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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy f you acknowledge a preference but can't explain so many others, who worship and pray, are seeming ignored, Wait a minute- You're changing the scenario now. You didn't ask me about so many others who "worship and pray". You simple asked me about "other people" and left it at that. You didn't describe their faith or their activities. I've seen other people who DO have faith and worship and pray who seem to have been granted Favors and Protections. I don't follow them around all day nor have I monitored everything they've done to determine if all or been through in their lives to notice the cause and effects....but many people of faith SEEM to be getting the Help they requested. I guess it is just faith which drives your belief, huh? No. Actually my strong belief is PART of my Faith; however that strong beliefs are from the RESULTS I've gotten in my life so far. Why would a person worship or have faith in a god who they believed did absolutely nothing for them?
  2. Troy Yes, but you are describing the behaviors of smaller tribal communities or small insular groups, not modern societies. Much if not MOST of the planet is made up of these smaller tribal communities! People talk about the world as if the U.S. and Europe is THEE world when they only make up a small portion. People of color who do NOT live in major cities but in rural villages and small towns make up most of the planet and we as people of color are communal and collective minded by nature. Again, I caution you not to just see things from YOUR perspective or the perspective of those around you in a Western society but to try and understand how much of the world sees an individual and how they represent their community. Whether YOU see yourself as separate from Tyson, Obama, Nas, and other AfroAmerican figures...or not...is irrelevant. If OTHERS see you all related then you should concern yourself with how that belief will affect you. For example...... There's been a lot of news headlines featuring AfroAmericans attacking Asians in the news lately. I consider this racist propaganda. I'm sure you say it's a few bad apples attacking people and YOU certainly aren't going to feel guilty over the actions of some deranged individuals. However what if you were an international business man and that video of the clown who attacked that 65 year old woman was released in the media the day or morning RIGHT BEFORE you had a major business meeting and deal with a Chinese firm with millions of dollars at stake?? Then his behavior and how the media is portraying him WILL be of concern to you almost instinctively because you'll worry whether or not the Chinese executives of that firm saw the video and what they may be thinking. You'd probably be ducking and dodging and apologizing and doing all types of condemnations of that attack simply because of what's at stake for you personally! And again, it doesn't matter if it's fair or not...that's how they think and you'd instinctively know that and will try to DISTANCE yourself from that man and his behavior as far as you can!
  3. Troy but if he never opens the school and keeps pushing back dates indifferently, what distinguishes him from a thief? Do you know when his school will open? No, I don't. I will concede a little and say if he NEVER opens the school or keeps pushing the dates back over and over and over then he should be considered a SCAMMER. The people shouldn't allow themselves to be made fools out of. Infact, I'll go a bit further and say if he just does a little here and a little there to make it LOOK like he's making progress simply to keep the money coming in...he's a scammer. I wouldn't say "thief" because people voluntarily gave him the money. He used deceit to get it out of them, but he didn't take it against their will. But I need more concrete proof of this before accusing the brother. It looks suspicious certainly, but even the Caucasian law SAYS you're innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. As long as he's not hurting anyone I'll give my brother the benefit of the doubt.
  4. Troy It is really hard to worry about people so ignorant that they would assume Lil NasX or Iron Mike represent other Black people. If they are that stupid surely they have too little influence to impact my life. You feel this way because you were born and raised in the United States...a very individualist minded society. Here, most people keep to themselves and mind their own business. In most other nations people associate behavior with the ENTIRE GROUP. In other words, if ONE man from New York came to their community cussing, acting crazy, and being violent...they are inclined to expect you and other men from New York to be the same way. You may say this is unfair, and it is...but that's how how much of the world looks at people. At first I didn't understand this and thought it was totally unfair but as I got older I began to understand the logic and reasoning behind it. The logic behind their thinking is if the other people of that group WERE NOT like that and didn't approve of it...they wouldn't allow it. In other words... continuing with that same analogy....if the other men of New York weren't violent and crazy themselves, then they wouldn't allow that one man to be. They would "check" him right then and there and put an end to his behavior. The fact that he's "allowed" to do what he does means that his groups APPROVES of his behavior! Do you understand this? Their thinking....not saying I agree with it....is if we didn't approve of Lil Nas X or Mike Tyson's behavior then we wouldn't ALLOW them to behave that way.
