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Everything posted by Chevdove

  1. No, I don't get that and perhaps because I am not defining the term Racist as others. When I think of 'a racist' I think of a person that acts out of hate and rage. Well, I haven't figured it out yet.
  2. Yes! It seems like this lock down is causing some of us to go a little 'stir crazy'--me included! Well, I think that maybe many of the Black people have done the same as you and have come to believe that it's a waste of time to care about other Black people being harmed. This system has been attacking us so much that maybe we are not focusing on issues in a healthy way but instead have turned and become frustrated with each other. And yes, it's difficult to see the bigger picture when we narrow the focus to negative Black people, but @Pioneer1 maybe, the younger generation are lost because of our past ineffective Black leaders. The younger generation have been victimized and have become disconnected in many ways. So maybe we should not focus on the negative but keep hope for a positive solution. Yes, I understand that many people don't want others to succeed and I definitely believe that for some Black people, their conditions have been an improvement here in America. I would agree that there are people who only want to feed chaos and have bad spirits I too have been homeless and on welfare and I am still poor. I agree that poverty is the result of choices and I continue to agree with my choices that unfortunately has caused me to still be poor. But I disagree in that poverty in this society is 'not a permanent position'. For me, in this society my poverty will continue to be permanent but, I do have hope that things will change for me with the help of positive people that may be inspired to fight against human sacrifice and human rights violations. Well, I hope that I have not distracted you from progress. Okay, I can respect your decisions. But I believe that Kaepernick's choice can't destroy America.
  3. YES I think that is strange too. However, some of the Black activist MEN have been extremely beneficial in the plight of dealing with Black oppression via White Supremacist Movements. I especially, highly, esteem and appreciate the late Ivan Van Sertima's contribution and yet, I believe that he married a White woman. I don't think Alfre Woodard would be viewed as a Black Activist, however, based on some of the films that she was featured in such as about the life of the late Nelson Mandela, I appreciate her contribution to the cause. She's one of my favorite actresses and I believe that she is married to a White man. Well, ECONOMICALLY and eventually, would that have any affect on the welfare of Black communities and/or Black businesses? Would White Supremacist Movements exploit your Black business and put you into a position unknowingly to become dependent on White economy to continue operating as an independent Black business? If this would not happen, then I would say, marrying a White woman would not be a problem at all. And also, this White dominated economy IMO would not be able to control Black free thought due to other Black people who do make bonds with each other and that is the key. As long as there are a significant presence of Black relationships in this world, then for others who do marrying White people, it would not be a negative affect at all to the Black world. WOW @Troy Those are not racist thoughts. But yes, we are all a product of our environment. It normal, its human to think about other humans and the kind of relationships that could occur. IMO though, it's also good to consider other issues too and to not be blind when considering this subject. When we engage in relationships with other people, we are also going to have to deal with issues such as nationality, cultural aspects, etc. LOL. Now that is a double standard! WOW @Pioneer1 That's crazy.
  4. Absolutely understand you on this point! @Pioneer1 Oh no! I don't think so. The word 'Race' is the problem here for me. It is NOT equal to terms used from a concrete, biological categorization at all. I think, maybe, that the term RACE is something used by this system and they have completely distorted the truth. Like I said, I really came to think about what @Troy was saying, and I do believe that the term RACE is some kind of 'construct', that stems from this system. That's just it! Mankind does NOT have that right to make those determinations! Science and reproduction dictates those rules. Yes, but all of those terms apply, for the most part, to people who share a common genetic and phenotypic basis. Therefore, when mankind construct African people based on our traits to be 'lesser' then, that to me maybe what a racial construction defines? I don't know, I am still in the learning process. LOL! It all sound pretty BRITISH or White to me!
  5. Man! You ain't jokin! @Pioneer1 YES. I agree. And I know a lot of births defects occurred during this time too, due to alcohol Fetal Syndrome.
