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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I think @NubianFellow's example of Black men (and some women) sagging their pants is a good example. It would be entirely proper for a sister to step a youngin' and tell them to pull their damn pants up. If no one checks the young Brother then there are no standards for dress and anything goes. Now some people believe there should be no standards -- as long as I'm not hurting you -- what difference does it make how anyone dresses? I'm not one of those people. I'm not saying I should make the rules, but there should be rules for behavior, including dress. These rules can be different over time and place, but again there must be a certain level of accepted behavior for a civil society. Saggin; pants if different that wearing a weave, for it speaks to slovenly dress and sometimes behavior. I'm no longer inclined to care what a woman does with her hair as long as it is clean. Personally I think women invest FAR too much time and money in their hair. Black women's fixation on hair is not because of racism (thought it may have started that way) but skilled marketing, for white women are under the same pressure to have their hair look a certain way. It is part of American culture. I've become friendly with a hair stylist recently and the stories she tells about white women and their hair would amaze you. I've recently taken up sporting a goatee. I prefer to be clean shaven, but every woman I've gone out with says they like it, so I'm keeping it because it is relatively easy to maintain. My ex-wife also preferred the goatee but I figured she should accept me without it. I guess that is why we are no longer together But to @Cynique's point looks are superficial. But I think most of us are "superficial" to a certain extent. I prefer women who are not obese, shorter than me, my complexion or darker, and a whole laundry list of physical characteristics -- some within the woman's control and others not. I don't think I'm shallow, I'm just a human being; this sort of thing is natural. Does my check list have to be 100% met - of course not. The woman that meets all of my desired requirements does not exist. We make trade offs. So when it comes to women's hair, I don't even care and more. I know what I like and unless someone asks me, I keep my mouth shut. There are far more important battles to fight in the war for Black liberation, like getting folk to support Black businesses.
  2. @Pioneer1, so you believe your theory of Black people being billions of years old is more plausible?! Are you shitting me? You can't be serious? The planet is only 4.5 billion years old, just a few billion years younger than the universe. That's a silly statement. Try living in the northern climates and see who is better adapted. Man adpats to their environment through randon mutation and natural selection. (btw. did you procreate, or have your genes been dropped from the gene pool through natural selection?)
  3. I never knew the Tops covered this song. I don't think I ever heard this.
  4. Whoa stop the presses. How did I let this one slip by… @Chevdove, see, most people would doubt, that someone walked through a wall. There has to be some modicum of skepticism when you read something as extreme as this -- otherwise you are liable to fall for anything. Also, nothing in quantum theory suggests that people should be able to walk through walls. I know you did not say this, but just in case, keep in mind these "objects" are sub-atomic particles electrons, photos, and the like. Objects, like people, do not behave the way electrons do. The locations of people are not based upon a probability function. @Pioneer1 how can Black people have been around for billions of years when the planet has been capable of supporting human life for far less time? Do you believe Black people are extraterrestrial?
  5. @Cynique (anybody) what makes quantum physics so compelling for you? Is that the rules at the quantum level are so different and difficult to comprehend?
  6. Troy

    Jayne Cortez

    I had not heard this she died several years ago. I heard her read onc, at a tribute for that guy who wrote that long ass poem "Howl."
  7. @Pioneer1 it is if they claim to be a Christian. Ain't that right @Chevdove? Pioneer do you think the likelyhood of a man, having multiple children by different women, "properly rearing them and providing for them all (including the mothers)," is high?
  8. @NubianFellow I've heard people expose these ideas, but I've never heard it asserted as a actual theory. You know the kind of theory that a scientist has written up in a peer reviewed journal. People like Deepak Chopra says these types of things, but they are not backed up by the science. But it is an interesting idea through. The theories discussed at the quantum level don't apply at the macro level. @Pioneer1 dayum man, i was just asking a question lol! Maybe you believe Adam lived a million years ago. Besides you and Chevdove are talking over my head with this biblical stuff.
  9. @Chevdove I'm not sure if you follow Harry's rants against Black social dysfunction -- especially that of the Black church leadership. While he is singularly focused on these issues. He does not exaggerate. Have you (or anyone) ever considered that Black Christians are so often victimizers, abusers, and financial exploiters of these ones they are supposedly leading and helping to save? Of course this is not just a Black thing the Catholic church is rife with sexual abuse and pedophilia -- so much so it appears that providing a platform the sexual abuse of children is part of it's mission. Couple that with the fact the Christianity has been used to justify so many horrors across the globe since it was invented. It seems to me that the form of spirituality divorced doctrine of any of the world's so called "great" religions is far more righteous, less judgmental, and natural.
