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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. Is it a ‘Black as Sackcloth’ Affect or Global Warming? The Recent Solar Eclipse Seen in India, the Middle East, Asia, and all of India INDIA – 99.4% Total Solar Eclipse In Northern India, this Solar Eclipse was almost a total solar eclipse, however this solar eclipse was not viewable to this degree or at all in other parts of our planet. Anuruddha Saxena @AnuruddhaSaxena Captured Solar eclipse on June 21, 2020 – Nikon D3300 #SolarEclipse2020 #solareclipse#SolarEclipsejune2020 #solareclipseindia #solareclipsedehradun@Dehradun Uttarakhand It was about 99% totally eclipse from the viewpoint of India. However, the viewable eclipse began in Central Africa and its’ path moved up through the Horn of African and farther north to the ‘Middle East’ and then far east. Although many scientists do not believe eclipses can affect our earth by triggering catastrophes such as an earthquake, tsunami, hurricane or volcanic eruption, however, the ancient scriptures reveal that there happens to be a scientific pattern of phenomena to occur after certain types of eclipses especially after an ‘eclipse sequence’ as occurred. After the three (3) hours’ Total Solar Eclipse occurred that was written about in the New Testaments, a great and terrible earthquake followed. And in other references, both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse are defined to occur in sequence. A solar eclipse has been defined in the phrase as ‘black as sackcloth’ of which automatically sets off a sequential lunar eclipse about fourteen (14) days later of which has been defined in the phrase as ‘the moon appearing as blood’ and this scientific fact bares out today as it has in the past. Although this has not been taught well, however, every time there occurs any type of ‘black as sackcloth’ event [i.e. Solar Eclipse event], whether a total solar eclipse or a partial eclipse, immediately, the next lunar pattern that follows about 13-14 days later, there will be a particular type of ‘blood moon’ event [i.e. lunar eclipse] whether partial or total, etc. All sun and moon eclipses occur in a sequential solar-lunar pair or more, and within 13-14 days of each other. So, when the media reports a particular eclipse to occur, just count 14 days out, and whether they report it to the public or not, anyone can see that another eclipse will follow. And no matter how minor an event, eclipses, whether solar or lunar eclipses, they do have a potential to affect our earth. And, a few days prior and up to an actual occultation or up to a few days afterwards, there will be some type of natural phenomena to occur especially in the form of an earthquake or some type of rainstorm and no matter how slight. [12] And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; REVELATION 6:12. [20] The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come: ACTS 2:20 & JOEL 2:31. Some scientist believe that they can predict earthquakes, etc. based on the positions of certain eclipses based on their pathway and degree of totality and/or being directly positioned over or near certain landmasses, etc. I remember years back of scientists predicting days prior to the catastrophic earthquake in Christchurch that there would be an earthquake and some type of volcanic eruption in that very region due to the path of the eclipse and in addition to the configurations of the planets Jupiter and Saturn that were in conjunction with our planet at that time. But what about the Global Warming belief in how it has affected our earth? What about the fracking that has been reported to be tied to recent earthquakes? I do believe in the information about Global Warming in that it has affected our earth. I do believe that mankind has affected our earth’s climate to a certain degree, but to not recognize a scientific pattern of how eclipses spark natural phenomena would be mistake. After the Great American Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 that lasted for three (3) hours and as its pathway crossed over America from the west to the east, then did it affect our earth? August 2017 lunar eclipse A partial lunar eclipse took place at the Moon’s descending node on the evening of Monday, August 7 and the morning pre-dawn on Tuesday, August 8, 2017, the second of two lunar eclipses in 2017. … The solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 occurred fourteen days later, in the same eclipse season. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_2017_lunar_eclipse Well, although it was not well reported to be connected to the Great American Eclipse, soon after the eclipse occurred the news reported that there were four (4) tropical depressions that began in late August 2017 or a few days afterwards. And, all of these tropical depressions did however develop into major catastrophic hurricanes. Because it takes a certain amount of time for a tropical depression to actually develop into a hurricane, therefore when the hurricanes of 2017 became apparent, therefore, their possible connection to being sparked by the lunar-solar eclipse sequence had not been even brought up as even a suggestion to the public. Do hurricanes and earthquakes only occur after a celestial eclipse? Of course not. There are other reasons why our planet will quake, tremor, or erupt lave, etc., but it would be beneficial to know of a connection between eclipses and earthquakes, etc. So were there any phenomena to occur after this recent Annular Solar Eclipse of June 2020? Was there another reported eclipse, a lunar eclipse in series with the solar eclipse? © Provided by Associated Press A man walks on heavily damaged road following a heavy rain in Kumamura, Kumamoto prefecture, southern Japan Monday, July 6, 2020. Rescue operations continued and rain threatened wider areas of the main island of Kyushu. (Koji Harada/Kyodo News via AP) About 3 million residents were advised to evacuate across Kyushu, Japan's third-largest island. Tens of thousands of army troops, police and other rescue workers mobilized from around the country worked their way through mud and debris in the hardest-hit riverside towns along the Kuma River. Rescue operations have been hampered by the floodwater and continuing harsh weather. The year after the eclipse of 2017, there were other hurricanes that were reported to have broken records especially hurricane Michael. Could these intense storms be a combination of issues that would include Global Warming? ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________________ In late August, Hurricane Harvey struck Texas and became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005 and the strongest since Charley in 2004. The storm … broke the record for most rainfall dropped by a tropical cyclone in the United States, with extreme flooding in the Houston area. In early September, Hurricane Irma became the first Category 5 hurricane to impact the norther Leeward Islands on record, … Irma, at the time, became the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic basin outside of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, with a mizimum sustained winds of 180 mph…; In mid-September, Hurricane Maria became the first Category 5 hurricane in history to strike the island of Dominica. It later made landfall in Puerto Rico as a high-end Category 4 hurricane with catastrophic effect. Most of the deaths from this season occurred from Maria. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Atlantic_hurricane_season Hurricane Jose Duration September – September 22 Peak intensity 155 mph … Hurricane Katia Category 5 Duration September 5 – September 9 Peak intensity 105 mph … Hurricane Maria Duration September 16 – September 30 Peak intensity 175 mph … … In preparation for a potential tropical cyclone, tropical storm watches and warnings were issued in South Carolina and North Carolina beginning on August 27. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Atlantic_hurricane_season
  2. Then why would he press Peter to go with him to Turkey? Why did Peter go? No @Pioneer1 you are deliberately cutting out facts, known facts, that I am pretty sure you are aware of. You know the scriptures say that Jesus said to go to the Jews first, but then after they would not listen, then go to the Gentiles. Jesus spoke peacefully to certain GEntiles when he was approached. Yes, of course Jesus came for the Lost people of the house of Israel, but he also came to help the whole world. I'm sure you know that in ST MATTHEW Chapter 8, Jesus said that many of the Gentiles would be able to sit at the table with Abra-Ham and that many of the 'children of the kingdon' [i.e. Israelites, etc.] will be in outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth.
  3. And on this same note too, about how we are being controlled by a narrative: it has been widely reported in the media about the many, seemingly Black-on-Black murders committed over the 4th of July weekend and how the police force has not been sent out to protect Black citizens that have been victims of violence. THIS IS BY DESIGN. THIS IS WHAT OMAROSA IS REFERRING TO AND THIS IS JUST A PROCESS OF HOW THE MEANS IS MEANT TO JUSTIFY THE END RESULT OF WHAT SHE SAID WOULD BE RACE RIOTS. THIS IS SEEMINGLY BUILDING INTO A PERIOD OF LAWLESSNESS. An official on the news spoke about how it was not a good idea to push for the end of the police force, and he said that even law officials were in support of this but this was the plan--to encourage Blacks speak on this ill fated wise. The speaker said too, basically, that because of the Coronavirus, many prisoners have been released from jail and this is a potential problem for many other innocent citizens and has been part of the violence over the weekend. I feel that Black people should confront this government to hire more adequate 'Black' police officers, not to end the police force. That is just crazy.
  4. A powerful thought @Pioneer1! But in this lecture, Jeffrey Robinson showed a video of a leader, I think his name was Atwater[?] in what he said and how he instructed his White peers on how to go from saying 'N3ggr, N3ggr, N3ggr' to saying phrases that are abstract in order to achieve what they wanted. And then there was another part where Robinson showed actual statements of during the NIXON times people were making statements of how to 'terrorize Blacks' and vilify them with statements about heroine and infiltrating them of which led to incredible prison sentences. You know, I think he is referring to the UK and not the Spanish Colonizers in terms of 1619 vs the 1500s. I realize that the English were already in the Americas in California during the 1500s, but they did not organize their colonial movement until the early 1600s. Yes, this should be the question, imo too. Absolutely!!! Well, I think Robinson knows this. But the reality would be for me, that Jeffrey Robinson's speech to that audience is needed because so many Black people would not have listened very well due to the previous negative conditioning. HIs speech was in 2017 but now, I believe it may be heard by Black people due to what is going on now. This audience that consisted of a certain percentage of White Americans are NOT all of them negative. That's just the nature of human psychology. I was completely amazed at his information! Some of what he spoke about was so new to me! I almost 'fell out' when I heard Ben Carson'! LOL, I never seen the video. But what Robinson did NOT say though, was that Obama said that very same thing BEFORE Ben Carson did. Obama refers to African Americans as immigrants! I could NOT believe Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr had spoke so well!!!-- I knew that his words were cherry picked though because I had done my own personal research about him. He blew me away when he broke down the real benefactors of AFIRMATIVE ACTION!!! OMG!!! So true!!! I had never heard of the Stone Wall in Georgia!!! To think it is larger than what is in South DAkota!?