  5. Troy Lol...and I'll answer the same way I did in the other thread. I'm not sure. However I believe my consistent Belief and fluctuating but persistent Faith in The SUPREME BEING plays a huge role. Also.... Believe it or not, I have a very "logical" mind that seems to over-ride many of the social instincts that influence most people. Most people start off drinking, smoking, gambling, even engaging in criminal behavior simply because their "friends" were engaging in it and they wanted to be part of the group. By the time they hit early adulthood...they were addicted to it regardless of their "friends". If something isn't enjoyable and doesn't make sense to me, I unless there's some sort of non-social benefit to it...I usually won't engage in it. For example, I used to go to strip clubs with my friends and watch the dancers and pay for lap dances but I wouldn't buy drinks or smoke. Now I DID drink from time to time in private settings with friends of mine, but I didn't like drinking in public....and usually didn't do so. My friends would tell me I should drink SOMETHING so I wouldn't look like an under-cover cop, lol. I didn't care what people thought...I was there for the lap dances and the titties shaking....lol. So they just stopped telling me. I smoked cigarettes as long as I enjoyed them, but when I started reading about the chemical ingredients in them and how most of them weren't made with pure tobacco and how menthol cigarettes were directed at Black folks....that was enough to make me quit. My logic often prevents me from doing things just to gain social acceptance UNLESS there is a particular benefit to that social acceptance (like money, sex, favor, ect..).
  6. Troy When it comes to the AfroAmerican community, my code of ethics and expectations are a little different than most peoples. I EXPECT for you to skim a little off the top. I calculate that into the funds I give you. As long as your good outweighs your bad AND your bad doesn't involve directly harming other AfroAmericans....I'll cut you a little slack. If nothing else, Dr. Umar is a great talker and knows how to articulate the problems of the AfroAmerican community in general and the problems of Black boys in the educational system in specific. There aren't many out there who can do it as well as he can. So if he is looking both ways and stuffing a couple grand in his pockets here and there...I don't mind. Now I understand that a lot of people will find this intolerable. They consider it theft, fraud, ect... I'm not going to argue with them, but I will ask for them to find someone who produces BETTER results. You have a father who is a hard drinker and yells at your mother every other night in a drunken rage....but he's a good provider, keeps a roof over everybody's head, and protects her and the rest of the children from harm in the neighborhood. Despite his yelling, he doesn't physically abuse her. Should she leave him? Maybe. But does she have someone better to take his place? You gotta take the good with the bad and not throw the baby out with the bath water sometimes. Now that's how I look at it...but I could be wrong.
  7. Troy Why did the Supreme being help you but forsake so many other people. How do you square this preference? The most exact answer is...I'm not sure why. However if I were to speculate I'd say SOME of the reasons why is: -As far back as I've known I've always believed in and had a certain amount of Faith in The SUPREME BEING -I also frequently ASK The SUPREME BEING for Protection and Favors and they are often Granted. There's an old saying that God looks out for fools and babies. I'm not sure how true that is, but I believe if a person's heart is correct and they mean well there's a certain amount of protection they get, even if they aren't the cleverest person. But again, much of this is speculation. I can speak of my past and be Thankful for it, however I don't know what's going to happen to me in the next 5 minutes. My observations is that things have gotten far worse in my community. Personally I was was lucky. You also grew up in the late 60s and early 70s, coming off of the heels of the Civil Rights and Black Revolutionary movements where AfroAmericans were more united and DEMANDED much better social services like better schools, access to more college education, welfare, healthcare, political power, ect...and taking action to achieve it. Around the mid to late 70s Negroes started getting spoiled. Instead of maintaining what they fought for and gaining more ground, they got lazy...got into drugs and partying and enjoying themselves and before they knew it Satanic Reagan got in office and reversed much of what they fought for.