  6. WOW! Really!? Well, this is a different viewpoint for me, one that I will definitely think about. I didn't realize people are kneeling and advocating for what things or, is this another way of saying people are still protesting and doing peaceful marches? I am also thinking, 'What kind of things would be of no use to do a peaceful protest? That is what I am wondering about for now. And also, if people don't kneel or don't protest, then what would be the solution to appeal to this government; voting Republican? "Kapernick was and is a poison pill" [?] I just don't understand this take. I don't how he is poison to what was already going on. Sure, he may be blamed for furthering a cause but, the incidences of police brutality was already happening and, I kind of feel like this was going to escalate anyway, no matter what Kapernick did or anybody else for that matter. @Pioneer1 Even you sound 'defeated and disheartened' about this system in your statements and in your beliefs about Black people NOT caring. You seem to be describing Black people from a position of emotional exhaustion due to the aggressiveness of this system. And, even in your statements about Africa, a continent that is 3 times larger than America, you can't really believe that they initiated this Black-on-Black Hatred that goes throughout the world. You may be giving up hope on Black people having peace amongst each other, but that is what happens when we don't believe in ancient scripts of Kemet and other ancient Black civilizations to rely upon. We lose hope. No accountability. If we want to attain a peaceful world, we have to look back at the mistakes made in the past and correct them. LOL. I am not feeling it either, although, I would like to hear more from @Troy then, I think I might check it out.
  7. ROFL! Thank you @Troy WHEW! Poppycock! LOL. Okay, ... WOW. @Pioneer1 I am trying to get a better understanding of the term, and your explanation only adds more confusion for me. To determine that both girls are of "two different RACES" based on this American system's racial construct is for me, the very problem.
  8. Yes, @Pioneer1 That is the key point you just made! This system has produced MONSTERS--that's what you get when you steal little children and put in them slavery for hundreds of years. It's not just that Black people don't care, but it's this system that has attacked humanity. Well, yes, @Pioneer1 I agree to an extent! There was a book published a few years back by a White man, a Harvard graduate, though and he wrote about how the BABY BOOMER GENERATION took all of the money and left almost nothing for their children and grandchildren. So I agree that we have some selfish Black people, but I think it's more global. Albeit, us Black folks are going to be all the more damaged due to the Black Baby Boomers' actions, more so than the White populations. My thoughts exactly. LOL @Pioneer1 You had me up until this point! I agree that White Supremacist manipulate politics and religion and deceive many Black people but no one is acting to be poverty stricken. And, I am NOT saying that poor White people are not racist. But IMO, many poor White people have been conditioned by the ruling classes to believe their interest is being served and they are manipulated to look at the awful oppression of Blacks in order to feel good about themselves, all the while, they are being completely exploited as well.
  9. @Pioneer1 You know, it may seem like many Black people don't care, but there is so much going on, and Black people are being targeted and attacked from so many directions, therefore, I agree that we may need to focus on what is causing "us" to be attacked in the first place. It may NOT be that many Black people don't care, but due to the origins of how this system has exploited Black people, beginning with CHILD ENSLAVEMENT, there has been maybe, a disconnect. It's an attack, altogether though, on humanity as a whole. I don't believe that White people don't have problems with caring or not caring about White people though, because it has to do with attacks on HUMANITY. Black people are under attack due to White Supremacist Movements. There you go! I mean, the present response of protesting in Minnesota would be proof for me anyway, that Black people do care. NOPE. You are NOT going back far enough in time to recognize the global aspect of how we have been targeted and exploited. There is a disconnect from ancient script that details the issues of today!
  10. WELL, this is scary. Nevertheless, these two movements against us, yes, I feel too that this is happening, however, I also feel that this was written about a long time ago, therefore, I try to have hope in that the outcome will be beneficial, in the end. @Pioneer1 This is one of the main reasons I did NOT vote for former president Obama; he deliberately furthered both of these movements. This subject of 'races being a social construct' has been a challenge for me to understand, but due to @Troy, I have been making effort and trying to gain a better understanding. WOW! So, @Pioneer1 this statement that you made led me to reflect on the pictures you also posted! It depends!!! In your own words, White 'Caucasian' leaders have 'mis-categorized' people to suit their purposes. COLORISM is a major problem in their decisions to design RACIAL CONSTRUCTS. the two girls, IMO, reflect that they come from ONE ORIGIN!
