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Everything posted by Cynique

  1. If white people started openly calling black people "nigger", and black people thwarted them by ignoring or laughing at them, the word would lose its power. White people use it as a weapon that makes black people explode, then they sit back and smugly admire their work. A friend of mine tells how a little white girl once called her a nigger and she laughed and stuck out her tongue at the little bitch who promptly broke down and started crying. There are worse things to be called than nigger. e.g. motherfucker, cocksucker, son of a bitch, asshole or cunt, Nigger is a slave term that is kept alive by the knee-jerk reaction it provokes. Such is life.
  2. @Pioneer1You're always declaring that if Obama had just done this or had just done that, everything would've worked out just fine and by the time he left office everybody would've had a good job and cops would've become Officer Friendlys and public schools would've been turning out college-ready scholars. Talk is cheap. and you are the consummate Monday morning Quarterback. Where are you getting your information about what the President told Hillary Clinton??? Did she take Obama's advice instead of her husband's? Did she really buckle under pressure from him. i have my doubts.
  3. @Pioneer1 Yawnnnn. And if the white colonists hadn't practiced enslavement of human beings who their constitution designated as being 3/5ths human and whose 400-year bondage they used biblical verses to justify, there wouldn't have been the need for a Civil war which, make no mistake about it, was fought over the issue of slavery. You can try all you want to ennoble this country but its sanitized history is a crock, and it is and always has been the land of bigotry and bullshit. i'll leave the celebration of July 4th to you. To me, it's just a date.
  4. WHY DO YOU KEEP SAYING THAT I AM JOINING YOU AT THE HIP WITH PIONEER????? i directly quoted how you categorically disagreed with him about Obama being responsible for Trump's election! And i haven't linked you with him on any issue except for how you both admire Farrakhan, - and you do. Everybody, including me, has mixed emotions about things, so i am not trying to make a big deal out of you having them. i was just a little surprised by the softening of your attitude toward Hillary since you said you had to hold your nose when voting for her. I don't expect you to do anything except to support any movement that gets underway to change the flawed electoral college, and - to stop down playing how Hillary won a million+ more votes more than Trump. i don't intend to anything about about anything except, in the few years i have left, watch America get made-over in Trump's image without it even knowing that this is happening.
  5. I agree with you and comedian Chris Rock that the 4th of July is a white holiday that has no relevance to black people other than being a day off from work to barbeque and play cards while the ribs are on the grill.
  6. Well, forgive me, Troy, if i expected consistency from you, When a person has 2 opinions about one subject, this is often referred to as "vacillation", something i mistook your "flexibility" for. i will also confess to being unable to read your mind in regard to your unexpressed positive opinions about Obama's presidency. But i'm truly surprised at your strawman argument about you and Pioneer! The only thing i connected you with him about was when i said that both of you persist in saying that i "love Obama". i quoted verbatim what you said to him about Obama being the blame for Trump's victory! So you did voice an opinion on the subject and i didn't twist your words. In what other instance did i put you in the same category as Pioneer whose position i'm not even sure about. Again, i say I AM NOT A STAUNCH OBAMA SUPPORTER, and do not aggressively or passionately defend him. i just react to his critics. Believe it or not i didn't even vote in his second term because i didn't feel like going to my old voting location something i would've had to do because i was not registered under my current address. i figured he didn't need my vote to win so i stayed home. The only position i have on the subject of Obama stems from the statements you make that inspire me to do what i always do when people opine; challenge them. And i am also surprised that you would simply accept the status quo about the electoral college, disinterested in steps being taken to change a system that does not reflect the will of the majority, while at the same time insisting that reform is necessary in the voting process. These 2 things go hand-in-hand. i guess i'm wrong when i think that a black president elected twice is not to blame for the outcome of a white woman candidate who subsequently runs for the office and loses because her campaign strategy failed, in part, due to a white backlash to this black president as demonstrated by how he harmed more than helped Hillary when he campaigned for her in red states. President Harry Truman is remembered for having a sign that set on his desk, saying "the buck stops here". So Obama has to shoulder the blame. It's said of the Presidency that either the man makes the office, or the office makes the man. Apparently, in Obama's case, the office made him an ineffective wimp who let the Democratic party down. And so it goes.
