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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. Okay, I am going to try to re-write what I wrote: earlier: The prophet Isaiah is described as one of the main Nebiim prophets [Apocalypse Prophets] and therefore, he wrote a lot. His book is very long and it was about 30 years ago, that I studied his book specifically, and it took me a year. So, I cannot recall all what I studied, but I will offer some references from him. [2] And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. [4] And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. [5] O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the LORD. ISAIAH 2:2,4-5. That phrase IN THE LAST DAYS, is one of the key phrases that marks the prophet ISAIAH!!!--in his prophecy of the Apocalypse. The other redundant phrase that other prophets use is 'turning plowshares into swords or vice versa. and turning their spears into pruninghooks or vice versa. This is a KEY phrase that describes the time prior to ARMAGEDDON and then afterwards. The prophet Joel and so many others use this phrase to describe times before and after the APOCALYPSE. Before and when the plowshares are used as swords, this would be a description of SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and when METALS are used to make WEAPONRY. But after this earth endure catastrophic phenomena, humans will resort to using earths metals NOT FOR WARFARE, but for planting and harvesting only!!! [9] Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up:[10] Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. JOEL 3:9-10. The Gentiles used warfare to completely conquer and oppress the Black kingdoms. The weak say, I am strong with their swords. They worship the God of Force. But the prophets write about Armageddon, a time after the Apocalypse. Okay, I actually wrote more about Isaiah Chapter 11, but I can't reproduce it the way I did previously, so I will wait and try to do it later. But briefly, I wrote about how the prophet continued by detailing the kind of earth catastrophe to have to happen first before the Remnant will then be relocated back to the Middle East overtime. I wrote about how many of the Original Israelites will become refugees in Africa first, and be dependent on the African leaders of those countries for a time period and then eventually, other nations in the Middle East and etc. will 'airlift' many back to Jerusalem and how many will migrate on foot, etc. all of this is written in prophecy. Although there has been a massive movement since the 1980s in which many Original Israelites have been airlifted back to the Middle East, however, this End Time prophecy of mass relocations will not occur until the End of 'End Times' [end of the Apocalyse].
  2. I agree! @Rev However, can I add to what you are saying? I agree that White people, Europeans, have this issue with skin cancer and yes, it is definitely related to the sun. But then too, there are many African people [people of African descent] that also get this skin cancer disease. Some forms of skin cancer, I think, stems from ALBINISM and again, some African people have this too. Can you explain a little more about this issue? I believe that this Albinism stems from White Supremacy too, but I wonder what you think.
  3. Man! I just posted references but I think I my computer froze before I submitted. So, give me a minute and I will try to do it again.
  4. THAT'S YOUR HANG UP--NOT MINES! @Pioneer1 My primary basis when it comes to the Bible is based on SCIENCE. I gave you answer based on an EXACT SCIENCE, so if you don't want to believe that the date matches with this Western World Government at the time of the First War of Independence in the 8th government separating from the 7th Government in Europe [UK], that again is your HANG UP--Your denial of how the dates have lined up with PROPHECY. FORCING SCRIPTURE??? The Scriptures clearly state this. Cognitive reasoning is an aspect of human intelligence. This is not forcing scriptures, in this case, you are denying what the scriptures present and blaming me for something I did not do. I merely responded to your inquiry of the RELEVANCE OF PROPHECY ABOUT THE GENTILES THAT CAME TO THE LIGHT. You asked me to respond to why this is important because you said that many of them do not believe today. Now, here you are admitting that you know of 'THE GENTILES' ethnicity [ethnicities] but trying to make it appear I am defining the Gentile on my own reasoning and personal viewpoint. smh. The Bible is redundant with that term 'GENTILE' and correlate this term to the scriptures about the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus. smh.
  5. Black Race? The Human Race-- yes, I believe the whole world is cursed, both in a physical sense and a mentality sense. We are all born in sin and need to make choices to be able to get out of that nature of sin. But as far as the physical aspect, that depends on how we develop a better mentality.
