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Everything posted by Pioneer1

  1. Troy Well...... ((tosses up hands)) Not sure what to tell you at this point. I've posted the articles more times than I remember of the FBI reports of White Supremacists deliberately going around the nation trying to spread Covid 19 to targeted communities. Either you don't believe it or don't WANT to believe it. So if you trust Josh, Dustin, Becky, and Kaitlyn and don't believe they'd ever put your health and safety in jeopardy.....you do you. "Hey heeeey Troy! Welcome back buddy... We were just finishing up a pizza, want some?"
  2. Troy Are you sure? The only numbers we have are those put out by Caucasians...who have a history of deception and inaccuracy when it comes to dealing with people of color in general including African people. I have reason to believe that there are FEWER so-called "Black" people in the United States than many believe! Look at Harlem, South Central Los Angeles, Washingon D.C. southside Chicago and other historically Black communities around the nation and how they are no longer even majority Black. Most of them are mostly Hispanic or Caucasians have gentrified back into them. Not sure when the last time you were in Harlem but if you looked at the children walking around, tell me if you see as many dark skinned Black children running around today as there were when YOU were a kid.
  3. For months now AfroAmericans have been warned OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER again to STAY AWAY from these protests and marches and other activities where Caucasians are shouting and raising hell. They are tricks and traps. The only thing they accomplish is spreading Covid around and getting the AfroAmericans who participate in them in trouble. Out of a mob of about 50,000 angry screaming rednecks only about a handful of AfroAmericans were there....but notice how they've seemed to finger EVERY AfroAmerican who was there and charge them with something? These racists only bring their confused Black flunkies along with them to use as FALL GUYS to blame everything on when shit goes south.
  4. Troy No, I'm not one. Staying at home ALL the time would pose a greater risk than going out...especially in the Winter. I've learned over the years that you are MUCH HEALTHIER when you constantly expose your self to the elements outside for a certain amount of time so that your system can get used to all changes in the environment. This is especially important in places like Michigan where the Winters are cold and your body needs to learn how to handle the snow and cold. I just make sure I practice as much safety as I can when I go out in public. We didn't create this virus and we aren't controlling it on the planet so we can only do what we can do, but a lot of our people (AfroAmericans) aren't even doing that. Yes Tulsa is much smaller and less densely populated but according to the mainstream media the virus is still raging in rural areas and western states because the officials who are charged with keeping the people safe either DON'T CARE and are ignoring the guidelines or are INTENTIONALLY spreading the virus. I'm constantly warning other AfroAmericans, just because you see Caucasians doing something or allowing it...doesn't mean it's alright or safe. They have a long history of TRICKING some of our people into their own destruction and using their own bodies as a sacrifice. You should always keep in mind that about half of those same Caucasians that you see that building sipping on coffee and toiling away with their work DON'T CARE whether they live or die. They DON'T CARE if they get the virus. Some of them even expect to get it and die. Their focus is on maintaining the system of Caucasian Domination.
  5. Troy Are you suggesting that reinforcing the behaviors of SEX and REPRODUCTION doesn't serve our people well? If we didn't objectify women and see them in a sexual manner 2 things would happen: 1. The African race would decline from lack of enough reproduction 2. While we're busy holding eachother back from "objectifying the sisters"...men from OTHER races would move in and start having sex with them
  6. Since you want to make it easy for Troy, let me make it easy for YOU: Troy is in Oklahoma right now so he's no longer operating on EST but probably Central or Mountain time.....lol But I'M on est. Go ahead and send me the link...lol.
  7. Troy said he was too busy so he's sending ME to take his place in the meeting, give me the time and link.....lol.
  8. Troy Sure, I'm capable of it.......but why? Like that old Payless shoes commercial...you COULD pay more, but why? After buying a few shoes from Payless back in the day, I FOUND OUT why....lol.
  9. What about the Covid risk? This is the thing about a lot of these southern states (I consider Oklahoma the South)...... Many of them seem to take pride in ignoring safety measures and have a LONG history of it even before the Pandemic. I remember when I lived in different parts of the South they used to have men working on roof tops with no safety harnesses and doing dangerous jobs with no glasses or protective gear....and they actually took PRIDE in that foolishness. Since this shit began the Southern states were among the last to want to close down and shut down non-essential businesses and the shit had to spread to damn near a quarter of the population and people had to start dropping like flies before those rednecks took it seriously. Now you hear no more talks of denial, but they love to "sneak" businesses open every chance they get....spreading the virus. Not sure how that building is set up but be safe bro and watch your health.