  5. Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. She is very smart and clever. She knows how this system keeps their court jesters in place and how they are allowed to jest. This form of mockery and captivity goes way back. I don't know why, but every time I think about this subject, I always think about the playing cards, and the JACK on the cards.
  6. LOL! Okay @Pioneer1 You are too much. Yes, and I agree but this has to do with our ancestors being enslaved as children. We've been conditioned byway of the slave yard when reading and writing were outlawed to believe lies and statements that are not even in the scriptures at all. Black people need to read. Yes. interesting point!
  7. Uh huh. @Pioneer1 You know what you did. You know better than that. You have taken this reference out of context, but you know what you did. You chopped off the reference to fit you beliefs and thus you are presenting a lie. The very next statement from Paul, in verse 23 reads: [23] And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you. 1 CORINTHIANS 9:23. This is too funny. Both Paul and Peter worked together. Yes, Paul pressed Peter to go north to help him set up the Church and Peter later wrote about his conversion himself. Peter was not accustomed to interacting with GENTILES [White people] and lived all of his life around Blacks but after Jesus left, Paul came to his brother and helped him to see that the Church movement started by Jesus had to be opened to the world, because Jesus came to save the world. The Jews cleaved to the gentiles, but at the same time, they also wanted to live by the Old law of which they absolutely contradicted, anyway. That's why Jesus came! Peter had to drop the old customs such as circumcision and not require this practice to the newly converted Gentiles who came to the light.
  8. Oh! And she was so sharp on her response about Dave Chappelle. LOL. Gotta to keep our Black clowns... I hope you all see the pun... Rome all over again... She's got the support to lead you all to continue being right under the thumb of this oppressive system. Keep listening... LOL.
  9. Thank you!!! Thank you!!! FAS I'm learning here, thank you. BUT @Pioneer1 Does it matter? The Church was set up NOT by the 'Black Church'. More to the point, Black America never owned "the Church" in the first place, like anyone, they had a choice to conform to this system, and so, the question for me would be; Did the Black Church conform to the Church or did they conform to something else? Yes, I can see this! @Troy
  10. LOL! ANd that is what I felt when I listened to this show! Because the narrative is being controlled by unseen forces, that man could NOT hit Candace where it counts on any rebuttal. She won this debate before it even started. She supports Trump's views and he dared not confront her with the fact that Trump supports the LBGT... movement, etc.
  11. @Pioneer1 He was definitely a prophet. He wrote prophesies. You speak against written, published works of over 2000 years ago, of a man, who was highly degreed and also severely persecuted for the Word of God, and you speak with no reference.
  12. Yes, I do not follow Omarosa, but I do believe I read about her briefly making this statement. Actually, I read about this statement in this community but I don't remember what thread. I believe it was around the time that she was made to leave the White House.