  11. ROFL! What is going on in Louisville! I can't keep up, so much is happening. @Pioneer1 you are too funny. Okay. I am going to read this thread. Firstly, I am an African American DOS and the rest of me, well... it's research.
  12. LOL! @Pioneer1 What's up!? I need to read this over this thread before I can understand why you are calling me out!!! LOL! But firstly, my reasons for categorizing Kim Kardashian as "African American" is based on her husband Kanye West and historically, in how Black African people have been sidelined by inter-marrying with other kinds and cultures of people to a great degree. There is no way around it, because the children from these practices define our culture, and so, it does give people like Kim Kardashian the privilege of having the choice to be viewed as 'Black'. But, anyway, I need to start at the beginning of this thread and scan over your first post and other comments to understand the conversations and debate.
  13. @Pioneer1 Being fair skinned does NOT automatically mean that someone is part-White. BTW, what part of the Bible did YOU get the information that he was light skinned? More than one reference. Many references, but especially the major conflict in Egypt at that time in its entirety confirms that the words used to describe Moses as being fair skinned is completely confirmed about his physical presence. So, let me just offer a little 'general reference points': [1] Moses married a Cushite woman, Zipporah [2] His sister Miriam protest about this for this very reason [3] The Creator's response after this conflict [4] Moses response to the Egyptians before he fled Egypt was due to this very basis of COLORISM [5] Moses Blessings towards the HALF-WHITE people of Israel years later... [6] Again, the lineage of Moses' and the Levites...
  14. ARGUING? But yes, @Pioneer1 as the scriptures say, I believe in Proverbs, [paraphrase] 'if you answer a fool, you sound as a fool', and then later it says [paraphrase] 'if you don't respond to a fool, you are as well, a fool...' So, I do agree, I too sound like a child debating with you over and over again on merit even though you are absolutely showing a pattern of basing subjects on merit/facts initially and then, abruptly changing and stating what you belief with no merit, leaving me at wits end. So at times, when I believe that you are joking in this way, I do stop the debate. When I believe that you are joking and not serious and just merely inciting, I stop. For now, though, I am not sure of your complete motives. So, I don't mind sounding like a fool. I appreciate you when you offer sound opinions, but again, I see a pattern with you, in that you will suddenly change and throw out statements with no basis. Wow! Okay, regarding MOSES, now you have changed your position again!!! Regarding other religions that do accept the validity of MOSES, THEY ALL ARE BASED ON -- GUESS WHAT!?--MOSES & the FIRST FIVE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE!!! So, the other renditions scripted to support Arabic or the White Jews, are still based on Moses & the Exodus!!! The Islamic Movement as well, depends on GUESS WHAT!? Moses dated at the time of the EXODUS. That would mean that Moses is NOT Part-White because the other script -- THE EGYPTIAN SCRIPT-- details that Moses was definitely not born from a White woman. LOL @Pioneer1 Manmade dates!? What that? Man has nothing to do with making up dates. LOL. You said 2000 BC --Musa left Egypt and went to ??? Now you are putting the Caucasus mountains in Central Asia!? LOL. Ludacris.
  15. Yes, @Pioneer1 mankind has benefited based on the monthly cycle of the full moon and the physical nature of matter as it responds to the full moon at high tide, etc. I agree. At night, criminals operate in secrecy under cover of darkness, etc. even though we as mankind have nothing to do with how night and daytime occurs.