  6. Sorry to hear that you have to go through this @Pioneer1 IMO, I am quite surprised though, that you are one of those that did not get the vaccination. Personally, I am not certain that the vaccine completely safe, however, after reading and thinking about this issue on a global scale and knowing that the vaccines are given worldwide and to senior citizens, that was enough for me to get it. I don't believe it will protect against the Delta Variant or the earlier variant very well, and I am concerned about the side effects and long term issue, however, I do believe that it is worth getting. Anyway, I hope that you will be able to get employed with a company that does not require the vaccination and that you will be okay.
  7. Truly unfortunate @Mzuri So true. That just makes no sense to me.
  8. @Pioneer1 Yes. ISAIAH is one of the main prophets that wrote about the apocalypse. And yes again MOSES is the one the main ones that started the prophecy of End Times altogether!!! Yes again for KING DAVID!!! All of his decisions were based on the First and Second Coming and End times. That is what the term NEVIIM means!!! LOL. It refers to the major prophets of whom wrote about the 'TIME, TIME and HALF OF TIMES' meaning the 1000 + 1000 + 500 year time period upon which afterwards would begin the End Times Judgment Period! The whole entire Bible is about THE MASTER PLAN! LOL. @Pioneer1 I understand what you are saying (at least I think I do) Every Book in the Bible is written by prophets and so, everything written, whether it is parables, historical entry, other civilizations, other empires, or etc. everything revolves around prophecy of End Times and God's Master Plan to save the human race. Yes, it's relevant. Definitely because, as it was also prophesized about the Black kingdoms continually giving into White Supremacy, it was also prophecy that God got tired of delivering them, so he let the Gentile who came to the light continue for A TIME, TIMES AND HALF OF TIMES! It is prophecy that they would do the same thing that the Black kingdoms did and separate from God... hence, Separation of Church and State on July 4, 1776.
  9. This, I wonder too. I read where he said that he was in a lot of pain for most of the time. I deeply hope that he will get even better and NOT be in pain, nor have to take pain killers constantly. I did not know that he did not have a job! I wonder about the 'male testosterone'. I wonder if it is a mix of ignorance, oppression, and male testosterone?
  10. Yes. I guess then, I have a lot to learn because I believe that flag is offensive. Thank you!
  11. WOW. Thank you! WOW!!! AWESOME!!! Absolutely!
  12. I believe that one of the key elements that define a civilization is 'Record Keeping'--Script. Yes LOL No!
  13. Update Jacob Blake August 23, 2020 It’s been just over a year. On the one hand, I am elated that this young man did not die! I am so happy to know that he is getting medical attention, can stand up and possibly walk again due to the physical therapy and other medical attention he has been given. But on the other hand, it hurts to know that he has had to go through this ordeal all because of charges that began with a domestic dispute and other related charges. I call this kind of American justice a continual need of ‘Policing the Reformed Slave Yard’, Policing the DOS-Slaves from Black-on-Black rage’. This seems to be our American fate. Jacob’s predicament becomes a product of domestic disputes that became justified and monitored under American law and law actions that continued to pile up against him in court procedures as he continued to interrelate with Black women, and one in particular, that had a child with him and obviously some issues came to be a contention. So due to this type of contention and a girlfriend who phoned the police about Jacob coming to the birthday party of one of his children, this opportunity became used to justify the decision of a police officer to shoot Jacob multiple times in the back. And after investigation, that police officer, Shesky, was not found guilty at all, and as of April 2021, he has returned to full active duty. Now, I ask myself, had this been a domestic conflict between a White couple, would a police officer open fire on a White man shooting him seven times in the back? Should that police officer be cleared completely? Should he be allowed to return to full active duty? “Yeah, I’m here, and yeah I’m about to be walking, but I really don’t feel like I have survived because it could happen to me again,” Blake says. “I have not survived until something has changed.” Today Blake is proud to even be able to stand, much less walk. Jacob Blake Speaks Out 1 Year Later: ‘I Have Not Survived Until Something Has Changed’ | Chicago News | WTTW Trump and Biden visit Kenosha _______________________________________________________________________________________________ But I wonder how other people feel about this. I wonder how Black people feel about this. I am bothered. I am so indifferent. On the one hand, I do believe that the slave yard needs to be policed by overseers, but on the other hand, I am in a state of depression. I wonder how Black women feel about this need to police Black Americans. I know how it feels to be absolutely vulnerable as the result of negative behaviors of Black men. However, I also think about our American justice system and, I find it so strange that I never hear Black women speaking of mistreatment from non-Black men. Slavery and slave rapes went on for hundreds of years… Can the effects of that be completely corrected? Do we view police officers as our deliverers, our heroes? I do not hear any