  8. I don't think I give The SUPREME BEING enough Credit for having Protected me and continuing to Protect me against Addiction, because I've certainly tried different things that have caused addictions in most people who have tried them. I've tried drinking and gambling and continue to engage in both from time to time, yet haven't developed anything close to an addiction. I've tried drugs several times in my youth but walked away from them with no desire and nothing even close to an addiction to them either. I did smoke briefly, then stopped on a dime over 20 years ago...again, absolutely NO desire for them. I consider this Divine Grace instead of only my own will power. I'm not the smartest man in the world and I don't have the most powerful intellect so if it was ONLY my own mind and will protecting me, there's no telling where I'd be now.
  9. Troy I know, stop going where they push stuff like this to you. I don't care if it is CNN or NBC. You don't understand....... It's not a matter of me GOING to those places so much as it's matter of just login on to the internet and having that content PUSHED ON you. When you log on to your start up page, you are usually hit with dozens of "news" headlines that mostly consist of crime, sports, politics, and weather. You didn't SEARCH for this content, it automatically pops up on your start up page UNTIL you change the web address to whichever sites you want to go to. So is sharing the "news" that Lil Nas X (whoever that is) is one of Satan's minions. Until they catch him sacrificing virgins or something newsworthy who cares. YOU should care, because it ill-effects you indirectly and in the long run! This reminds me of the argument I had with a few brothers over the Mike Tyson incident where he bit part of Evander Holyfield's ear off. They kept saying it doesn't matter what Mike Tyson does because that's just him...he's not all Black men. I kept telling them that may be the way THEY see it, but people around the world see him as a representative of Black men and if HE is seen as crazy and savage that will negatively affect their image too. With Lil Nas X. If he is seen as a Satan worshipping demon, there are many around the world will see him as a representative of Black youth. It doesn't matter if this is rational or not.
  10. It was supposed to open BEFORE then...lol. I'm a little different than most in that I'll continue to give Dr. Umar a break as long as he keeps trying and giving SOME sort of effort to build the acadamy he has been talking about for years. I support the GOOD that Black men do...even if it's just a little bit. People question what he's doing with the money and what's taking him so long or if he's just bullshitting the people.... As long as he's not strong-arm robbing people and doing SOMETHING of worth with the money, I'm gonna give him a break. Even if he IS skimming off the top, that's to be expected in this society. I don't expect a Saint or Angel.
  11. This is a great topic. I'm not an expert on the matter but I can give my opinions based on my personal observations and assessment. A lot of AfroAmericans ARE indeed emotionally disabled because many of our people suffer from serious psychological and even psychiatric problems that cause emotional instability. Among the causes are: -The stresses of overt and covert racism -A society with too many laws and an overly complex legal system making it difficult for some of our people to avoid trouble -A society where the ability just to provide the 4 basic needs for one's self becomes increasingly difficult and demands more education -Living in neighborhoods where crime and the threat of violence is the norm -Food and medicine purposely infused with chemicals that are toxic to the human body and are designed to cause sickness and psychiatric problems -Drug and alcohol abuse leading to violence, poor mental health, ect... -Negative music and other forms of entertainment designed to promote violence and dysfunction in the individual and community These are just some of the many many causes of emotional instability and disability found in the AfroAmerican community. As far as me personally..... I attribute my avoiding most of these problems first and foremost because of Divine help from The SUPREME BEING. A distant second is my association with the Nation of Islam earlier in life and my studying the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and later on the teachings of Neely Fuller Jr. These two men really help you to understand the nature or racism and the tricks that the racists use to CAUSE many of the problems that afflict our people in the first place...so we can avoid them.
  12. Troy I don't consume it, it's THROWN at me. Unlike Youtube that has an algorithm sending content your way based on what you usually choose....the news featured in your internet start up pages have little to no relation to the content you search for. It's pushed on you. You have no more control over the content they post infront of you than you do over what CNN or NBC News chooses to report. Your only choice is to ignore it and move on past it. But they know if it's a catchy headline with negativity and violence...it will attract some people. And if you're already leaning towards racism, just identifying Black characters will further attract you and reinforce your beliefs. I saw 3 different "news" headlines all talking about Lil Nas X and him worshipping Satan. Like you said, this use to be tabloid...now it's "news".