  16. Oh WOW! A 6000-plus Year Naked Eye Comet in the Sky This Month of July The news has just reported that the comet NEOWISE has been seen in our skies tonight and can be viewed with the naked eye for a month! Apparently, scientist did not believe that this comet would be able to be viewed so nothing was reported until now due to certain observers who were able to capture it and report it. This comet was said to first be viewed on March 27, 2020 but because of the other two recent comets that did not make it into are viewpoint, nothing was reported until today. This image – taken on the morning of July 5, 2020, by Jeremy Perez at Sunset Crater in Arizona – shows comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) on the same scale that you might see it with the eye alone. Try to use binoculars to reveal all the beauty of this comet. Used with permission. Thank you, Jeremy! Another July 5 shot of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) by Jeremy Perez in Arizona. This one is more of a close-up. “It was an easy naked-eye object,” wrote this experienced sky observer, who was looking in a desert sky, “but really rewarding through binoculars.” Used with permission. Thanks again, Jeremy! Here is another shot of #CometNeowise...this time a bit closer! Look at that beautiful tail! Taken in Arizona this morning! The last time a GREAT COMET was seen in our sky was 1997. So, would this Neowise comet be a Great Comet? Scientist say that it shines as some of the brightest stars in the sky. However, have they defined this comet to be a Great Comet has not been determined yet. Historians report another GREAT COMET back in 1812 [i.e. tHE GREAT COMET OF 1811] of which was seen even in the daytime for months! And some historians say that due to a phenomenal earthquake, this Great Comet of 1811-12, etc. that this was the reason for the Second War of Independence; the War of 1812. Nevertheless, it will be 6000+ years before this Neowise comet will cycle near to our planet again! ___________________________________________________________ How to see Comet NEOWISE Posted by Eddie Irizarry in SPACE/ July 10, 2020 … Comet NEOWISE was closest to the sun on July 3, 2020, passing at about 26.7 million miles (43 million km) from the sun, or a bit closer than the average distance from the sun to Mercury. Observers are still reporting seeing it, and so it appears to have survived the close encounter with our star. https://earthsky.org/space/how-to-see-comet-c2020-f3-neowise#:~:text=Comet NEOWISE will be closest,million km) from our planet.&text=Around July 12-15%2C Comet,close to the Northwest horizon. _________________________________________________________________________ Wow! This comet came closer than some of our planets! So therefore, this month brings new wonders in our sky! Not only will there be a GRAND CONJUNCTION towards the end of this month but now, we have an unexpected visible comet! A Grand Conjunction has been defined as the conjunction of the two giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn, a rare event. And furthermore, it will be 6000+ years before this Neowise comet cycles near to the planet earth again! … If you are standing facing east, you will see Venus, which is the third-brightest object in the sky (after the moon and sun). Look to the left of Venus to see the bright star Capella. The comet will be below Capella during the mornings of the first half of July, but moving to the left (north) each day: https://earthsky.org/space/how-to-see-comet-c2020-f3-neowise#:~:text=Comet NEOWISE will be closest,million km) from our planet.&text=Around July 12-15%2C Comet,close to the Northwest horizon. *My Note: I posted this article a few minutes ago, however, it was not posted. So this is my second attempt.
  17. Interesting. I've heard of this too and how astrologist regard certain eclipses. I think though, that eclipses and so many other star configurations help us to measure time and dates with regards to our earth movements. And then, as a result of this, certain predictions and prophecies can be made.
  18. @Pioneer1 Again, you are going on your own belief. The scriptures do not say Moses was half-White; his lineage is given in ancient scriptures. Your Central Asian MOUNTAIN beliefs are so crazy. This is what that girl was talking about--CANDACE. Although her answer is to support TRUMP means that she has been deceived as well, however, I completely understand her breakdown on how this system supports us Blacks to present their lies. Pioneer you are constantly making up things to support your White Supremacist format. Moses was not dated around 2000 BC and the White people were not walled in Central Asia in 2000 bc. You sound like a child.