significant Black woman rage against the mis-treatment from non-Black men or the historical mistreatment from our slave masters and from giving birth to our half-breed offspring. We will go after the Black man in a flash but on the other hand, I contemplate the obvious fate of the dark practices of slave yard rape and of modern day single Black mothers of children sired from non-Black men that end up in the welfare programs of America but yet, I hear nothing about them in a courtroom battle. Prosecutors have dropped a sexual assault charge against Jacob Blake, the 29-year-old Black man who was shot seven times by a white police officer outside a child's birthday party in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August. … The dropped charge stemmed from a May incident in which a woman accused Blake of sexual assault. Prosecutors, however, acknowledged they were eager to make the plea deal with Blake, largely because his accuser wasn’t cooperating. Jacob Blake Secures Plea Deal, Sex Assault Charge Dropped | Crime News (oxygen.com)
  14. @Pioneer1 It carries the same meaning! The scriptures are written by prophets! The fact that all humans speak in different languages does not change the actual meaning of prophecy and there is no private interpretation. People can and have put out false interpretations through mistranslations. So clearly what you are not understanding is the scripture is addressing deliberately acts of mistranslations! lol. that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2 PETER 1:20. No. it's not a mistranslation. "Ah" is a part of many holy names, both men and women and refers to their connection with the LORD of Lords. Abraham's wife Sarai's name was changed from 'Sarai' to "Sarah" by the Creator, then there is Leah, so many more. It is a proper translation. Absolutely NOT true. The prophet Isaiah wrote that the Gentiles would come to the light! All the prophets wrote about how God so loved the world. " I can't believe in the Bible because it contradicts itself too much no matter how much you read and study it." If that is what you believe, then I can respect your personal belief, however, based on my research, the Bible absolutely does not contradict itself at all. okay. yes! I agree! "Nebiim prophets don't mean "apocalyptic prophets" sis.It's actually a REDUNDANT term." You've contradicted yourself here, @Pioneer1. It is one in the same meaning. yes, it is redundant. The prophets that are referred to as Nebiim [ie. Neviim] all write about the apocalypse, therefore, they are referred to as the Apocalyptic prophets for that reason. "But there's a difference between a "world" and a "government".A world is much greater.A world is a major system with many governments inside of it." Which what I did expound upon. However, I guess I did not make it clear so I will say a little more. Jesus came to save the world that the world through him might be saved. however, due to the adversary and free choice, many will choose darkness rather than light. So at the Judgment time, the souls that believe in Jesus will be saved and be aloud to ENTER INTO HIS KINGDOM, which is THE KINGDOM OF GOD. The Kingdom of God is not the same as world governments.
  15. I think this issue of the one-drop rule is based upon much deeper roots and goes much farther back in time. yes. I agree. Ha! For real!
  16. I responded to this but my response did not submit, now I am tired. so I will be brief and respond later in more depth. @Pioneer1 The proper word would not be 'worlds' in this context. Perhaps it would be 'governments'. Can two opposing governments dwell together at the same time on the same planet. The government of the Great Adversary is distinct from the government of the Creator and here are a few distinctions: [1] The government of the Great Adversary is MARKED by it being A MATRIARCHAL GOVERNMENT, but it's deceptive in nature and appears as a patriarchal government. There are many positive Matriarchal governments though. But the government of Satan is based on him being INTERSEXED and he cannot produce a viable male individual. So his government deceptively appeals to the Government of the Creator and then attacks. He loathes malefactors and therefore the presence of Homosexuality is a mark of his government. The priesthoods overtime have always been deceptively appealed to in this manner. The system of the Adversary has continually infiltrated the priesthood and then introduce homosexuality of which has its origins in pedophile actions. the government of God is A PRIESTHOOD and is based on his creation of a viable male individual. the Great Adversary loathes a priesthood government. [2] The government of the Great Adversary is 'a world government' --- AN EMPIRE GOVERNMENT--however it took thousands of years to form beginning with the start of the ROMAN EMPIRE. The Roman republic transformed into the Roman Empire with its first movement; TO TAX THE WORLD LUKE 2:1-2 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.[2] (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) World domination. That is the government of the Great Adversary. However, the Government of God is not a world government, but A KINGDOM government, meaning ii is based on INHERITANCE. An inheritance that begins with the original individual from Africa... [3] The government of the Great Adversary is based on Colorism. but the government of God is not... [4] The government of the World/Satan is based on Human Sacrifice, but the Kingdom of God is not... Empire government vs Kingdom styled government... I think this is what @daniellegfny might be addressing when he said that Jesus will come into His kingdom.