  10. Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris were looking kind of DELICIOUS today, stepping out for the Inauguration. Michelle Obama and President Barack Vice President Kamala and The Devil Looking like chocolate and caramel candy in fancy wrapping.....lol.
  11. Troy This is twice (that I know of) you mentioned something about a co-working space that you do work in. I'm not sure if these spaces are the same things I've been seeing popping up all around my city here in Michgan. They've taken old store-front buildings and converted them into lofts with each floor being divided into little cubicles and work stations and some have mini cafes. I started noticing them a few years ago. I was walking past one with a nice barista inside of it and thought it was a cafe so I tried to get into the building an GET AT IT...lol. ...but the door was locked. I kept ringing the door bell and knocking on the door and window and the fools inside kept looking up from their computers with annoyed looks on their faces and doing their best to ignore me. Finally I kicked the window (I don't know why I did that.....lol....angry I guess) and was getting ready to walk away and a young lady got up and went to the front window and pointed to a sign outside near the door and it was contact information to reach somebody is you wanted some of this work-space. It seemed strange and I pretty much forgot about it but noticed each time I walk past it afterward I'd see more and more people lounging around inside of it busy writing and typing away while sipping on drinks...LOL.
  12. Chev Neanderthals were the Caucasians in the caves who degenerated to such an extent that they became almost ape like. Not all of them degenerated to that level. This degeneration comes from living a beast life: crawling on all fours, eating raw meat and other unnatural foods, and living out in the elements. After a 1000 years of that it eventually breeds out much of their humanity and turns them into an animalistic type people.
  13. I heard it was good from others as well, might have to check it out. I wish they would find more people who actually LOOKED like Malik (Malcolm) and not just snatch any skinny light-skinned Negro they find walking down the street, put some glasses on him, and call him "Malcolm X".
  14. Troy How much energy should writers dedicate to reporting on the true post versus the false ones? No energy should be dedicated to pushing falsehood. Make sure the information is true before reporting it. Should they report on them equality as you say? I never said that. I said that journalists should ONLY report facts (positive or negative) and only the facts...not opinions. But that's the biggest problem with those whom you are calling "professional journalists". They are presenting SOME facts, but those facts are wrapped up in a lot of assumption and opinions as well as a lot of unnecessary information that dilutes the actual subject and MISinforms the reader. Perhaps INDEPENDENT journalists are a little better but once they join these publications their job is to report in a way that their employers demand and pay them to...or lose their jobs. As far as Trump and Twitter..... They removed some of his posts from time to time before they banned him. But in my opinion they shouldn't have removed ANY of his posts unless he was calling for violence or releasing personal information on people that they didn't approve of him doing. It doesn't matter whether or not he was posting lies or misinformation....you shouldn't be getting your news from Trump anyway.
  15. Webmaster It's interesting that Wed Design is now an entire field of study and in some universities is an entire department.....but it didn't even exists 40 years ago. 10 years from now people are gonna be getting degrees in social media. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't start classes on professional TROLLING and passing out BS's for those who've majored in Trolling...lol. "Everyone deserves a decent education!"
  16. Troy Can you give me one example of professional journalism that was not actually professional Journalism/ That's an odd question because that's essentially asking me to provide an oxymoron for you. It's not the job most "Professional Journalists" to tell the complete and unbiased truth. It's their job to do whatever they were HIRED to do by whoever they work for. As long as they're doing their job properly they are being "professional" about it even if they're lying. Like Hitler's doctors. They were in the business of torturing and killing people. They were professionals and did what they were trained to do, even though they lied and caused more harm than good. Your apparent definition of "objective" is pretty loose. If the reporting reveals something that you do not like or disagree with you, like trump, call it biased or "fake news." Then let me make it clear...... By "objective" I mean fair with no underlying motives or biases or prejudices. If you focus on a particular statement that Trump made and say that Trump made a "racist statement"...that's objective. On the other hand if you say in your article that Trump IS a racist and he made a particular statement....that may be true but it's BIAS and it has an underlying motive. Daniel I agree, but add it never was. It’s one of the myths social institutions push for sympathy and credibility. Well that's a fact. However the problem with you and other Conservatives acknowledging this FACT is that when it's AfroAmericans or Caucasian Liberals who made the same observations about the media and other institutions in this society...Conservatives and members of the Establishment routinely dismissed those concerns. They would say things like, "America....love it or leave it" or "If you don't like our press....try saying the same things an a Banana Republic and see what happens to you". Now all of a sudden that the media is saying things about Trump the "press" is a problem and the media has lost it's credibility....lol.
