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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. @GregYou're right, and you would be the reason because he'd be greatly disturbed by your relentless blanket indictment of his people, along with your blind worship and dogged devotion to those who wouldn't hesitate to kick you to the curb should you stop sucking up to them. There's no way MLK would be aligned with you and your kind, or deceived by your ulterior motives. Your transparent attempt to invoke his name to give you credibility is yet another example of how out of touch you are. Nobody is fooled by your deceitfulness. You're good for nothing. The above false equivalency is typical of this prig who talks about good grammar and proper English. When did tap dancing become a target of laughter?? Actually, he is the clown who dances to the tune of his white ringmasters, totally lacking rhythm, stumbling and bumbling, just grateful to be thrown a few pennies. Good 'ol Groveling Greg. Looks like we're stuck with him.
  2. Scholarly intelligence is superfluous when it comes to leadership in high places. Nixon comes to mind, when you look for a president who knew how to maneuver and manipulate. He was devious and shrewd. So was LBJ. Everybody thought JFK was so noble and virtuous but he wasn't. His assassination elevated him to martyrdom. The Kennedy's were very ruthless. Politics is a dirty game. Nice guys finish last.
  3. "The sound and the fury of an idiot saying nothing" (and in this case the wimpering of a cry baby who hates what he is because he looks for what he, himself, doesn't exemplify; perfection. I'm not sure which one of Shakespeare's plays that bold quoted phrase is from but somewhere in the annals of his works it appeared and, over the centuries, has continued to resonate, appropriately being applied to fools who blab about things that neither inspire nor impress, and in many cases, are totally self serving. And right here on this board in the year 2022, this phrase is an accusation who's time has once again come, thanks to the monster the conservative right wing Retrumpican party has created. i don't have to tell any of the Regulars who that description fits, whose daily drivel is voided through the consideration of its source. But here's a hint. In his mission to obliterate his race, oblivious to the flawed latter day Neanderthals he pays homage to, he becomes a slippery creature who has been reduced to a total loser. Grasping at straws, editing his posts, changing their titles, desperately resorting to repetition and exaggeration in the hope of bulking up the shallowness of his message, patting himself on the back, copping a plea, trying to sanitize his treachery, he is the epitome of a troll gone wrong; mission unaccomplished. So now, without further ado, i present to you the ass-hole who stinks up the place with the stench of his verbal flatulence, the wanna-be who is comparable to a scumbag that prevented the birth of humility, the white shadow who mocks himself. None other than - Greg, the rotten Egg. crack him and watch him run
  4. @GregTake off your blinders and get current, you big drip. The lead news story in the nation - and world, is the mass shooting which took place yesterday during a 4th of July parade in Highland Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago where a shooter with an assault rifle fired into the crowd, killing 6 and wounding many others. The crazed gunman, who was later captured alive by police was a 22-year-old-white guy whose FaceBook page revealed him to be a MAGA supporter and fan of Donald Trump. He was handled with care by his captors who, in all probability would've mowed him down had he been black. Highland Park is a very upscale suburb and the shooter is the son a prominent white family, his father having once unsuccessfully run for the office of mayor. This spoiled child of privilege was a drop out with a reputation for being a trouble maker. Chew on that, "Mr. white folks can do no wrong" herd member.
  5. @StefanTell me, where is it written that a forum referred to as "Culture, Race and Economy" must be limited to the discussion of politics? Other subjects fall under that umbrella which are equally interesting and stimulating and in some cases provide comic relief from the gloom and doom of the black plague. Not to mention there is the option of scrolling past what doesn't interest you. We are not all cut from the same cloth here and that, more than anything, is what makes this a provocative site, as opposed to only being a platform for long winded pontificators. Also, if you wonder why the productive exchanges have declined here, could be because it's a waste of time debating with folks incapable of admitting they might possibly be wrong about something. BTW, what's preventing you from starting threads on all of those subjects you mentioned above?? And I disagree that Greg isn't refuted on a regular basis. Who here is being influenced by what he parrots? In answer to "who benefits?" You seem to be the only one pouting. Unlike you, I'm not here to educate adults. I'm just biding my time, ruffling feathers of those competing for "the cock of the walk" title. My prerogative. Surely you know how to ignore pests. And If the menu here doesn't serve what you want to consume because your are on a restricted diet, then you should be able to figure out that you're in the wrong place.
  6. @StefanThere is nothing more disrespectful than indifference or ridicule, which is the reaction Greg now invokes in most of the regulars on this board. He doesn't merit being taken seriously and to do so, helps him accomplish what he sets out to do. His narrative is so blatantly anti-black and one-sided that he incriminates himself. I find him ludicrous and will continue to tweak his nose. I'll leave the anger and indignation to those who fall into his trap.
  7. @Pioneer1Wrong, as usual. I'm a retired senior citizen, who has earned her life of leisure. So, how are the bean pie sales coming?