  13. Troy Seriously visit the south sometime Black people are the most conservative folks in the country. They may vote democratic, but these bible thumper are very socially conservative. And this is where the CONFUSION comes into play, because what a lot of AfroAmericans and people in general CALL "Conservatism" or being Conservative is actually simply being religious or moral but not necessarily "Conservative". Most AfroAmericans are anti-abortion and pro-religion. That is ONE ASPECT of Conservative Ideology! But there are OTHER ASPECTS of it like being: -sexist -ultra-capitalist -RACIST -anti-union -anti-civil rights regulation -and pro-war. Most Black people DO NOT fit into any of those categories. But Republicans and Conservatives are great at pushing buttons and touching on ONE ISSUE that you may have in common with them and constantly pressing on it to make you think you share their conservative values when that's not the case. The fact is most AfroAmericans are moderate but are usually inclined to lean toward Liberalism although most of us won't admit it. Wait, What? Weren't YOU the one I had to convince to vote in the last election. Do I have to show you the post. Weren't you the one decrying the futility of the entire electoral process. Aren't you the same Pioneer who always said we must "Do for self." I didn't say we shouldn't vote. I said we shouldn't WASTE our vote for people who don't have our best interests in mind. We should DEFINATELY get involved in the political process by running for and getting in office OURSELVES instead of getting behind some racist Caucasian with a D or R behind their name hoping they will do for us what we should be DOING FOR SELF. LOL dude any Capital R Republican is your enemy, but the reality is the racist ones are the cats you gotta watch out for. According to Neely Fuller Jr. I'm duty bound to suspect ALL of them are racists until the prove to me otherwise. Why? Because somebody has to be racist; and because we don't have an actual master-list of them we must suspect them all until proven otherwise. Share the link to info about Umar's school. Dr. Umar Johnson Announces School Location: Here’s What You Should Know — The Official Black Review
  14. in what's called Slave Schedules. Apparently when they did the census they din't count the slaves. Only the so-called "masters", but the masters had to list the first names and approximate ages of all of their slaves. atleast there was sum recurds kept u make it seem as if they were treated complete like animals. "recurds"??? Lol, Nicca who taught you how to spell???? Yeah they kept records but it was still sloppy and shitty. The slaves had to take the last names of whoever "owned" them and when they were sold their last names changed! So how can you keep track of your family when he's a Johnson THIS year and a Jackson NEXT year? You don't know who's related to who. Troy So what? The guys says he is independent. Besides what does that have to do with anything. Roland being conservative or Republican even does not make you a "bad" person. Yes he SAYS he's independent but he still considers himself "Conservative". In a society where racism is part of the TRADITION, why would a Black person what to be a "Conservative"? What values would he have an interest in "conserving"??? Now being a Conservative or Republican doesn't necessarily make him a "bad" person, however it does make him a POTENTIAL adversary or obstacle to the progress of the AfroAmerican community because Conservatism in THIS society is almost analogous to racism. And both Republicans and Conservative in general have a history of being anti-Civil rights and anti-Affirmative action. He has different priorities. Should he stop trying to open a school? Maybe he recognizes that his energy, passion, and talent are best suited for working for this school. I agree with him. Black people can do both. Individuals however need to focus. I agree. However a lot of Republicans and Conservatives including Black ones are known for DISSUADING AfroAmericans from participating in the political process...whether it's from passing strange laws, taking away their right to vote for crimes, or voter intimidation. This could be just another tactic to take our focus off of the political aspect. King is conservative, not racist, and not a Republican. Stop trying to shoe horn him into one of your buckets. You and Roland sound like curmudgeons. If you don't want to help him -- give him a break. I think Roland helped him by giving him some great political advice and wisdom, but I don't think he's accepting it right now. BTW....you need to expand the blue territory for Pioneer's Enemy to include atleast a good third of each of the circles. There are some non-racist Republicans who are STILL the enemy and non-Republican Conservatives who are enemies. I did not see it that way. The expressions King shows reflected what I was thinking. Roland's reactions and comments were just so out of proportion it was hard to take him seriously. I give King credit for not taking it personally and getting angry; that shows some poise for someone so young. I agree. He's intelligent and too smart to get into a argument with or challenge Martin on his own show. However it's hard for him to hide the fact that he's not taking Roland or his advice/political education very seriously. It shows in his body language. Did Umar make any progress toward opening a school? Well.....he says he has a building in Delaware.