  17. What does the 'end of the world' mean to you? The Nebiim prophets [Apocalyptic prophets] wrote in detail that world judgment which would be the very END of End Times would mark the beginning of world judgment. So, End times began at the start of the Roman Empire but goes way beyond that time up to the formation of this spiritual Babylonian empire government. ... which forms out of a 7-government system--7 headed beast. End Times is a long concept. This world judgment 'end times' will not occur in one day--24 hours. The Great Babylonian city will not be destroyed COMPLETELY in one day. The prophets write that this powerful government will be destroyed beginning with a meteor storm and go through other series of catastrophic occurrences. And they further write that world judgment will begin to occur. Many people called it 'JUDGMENT DAY' but in the book of Daniel, the JUDGMENT DAY does not occur in one day, but A TIME AND A SEASON. So it is a JUDGEMENT PERIOD not A Judgment Day. The prophet Isaiah also wrote about after this 1000+ year judgment period... A TIME AND A SEASON that means 1000 + 90 = 1090 years. So the world judgment will take another 1000+ years after the great Babylonian city will be destroyed.
  18. @Pioneer1 2 PETER 1:20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. DANIEL 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. DANIEL 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. In the Book of DANIEL this is revealed. In the first vision of End Times that Daniel had and wrote about, Daniel writes that the he saw an image of a man with hair white like wool, etc. and specifically describes him in relation to the Star of Bethlehem; I need to relook at that scripture to be exact, though. HOWEVER, years later, he had another vision about the END TIMES and he saw the same 'man' that spoke to him before. But this time 'In Chapter 12' Daniel writes that the man was dressed in LINEN CLOTH; and this would be a confirmation to Daniel's vision that was indeed JESUS THE CHRIST; he was dressed in his CRUCIFIXION linen-- a deep prophecy about what was going to happen in the future. ALL of the prophets confirm each other, for the prophet ISAIAH wrote in detail about the same prophecy of the coming of JESUS and that he would be crucified by an evil government. "Did it say Moses spoke with The CREATOR face to face, or did he speak with Yahweh (Yahuah translated as "The Lord" in the Bible) face to face? Some would argue that the Being referred to as Yahweh is not the same as The CREATOR" In the Bible, both the Creator and the name Yahweh correlate to each other. This is written about numerous times and explained repeatedly. There are different script forms of the name of the CREATOR and each separate term may describe more detail about the aspect and nature of the Creator. For example, when Moses said, 'whom shall I say to the people that you are?' The reply was to say 'I am that I am' and further on, the Creator explains that the Hebrews did not know him by this name JEHOVAH and further explains that name refers to his nature as A GOD OF WAR and with an outstretched arm, he will war and fight for and deliver his people. So under the name JEHOVAH many of the KINGS of Israel and Judah incorporated the root name of the Creator in their personal name such as JEHOSHAPHAT, and YEHOSHUAH [ie Joshuah], and JEHOAHAB, etc. because it is associated with being a WARLORD. Kings are defined as secondary priest and many used this name because a secondary priest were also warlords and/or peacemakers. However, the High Priesthood such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, had root name endings 'AH' ['Ah' meaning 'of the LORD' as you also wrote]... No way! All the prophets wrote about certain aspects of THE REDEMPTION PLAN OF GOD for the world. And the major Nebiim prophets wrote that end times and beyond. No way! Again, today, there is no private interpretation but we need to study and research to gain an understanding. I too understand that prophecy and what we endure now is frustrating! But @Pioneer1 you left religion and now then what do you believe in!? This world? What this world has to offer us now!? What does 'end times' mean to you? The prophets do write about Jesus coming back--THE SECOND COMING and their prophecies are in part detailed, however, you are right in tht they also write that no one knows exactly when this will actually occur. Jesus said that [paraphrasing] if people knew that the thief was going to come and rob them, then they would prepare, but if you want to go to this new future civilization, you need to live in peace now, because if you have a bad spirit now, then you will always be negative.' Sin and deception needs to manifest first.
