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Everything posted by Del

  1. @Mel Hopkins I spent about 20 years being a diviner. And an additional 17 reading about the Magick. It is only since 2016 that I actively started practising magick. And i had met a wizard in 2000. I always felt it better to develop or refine myself before embarking on the Magickal path. Aleister Crowley said before becoming a Magickian,read 1000 books and see the thread that runs through them. He then listed pages of books that were instructional. The Golden Dawn were also pretty rigourous and you had to pass tests to advance. In addition Crowley stresses emotional and physical fitness. He climbed K2 without oxygen. And may have been the inspiration fir Ian Flemings,James Bond character.
  2. @Cynique Beyoncé and Obama are trading their success as a bootstrap story. Obama like The Clinton's Bush and Reagan are building libraries. If a president has a foundation ya can't trust it. Beyoncé was also groomed. It was Destiny's Child not Destiny's Children. I was watching some clips. Tbe Trump administration knows how to handle the press. The press is constrained to be polite are at least it is in press briefings. As a reporter you can use the same aggressive style. I have seen this administration make reporters lose their cool. How many times have you seen that happen. Trump is a genius a rhetoric. Which us different from logic. He is playing the buffoon because it is bad form to beat up the slow. However conflict of will be his undoing. And probably a woman as well.
  3. Troy, man c'mon running numbers. Statistics is my hobby. Trump assaults you before sex the Clintons kill you later, Allegedly.
  4. It is possible that Trump was so deep undercover that everyone forgot the fact taht he is a billionaire . The first act is to get rid of the ethics commitee and repeal Universal Healthcare . This is a paradigm shift. The former CEO of Exxon os the head of EPA . No this is not business as usual . Feudalism is coming back . Will his supporters turn on him . Maybe not. Most people arent capable if having their own opinion . I am trying to devlope the ability to be open minded.
  5. In order to argue without bias you needti be indifferent or aware of your bias , beliefs and assumptions . Very few even think about doing this. Or worse assume they are ipen minded or thinking critically. Can you explain or reword tjis statement .
  6. Pioneer belief is more persistent than truth. Feudalism is on its way back.
  7. My statement was an astrological prediction, six months ago . It was not a position taken by most astrologers either. I am comfortable being in the minority opinion and being right .
  8. Your statement they allow us says it all
  9. I'm not a political theorist and Astrological charts and human nature are informing my position. Trump is one of the most important Presidential candidates since King George I I. Since he signals a tectonic shift in politics. No I don't think he's business as usual since the Republican party aren't endorsing him. There are a few Political Astrologers. Who believe Trump beats Clinton, but Bernie can defeat Trump because they both represent change. I think Trump would be a better President than either Clinton or Bernie. Bernie wants fairness Clinton wants power, and Trump wants his ego stroked. So failure is a bigger issue for him. And I believe be will be Machiavelliapurs order not to be a failure. Will post more about the sinking stocks of the US And the buy ib and sell out of politics. This is the beginning of a bigger Geo Political swing. And a client changing of the guards that will be complete by 2024
  10. I hate to say it but Trump is less scary than Clinton. She is all about power. His ego may make him a better President than Hilary. However I am not a fan of the Donald.
  11. Mel Merriam Webster is my favorite dictionary after the Oxford English dictionary. Although sometimes the Oxford definition can be very long. Like your post Shirley Thinking is difficult. I define thing as. Original thought not just trusting old memories. Congratulations.
  12. Hi Pioneer My mistake I hadn't read your post critically. You said, "Real movements and real leaders come from the street." So Huey is the only leader we can agree using your benchmark. Well done.
  13. Hi Pioneer, You had made the point that intellectual theorize and don't do much. This was the reason I posted those names. I á hoping to see your defense. Which I didn't think you would have. However you cleverly ignore one of your own assumptions top maintain your position. Which is a tactical use of rhetoric when though it defies logic. In that you maintain your posting while jettisoning. The assumption that promoter me to post. Infusing I want going to post at all. Since I was a bit destroyed with your response. Not because you disagree with me but more so because you have likely cauterized your argument. So you are right and I am attempting to be clever. It's it a clever statement of it falls on death ears. Cynique I miss your intellect. I didn't always agree with you but your logic was flawless and your style and flourishes impeccable. Except for parts of the Sara dialogue. I love your mind. Love, Del Huey Newton agreed with you which is why he didn't put Angela David in charge to intellectual. So another great thunder agrees with you.
  14. The US is a tough culture. No we are becoming a baby culture. I look forward to hearing your response Yes I miss her too. But you my may need a more appetising question to draw her back.
  15. Pioneer where would you place the following Black Intellectuals. Booker T Washington Frederick Douglass Martin Luther King Amiri Baraka James Baldwin Dr Alvin Poissant Cornel West Barack Obama Mohinder Gandhi
  16. I resemble that statement. It is a matter of time before I'll no whether I have been wasting my talent or not.
  17. Mel your comment made me realize the error in my post. Philosophizing is overrated unless that's your job. There also people in prison that chose crime because it paid more. Some code it or were chosen by it. Since it was better than the alternative.
  18. Or why you only invite Socrates to a suicide party.
  19. My interested are getting more narrow. There was a time when I used to enjoy being challenging assumptions and by extension beliefs and thinking . That time has expired. My interested are getting more narrow. There was a time when I used to enjoy being challenging assumptions and by extension beliefs and thinking . That time has expired. Yes I do realize it. Which is why I say very little. Put very simply we are Nero as the one man band. Later My interested are getting more narrow. There was a time when I used to enjoy being challenging assumptions and by extension beliefs and thinking . That time has expired. Yes I do realize it. Which is why I say very little. Put very simply we are Nero as the one man band. Later
  20. What will happen is what has always happened nothing much. I haven't lived in the US for over 10 years. In that time more people have said they are thinking about leaving the US. Thinking is rare and critical thinking is almost extinct. Critical thinking is not the same as criticism although critiquing comes close.
  21. The heading is confusing effect and cause. No I didn't..
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