  19. I Saw the LUNAR ECLIPSE! Actually, I had no idea that I was looking at a Lunar Eclipse initially. I had become very tired and laid down and fell asleep late in the evening on July 4, but when I woke up, it was after Midnight and I went outside to get some fresh air. So, in the wee hours of the morning on July 5, when I opened my door, I was surprised to see the sky lit up so brightly that I gasped and step outside on my porch to gaze at the night sky. Oh, the moon is full, I came to realize but for some reason, it seemed strange to me that the sky looked so bright and clear. I could see a few clouds gathering but nevertheless, it seemed like a strange night. I was also in awe at the two bright stars nearby the full moon and that would be what led be to learn that this July full moon was in eclipse! One star was exceptionally large, and I thought maybe it was the planet Jupiter or Venus. So, I rushed back to check the internet to find out more about the two stars marked by the Moon. To my wonder, the larger star was the planet Jupiter and the smaller one was the planet Saturn! Wow, I thought, this must be big news for the scientific community. When Jupiter and Saturn show up as a pair, it brings back many historical memories! Since this time, it has been many years since I had the opportunity to look into a telescope to see these two wonders but now, I had decided to star gaze through a telescope again. And although, my experience was like other times in how it took my breath away to see these wonders in closer view, however, I was so disappointed due to my lack of knowledge of how to manipulate a telescope. In the past, I stood by and waited while my son, a young pre-teen focused his telescope in the night sky and then was able to look at the planet Saturn for the first time and later, he fixed his scope so that I was able to see more wonders. But this time and after grueling and numerous attempts to find the stars, I was happy that I achieved my goal, but also confused as to why the stars looked so dark and haunting. I could not believe that I had found the stars. Jupiter was so large and WOW, I knew I was looking at Saturn because I saw the rings! However, both appeared to be a big round dark grey circle suspended in the open dark sky. *My Note: This is pretty much how the sky appeared in the early morning of July 5, 2020 but from my viewpoint at the time around 1:30 AM both planets were about the same distance apart from the moon and from each other, however, Jupiter was located higher than the moon and Saturn was higher than Jupiter. The partial lunar eclipse lasted for about 2 hours and 45 minutes--as it was reported. I later asked my son why the stars appeared to be so dark and he explained to me that my telescope barrel was narrow, small, etc., and therefore not enough light could be gathered—whatever that means! I guess light can be gathered from the moon and get into the barrel to better illuminate the planets if the barrel has a larger width and length. Nevertheless, I felt as though the store advertisements had duped me. I spent about $20.00 on this telescope and the advertisement did say that the rings on planet Saturn could be seen, but I never read about the other details that concerned the light. Had I known that I needed a longer barrel and a wider barrel, etc., I would not have bought that telescope. Some advertisements say that if the telescope cost less than $300.00, then it would not be worth the purchase, but had I not looked into my son’s telescope many years ago, I would never believe that I would be able to see much more details in the night sky with a lower priced telescope. Back in 2002, the year of a phenomenal planetary alignment, my son focused a $20.00 telescope I bought him for ‘Christmas’ on the planet Saturn and this initial experience for me was life changing. It was unbelievable. I saw the beautiful, round, brightly lit opal-like opaque sapphire blue ball with majestic golden-like banded rings-on-a-tilt suspended in the night sky. When I looked through the telescope in 2009, I was again mystified as I gazed into the same telescope and saw the rings at a different position. Around that time too, I was able to see the red spot on the planet Jupiter and this orange-like banded majestic star! I also witnessed Jupiter’s four moons that year in an incredible alignment! To think that at one point in a distant time, these moving stars [planets] were not part of our solar system world! But then one day, they came into orbit and here they are today! To look at Jupiter and Saturn as they seem closely paired and to know that Saturn would be millions of miles away from Jupiter becomes for me a contemplation and I drift away into deeper thoughts about time and space. Even though Saturn would obviously be much older than 2018 years, however, it was at this time during a planetary