  19. @Pioneer1 The Creator conveys messages to his creation in the Bible, through many verses and also in so many other ways!!!--And there is no way to EXACTLY give you EXACT scriptures in certain situations. We as humans CANNOT think in the way of the Supreme Being and we can understand what he wants us to understand but how we transfer our individual experiences to others is another unique concept!!! The Bible expounds upon this idea in many ways as well. Moses wrote that the Creator speaks to us in many formats such as parables, visions, etc. and many more ways, however, he specifically said to the people at tht time of the Exodus, that Moses was the only human being that he spoke with face to face. No Way!!! Not today. The scriptures say that THERE IS NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE TODAY. TODAY, all of the SEALS of God have been opened!!! What does this scripture mean? It means that there was a time in the past that God had his prophets SEAL UP THE SCRIPTURES, meaning, that they wrote in such a way that the certain people could not understand what was being conveyed until God was ready for it to be revealed. The scriptures detail that by the time of the Crucifixion all of the seals had been opened so now, we live in a time where if we research and study the scriptures, we should come to an understanding. And now, I will give you an example: In the book of DANIEL, the prophet Daniel wrote that he spoke to the Holy Spirit and told him, that he did not understand completely what was being conveyed to him. However, the Holy Spirit [which was actually Jesus Christ at this time] told Daniel, that it was not for him to fully understand at this time. Daniel was frustrated by his vision. Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit told him, to write down his vision, and to "GO THY WAY DANIEL, SEAL UP THE VISION, and at the end times, all will be completely revealed." Now, today after the Crucifixion, Daniel's vision has been completely revealed! And furthermore, the time of the Crucifixion MARKS the BEGINNING OF THE END TIMES. Many people are not aware of this. Many think that today is the end times, but no. The End Times actually began 2000 years ago. Oh gosh! We are going in circles. @Pioneer1 Yes, they are much older, however, at the Berlin Conference, those countries were divided up as all of the the entire continent of Africa had been at that time and were defined as NATIONS by a new standard in the 19th century to serve the purposes of the Western leagues of nations. LEAGUE OF NATIONS!!! ----- League of NATIONS!!! ----- League of NATIONS!!! ------ League of NATIONS!!!!! ------ NATIONS----- NATIONS!!!!! Oh! okay. I didn't realize that was being conveyed.
  20. Yes, I did! But I'd forgotten about it because it was never well broadcasted and kept in the media. That is shameful too, because the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is continually honored and therefore, the death of his mother should also be brought out too much more. I remember reading about King on my own, and I learned some amazing history that is not mentioned in media. But then, after all of the hype about Obama, I noticed how, even King's legacy was silenced. I remember people wearing t-shirts with Obama and King pictured but then after Obama won, 'no more King'. He almost completely disappeared. Nevertheless, before Obama, the whole world knew of King, Malcolm and the Civil Rights Movement, and no matter what, that history will still surface. I hated the way, King was used to shift Black people over to support Obama.
  21. Oh My Gosh! Really!? @Pioneer1 That is terrible. My Brother-in-law is Jamaican! Therefore, some of my nephews are Jamaican! And pretty boys too! Well, I won't listen to that crap. Those Jamaican track girls are some of my all time favorites!
  22. This is the earlier version when he was younger. His voice doesn't seem as deep as the later version, imo. However, it is the version that I fell in love with and the one in the movie:
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