  17. Troy Is that what she wrote or is that your interpretation? She wrote "obstacle". If I started a thread on this site telling the members: "I tried to post some important information on this site Troy put OBSTACLES up..so there was a delay". Lol, without openly saying it...what would that imply about YOU and your intentions? The you are confusing the reporting of what scientists believe is likely with what will actually happen? Absolutely not. I understand it's a prediction. My point is it has no business in the article because it's not a fact. The reporting of the scientific community will to help us understand and prepare for what is happening. If we did nothing there would be many more deaths. Without this reporting how would we know how dangerous the situation we are is? The estimates originally reported at the start of the pandemic sounded unbelievable. Today the most conservative estimates have been blown out of the water. Why did so many people die? Because they called the reporting biased and fake. If it sad because our administration could have saved many lives if they did not sepnd so much time discrediting journalist they way you are now. I understand all of this, however the public (most of the public atleast) already knows how dangerous this virus is. The article should be focused on the facts about Biden's plan of action...not used as a scare tactic. You can construe this as an attack if you like. Do you think journalists should just ignore Trumps lying the way Twitter and never point it out. Is that what you call unbiased? You raise an interesting point that I've thought about all through out Trump's presidency. If a person is SO bad and lies SO much that the ONLY thing you can report about them is negative....is it still fair? I've come to the conclusion that at that point, if a man is in office and is so incompetent and wicked that you can say very little good about him and almost EVERYTHING you report on him is negative and you're being honest and truthful and fair in that reporting....he's just that bad...then he has NO BUSINESS IN OFFICE. At that point....the journalists are doing their job so now the government has to do IT'S job and remove that man. But the government didn't do it's job and remove him. I will say this...... Perhaps all the negative things the media is saying about Trump is fair because it's the truth; however at some point the press must focus on the IMPOTENCE and CORRUPTION of the government/system that allows such a main to remain in office. Do you understand what I'm saying Troy? In other words if Trump is so terrible that the ONLY thing you can truly say about him is negative...and yet he's not being removed....then your reporting must also include an investigation of the system that supports him. Who is Jessie? Jessica Glenza
  18. Something interesting I found out were the traditional meanings of the terms "doctor" and "master" and how they've changed over the centuries. I believe to be called a "master" you had to be a TEACHER. And a "doctor" was an EXPERT at a particular field, which explained why so many people can have a Doctorate outside of the field of medicine. The root of the word "professional" is PROFESSOR. Perhaps the real "professional" is one who can actually TEACH the skill they have acquired.
  19. Troy So why is this a problem. For one thing, I said it MAY be true....but the author of the article didn't provide PROOF that it was. She just put it out there to imply that obstacles and roadblocks were INTENTIONALLY set up just to screw Biden up. It is not a prediction it is a statement of fact. Some predict that we will see half a million American deaths by the end of February! She also put out the prediction: "in part because a more transmissible variant called B117 is expected to overtake dominant strains in the US in roughly eight weeks" This may or may not come to pass, but it's still speculation. The job of a journalist is to present us with FACTS...not speculation and Dooms Day scenarios. Another Statement of fact. Are you saying Trump did not disseminate misinformation? I said he infact has. But that's not the point of the article...or atleast it shouldn't be if it's supposed to be fair and objective. Accusing Trump of disseminating misinformation is true, but it's still an attack against him which nullifies your position as unbaised. And again, do you believe the health-care force in the United States is "burned out"??? When you drive by hospitals lately do you see all the lights out and smoking rising from the remains of the buildings? What does she mean the health care force is "burned out"? You seriously call that objective journalism? You need to sit down and have a talk with your girl Jessie....lol
  20. Troy Not sure if I'd call it a diatribe, just a criticizm of the institution as it exists today. Most of what you call "professional journalism" isn't as objective as you portray it to be.
  21. Perhaps you're right, that may be a dictionary definition (haven't looked it up yet); but I look at a professional as one who is SKILLED at what they do as opposed to someone who just dabbles in something from time to time looking for some quick cash. A PROFESSIONAL electrician....as opposed to a jack of all trades who hasn't mastered any of them. A PROFESSIONAL security officer.....as opposed to some nicca with a stick standing outside your business looking mean. A PROFESSIONAL real-estate agent...as oppose to someone who dabbles into it. A PROFESSIONAL criminal...as opposed to some half-ass common crook. A professional would be a step below "expert" in my opinion.
  22. Troy I thought that perhaps growing up in Harlem and becoming successful while so many of those who you grew up around in the same condition didn't may have contributed to an: "I overcame poverty and disadvantage, so why can't you?" attitude that many AfroAmerican Conservatives have.