  7. Come on, Troy. Now all of a sudden you are defending Hillary's honor. How can you blame Obama for her defeat?? Even she takes the blame for most of it including keeping a private e-mail server and buying into the polls that said she was going to win, ensuring that Obama didn't need to intervene and muddy the picture with accusations about Russian hacking. And this assessment is shared by many pundits, Especially those who were just waiting for her to fall flat on her face. Furthermore, Obama didn't have anything to do with the white female head of the Democratic National committee offending and driving Bernie Sanders supporters away and creating a split in the party. causing many young people to stay home or vote for 3rd party candidates. And didn't you yourself just dispute Pioneer for crediting Obama with Trump's election, saying: " Russia's impact on our election is not Obama's fault; Russia is to blame. Now we can argue about what an appropriate response should have been, but we both know virtually anything Obama would have done would have been twisted by the other party and the Trump campaign, or thwarted by the Republican House and Senate". And why do you keep dismissing the popular vote like it means nothing when it means quite a bit which is why there's a movement to abolish the electoral college? Everybody agrees that voter reform is in order but how can Obama be blamed for that being necessary?? And the reason why Republicans have been winning local elections is because they are taking place in red states where blacks are concentrated in the urban centers that are neutralized by the rural and suburban white areas. And i didn't call you petulant based on your pointing out your "unsubstantiated" fact that the majority of Black people did not bother to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate. So don't put words in my mouth. i called you petulant because in your critiques i could not recall your expressing anything positive about Obama's terms in office, your disappointment implicit with the idea that you felt his unsatisfactory performance proved your reservations about him to be justified. And what words of yours did i twist? You and Pioneer keep saying i love Obama in spite of how i repeatedly tell you that i am not, and never have been, an avid fan of his. So who's hearing what they want to hear? The future of the Supreme Court was always my prime concern. And, frankly, at this point i am neither concerned about Obama's future in the Democratic party, nor his presidential legacy. I'd be the first to agree that Democrats need to get their act together by any means necessary and it is important to learn from previous mistakes. They need to work on converting white people voting against their own interest and on corralling the disgruntled black people that Trump is driving into the Democratic ranks. But, if we are to believe your assessment, all is lost because Obama didn't do his duty. So be it.
  8. Bill claims his job was never in jeopardy. He is executive producer of the show and probably owns part or all of it. HBO has never been one to censor its shows. I'm sure they trusted him to use his own good judgment. No, Bill's use of this term didn't bother me, but Ice Cube made the statement that calling a black person a nigger is like stabbing him/her in the heart with a dagger. He also said Blacks owned the word "nigga" and nobody but them had a right to use it. Dyson was kinda talking out of both sides of his motor. mouth. A white friend of mine couldn't phone me fast enough to get my reaction and was very deflated when i told her it was no big thing to me. This was the same reaction of a white FaceBook "friend". They were both scandalized by Maher's use of the term and quick to chastise him, the first friend explaining in a quivering voice how she empathized with how hurtful this word can be and how Oprah said it was never all right to say it. i started to say that was her white privilege kicking in, wanting to patronizingly tell me how i should react to a word she had no say-so about, and that Oprah does not speak for me. Instead i just said i'm a house nigga and if i didn't have a problem with it, neither should she, - a response i don't think she appreciated. i never cease to be amazed at how charged the word nigger is. it really packs a punch, and is energized by the person using it. Words are, indeed, weapons.
  9. @TroyWell, just because the Republicans cleaned the Democrat's clock, doesn't mean that black people deserted the Democratic party in large numbers, which was your original claim. it just means that the Republicans successfully tapped into the resentment and discontentment of a key segment of the white population. Their victory was a fluke because everybody including Republicans, themselves, underestimated the insidious bigotry permeating white America. And, I'm surprised you don't point the finger of blame at Hillary Clinton for the loss of the presidency. Obama wasn't running her campaign and knowing her, i doubt if she was seeking his counsel. And of course, you are conveniently overlooking the Democrats winning the popular vote by a million ballots. You constantly put me in the position of defending Obama but that's because your offense is more about petulance that relevance. What points would you dispute when historians agree that Obama will go down as one of the better presidents of this country. I am curious about this and in my quest for truth i, myself, would be interested in hearing why they say this. @Pioneer1 FDR was president of a nation caught in the throes of a great Depression and he had bi-partisan support in mobilizing the country to get back on its feet. He also realized that a war would be a boom to the economy, and the 1941 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was anticipated. A war did boost the economy - at the cost of millions of American lives. Your statements about Trump keeping his promises is misleading. The travel ban is very modified, and still in court, Obama care is in shambles, the Mexican wall reduced to being a joke. Trump being regarded by half of the country as being a lying, childish, petty. ill-informed, egomaniac and global laughing stock addicted to Twitter, not to being mention being investigated for collusion with Russia is not a record anybody needs to be touting. He will eventually gain momentum, however, because this stupid country is full of Bigotry and Bull shit. And people like you blindly admire this unscrupulous snake-oil salesman. Time and time again, you and Troy keep making it sound like Obama could've just waved a magic wand and made all black problems vanish. As if he didn't have to contend with a Republican congress dedicated to blocking his every move. Yes, he could've spoken out more and given moral support, but that still wouldn't have amounted to nothing more than humoring blacks. Plus, black leaders, themselves, would get leery any time there was hint of government intervention in the inner cities because they feared this would make matters worse, stiffening resistance and emboldening the "shoot-first-and-ask-question-later" mentality of ill-trained, trigger- happy cops who were backed by their strong unions, their code of silence and the powers-that-be-whose priority is to maintain "law and order". How many of these white cops who executed unarmed people "driving-while-black," have been absolved of guilt? Most of them. The message being sent is that law enforcement has the upper-hand in this or any society. Whose fault is that? Providing jobs? OK. Providing jobs that pay a living wage, not so much. Whose fault is that?