  10. @Chevdove thanks for the detailed reply. I was not absolutely clear to me that you were, at your foundation a Christian. I can see why you might make some other Christians -- even minsters -- nervous or why they might not be aware of your information. I'm a firm believer that one learns more from people who are most different than they are, and your world view is very different from my own However, I respect and appreciate you sharing you beliefs here despite the opposition and challenges to them. That takes a lot of heart. I hope you feel you are benefiting in some way too. I also hope that you are open to change. That, I think, is where the real benefit and growth comes. I learn from you all. Thanks everyone!
  11. My bad. I thought you were being sacastic. My percieved sacrasm was reflected back to you when i wrote "alien invasion." I was referring the "Alien Spacecraft" post where you refused to link to a source.
  12. You obviously have a lot of knowledge on this subject and put a lot of time and effort in aquring it. Is this the result of self study primarily, or did you learn this in school or Church? Are there others who believe as you do? Is there someplace i can read more about this? A link to a website would be ideal. Thanks. My understanding is that Y DNA goes back much farther than 4,000 BC.
  13. Mr. One-who-answers-no-questions, you are the master of diversionary tactics aren't you? You can't find anything to support your alien invasion claim, but you can cherry pick text from an obsure text rather than answer a simple question. You could also include the entire text, the part that describes the relativistic nature of the speed of light. Better yet, just tell me if one plus one plus is two is a fact or not. Because pretending like you understand Einstein's theory put you in a small club of theoretical physicists. Plus it does not distract me from the fact that you have no response to my contention that there are indeed facts. So, is 1+1=2 a fact or not @Delano?
  14. @Delano, one-who-answers-no-questions, a black hole is perhaps the exact opposite of a vacuum and nothing alters the speed of light. E, in the equation, is not a constant, but c is. But all of this is besides the point. I stated what are obvious facts. Is not 1+ 1 equal to 2 @Delano? Is that not a factual statement? Would you at least answer THAT simple question and thereby lay your objection to my statement to rest?
  15. This conversation illutrates what happens when you mix fact with fantasy. So you two believe in Adam (and presumably Eve) as in the 1st two people on Earth the progenitors of all of mankind, who some omnipotent being ejected from the garden of eden, along with some other punishments, for eating an apple on the urging of a talking snake? Do you two, @Chevdove and @Pioneer1 believe this story... literarlly?
  16. @Delano what temperature does water boil at room temperature at sea level? What is the speed of light in a vacuum? What is 1+1? We know these things because they are facts. It does does not matter what your objective reality is, these things will always be true, as long as you are in THIS universe... and we are all in this universe.
  17. @Delano I don't waste my time on wild goose chases, but if you provided a source I'd read it. The fact that I have not heard about this alien sighting by now is not a good indication that it's true. Again, where did you learn this?
  18. Chevdove this is my point. Everything YOU'VE expressed about your malfunctioning GPS is not supported by the articles. You are overreacting and jumping to conclusions. It is also telling that you cite you family friend as proof and when asked about specifics you say you don't understand what he said. Do you see why, with all due respect (if you were @Pioneer1 I'd be far less delicate ) this is can be viewed as sloppy thinking? Next time your phone's GPS starts acting up, simply reboot the thing.
  19. LOL! I wish an alien would visit and reveal themselves. I just hope they come armed cause you know Earthling would try to kill them and steal their technology
  20. @Cynique in the final analysis, at the most granular level, this is true. At a macro level, the kind of things we can observe like the tossing of a ball, we can understand these things. @Delano there are some facts, but probably not an objective reality. Both IMHO
  21. Interesting. Also flood stories permeate civilizations all over the ancient world. Some believe they are myths that arose as a result of the end of the last ice age and the resulting sea level rise. @NubianFellow, @Chevdove I've been remiss not reacting to this statement, "As far as I know, no black publishing company has ever printed one bible. " There are a at least a few that I'm aware of; one has previously advertised on the website, My Bible Culture is one such company. Their products are well done and I would recommend their books to Christians.
  22. @Delano would you care to provide a source? I'm not inclined to believe this amazing claim based solely because you say somebody from Harvard says it. Just because someone from Harvard says something does not make it sacrosanct.
  23. Nubian, lighten up. I was being sarcastic. I could give an "F" about King James Facebook poses no threat to Google. Google is THE Internet's gatekeeper and Facebook is at Google's mercy. I've actually noticed that Google has pushed Facebook down in search results. Today Google is the most frequently visited website. Google's YouTube is the 2nd, making it the most popular social media platform. You'd think that this would be more widely know, but all of media is at Google mercy, so we do see as many critiques of Google as many as we should. Facebook's demise is at hand. The user base is growing older -- not a good thing. Instagram will help them, but even Instagram is under pressure from new platforms like Tic Tok and others.
  24. What if you are wrong? I'm not being trite by saying that. I could be wrong, but what difference does it make? The answer is unknowable or rather unproveable. As @Delano suggests we can use our intuition to gain this insight on this idea, but we will most certainly never be able to prove it. Again, the ball will fall. It does not matter if the reason it falls is beyond our comprehension. In fact. most people have no clue why the ball falls.
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