  15. For the past couple days, when I log on to the internet my start up screen that gives you the news and headlines of what is supposedly "happening" around the world has been FLOODED with racist anti-Black propaganda. Out of the dozens of "news" stories posted, nearly half of them featured AfroAmericans in a NEGATIVE aspect as their main attraction! The top ones were: -Lil Nas X and his Satan worshipping video -Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B doing some sort of lesbian performance at an awards show -2 teenaged Black girls who allegedly tried to carjack a Pakistani man. -Some Black dude in a pink shirt who went around assaulting Asians -Rowdy Black kids going back and forth with the police down in Miami Beach for Spring Break. -Some Black man who went into an Atlanta bathroom heavily armed. They just keep recycling the same negative anti-Black stories over and over again despite negative but news worthy events being committed by Caucasians EVERY HOUR. One Caucasian man shot up a bunch of people in Atlanta a week ago. Another Caucasian shot up a bunch of people in Boulder Colorado a few days after. ....yet despite heavy INITIAL reporting on them while they were happening, a couple days latter you hear almost nothing of them. They are drilling down on as much Black negativity as they can.
  16. Troy Out the gate, Roland jumped on King Randall when he tried to clarify that he was not a Republican, which was a reasonable thing to do since Roland asked him to justify something Republican actions. No, he may not be a Republican but he calls himself a "Conservative" which is an ideology closely aligned with the Republican party today. I'm not sure if this young man understand what "Conservative" really means. Most AfroAmericans don't. I'm concerned that he may MEAN good but is just parroting terms he's grown up hearing without getting the full meaning and history behind them. Roland does not know what "Do for self" means?! I'm sure he knows what it means but he was trying to get King to EXPLAIN what HE means by it. Too often our people just take catch phrases they hear and parrot them without fully understanding their meanings or how practical they actually are in this society. He was trying to get the young man to THINK about these phrases he was uttering and not just get caught up in the emotions of how good they sound. It's easy to sit up in a society where others are taking care of you and feeding you and protecting you and say, "I'm doing for myself". "I'm independent". You're actually not, you're just SAYING you are and it SOUNDS good. One of the problems is King keeps dismissing the importance of voting and politics and wants to focus on the educational and local aspect of helping our people. But it's all inter-related. To ignore what the racist Republicans are doing in his state capital and say it's not his fight will ill-effect what HE is trying to do either now or in the future. As smart as he is, in his youthful inexperience I don't think he fully understands this. I've supported Roland Martin going back to when he had a neck. Lol...that was cold. But seriously, when was this? Since I can remember, he's been on the chubby side and he used to wear those ascots around his neck like a rich sissy. It sounds like he has gotten further along with his school than Umar Johnson. Man... You know it's funny that with all of the commentary I've been hearing about this exchange yours was the first to make that point. I hadn't even thought about Umar taking over ten years to get his school going. But like you, I too would like to know how the school is being funded and who's funding HIM. Again, the young brother is calling himself a "Conservative" which I find problematic for a Black man to do. Too many AfroAmericans are being used by the Republican party, Libertarians, and racist Conservatives who don't belong to ANY party to push their racist agendas. They'll give you money to push THEIR agenda. Having a school is good. But we don't need a school that is just going to brainwash our children into right-wing Conservative values disguised as "independence" and "no government" which gives racists a green light to do whatever. Also, I may have detected a little bit of arrogance as he kept smiling and rolling his eyes and smirking in the other direction while Roland was dropping real advice and wisdom on him. One mistake smart young people often make is in assuming they know everything or know more than the older person they're talking to.
  17. Troy The only person you owe me (or atleast I'd like one) an explanation for banning would be ME. ...and maybe Chevdove,lol. She's so nice and polite I'd be VERY curious as to what she may have done to earn your wrath. If you banned @Delano- Lol, I'd ask you what TOOK you so long!
