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Everything posted by Troy

  1. @Delano you should know by now, other than trolls and spammers, i don't place any restrictions on what people say here. That would defeat the purpose. Obviously I dont agree with everthing people say here. When you deny climate change I don't delete your posts, i want to better understand your reasoning maybe hear something i dont know. Look if I or any of you want to read only things that fit your world view, go to Facebook. For example, @NubianFellow's reaction to the white guy's was quite harsh and a weak person might be put off to the point that wo n't reply. If you are too intimidated to reply then this forum is not for you...again there is always Facebook. @Cynique came through and explained why Nubian's reaction was misguided. That exchange between two smart and talented writers (Nubian and Cynique) was much better that me deleting a post and the exchange never taking place. The "tone" I set Del is free expression. The benefit is in the diversity of expression. Me "setting the tone" is the opposite if that.
  2. You can stop right there because everything else is hype, spin, and speculation. You and I both know what people choose to post on social media and their morivations for doing it is more about them and less about reflecting truth. Exactly. People have formed negative opinions about the little girl out if thin air. She'll need to deal with the nonsense, for the video will never go away... she'll be the poster child for Black self hate, simply because some gave her a wig to play with. Again, you're looking at it wrong. It is not white worhsip or Black self hate. Mel's husband's so called race was incidental to her. For us, it would been a showstopper, for all the reasons mentioned, but she obviously does not think the way we do about it race. Too bad everyone does not think the way she does. The world would be a better place.
  3. The woman, Constan, made that agreement Del, long before we learned about the situation.
  4. In a word, "yes." Slavery imposed strict rules, incarceration imposes strict rules, living in your momma's house imposes strict rules. Free adults abhor strict rules -- it is the opposite of freedom. I've often said I understand where @Pioneer1 is coming from, because some of what he says are postions I once held but the we disagree on so much now because my positions have changed. Similarly with @NubianFellow he is so striden, forcefull, and skilled in expressing his opinions he is hard to ignore. But he too, on this issue, is painting with too broad a brush. I'd seen the video before and depending upon your world view it might seem like compeling proof of a little Black girl who wants deperately to be white and have long flowing hair. The reality is shit is often more complex. I've raised to girls and if you take a toy from them yhat they were playing, for no apparent reason, they might get upset and if could be a stick they just found on the ground. Maybe the kid was minimiking a older person whose hair was blown dry (a natural hair style that would presumably pass muster with pioneer and nubian). Maybe her parents have her in front of the TV all day and she watched one too many Pantene commercials. This video proves nothing. What Black women do what they with their is far more complex than being brainwashed to be like white people. The Maasai women shave their hair and the warriors (men) run around braiding there hair. How do you think American Brothers would react if Black women adopted the hair styles of our African sisters in present day Kenya/Tanzania?
  5. Here we go! @Delano don't go off the deep end I'm simply saying i do not agree that Cosby should have been sent to prision the Constan (sp?) case. Cosby's accused behavior is reprehensible he abused women who trusted him more that should have because of his celebrity and wealth. But that was not what he was tried and convicted for. @Delano, you don't find a problem with this woman taking millions of dollars from Cosby and continuing to see him AFTER the assault then turning ariund an being responsible fir putting him in jail? Calling Camille a monster is presumptuous and a bit callous.
  6. @Pioneer1 get out more. Meet people outside your culture, age, geography. I actually know several male "Lorens." There is even one on the site Dr. Loren Due. I approved an account for @Loren Carle so if he comes back he'll see that tag hopefully react to your replies; take what is meaningful and throw away the rest (side eyeing you know who ).
  7. Sheesh @Pioneer1 you are nitpicking now. Ok them why do you say. Don't ask me to prove you wrong, just explain what justifies the statement.
  8. Hi @Coach Michael Taylor, congratulations on the new book! I see the that I only have 5 or your 7 books listed on AALBC. Please post the ISBN13's of the two missing titles. Also the official site I'm currently linking to bmracademy.com is no longer active. Please share the best site (non-social media) to replace you official site.
  9. That's true Del. Post the clip if you like. I was just telling you that it would not be necessary to do so on my behalf. Is it clear to you that Cosby was sent to jail, "purportedly," for the sexual assault against a single women -- a woman he'd already settled with in civil court by paying her off with $3,000,000?
  10. @Delano no need to hunt for the clip, more of the same will mot make a difference. Cosby was tried and convicted on the sexual assualt of one person -- not the dozens of other women whose stories were so old they exceeded the statute of limitations. Indeed the first trial Cosby was not convicted. It was only when the torrent of crying white women became admissible that Cosby's fate was sealed.
  11. @Pioneer1 why do yiu suggest that Monique has never been supportive of the Black community?
  12. @Pioneer1 you know I've defended the NOI on many occassions, because they have given structure and meaning to many people the formerly incarcerate for example. There would be no Malcom X without the Nation. However, i dont think most people need the NOI and their restrictions. Ali sounded like a throwback because he reflected the Nation's teachings. But that makes Ali no different than many Christians who call homosexuals an abomination and believe the world is 6K years old. As far as Mel's ability to speak on the subject, I see it this way: She is not as racist as you (and I). Intellectually i know there is only one race. However I could not marry a white woman, i would not want to deal with all the famillial and cultural stress that come with that kind if relationship. Plus I'm not particularly attracted to white women; that is probably because I'm still a little racist, but that is a function of being raised in a segregated community in white racist America. In that regard, @Mel Hopkins and @Delanomore evolved that we are.