  10. @Troy What do you think Maher should've done about this incident with a Republican senator from Nebraska who invited him to come work in the fields in his home state? Ignore it in the hope that it would go away? I appreciate that Maher didn't grovel and beg to be forgiven. He simply apologized and offered an explanation for his faux pas, saying comedians take risks and push buttons to get a laugh. Meanwhile in their appearances on the show a week later, Dyson went into his spiel and Ice Cube went into his rap, both of them empowering the word nigga/nigger by explaining how deeply it wounds them. Bill didn't have to flaunt his white privilege, they elevated it with their mawkish vulnerability. I'm sure their appearances also elevated the show's ratings. Maher readily admits that he benefits from white entitlement and that he is inadvertantly racist. That's about all impotent blacks can ask from whites who are their political allies against lying, right-wing Conservative, white supremist Republicans as well as the phony, spineless, ineffective, Democrat Liberals who Maher regularly excoriates. Political correctness has reached the point of being in the eye of the beholder.
  11. @Troy Everything you write about Obama is true. What did i say that was contrary to it? I assume that you are saying that i didn't go far enough in my observations. Likewise, you didn't go far enough in offering specific solutions or strategies whose logistics wouldn't have been an insurmountable problem for Obama. implementing a black agenda was wishful thinking. Hope that was, indeed, audacious. Obama's critics expected him to be a miracle worker. They were just as naive as anyone else in thinking he was a Messiah. Maybe they would've felt better if he had given more lip service to black problems. i disagree with your assertion that black people's complete disillusionment with the Democratic party made itself clear at the polls. Their support for both Obama and Hillary remained solid; never under 85 per cent. The black masses seemed to understand that Republicans were dedicated to thwarting Obama and Republicans should also be blamed for the failures they were successful in causing.
  12. Obama listened to his advisers. Like Eisenhower, he ruled by committee, always erring on the side of caution. He always responded to his harshest critic, Cornel West, by asking him to submit an agenda and be specific about what he wanted the presidency to do. Has anybody ever said what he should've done to turn things around for black people. What could've been done to create more jobs and make law enforcement more accountable. And it can't be so lightly dismissed that he was hog-tied by a Republican senate. His biggest mistake was touting hopes that had little chance of being fulfilled and he ended up looking like a wimp. The plight of black people will never be a priority in this country no matter who is president. Like Troy always says, it's becoming more about class than race and the black underclass keeps itself down by having too wayward fatherless kids who better schools wouldn't effect or turn around and who don't really have a good work ethic.
  13. @Troy Actually, i can't speak to whether or not virginity was prized by black guys back in the 1950s. Maybe they wanted to marry virgins but the girls who were puttin out got the guys, who sometimes did marry them. I or any of my friends never wanted to marry a male virgin, the assumption being he wouldn't know what he was doing and we wanted someone who did know what they were doing. When i lived in a college dorm, a group of us black girls had a virgin club, where we would discuss what we knew or had heard about sex. i was totally miffed by the end of the year when it turned out that everyone but me had been lying about being a virgin. That's when i found out women aren't always truthful about their sex lives. I was the only one who wasn't in on the joke and they were just humoring little "small town girl me". I am reluctant to discuss my sex life but i will say that when my fiance found out i was a virgin, he slapped his forehead and "oooh,no"! i was too much of a free spirit to think i should go through life having been with just one man - and i didn't. i will further say that drinking alcohol emboldens you and increases the desire but it also dulls your nerve endings. There was one guy on my job who i really was attracted to because he just respired with sexuality and he was "fione" and smart to boot. He was working his way through college and before he left after being a co-worker for about 6 months, he told me that it he refrained from seducing me because he didn't think i could handle him. i just sighed and wished him well.
  14. @Del What i'm saying is that none of your mentioned complaints about women are going to prevent a man from having an orgasm if he so chooses because all he needs is a receptacle to do this. With a woman, it's different. She's lucky if she can climax with just any man and doesn't have to keep looking for one who can get the job done for her
  15. The movie got mixed reactions. Jada Pinkett Smith said that the scenes which included her, were fictionalized and never happened. Chicago Sun-Times' white movie critic, Richard Roeper, gave it a thumbs up. Some who saw it say it was pretty good, others say it sucked. It's only doing so-so at the box office.