alignment, around A.D. 2, on April 17, that it was reported to whirl into our solar system with its’ moons from some unknown origin, position itself to be about 888 million miles away from the sun, and begin to rotate around it as the last of the ancient planets to make this advent. So, to have the opportunity to look into a telescope and see this massive moving star and to see other wonders such as the eclipse, I am exhilarated, and I know this day will not come again. Time moves on. c5bde32.jpg%3Fquality%3D90%26lb%3D1484%2C1392%26background%3Dwhite&exph=1392&expw=1484&q=night+sky+july+5%2c+2020&simid=607999757910214561&ck=E5C81895C268B42D882672A3A634EE4C&selectedindex=70&ajaxhist=0&vt=0 *My Note: Although this picture was taken from the internet, based on my past viewing experience, this would be an actual view through a telescope of these planets, although --I could not view both of these giant planets in the scope at the same time. And they were much larger And because of the nature of eclipses, the wondering star, and other star patterns, therefore, star gazing becomes an opportunity. Due to the nature of eclipses revealed even in ancient scriptures, in that they inherently draw clouds, certain celestial events on this wise may be hidden! So as the thick clouds gathered and moved towards the moon and planets, I worked intently and quickly to accomplish my goal. Because of the nature of the planet Saturn as it revolves around the sun on a unique horizontal plane and appears to wonder in and out of view as our earth tilts on its’ axis, I am aware of such an opportunity to be able to see it in the night sky. And so, this month, it has been reported that both Jupiter and Saturn will be in range to view later this month. By way of scientist today, I have learned what it means in that both of these planets will be in opposition later this month and that adds so much more to my amazement. So, this month not only did I wake up, go outside, and looked upon this night as it featured a Lunar Eclipse nevertheless, this ‘Buck Moon’ Eclipse has also been marked by these two planet worlds. I have learned that this full moon of July has been termed ‘Buck Moon’ due to this time being when male deer grow their antlers. But also, for this year, the Full Moon of July was in eclipse and has been viewed as significant because it was the third eclipse in a rare series. For many Americans too, this was a special eclipse due to Independence Day, however, for me, as an African American DOS, this eclipse brings back much more deeper truths about July 4. I was shocked to learn one day by happenstance that two of the early presidents of the American Revolution, slaveholders, and of whom signed the Declaration of Independence for White Americans on July 4 actually died fifty (50) years later on that same day! Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 [a] – July 4, 1826) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson John Adams (October 30, 1735 [a] – July 4, 1826) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Adams John Adams died on July 4, 1826 – the fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence – hours after Jefferson’s death. … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Adams But that kind of history only scratches the surface about this specific day, July 4. In a much more distant time, it was recorded by ancient people of a phenomenal star explosion to occur on this day, July 4, in which the star cluster, Pleiades, soon took formation and today, some believe this would be one reason for the American celebration with fireworks. And then there were the ancient Egyptians who celebrated their ‘Christmas in July’ based on other more ancient phenomena. The ancient Chaldeans of Babylon and the Egyptians read the skies without telescopes but today, I am exhilarated to be able to look into a basic telescope and to understand only a little of what they mastered. I appreciate the technology of today and hope that I can better understand the invention of telescopes and how to use them to learn more about the skies and my place in the universe. After a little research, I understand that there are three (3) main types of telescopes; [1] a Compound, [2] a Reflector and, [3] a Refractor and it would be the Refractor telescope that has been the best option for a beginner. So now, hopefully, in the near future when Saturn wonders into our earth viewpoint, I will be ready see it in its glory again through a telescope. But if I do not get that opportunity again, I can still say today that I lived to witness a great wonder in the sky that many ancient priest-scientist had predicted its advent more than a thousand years before it came and they died and did not see it! This giant circular mass in the universe, the Zephyr Star’ [Western Star] that positioned itself at a 180-degree line over Jerusalem, was