  13. Yes, this is scary, but I believe you. @Pioneer1 No. That is not exactly what it means though YEP. AH! That is SO NOT TRUE!!! This is reference to being 'IN THE LORD'!!! You need to refer to the BACK UP SCRIPTURES--the other scripture that expounds upon this scripture--as the BIBLE IS BASED SOLELY ON CONFIRMATION OF SCRIPT within the entire Books of the Bible. All of the prophets confirm each other!!! The other scripture expounds upon the very same scripture and reads OBEY YOUR MASTERS IN THE LORD!!! Old Testament Confirmations are numerous and uphold this NEW COVENANT SCRIPTURE-- EXAMPLE-- When the evil pharaoh told the midwives to murder the malefactors on the birthing stool, they would NOT obey the pharaoh! Therefore the scriptures go on to say that THE SUPREME BEING REWARDED THEM and gave them a house for their good deeds!!! As I reference before, our ancestors continually welcomed White Supremacy into their governments through marriage over and over again, until God stopped delivering them over and over again--therefore, he allowed White Supremacy to go on -- this is a timed appointed prophecy of A TIMES TIMES AND HALF TIMES--2500 year prophecy--established by the prophet Danie!!! Beginning with the Babylonian-Persian Empire which became Medo-Persian--a White run empire!!! So Paul is referencing this Apocalypse prophecy!!! Jesus came during the Roman Empire times to set up his government to pilot this 2500 prophecy because God knew that HUMAN SACRIFICE of Black people would be horrible--but God has not been able to stop Black people from wanting to worship White people!!! So after the Jews shouted for Roman rule--the PROTESTANT MOVEMENT eventually came forward too, to help humanity--and now here we are in America. STOP BLAMING GOD FOR THE SINS OF OUR ANCESTORS! Now, we need to OBEY OUR SLAVE--OH I MEAN MASTERS EVEN THE FROWARD ONES as is fit in the Lord!!! We need to be law biding citizens! We need to make appeals though, defend ourselves, but we are under this law--but not forever. The correct interpretation of the scripture when Jesus said: [paraphrasing] You can't serve 2 masters, you can't serve both MAMMON and GOD at the same time, etc.--so you need to choose your pathway or you will end up being lukewarm. He goes on to say that if you even try to serve both 'gods' at the same time, human nature will dictate and therefore you will eventually cleave to one but LOATHE the other. INTERPRETATION: MAMMON is a catch all word that ultimately means White Supremacist system set up on MATERIAL WEALTH through evil methods mainly HUMAN SACRIFICE, trickery--deceitful and unfair trade practices, etc. The god of wealth vs the God of truth. So if you love MAMMON--WEALTH, GAIN BY ANY MEANS, you will eventually loathe honest PRINCIPLES, honesty, Black people [even if your Black], gain by merit, etc. GOD'S PATHWAY--TRUTH.
  14. AH! So true! I never heard of her until I came to this community. AH!!! So true!!! It will change. @Troy THANK YOU!!! @Pioneer1 And I can remember another one, but I don't have the actual reference: [paraphrasing] In order for a rich man to enter into 'the new land' it will be like passing through the eye of a sewing needle'. INTERPRETATION: Based on the White Supremacist government of Rome and others system like it--If people get rich off of Chattel slavery, etc. they will have a serious problem in their eternity. This scripture does NOT mean a person has to be poor, but its based on a system that sets up based on HUMAN SACRIFICE. AMERICA IS IN TROUBLE.
  15. Ah! The Covid-19 Pandemic and our governments response to 'the Stimulus--Oh I mean Reparation checks!' YES, I believe there will be elections, but I believe Omarosa, in that this Movement to start a Race Riots is/was the plan way back when due to the 2001 Twin Towers attack. The pandemic is just HARDENING THEIR HEARTS to do what they had already planned. The Western World going out to the world to police the world--when they have their remnants of chattel slavery still going strong--and the world responded--No! Go back to your own country!--And now, here we are, CITIZENS BEING ATTACKED by the White Supremacist police force. Oh yes, this was planned long before Obama was selected to run for office.
  16. @Pioneer1 ON THAT THOUGHT; My heart goes out to the single Black mothers! I don't focus on the Broken Black Structure done deliberately based on Slavery. I am aware of the absent Black fathers, however, I don't think it is worth it now, to focus on that because this system has been behind the mis-education of the Black man for 400+ years of which led to imprisonment, drug problems, relationship problems... I deal with the kind of Black men 'in the act' of harming Black women and children, though, but I understand too the White Supremacist Movement behind this. I would rather give my energy to the Black men in organizations that are there supporting us.
  17. Oh yes, this is seeming to be a very sad reality! @Pioneer1 And, on that same note, I just read about a case that actually happened a year ago in 2019. So this was not broadcast until now! It was a young Black fellow, murdered by 3 White Policemen!!! He was just walking down the street, minding his own business. This happened in COLORADO. I feel so sad for his mother and family.