  13. What?! Pioneer your thought Motown was Black owned? @NubianFellow thanks for bring homeboy into the 21st century. It is not clear to me why you are being so hard on Monique @Pioneer1. She simply was not sophisticated enough to play the white man's game. Also, she did try to get support from the Black power brokers, Tyler Perry, Oprah, Lee Daniels, Steve Harvey, and others. but they failed to support her in they way that she felt she should be supported. She is guilty of being naive and ill advised give her a break -- even Steve Harvey did that.
  14. I have not followed up on this particular story about Cosby, but I'm one of those Black folks who don't believe that Cosby should have been thrown in Jail for the crime he committed. Cosby had previously given the woman 3 million dollars which she took. But smart people can argue the point... If these other powerful white men (Harvey Weinstein, Les Moove, et all) get off that is just adding insult to injury., but also par for the course here in America.
  15. @Pioneer1 OK if Mel's motives can't be trusted what about mine. I'm a Black man with over 1/2 a century of experience. I advocate for Black people on a daily basis. Ali came across as an anachronism, a misogynistic throwback with a narrow minded perspective. Sure the women looked fine, and if they wanna dress that way cool. I don't, however, but believe that any Black women should be compelled to dress this way or in any fashion dictated by a so called religion. But I give Ali some latitude, he was a great boxer, but in the video he was young, not the most educated person, and a devotee of the Nation of Islam. As a result, I don't expect profound ideas to come from this man. I do expect him to talk shit and knock people out in a boxing ring for my entertainment. The problem we have is our fixation on entertainers for ideas. As if some rapper or athlete is capable of deep thought simply because they are famous. This is not true for white folks, but for Black folks this is the surely the case. We all know how reporters seemingly seek out the craziest sounding Black person when a comment is need for a story. This is true across the board. If we need some insight on how well the president is doing -- lets hear from Kanye. Need relationship advise -- get Steve Harvey on the phone. Need in depth political analysis -- give Al Sharpton a TV show...
  16. 40 terrific books were nominated for NAACP Image Awards. Several are AALBC Bestsellers! Congratulations to all the authors and publishers.
  17. @Pioneer1 Motown is a terrible example. Where is that "institution" today? I have clothing that has lasted longer than Motown.
  18. @Pioneer1 this clip actually makes @Mel Hopkins's point. I agree no woman, or man, should worship at the alter of a European designer. However, any religion, or man exposing such a religion, that mandates chaste attire for women is oppressing women. I've seen women in the ocean down here in burkas (or whatever you call that crazy getup some muslin women wear that covers everything but their eyes). Is that really what you in favor of? Pioneer truth be told some of what you write is confusing and inconsistent. I recall previously you saying man was millions of years old. Now we are billions of years old. Which means we must be extraterrestrials because Earth could not support our form of life billions of years ago. When presented with this info you come if with something that some people believed centuries ago. Given your conversation with Chevdove about the Bible I figured you must be a Christian or some pioneerized version of one. I was curious to know which parts you believed.
  19. No, @Mel Hopkins I meant i draw them. But technically the metal attract the magnet too, so my analogy was a bit off. I was raised in an all female household and my own family was all female. still there is so much to kearn about women and hair
  20. I believe the vast majority of Americans share this world view. @Mel Hopkins i actually do believe that everthing happens for a reason. Cause and effect; from the moment of the big bang 13 odd billion years ago, the die was cast, and everything that would happen was set in motion.
  21. Yeah I hear you @Cynique, but Steve Harvey is not any funnier than Monique. Sucess is never really is about pure talent in the entertainment industry. Do you think the striper turn rap phenom, Cardi B, is the most talented female rapper? Do you think Colin K. lacks the talent to make a pro team? Steve is great at working the system, Monique despite the Oscar sucks at it. It was probably not a good idea for her to be managed by her husband. That has obviously not worked well....
  22. Yeah, on the web today, I saw a several ads promoting articles with that subject. I could not bring myself to read any of them.
  23. Yeah that reminds me of the Jherl Curl or the Mullet... I see a lot more and more sistaz with purple hair including a couple i took out. Is purple hair really a thing, or am l i just a purple-hair-having-chick-magnet?
  24. The "money game" IS the "white game" See Steve, and he said it himself, ain't trying to sacrifice himself or his family or the cause -- certainly not for Monique. What Steve describes as the "wrong way" is the way that would cause him some discomfort (i.e. potential loss of income). That is why Steve and the rests of them are very wealthy money and why a Monique, a Kaepernick, or any one of us can be shut down -- regardless of what other Black people say or think about it. Boycott?! Black folks have not successfully boycotted anything since Montgomery, over 60 years ago! That tactic is off the table because, like Steve, no one wants to sacrifice anything. No one will boycott Amazon because people want discounted books and free shipping -- who cares how many Black businesses are crippled in their wake. No one is boycotting Netflix to support Monique and more than they'd boycott the NFL to support Colin. Collectively, we are a relatively weak, powerless, dependent, group of people...sorry. Sure there are some individual successes, like Steve Harvey and others, but if Steve can't protect a fellow comedian, one he claims he "loves," what good is his success to anyone but himself?
  25. ... @Cynique you gonna go down that road? LOL!
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