  18. Troy It's funny you mentioned dopamine. Years back when I was younger I took a brief course in drug addiction to understand how people got hooked. I was also curious as to why I WASN'T addicted to anything despite having tried drugs, cigarette, and still drink alcohol socially from time to time. I now realize and Thank The SUPREME BEING for keeping that affliction away from me, especially in my youthful ignorance. I also found out that dopamine was a reward chemical that the brain gives itself for overcoming obstacles and achieving success. It appears that drugs mimic dopamine in the brain and gives you that feeling without you having EARNED it! Similarly, social media seems to be giving people a rush and feeling of greatness and importance that they aren't earning in real life. They seem to be living amazing successful lives "vicariously" (for lack of a better term) through social media. Every other brother is on youtube or twitter bragging about how many cars he has, how great he is in bed, and how much money he's making in the stock market...yet homelessness among Black men are at an all time high right now. ...something isn't adding up. I guess what I'm saying is the addiction of social media comes from your being able to LIE about your success and achievements in a way you wouldn't be able to do in real life where everyone would be able to plainly see what you have and what you've accomplished.
  19. Magnetic is gone???? Boo hoo hoo.....how on EARTH will we be able to manage without him (her?).....lol. I'm not sure what his purpose on the site was anyway, like you said he wasn't really engaging anyone. I posted on a couple of his threads and didn't get a response and I believe you asked him something and he didn't respond to you either. The only "response" we got was him starting yet ANOTHER THREAD of more non-stop jibber-jabber! It's as if to say, "Don't ask any question and I'm not interested in your comments. Just shut up and read what I'm giving you!"...lol. Not sure about the other conspiracies he was promoting but just like Kareem's militant talk...infact even MORE so....those anti-vack-seen comments will probably get you (or the site atleast) in a lot of trouble in the near future the way things are going. If you notice I'm not even typing out the actual word. They have people scouring the net looking for it and anything negatively said about it. People's minds should be made up by now as to what they plan on doing.
  20. Troy Yeah, Roland was rude and confrontational as usual....but he also brought a lot of good points as usual. He's not very charismatic, but he's far from being a fool. Very smart and informed. It's not the most dynamic video you'll see but considering what's going on in Georgia and what's in the national media today...it's worth a watch to keep you up to date politically.
  21. All over the internet a lot of AfroAmericans in the conscious community are claiming that a 21 year old "beat" Roland Martin in an interview and clowned him on his own show. I decided to check the interview out and judge for myself who out-did who. Here's the interview that so many people are talking about: While King Randall is a very intelligent and ambitious young man who I think has a bright future, his youth and inexperience with the world shows in this interview. Roland does indeed "school" the young brother on the importance of voting and politics in general in my opinion.
  22. Troy While all that you say about facebook may indeed be true, in my opinion: 1. Simply posting on message boards is MUCH easier and safer, especially in the older days when you didn't have to register your personal information like email, ect.. All you have to do is come on and say what you like and the worst that can happen is you get blocked or banned. Unlike these social media apps that suck up your personal information and pass it around the web and leave you open to identity theft. 2. Having your own website offers much more independence and control over it's content. If you want to be anti-vax-seen, if you have your own website you can do that easily without having your account suspended or taken down like facebook or twitter or even Clubhouse. But your right, if facebook was ran by Black folks it probably would have collapsed years ago. Not from lack of participation but probably from infighting over power as well as instigation from outside sources. But we CAN own and operate our own platforms successfully! We have to do it OUR way, not the Caucasian way that is often taught in corporate America or in most public universities. It starts with having a fair-minded single established authority over each platform who makes the rules. What the West calls a "dictatorship". That type of government seems to work MUCH better for people of color than so-called "Democracy" where everyone is fighting and squabbling with eachother for pieces of power.