  8. @TroyTo me, when it comes to Greg, who may or or may not be a troll, it's not so much his anti-black litany, as it is the stilted persona he projects. He is too sterile and, in a word, has no soul, - a requirement for any black spokesman who wants to be taken seriously. There's nothing about Greg that brings to a mind a "brutha", a homie who wants to pull your coat and hip you to what's really happening. He pales in comparison to such types partly because he lacks flow and only sees things in black or white; black is bad and white is good. He ignores the subtle area where it would behoove him to give blacks credit where credit is due, and acknowledge that white is far from perfect. Add this to the fact that he is a Trump-approving, right wing conservative and, as such, a Republican, and that voids his legitimacy in my book. What Greg further represents is a mind-set that would rather condemn than empathize with the black race and that, if given a choice, would prefer to be white - which he might be. If not, he's just a typical black conservative who has decided that acting white - beats being black. For me, he remains just a blip on my radar.
  9. @Pioneer1I don't need a job, and even if I did, I wouldn't accept an offer from you.
  10. In yet another chauvinistic example of males seeking to tell females what they should do with their bodies, cloaked in his presumptuous arrogance, Pioneer mistakenly believes that black women are breathlessly awaiting his approval, and give a damn about his double standard when it comes to whom they sleep with. His proclamation is obviously a part of some grand plan he, with his delusions of grandeur, has scoped out in his self-appointed role as the arbitrator of black behavior - and expert on the sentiments of Hispanic women. This megalo-maniac obviously has too much free time on his hands. I don't know who is worse; him or Greg. Bi-racial couplings are very likely to become big in the future where not only will Gen Zers decide what sexual designation they want to claim but will not care about the "race" of whomever they hook up with, - much to the dismay of their elders.
  11. @Pioneer1 Hell, no. No reason in the world to think a dufus like you would be good at managing women.
  12. @ pieonear:The only thing you're anywhere near being outstanding at is, trying to divert attention from getting your ass handed to you. Your pathetic attempts to give your opinions some merit have failed. If you were half as formidable as think you are , you'd still be second rate. BTW, did you ever find a new job or are you reduced to sellin bean pies.
  13. That's your feeble strawman argument. I said, "IMO", that tattoos were more aesthetic than fuzzy straggly beards. All that other verbiage is you rebutting what you said, not what i said. I repeat: what's natural and what's artificial have no bearing on the subject! And, of course, as is your nature, you proceed to cherry pick and choose to ignore the multitude of pictures of Africans covered in body paint.
  14. @Greg: Watta crock of rotting garbage. You really do exist in an alternate universe where truth represents a lie repeated over and over. The best that can be said about America and its checkered past is that it is the worst country in the world - except for all the others. and now, thanks to the conservative right, it is on the verge of becoming a totalitarian government with a tyrannical leader, if Trump gets back in office. Glad I'm old and probably won't be around to see this takeover. But with my dying breath i will hold you and your kind with the greatest of contempt. This I promise you.
  15. @DelHummm. Interesting. I don't know if they would be considered balanced. I can only describe them as being perpendicular to each other because one is horizontal and the other is vertical so that together they resemble the letter "T". And strange that you should ask if the area where they are located is sensitive because, now that you mention it, it is sensitive and has always tingled especially at night in bed when it feels like someone is holding my hand, which the tattoos are located right above around the wrist area. I've had these tattoos for about 15 years and they've always drawn positive attention. Last time I went to renew my driver's license, the tester passed me - because he had ones too, and said he felt a kinship with me. @Pioneer1 nor does it mean that that having a tattoo is improper or unhealthy or that people are conditioned to accept them, - except within the confines of your irrelevant opinion and personal prejudices. Not to mention that painting and decorating the body quite possibly originated with Africans and Native Americans. @Pioneer1They are analogous in that they are both trends in today's pop culture. Whether you can shave off a beard which is natural and not a tattoo which is artificial, has nothing to do with the subject; just another of your false equivalencies
  16. What is the source of this assertion about the motivation of tattoos, and the dismissing of skin art as something to be stigmatized??? it's more accurate to recall that tattooing gained prominence in the military, among sailors in particular, who would get tattoos of anchors and flags, and insignias of their battalions, something that gained popularity among all branches of the service during World War II, and was considered a very macho thing to do. Hearts encircling the word MOM, voluptuous scantily-clad ladies, and girlfriends' names were also common images back then. Nowadays, in the year 2022, people from all walks of life get tattoos for a multitude of reasons and sporting one or two of them is considered very trendy. Those who go to the extreme and get their bodies covered with tattoos are kooks who tend to overdo everything. All the women in my family and their friends have one or 2 tattoos strategically located somewhere on their bodies. I, myself, have 2 small ones decorating my right arm, floral designs honoring my late husband and one of my grandsons who was killed at the age of 22. That's the appeal of tattoos; they are symbolic of something or someone very special in one's life and are a permanent way of honoring whom or what ever that might be. IMO, tattoos are more aesthetic that the bushy, straggly, frizzy beards that are now so popular, particularly among balding men. Neatly-trimmed facial hair is OK but, those who outgrown their chins and jaws, or whose efforts just don't "make the cut", need to let their moustaches make the impression.
