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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hi @Rob Stinson your message reads like spam. The word choice in the message and the configuration of the destination website are dead give a ways. https://www.professionalghostwriter.com/fiction/romance/ https://fictionghostwriting.com/western https://fictionghostwriting.com/crime etc, etc. Does web design actually work? If it does, it seems like a short term solution as the pin heads at Google will eventually catch up with this tactic of web design and link building..
  2. Yeah i saw a movie Glass (it sucked) when i left the theater at about 11:45 the moon was red.
  3. The moon here is beautiful tonight it has a rainbow halo. I will be outside for the eclipse tonight
  4. After reading this speech I could not help but think: Why the hell was this speech even necessary -- were people really that evil?! It seems incredible -- even by today's standard that someone had to explain why lynching other people for kicks is a terrible idea. She must have been speaking about the behavior of some really retarded and or immature demons. To call the people who participated in these atrocities "devils" is an insult to Satan. These words would have no impact on anyone evil enough to lynch a child. Lynch Law in America by Ida B. Wells
  5. This is the an article written by one of AALBC's interns. The primary purpose is to provide educational opportunities to students and relate information to readers interested in Back culture. A secondary purpose is to improve AALBC's ranking in search for the term "African American Literature," so that more people are able to find this information. AALBC has been lagging in search engine ranking for the term all of last year. It is not a particularly popular search but during Black history month there is increased interest. In any event, given the site's focus and relative competition, it is a term AALBC should, in my opinion, rank such that it appears on the first page of search results (in the top 10). Right now AALBC is averaging a rank of 13 and heading with a downward trend. A rank of 13 means the site is almost undiscovered by people searching on the term "African American Literature." In my first round of edits I edited the article with SEO in mind. I considered things like keyword inclusion, in terms of density (not too many occurrences), use in meta tags, alt tags for images and all kinds of stuff readers and writers don't care about, but that webmasters anguish over. Most importantly it is also why we don't have many websites dedicated to Black literature created by people with a love and understanding of the form.
  6. Of course these are generalizations. Most African Americans are are mixture of people from all over the world. Hence some are lactose intolerant and others are not. Some African Americans will burn in the sun too as our level of melanin range greatly from high yellow to blue black.
  7. Yes, but it depends upon the environment. People of recent African descent are not optimized, genetically, for living in places live New York, Chicago, or Detroit. Indeed, many Black folks suffer from vitamin D deficiency which can diversely effect one's bones. White folks down here, in the south, must protect their skin with sunblock or they will suffer from sun burn and even skin cancer. I don't think I've ever been sun burned. Genetic adaptation takes a looooong time. Of course people can adapt by using suitable clothing and shelter. So if you can take someone else's shelter, clothing, and other resources that makes you the "fittest," nullifying any benefits of genetic adaptation.
  8. Some mutations survive and dominate because of environment. Dark skinned people would suffer from Vitamin D deficiency in northern climates, while light skinned people would be able to better able to make due with limited sunlight because of a lack of melanin. This is an adaptation which could be considered an "upgrade" in northern environments. However that same fair skinned person would burn up if they moved closer to the equator, because they are less well suited to deal with the sun. Larger brains and opposable thumbs are definite upgrades, though not equally enjoyed by all homo sapiens....
  9. I would entertain this theory @Pioneer1 is if did not effect white people too. In some respects white people are affected even more harshly. Now I know Fullers says these white folks are collateral damage, sacrificed to exact greater damage on Black people. Now if you look at reproduction rates of white folks and compare it to Black folks globally the plan does not seem to be going very well. Here in the US white people will be out numbered in our life time. @Chevdove the animation, though simmilar, is not the Boondocks. I highly recommend the Boondock; it was brilliant satire.
  10. ...that and a 3 bucks will get me into the subway. My traffic is at records highs an Google is cutting my ad revenue. I just applied to another ad network. If I'm accepted I'm promised to make integer multiple of what Google pays and I won;t have to sell advertising myself and I;ll be free to focus on content.
  11. While updating information about Neely Fuller in conjunction with an upcoming book about the work of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, The Osiris Papers (Welsing was influenced by Fuller's work). @Pioneer1 I guess your views on human sexuality as it perhaps to Black men is reflected in this video?
  12. OK while editing an article about African American Literature which mentioned the book, Running a Thousand Miles for Freedom by William Craft and Ellen Craft. The book tells the story of William Craft (1824 – 1900) and Ellen Craft (1826 – 1891) who were slaves from Macon, Georgia and escaped to the North in December 1848 by traveling openly by train and steamboat, arriving in Philadelphia on Christmas Day. She passed as a white male planter and he as her personal servant. [WTF?!] Their daring escape was widely publicized, making them among the most famous of fugitive slaves. Abolitionists featured them in public lectures to gain support in the struggle to end the institution. White people are so crazy! I have to admit I was unfamiliar with this particular story, but I know white folks regularly enslaved their own children. However, it still strikes me as so bizarre that people, white enough to pass for "white," would still be enslaved. William Craft (r) and Ellen Craft
  13. Hi @Rob Stinson I may be able to help. Please fill out this short form and one of our editors, who provide ghost writing services, will get back to you: https://edit1st.com/get-started/
  14. Dark color eyes provide better protection of the retina from bright lights because of the increased melamin. Cosmetically, some Black people prefer the look of light colored eyes because it is different, relatively unique.
  15. Some people believe dreams are just randon firing of neurons and have no meaning -- symbolic or otherwise. I find this hard to believe. ...more a consequence of being of the same generation
  16. Funny how no one knew what Del meant by "C." It is even stranger that I was so far off I thought he was referring to the speed of light constant @Delano are you using an old phone of something? I'm not sure what you meant by this: It made me think Rowan and Martin's Laugh In where the guy with the fake German accent would say "Verrry Interrresting," but I assume that is not what you were trying to write. I think apocalyptic dreams are relatively common given our constant access to bad news from all over the world. A friend of mine told me about a women she knows who sleeps with a loaded, and cocked, revolver in her nightstand draw. That sound so crazy to me and I said that but my friend thought it was a good idea -- a woman needs to be prepared. People have a warped perspective when it comes to crime -- especially here in FL.
  17. ...'cept everyone knows Cleopatra was white
  18. Where are all the beautiful, powerful, black-skinned females from mythology and history? They were erased by Western art, argues Sophia Smith Galer. By Sophia Smith Galer BBC, January 16, 2019 It’s a complex story – of European racism as well as how useful black biblical figures were to those who wanted to teach religion through art – that helps to explain the absence of black figures in art history. For Michael Ohajuru on his art tours, that’s why it’s all the more important to try and locate the few representations of the black Queen of Sheba and the black Andromeda – and to find out why they disappeared. The huge influence that Western art history has had on our imaginations when it comes to visualising figures from the Bible or classics is arguably one that needs constant interrogation. Under such a lens, Gina Lollobrigida playing the Queen of Sheba in the 1950s or Alexa Devalos playing Andromeda become problematic.
  19. Regarding "C" OK. Yes I have the dream a few times since I was a kid. Sometimes I can be sitting still and the thought comes to me. In the dream/vision the people around me are unsure of what is happening but we've not afraid. The sense is that we are in a transition rather than just merely meeting a physical death. It makes me think of what Christians call the rapture, sans the judgement and religious hullabaloo of who is being left behind -- we are all being taken up.
  20. @Cynique I read this and thought you'd get a kick out of it
  21. I dunno @Delano. I was not aware that the constant C was changing. @Cynique that is interesting. I have a dream that the Earth's gravitational field is distorted and some people float out into space.
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