  23. Troy I’ve been listening in on a few conversations on Clubhouse. All of the conversations, and this could be biased by my current set of friends, are all focused on how important Clubhouse can be for black people for organizing and the like. Well I haven't signed into Clubhouse and have absolutely no intention to. From those I've heard from who have, they are telling me the same thing YOU just said....that it's a good place for Black people to promote, chill, and "organize" My question is what kind of IDIOT would get on a Caucasian owned, operated, and monitored platform and think they can "organize" or even discuss anything in secret? That shows you the intellectual level of so many of our people today. Clubhouse has been busted several times already for having so-called "Black" discussion rooms that were actually populated by majority Caucasian users and even the moderators of some of these rooms were found out to have been Caucasian. Further.... They gave these so-called Black discussion rooms names like "How to get back at Whitey".....((shakes head)). What type of FOOL believes the average AfroAmerican would give a chat room that title? White men just kicked back with their feet on the desk smoking a cigarette and grinning away while listening to these silly ass negroes running their mouths to people they can't even see on the other side. It's silly as hell but too sad to even "lol" about. What was surprising however was a lot of mentions of “black LinkedIn.” Apparently it is the new “black Twitter.” ((shakes head)) Calling it "Black" as if THEY own it or have any control. Again the focus is all wrong in my opinion. We continually focus on utilizing white folks platforms, rather than creating or even supporting the existing platforms that we have. Absolutely We've had hundred of Black own websites in the past and still have dozens today including AALBC that they can easily come together and discuss on, but they refuse to do it. I remember when half of those Negroes literally SOLD OUT to facebook! They had their own websites and controled their own content but figured it was cheaper and easier to maintain if they go rid of their own private websites and instead joined facebook and did their advertising on IT instead of having their own platforms. So now when I wanted to order something from the Soulfood joint down the street I had to get a facebook account just to log in and view their menu when just a few months ago they had a website with their menu and prices on it. Then they did the same thing with Twitter and Instagram...hoping from one bed to the next. I've mentioned this dozens of times before and plan on continuing to say it but AALBC is an open discussion forum with hands-off moderation..NOTHING is stopping these Negroes from coming on here to promote their books and other publication or just coming on the board and starting topics of discussion. They'd rather go where Caucasians TELL them or TRICK them into going and then turn around and cry about how they're treated or how they aren't allowed to say this or that. "Ahhh haaaahhh Twitter suspended my account for 14 day-hay-haaaaayz!!!"
  24. Troy Nefarious or not the outcomes are indistinguishable. And if the outcomes are constantly the same, one can't help but to consider intentional malice. If you ask me and other people to go and pick up lunch for you and they always bring your lunch back to you but half of the time I go your lunch ends up being "accidentally" dropped on the ground and has to be discarded....you should naturally consider maliciousness. Even my website is vulnerable to these greedy little children running the largest and most powerful corporations. AALBC is at the mercy of these people. AfroAmericans have been in the United States long enough to learn how to and establish our own operating systems and networks. All of these major communications corporations are staffed with tens of thousands of talented Black people so it's not for lack of ability. Our people collectively have gotten too comfortable with the seemingly "mild" racism of corporate America and figure they can put up with it enough to get a degree and earn a paycheck. If often takes a business oriented person with ambition and a dominant attitude to get so fed up with the conditions of corporate America that a guaranteed paycheck is not enough for them to continue to have their dignity insulted on a daily basis by passive-aggressive racism. "Wait wait wait...... He called me a nigger, pulled out a noose, and tossed it on the conference table. At what point is that acceptable to do to any co-worker, let alone an Executive?" "We're so so sorry.....we thought he was just joking with you. You know Dave can be a jokester at times."
  25. It's like any other tool and most establishments/systems....IT may not be racist but the Caucasians who OPERATE it probably are. I remember saying to Del a while back..... He said that often said statement that "the numbers don't lie"; and I said the NUMBERS may not lie but those CONTROLING the numbers often do! Money is money Weapons are weapons Badges are badges Computers are computers These are all TOOLS that can be used for good or bad. Tools are what they are and have no mind of their own. It's those who USE the tools who decide to use them for good or evil. But unlike TOOLS....things like Operating Systems and Laws and Television Shows are manually designed and can be PROGRAMMED by the racists to BE racist! Perhaps these spam filters were DESIGNED with certain words most often used by Black mailers that will trigger a negative response, but often times it's the person operating the system itself that is behind the nefarious actions.
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