  17. Needless to say, i am very opinionated and hypercritical. And I didn't just gradually become this way over a period of time through extensive engagement with a broad range of people. It's simply an intrinsic part of who i am, and I have been argumentive since grade school, always posing the question "but, what if?". Fortunately, i don't take myself too seriously, and those who i take the most serious are, likewise, ones who can poke fun at themselves; these are usually the type who know the most. Knowledge is power, but modesty is endearing. People are quick to call me negative, but i like to think of myself as being realistic, and chronic optimists bore me. Bottom line, there's always an element of mischief in my bantering. And believe it or not - "i know that I know nothing." Oh, and by the way, I'm old and world weary. But what do I know?
  18. @Troy I agree that racism is fluid and comes in degrees. It can be malignant or benign. Everybody is racist to a degree. I know I am. At this point, I don't really care. I'm Let the chips fall where they may. What ever will be, will be. I'm just hangin' around until I'm not hangin' around...if you get my drift.
  19. @Troyyou admit, even sometimes brag, about how you don't watch the news or take sides politically so i can only assume that you are not aware nor care to be made aware of how the Republican party has painted itself with a new brush which has turned it into a right wing cesspool whose spineless elected officials have chosen party over country, still loyal to the traitor who is Donald Trump! The same is true of Trump's large base which has embraced what has become an alternate reality, made up of lies, conspiracy theories and the propaganda that Fox "News" dispenses. Republicans who reject all of this are conspicuously silent. So it's hard to separate Trump from the those who tolerate him. To its credit, this solid new GOP is scoring points, capitalizing off the discontent of a divided America, and it will probably score a landslide victory in the upcoming elections, possibly succeeding in getting Trump re-elected in 2024. One of the apparent reason for this growing popularity is that these "Retrumpicans" are in tune with an America which is now showing its true colors, a nation that has come to regard democracy as an inconvenience, - "equality for all" as a hindrance when it comes to making America "great" again. So, that's what i have against Republicans. You can challenge my charges but a lot of what i say is happening right before our eyes. Agreed, the befuddled Democrats are not much better. But they are at least trying to make this a better world with their misguided policies that include humoring the demands of the LBQT community, catering to whims of the cancel culture, deferring to the haphazardness of the BLM movement. Sending billions to Ukraine. Again, I stick by my contention that racists, homophobes, xenophobes, misogynists and anti-semitics do not gravitate toward the liberal Democratic party. They merge right in with the seditious domestic terrorists, gun nuts and racists who now make up the Republican party. You exonerate the people who voted twice for Obama but still find things about Trump to like. And to this I say, one of the dubious distinctions of Trump's presidency was how it enabled folks to be prejudiced. And there are a lot of closet racists out there. So, we have to agree to disagree
  20. Just to be clear, this non existent movie is "helmed" by Conservatives debunking the excuses apologetic Liberals give for the disarray of the "black community". Whatever. Like Harry Brown's posts, "Greg" provides subject matter to comment on, and for me, in particular, a chance to engage in my favorite pasttime: belittling those who I disagree with.
  21. @GregAnd I'm sure these brilliant liberals will destroy the premise of the movie in a sequel that will deconstruct the "straw man" argument that is the gist of any such movie. Facts aren't excuses, especially when they introduce extenuating circumstances. Furthermore, any documentary that doesn't acknowledge that certain behavior is more about class than race, is bogus.
  22. @daniellegfnyYou try creating a fetus by putting a fertilized zygote in an incubator. Nor, as you ambiguously imply, could I, a black Liberal, help perpetuate white supremacist fascism, - even if I was still fertile. Now run along like a good boy. Your uncle thomas needs some help with his boot lickin chores down there at the big house on the right wing conservative plantation.
  23. "Living" begins when the first breath is drawn, and a fetus ain't breathing - as in inhaling and exhaling. Just like that dead beat uncle Thomas is just a conservative zombie, programmed to follow the instructions of his massas who need white women to grunt out more babies in order to increase the ranks of the fascistic horde about to take over the country.
  24. @GregDepends on how you look at it. Everybody doesn't have tunnel vision like you. Blacks are still around surviving and thriving because they've learned how to work The System that was put in place to oppress them. Whites may be on top but they have no scruples either, and they're making a mess, doing an awful job of running the country at a terrible cost to the population as, meanwhile, blacks do their thing and remain a thorn in the side of those desperate to preserve white supremacy. Who are the losers here? You for one, ruminating in your "Leave it to Beaver" world. You are accomplishing nothing, except in my night owl realm where you continue to make me snicker. Watta joke you are. Good, Night. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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