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Everything posted by Del

  1. Ignorance generally doesn't know. DGAS? Mel how often have you seen knowledge replace ignorance in arguments? 100% or less?
  2. Mel I had a relative that grew up in tje city. He went to the country and saw fresh vegetables for the first time. He said, "I thought string beans came from a can.
  3. People don't always know they have choice. Troy you are both hard working and fortunate. Most less so.
  4. Troy how do men amd women behave differently in your experience. I am not saying there isn't a difference. I just want to hear your thoughts.
  5. Pioneer in my opinion it requires an openness or ability to surrender that I feel you lack. Your request at least to me doesn't reconcile with your previous responses to post about the occult. It is hidden for a reason. I can only tell you what you already believe. I have met Astrologers, Psychics Card readers, intuitives and emergy and light workers. All of whom believe in what they do. However there are only a handful that have a freakish devotion to their craft. And want to continue to expand. Mostly the path chooses you. I had two sets of people that took my interest in the esoteric and gave it direction. Try devolving your intuition, by meditating yoga or Martial Arts.
  6. It's a pleasure communicating with nearly everyone here.
  7. Troy I looked at the data to arruve at my position. You will never see any statistical models show a causation or a link. Search and prove me wrong. I didn't say we aren't causing it but it seems driven by population. So you can infer thatthe Carbon Dioxide numbers are a proxy and not a measurement.
  8. @Troy i looked at close to 300 years of economic output, temperature and population. Population seems to drive temperature more than economic actuvity. So yeah i disagree based on statistics. I generally dont discuss this since most people have made up their minds without looking at the data. However we should clean up the environment.
  9. Its a social construct . And a scientic taxonomy. To the believer it is religion to the atheist it is a cult. So things can be relatively true but not absolutely true. Mores, ethics, customs and laws are local. And some may be universal. Or we can agree on terms. Yeah probably not.
  10. @Pioneer the topic is Magic not Spirituality . Astral Projection is Magick. You read I practice. You have no practical experience of Magick. Nor are you logical. What I said still stands. You want to be an authority in a field you have read about peripherally. Reading and talking to a few Magicians, and comprehending little is not research. You are demonstrating your ignorance and arrogance. You may be confusing spirtuality and Magick. Notice in the thread about Spirituality I made no criticisms. Mel practiced Magick, Troy studied Astrolgy, Cynique is a Magus. And you are the only one having issues with what I am saying. Disagree but make a rational not emotional argument. Or not. It's not likely that you and I will have a rational discussion. The mutual monologue is over.
  11. You can theorize something unknown by the effects it has on the known. Which is how yhe outer planets were discovered. Philosophy, Logic and imagination are useful in navigating the unknown. There's a few questions in philosophy that may be unknowable: Is reality a simulation is one of them. Since it is difficult to think outside of your consciousness. However I like your methodology @Mel Hopkins
  12. You can derive a proof that no one understands. Versus something that is unknowable. What ishe nature of consciousness may be unknowable. Since we have to use consciousness to answer thr question about itself. Unprovable may be because currently the technology is non existent. The difference is one is a matter if time or knowledge. Although I may have to give it some more thought.
  13. @Troy it's called a retainer. Lawyer work for free with the hope of a big payoff. Quite a few cases are settled out if court. Reading the email takes one minute. I am an ideas person. Ya ain't interested cool. Hey Mel the ideas yours just give me a one percent cut of your take.
  14. @Mel sometimes the game chooses you. Real power starts in the mind and extends and blends from that to this world. Delusions are stunted and only exist in one mind.
  15. I am pondering how to answer your question. I will givea rational answer, and an inspired one.
  16. @Mel Hopkins yeah a Psychic friend of mine mentioned it as an offhand comment.
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