  16. I would venture to say that when it comes to a man, sex can be fulfilling with any woman under any circumstances because he's going get his "cookies" no matter what. No one can force him into sex and when an opportunity presents itself, he can take it or leave it and he presumably wouldn't take it if he found a woman repulsive. With a woman, finding a man with whom you are sexually compatible ain't that easy. If you're lucky enough to find someone with whom you share a mutual attraction and who is the complete package, - well-endowed, good skills and staying power, affectionate and romantic, and who appeals to you above and beyond his bedroom skills, then who needs the alternative of auditioning an ongoing parade of men to prove that "variety" rather than "fulfillment" is the spice of life? And, yes, my personal preference would be the same way every time, face-to-face positions with no doggie-style or anal penetration. If marriage/commitment is not your goal then I'd say that friends with benefits and maintenance sex is the way to go if you find a good "bootie-call" partner. Recreational sex with multiple persons is not my cup of tea. I'd rather have an intellectual orgy in the company of smart, interesting, personable people. I admit to being rather conservative and if i were a young woman out there in the singles scene in the year 2017, my thinking might be different.
  17. i find it strange that i have to ponder this. Hummmmmmm. If i could know everything and control everything, life for me would be predictable and boring and offer no challenges. i can't think of an absolute power that i would want absolutely. If i could be a magnet for prosperity, i would, perhaps, want to be that because i could have the money to acquire all the material things i wanted in order to live in luxury and comfort and i could also afford to help others. Then i could just leisurely sit back and observe life in all of its ironic peculiarities.
  18. Black athletes like LeBron James, with all of their fame and fortune, are regularly slapped down and reminded that, gladiator or not, you're still a "nigger". Don't worry, white people. When it comes to your male athletes, there's still tennis.
  19. @Pioneer1 i'm impartial when it comes to whether or not global warming is a real threat. i don't have an opinion one way or another, so where do you get the false idea that i have a hotline to NASA? All i said on the subject was that time brings change and that Earth's climate goes in cycles, and that i was more concerned about more pressing issues. Next time i respond to one of your theories, i'll cast you in a scenario where after leaving a strip joint, while riding in your Lexus on your way to an executive meeting, you got a "bright" idea.
  20. He refused to do it because, like everybody else, he thought Clinton was going to win. He was a lame duck president, so what did he have to lose by outing Russia, if he thought it was feasible.( And when did you get privy to all of this inside information about what went on behind the scenes during the election????) Been listening to Fox news? Yes Obama did help Trump enable all of those bigots and homophobes and hypocritical Evangelicals and white supremists and misogynists "forgotten people" yearning to get that nigger out of office and make America great again. Which is right up your alley since you've proven to be a closet Obama hater who loves this wonderful country. .
  21. Your criticism is overkill. Did Obama really have to power to stop the Russians? What was he going to do? Threaten to bomb them if they didn't cease and desist? To a person with a hammer. everything is a nail - if he's irrational.
  22. Just because you say the picture that Viola Davis, in fact, voluntarily posed for and subsequently approved of, apparently not having a problem with the art concept of the free lance photographer hired by TIME to photograph her, doesn't mean that it is an example of subtle racism; that's your skewed paranoid mind-set at work. And just because i don't agree with your examples of the negative use of race in politics and social issues doesn't mean that i don't think that this doesn't occur. This isn't a new idea originated by you. It's that i do indeed, have a different mindset from yours because i am not naive enough to think that the institutionalized racism in this country will be dissolved by sitting in Starbucks dreaming up ways to show how different blacks are from whites. What you and Farrakhan need to do is go somewhere and build your own nation, because this jive-assed country that you honor and revere and yearn to be loved by will never relinquish its white entitlement, and the hybrid "race" of 40 million people of color that you attempt to establish a criteria and agenda for and put into a neat little box will not be whipped in line by your pie-in-the-sky-ideas.
  23. I can't believe some of the questions you pose and the statements you make, all taken from Pioneer's Encyclopedia of homespun "facts". But, spout on. Whatever floats your boat.
  24. i've said on numerous occasions that i am not a big Obama fan just like I've repeatedly said, i have no reason to care one way or another about Farrakhan because he impacts on my life in no way. I'll leave worshiping him from afar to you. The official reason given for the question you and your "strange bed fellow" Trump ask is that like, Trump, Obama thought Hillary was going to win. You don't need to justify your agreeing with Trump. Like all the other "loyal" American sheeple out there, you are falling under his sway.
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