  23. Donald Trump will leave Biden with a complex, multi-layered crisis caused by the coronavirus and worsened by the current administration. In nearly every instance, the Trump administration sought to leave Covid-19 response to states, distancing itself from fights for protective gear, supplies, tests and now confusion over vaccine supplies. Complex crisis? This may be true....but it's still opinion as to how "complex" this situation is. It MAY NOT be very complex to those who originated it and know a simple cure for it . And to say it was WORSENED by the current Administration is a little questionable because it STARTED under the current Admin. We don't know how bad or good it will be UNTIL there's a new regime to compare the handling of the crisis to. Too presumptive man. Biden called the effort so far a “dismal failure”. Who cares what Biden called it? Why is this even in the article? More unnecessary commentary and exerpts that don't really help us determine the FACTS. Even as vaccines are rolled out, many more Americans are expected to succumb to Covid-19, in part because a more transmissible variant called B117 is expected to overtake dominant strains in the US in roughly eight weeks, further straining health resources. This may or may not be true but it's not the job or the journalist to predict the future. She doesn't know WHAT the hell will happen in 8 weeks. People can only predict what will happen but it's not her job to do that OR report it...just give the public the FACTS. Biden laid out a more ambitious, and expensive, plan to take control of the coronavirus than any undertaken by the Trump administration. One analyst at the left-leaning Center for American Progress called it “a sharp departure from the Trump administration’s fend-for-yourself approach Come on bro....CLEAR bias against Trump's Administration. It may be true...but it's OPINION and not necessarily fact and it implies that Biden cares while Trump didn't. Again, this may be true but it's clearly biased and opinionated. And why is she giving us information from what she even admits to being a "left-leaning" institution? Another major challenge of the vaccination effort has been convincing Americans to get injections, as Trump has sown misinformation and confusion throughout the pandemic. Biden said his administration would undertake “a massive public education campaign” and increase transparency to help Americans understand the vaccine. More non-objective opinion and bias against Trump. Again, it doesn't matter if it's true or not....that's not my point...because Trump HAS sown misinformation and confusion. But doesn't statements like this kinda make his point that much of the media is "against" him? Biden’s speech came the same day that the world marked the deaths of 2 million people from the coronavirus one year into the crisis, and as an uneven recovery saw wealthy nations begin to vaccinate their populations, while developing nations could only wait. Not sure what the purpose was for putting this info out. This article was clearly rife with opinion and biases. I'd say 2/3 information (not sure how much of it are facts) and 1/3 opinion and bias. Infact, a TRUE professional who was focused on simply giving the public the FACTS could have given all of the necessary information in with about half or even a third of the wording she used....without all of the bias, opinions, and fluff.
  24. Alright, you asked for it so I'm gonna show you how this article from this so-called "professional" journalist is RIFE with opinion, bias, and conjecture. First here is the article you referenced in it's entirety: Biden details sweeping effort to vaccinate 100m Americans in 100 days | Joe Biden | The Guardian Let's start with the title of the article itself: Biden details sweeping effort to vaccinate 100m Americans in 100 days Why is she describing it as "sweeping"? Just report the FACTS; that Biden is launching an 100 day effort. But she feels the need to call it SWEEPING as if it's the one of the biggest movements in the history or humanity....lol President-elect calls for huge expansion of federal aid as administration faces array of obstacles to historic project Huge expansion? It's just an expansion....let US decide how huge it is. And that word "obstacle" is questionable too because the reporter is trying to imply that things were INTENTIONALLY put in Biden's way for malicious reasons. More implied bias. Now maybe this is true, but that's not part of the story. President-elect Joe Biden has called for a vast expansion of federal aid in order to vaccinate 100 million Americans in his first 100 days in office, an ambitious target set as a new and more transmissible strain of Covid-19 is expected to sweep the country. Ambitious target?? The man is president, it's his job to try to help the citizens of the nation. What's "ambitious" about it? Seeking to mount the most complex and logistically challenging vaccination campaign in US history, Biden’s administration will have to confront vaccine hesitancy, a burned out healthcare workforce, a lack of clear information on vaccine distribution and demand that far outstrips supply. A "burned out" healthcare workforce. Seriously? What does she mean BURNED OUT? Does the healthcare work force no longer exist? Hell, if something is BURNED OUT then that means it's destroyed and can no longer be used. If a light bulb is "burned out" you ain't using that anymore....it's destroyed. So Troy....is it a FACT that the health-care workforce in the nation is "burned out"? Stay tuned for a further analysis of this socalled "objective" article by a professional journalist.............
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