Most of his narrative was about his later years as a free man. He eventually became a Deputy Sheriff assigned to keep peace in the black part of Franklin,Tennessee, where he lived...
  24. @Mel Hopkins@Troy OK. It is becoming increasingly clear that "Greg" is a phony because he is so extremely biased, and his statements are so patented. But now I can't resist tweaking his nose, making him earn his salary, What a crazy world we live in when it has come to this. My android smart phone is outdated and my FaceBook app accidently got uninstalled so i can no longer access this site. I am so disgusted with myself for being devastated by this catastrophic occurrence. TV, my computer and my phone, have become my puppet masters and exercise a ridiculous amount of control over my life. They are like addictions. I am currently reading one of Stephen King's 500 page books in a effort to wean myself, but it's hard. i come to this board, and before I know it I am caught up in arguments and debates that feed my aggression. What's a girl to do? If I make it to August, I'll be 89. Instead of getting older, I'm getting a second wind! Help! Hopefully, the Universe will have mercy on me, and call me home!
  25. Too bad Reconstruction led to southern blacks being re-enslaved via sharecropping and Jim Crowism, and lynchings. Brave black soldiers fought for their country in 2 world wars as members of a segregated military, only to return home to a country that still treated them as second class citizens. Get outta here with all of your white washed history.
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