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Everything posted by nels

  1. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/covid-vaccines-threat-black-community-according-author-vaccines-dangerous/ Any thoughts, push-back, or affirmation(s)?
  2. The next time liberal black America wants to complain and burn down its own cities and businesses, it might want to first think twice about the rapidly emerging repressive regimes around the world and who is really taking the brunt of The Great Reset on the chin, literally. https://twitter.com/GuerrillaRepor1/status/1477624939113029634
  3. Curiously, why do you think that? IMO and from decades of observation, one thing almost every person who identifies as black or any part part thereof knows, is that the stronger or heavier your Negroid phenotype is, the more sensitive you either are or may eventually become to physical racial identity. Unfortunately, a lot of so-called black people tend to carry this mindset throughout their entire life, cheating themselves by allowing others to define who they are. Even more disturbing, many of these same folks appear to devote a lot of their time, energy and money trying to un-black themselves through plastic surgery, chemical and topical treatments, marriage, social association, professional positioning, and the like. Sometimes, it is what it is.
  4. Self-Actualization? Hmmm... Let's see how much more 'obfuscation' one can add to this supposedly simple context. "Self-actualization, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development, where personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled." Wikipedia (As Unreliable A Source As Ever)
  5. In that case, you might as well keep yours because everyone else is running to catch the next bus to success. Assuming you're a 'real' man :-), just for you, (Official Title - Stupid Black Men: How to Play the Race Card--and Lose Audio) "https://www.am*zon.com/Stupid-Black-Men-Play-Card/dp/1597771961"... "how we can bring balance among all human beings" ? Stop thinking about race.
  6. Nah... We'll let you keep on digging the hole you're in. At some point, you'll realize that the sunlight has disappeared. "racist devils." ? | The sign of a small mind.
  7. Pioneer1, you make absolutely NO sense. Black people who commit crimes ARE criminals, just like everyone else who does. Don't waste your room temperature-level IQ trying to explain away what you don't know. And yes, black people tend to spend a lot of their lives trying to un-black themselves. It is what it is.
  8. First rule: Don't debate with the irrational.
  9. Pioneer1, put that case of KY Jelly back in the closet and make some sense.
  10. Pioneer1, when you finish with that crack pipe, let us know. It's unfortunate that so many people don't seem to understand that liberals are nothing but useful idiots of the left. Even worse, (white liberals, a la Malcom X: https://mychal-massie.com/malcolm-x-was-right-about-white-liberals/), are driving gullible low-information black Americans right off the cliff. At least that's what many non-informed black Americans think, as they say. Do your homework.
  11. tipsyturvp, it's amazing how so many black people in the United States who (more than not) have heavy Negroid phenotypes, tend to discount people who actually come from a mixed racial, ethnic and heritage background. It's as if these disgruntled discounters are hell-bent on making sure that every person who has any amount of so-called black blood (e.g., genes, etc.) is dragged down into the discounter's mental misery of not being able to escape their blackness. Don't worry about being black, just be thankful that you were born.
  12. Will black America ever get past the race crutch?
  13. Suggest that someone get their "facts' straight before making such a statement.
  14. "but she should learn to filter some of her nonsense. Every thought that pops into a person's brain does not need to be uttered to the general public." Say what ? ? ?
  15. The police will stop killing black people when black people stop committing crimes and hating themselves while in the process.
  16. What is the rationale for this perspective?
  17. Laughable. It's quite obvious that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, whatsoever. Sheer ignorance is an understatement, to say the least; don't speak to what you don't know. There is so much in the ridiculous explanation you provided that it calls into question your understanding of politics and voting, at a minimum. Even attempting to reply to the gaslit-induced response you gave would be a waste of time, and I'm certainly not going to try and convince or persuade you otherwise. Joe Biden actually lost his sorry lying corrupt butt off to Donald Trump in a massive landslide and darn near every Democrat out there knows it (literally), except perhaps for you and your faithful fellow believers; keep that CNN and MSNBC channel pipeline going, folks. As a software, systems, hardware and process engineer with many many decades of experience across more than 20 business and government verticals, it amuses me that people make up their own set of facts to support their irrational arguments. I watch them crash and burn all the time. Having worked for one of the largest voter registrars in the country and having an unbiased thorough understanding of exactly how clean elections at all levels (i.e., federal, state, local / municipal) work from end to end (e.g., planning, design, architecture, acquisition, procurement, staffing, vetting, vendors, ballots, tabulators, statistics, servers, networks, routers, cryptology, etc.), including the courts through which they adjudicate, the gap between what you think you know and what actually happened on November 3, 2020, is practically unimaginable. I have no problem taking heat in any forum and welcome 'real' challenges. However, when you demonstrate the logic of a scarecrow trying to take a shortcut through a brush fire, you lose your audience, your credibility., and more. Bounce back as much as you want, but you will never win this argument, at least with me. Keep the gaslighting coming and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Believe whatever you want and say whatever makes you feel better. It's good for your blood pressure.
  18. Well, it certainly appears (to this AALBC participant) that they've got their hooks deep in your head. One thing about the brainwashed, they can't separate the gray matter from the dirty water. If you don't understand that you've been gaslit by the Democrats, the RINOs, the Left, the CCP, the Oligarchs, the Globalists, the Mainstream Media and the like, then there's little value in trying to mature this exchange. I did not resume engaging in discussions on these boards for the fun of it; I decided to see what was going on and perhaps bring some folks around to using their situational awareness skills to pay more attention to the current political and social arenas. When you don't pay attention, you don't know what you've lost until it's gone. In your case, I'll spare my fingers a few extra keystrokes on this thread. P.s., Get a better (honest) results map, you're going to need it. And, if you think Joe Biden got 81 million votes and the guy can't even fill up a 7-Eleven, then I've got some prime oceanfront real estate for you in Topeka, Kansas, for sale at a discount. Black people should follow their own mind.
  19. Understood, Mzuri. Yes, I was expecting more too, but was very disappointed to see the same tired playbook repeat itself. Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry, Spike Lee and the rest of them have the capacity to step out of the mold and exercise bold black intellect. Instead, they fall back to the position of feeding eager-to-learn hungry black minds with minstrel-like performances and insulting visual and emotional caricatures and actions that further dehumanize the potential value that black America has to offer and has previously delivered. As a supplemental reference, black Hollywood is chronically being used and manipulated by an entertainment industry oligarchy that could care less about the challenges of a still struggling black America, or any other group for that matter. Sadly, black Hollywood itself, seems to consist mostly of people who wouldn’t be caught dead shaking the hand of the average Joe or Jane - - - e.g., having lunch with you would definitely be out of the question. "n8gglets"... You ought to trademark that. On spot.
  20. Don't think race, think smart, and then you'll get somewhere. Until then, responding with emotion won't earn you any stripes. Do you know how you sound? Get past race ball and chain.
  21. Correct. Unfortunately, a lot of people either can't see or don't want to acknowledge that cratering, and more. Sometimes, people have to hit their heads on the wall before they realize that the building they're in is collapsing right on top of them. Nonsense.
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