seen to appear low on the eastern horizon by ancient wise men in the east has marked the real ‘Christmas Day’ to be in the month of April. Although there has been other types of planetary alignments in the past and present, on April 17, 2002, this particular planet line-up returned again and as in the first time it appeared, this Sapphire star wonder Saturn arranged itself within the alignment but this time with the inclusion of the modern day planets that entered the solar system, Uranus and Neptune. All the planets arranged themselves on the same plane with the sun exactly as it had about 2000 years ago and fell into and out of certain star occultations within the zodiac belt again within the next few months and up to years later and then moved out of this sequence. To gaze upon the Thunder Star Planet Jupiter, the Red Star Planet Mars, and the Wondering Star Saturn and more, resonates for me as a deep spiritual awakening and broadens my scope of what may lay beyond this present world and gives me hope of what my human life can attain beyond todays’ walls. Ancient America Rock Depiction- Chaco Canyon SN 1054 is a supernova that was first observed on c. 4 July 1054 [clarification needed], and remained visible for around two years. … The remnant of SN 1054, which consists of debris ejected during the explosion, is known as the Crab Nebula. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SN_1054 Is the Chaco Canyon Rock Art a Star Map Showing SN 1054? Richard L. Dieterle … a star map showing the famous supernova explosion in 1054 (SN 1054) of the star … In the second panel, the stars at sunrise, July 4, 1054, when the supernova … This is not a common image for the Pleiades, although Cowan suggests, “To … https://hotcakencyclopedia.com/cc.ChacoCanyonRockArt.html Taurus? Here’s your constellation Posted by Bruce McClure in ASTRONOMY ESSENTIALS / CONSTELLATIONS / February 5, 2020 Taurus is one of the most spectacular constellations in the nighttime sky. In addition to Aldebaran, Taurus has the intriguing star Elnath. Plus it has two fine star clusters, the Pleiades and the Hyades. And this constellation is the radiant point for the annual Taurid meteor shower in November. What more, Taurus also features the telescopic Crab Nebula (M1), the remains of a cataclysmic supernova explosion that lit up the daytime sky in 1054 A.D. https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/taurus-heres-your-constellation Definition of zephyr 1a: a breeze from the west https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/zephyr Full moon, faint eclipse, on July 4-5 Posted by Bruce McClure in TONIGHT / July 4, 2020 For us in the Americas, the moon will turn precisely full during the nighttime hours on July 4-5, 2020, to present a partial penumbral eclipse of the moon. … On the night of July 4-5, there’s another astronomical event taking place that we all can see. This July full moon will shine near on the sky’s dome to the very bright planet Jupiter, and also to the ringed planet Saturn. You need a telescope to see Saturn’s rings. But you’ll get a kick out of seeing Jupiter and Saturn close together! https://earthsky.org/tonight/full-buck-moon-faint-eclipse-july-4-5 Sports & Fitness BUYING GUIDE FOR THE BEST TELESCOPES Last Updated July 2020 HOW A TELESCOPE WORKS TELESCOPE DESIGN https://bestreviews.com/best-telescopes Best Telescopes https://bestreviews.com/best-telescopes
  20. No Way!—100 degrees Fahrenheit in Siberia in June 2020! Global Warming!? Temperatures in an Arctic Siberian town hit 100 degrees, a new high Wow! Some reports state that this has never happened in recorded history. Also it has been reported that the average temperature in Siberia during the month of June would be around 68 degrees, but 100 degrees Fahrenheit!? Man! These are the last days before a new ‘day’! This is what some of the article states: An unprecedented heatwave in one of the coldest places on Earth just reached a distressing milestone. Temperatures in the small Siberian town of Verkhoyansk hit 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit on Saturday, according to public-facing weather data. … Average June temperatures in Verkhoyansk reach a high of 68 degrees Fahrenheit, so the new record-high temperature is alarming. … The dramatic swings in temperature in northwest Siberia last month would happen only once in 100,000 years if it weren't for climate change, climate scientist Martin Stendel said. https://www.msn.com/en-us/weather/topstories/temperatures-in-an-arctic-siberian-town-hit-100-degrees-a-new-high/ar-BB15PHVr?ocid=msedgntp
  21. Yes okay. Yes, thank you, that is what I remember Farrakahn saying on video. Yes, I understand about this too. I sat at the table and studied with Islamic men! ANd I know that they are divided and also, as you stated are not on the same page as some are with the Middle East beliefs.