  18. I can't follow this story very well, but yes, something strange does seem to be goin on there. I just read recently about a young Black girl who was burned by White men who allegedly did this as a Drive-by. Many of the comments don't believe this happened and say that she fabricated this story. @Pioneer1
  19. LOL! But she has exploited a lot of Black people. This too is sad.
  20. North Carolina Policemen Fired For Racist Rant--One Threatened to Slaughter Blacks--Caught on Tape These policemen are not new to their jobs but were employed for about 20 years! So much hate due to issues of Colorism is not new but today, this kind of news is front page! This government is showing this kind of predatory behavior on another level, but imo, it has always happened. Nevertheless, this recent news is sad because it is showing a new reported issue of the divide within the police force. There are White European policemen that obviously not in agreement with how Black people are being targeted and this kind of evil report affects them too. The story goes that the three police officers were accidently caught on a tape recording spewing racist rants and therefore a decision has been made to fire all three of them, but I totally disagree with Officer Moore being fired based on the evidence of what was reported in this article. The other two--yes-- pure evil, imo. But officer Moore's statement was not offensive to me at all. It goes that he was angry because he was questioned by a judge, and his comment was not offensive to me. Furthermore, he did NOT AGREE with the other racist and said so, immediately. He should be reprimanded but not fired! I am grateful for that judge though! 3 North Carolina police officers were fired after they were heard on camera making racist comments, including one threatening to 'slaughter' Black people in a new civil war acollman@businessinsider.com (Ashley Collman) June 25, 2020, 7:27 AM EDT ...Later in the video, after Gilmore leaves to respond to a call, Piner is seen receiving a phone call from Moore, and the two have a conversation about a recent arrest Moore had made of a Black woman. Moore was also filmed calling one Black magistrate judge a "f---ing Negro," complaining how the judge had questioned his decision to arrest the Black woman in the first place instead of committing her to a mental institution, the report said. According to the report, Piner then reflected on current tensions, saying: "We are just going to go out and start slaughtering them," Piner said at one point, using a racial slur. "I can't wait." "Moore responded that he would not do that. Piner stated 'I'm ready,'" the report said... https://www.yahoo.com/news/3-north-carolina-police-officers-112750994.html ... While the report found that Gilmore did not violate the standard of conduct, Williams, the Wilmington police chief, overruled and said it was clear he was in violation. https://www.yahoo.com/news/3-north-carolina-police-officers-112750994.html
  21. @Pioneer1 You are being sidetracked on the issue of having your sources ATTACKED. Debate and discussion is not about you, but it's about the very issue of reference sources and confirmation. That is NOT what I said in its entirety. I said "globally"!!!--on a college level that source you put would never be accepted. so YES, globally it would be correct!!! One reference I presented was from "the Middle East" college about the false belief of that man you quoted, and I also presented the Biblical reference, of 4000+ years old scripture. I showed you 'His text' right next to the Biblical text to show you that man completely lied. SARGON DID NOT LEAVE OUT OF NIMROD'S CIVILIZATION and set up in Assyria!!! It was Asshur Shem. LOL. Because that is not true in what you say and believe. White Jesus is NOT accepted "around the world"! That is NOT true--colleges do NOT do this at all! They present all references about Darwin and the actual theory NOT being accepted-in fact! That is not the point about you believing Akkad means "first" or "one". Sargon did not FOUND this civilization in the land of CUSH HAM. You do NOT understand about the details about SUMERIA in comparison and contrast to other civilizations that were indeed well developed before the Sumerians developed this area. You need to have an understanding as to this relative DETAIL about Sumeria, Assyria, etc. at this point in time. You are lacking an understanding of why the civilizations developed at this time would be considered first for THE SUMERIANS versus other more ancient civilizations; it not based on Colorism. You are not understanding the Sumerians at this time versus other people and civilizations that had completely collapsed and these Cush Hamites developed their civilization based on a unique basis that are defined by many aspects. The Caucasians did NOT build up anything in the land of CUSH HAM. No valid college level script supports this. After Nimrod was overthrown, they took over though. @Pioneer1 You should not get upset because of the evaluation of sources to determine validity. ROFL! I never presented this ideology that everybody back then was Black. I clearly presented to you that ASSYRIAN means WHITE-SYRIAN!! I have in the past referenced NARMER, the Black Bull King who fought against the ASIATICS and this occurred 1000+ prior to the set up of the CUSH HAM civilizations in Mesopotamia, etc. I just recently shared reference about a foreign influence in the early dynasty age in Egypt, etc. I speak of infiltration of White Supremacy into Black lands, etc. Pioneer, there is no way that White people, Aryans, White Caucasians, etc. could overthrow a bunch of African-type, tall, Negroes in ancient times!--NOT until the invention of the cannons during the age of Genghis Khan. That is absurdity to believe otherwise.
  22. So this is why Candace was even elevated! She received money from a case with the help of NAACP! She and her family reached out to NAACP due to an alleged HATE CRIME and then she takes this leap and turns around and supports Trump. This is pretty sad! Thanks FAS!
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