  22. Yes, but there will probably be more. The Great American Total Solar Eclipse was worth the trip to view.
  23. No @Pioneer1 that does not make sense at all. It is NOT good to give Black people and especially the Original Jews a pass because they rebelled against God, went whoring after other kinds of people! Louis Farrakahn is fair skinned, Moses was fair skinned, many of my own people are fair skinned due to OUR SIN, not just white rape. We have all sinned,--this whole world. God would not just send Jesus for a bunch of White worshiping Negroes--that just doesn't make sense.
  24. Yeah, @Pioneer1 Thank you! I believe you. But I just listened to Farrakahn and I am perplexed. What a confusion. @Pioneer1 WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HE TALKING ABOUT!? Is he referring to the founder of a certain Islamic origin, because I know that he admitted on video that the founder's mother was a White woman. I just want to make a clarification based on ancient scriptures through and through that the mother of Jesus, Mary, was African-typed completely. SOME OF THE MANY REFERENCES ARE: [1] the very CIVIL WAR and DIVISION after the death of SOLOMON. Solomon was written up for going against God and marrying ' certain kind of White women' and it was for this very reason that the prophets wrote that the Creator split the kingdoms of Judah and Israel!!! [2] The HOUSE OF DAVID WAS SPLIT because of Solomon's deeds and therefore, Mary, the mother of Jesus was a descendant of Solomon's brother NATHAN as is detailed in the book of ST LUKE Chapter THREE. [3] The last book in the Old Testament, THE ENTIRE BOOK OF MALACHI written many of the 'Negroes' Jews at that time who were intermingling with White Greek 'Hellene' women and gave rise to a division. [4] THE BOOK OF NEHEMIAH and how the Jews had to divorce their Greek wives if they wanted to get their inheritance and it detailed how some of them married women and couldn't even understand their language. LOL... [5] the book of MALACHI stated that no matter how those Jews were robbing the temple and giving the money away and had left off from their own women, the prophetical 'Great prophet' would still come through as 'an original Jew' as Moses prophesized more than a thousand years prior. ... Louis Farrakahn is confusion!!! He is inserting a great evil--White Supremacy. Man! I'm done with him. I don't need him to preach about White Supremacy, I can't believe what I just heard.
  25. Yes, I did, but I am personally affected by this truth!!! @Troy and @Pioneer1 On one occasion, I made a terrible decision to follow a news report to go to a health clinic that offered a vaccine and it was the first time, I had went to a clinic in a Black community! I know they gave my baby a bad injection!!! However, I prayed that God would heal my baby afterwards and he did. However, I know that he was absolutely affected and I did think at one point that he was autistic. Right after the vaccine, he got really sick, and prior to that time, he was an extremely calm baby, never colicky. But after that vaccine about a day later, he woke up from a nap and he screamed, and screamed and screamed to the top of his lungs. I tried giving him a warm bath, I cuddled him, I paced with him... eventually, he stopped screaming. He completely stopped and was exhausted. Then he finally calmed down and that behavior never happened again. However, when he got older and was told that he needed a vaccine for college---WELL, I WENT THE F--OFF!!! I got my medical records and coached him and told them a thing or two. If they insisted, he would just not go to college. Yes, I read about that Black female doctor who admitted that this vaccine was deliberately directed to harm Black babies. frickin Herod's edict against Black African male babies all over again. Okay, sorry for going off. I'm not sure, but, It seems as though the news came out so fast, there is a confusion. I think the reports are alluding to Black-on-Black murders. @Troy The more we research, it should become obvious that there are many White people that will fight against racism hard. We should not expect for White people to completely understand our oppression, because I feel that you have to be Black to really know, however, that does not mean that people can't understand to a point. Some of the history about how Sherman and his forces barreled into the south and went at those Southerners is crazy!!! They really got at those racist slaveholding idiots.
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