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Everything posted by Troy

  1. For reasons previously stated this is impossible to answer. What was your GMAT score? Was it higher than average? If so, maybe is was higher than the average score of a woman, making you more intelligent at taking standardized tests. Why do you ask the question @Delano?
  2. OK @Mel Hopkins you had me concerned Because i passed HS biology, the same class you took. Now Mel, tell me has any woman given birth to a male asexually? You know men have a Y chromosome. Women do not. @Chevdove i cherry picked that Einstein quote to make a point. The point is we see what we want to see. Both regious people and atheists claim Einstein as one if their iwn. If Einstein took the Words in the bible literaraly he'd have no reason to understand the nature of the universe. If it is not obvious already i do not take the words in the Bible literally. There are people who belive the world is 6K years old and claim to have scientific proof for it. But these are not scientific arguments. I question one's understanding of science who claims that they are. In any event, it is pointless to argue about the Bible with people who take it literally, so I'll stop. @Delano you've been throwing around quotes with reckless abandon. What you YOU believe. Do you also believe the virgin mary gave birth to Jesus the Christ?
  3. Whoa!? "Ignore Troy" Sheesh @Mel Hopkins we can get to the point of disagreement, even strong disagreement, but when we stop listening to others that is bad. When we close our minds to opposing points of view that is the beginning of intolerance and is where learning stops. I would not stop listening to @Chevdove or you for thst matter. Nor would i ever stop someone from continuing to seeking knowledge the implication that i would do that is so far from true it is ridiculous. Now if you believe all of the miracles of Jesus that is up to you, but you wont find any evidence of women giving birth to babies without semen. Of course if you have an example (besides Sweet Baby Jesus) I'd be happy to read about it. @Delano's advice of listening to you own voice above all is far more apropos and what i believe.
  4. Hi @Chevdove I actually read what you wrote and as you well know humans are not an insect, plant or reptile. We reproduce by fertilizing an egg with a spermatozoon. As a result we are not capable of reproducing parthenogenetically. Essentially what you wrote is that some animals reproduce asexually, it is written in the bible, and anything is possible. There is nothing in what you wrote to suggest that this is possible.
  5. @Cynique Del's deleted post may have been a mistake on my part. Lately Del has made posts multiple times. Yesterday there were 4 of the same posts scattered all over the place. In my attempt to clean up the duplicates i may have gone too far (@Delano if that is the case sorry about that). better to look it up than wonder what is going on. Your sister does indeed sound smart and she is right.
  6. I agree. Some peoplec are ready earlier and others are ready much later. Sex at 18 is more recteational than expression of love. 30 is still quite young I know a woman who a Had her first child at 50. She has two children now. I know several other women who got started after 40. But you know better than I @Chevdove. What age would you recommend? My thinking also factors in having a mate selected, which means if you wanna start pushing babies out at 30 you need to be in a committed relationship by 28, 29.
  7. A bit extreme, because many Black people do read. However, I would concede most don't. But this is true of ALL people. People are informed, but they are, in my opinion, are informed about things that don't matter very much. Again, this is not just limited to Black people. Our problem is that we, with a few hundred years of oppression in America, can't afford to be so uninformed. We really do need to work twice as hard just to catch up. My laptop crashed today, I've spent hours trying to get it to boot and im tired...
  8. @Delano you are running off the rails man. Do you even know what I think about Elijah Muhammed? If so please tell me, for I'd like to know.
  9. Finally someone with a sense of humor and reading comprehension above the 3rd grade. @Delano now that some women explained why you question was problematic i guess now you get it
  10. Please spare me. What have you done to defend their honor? More recently are you defending the honor of Cosby's victim? Are protesting, marching in the street adovacting for stronger legislation, what? Tell me what are you doing besides trying make it seem like other Bkack men don't defend Black women. I raised two Black women to independence who were loved and protected their entire lives. Have you? Please tell me what you doing besides judging and accusing other Black men.
  11. No i have that covered google james baldwin (you dont get on page #1 by accident) That is your false impression. Because i dont accept your reporting (the same person who asserts MLK was gay without evidence) and refuse to reject the entire Nation if Islam you call that rationalizing. The reality is that i refuse to pass judgement on a incident i know virtually nothing about.
  12. If it is forced that does not count. I'm talking about to consenting adults. My God man! OK Del, you see right through me. I think raping female babies, teenagers, wonen -- but only the Black ones -- is a good thing. Is this what you wanna hear. Are you happy now? Will you now stop with your pointless game of trying to make me an enemy of Black women?
  13. Hey @Delano I'm not sure what you are asking. Is there a fake news story about the gps system? Yes I worked on the GPS project. But by the time i joined, the systems were already designed. I ran functional tests on one of the subsystems; the power conditioning unit which stored power from the solar array panels when the satellite was in the sun and distributed power to the satellite when there was no sunlight. It was technical work not engineering. while the project was impressive my role was not significant
  14. Christmas for me have changed dramatically for me since the kids have grown and moved out and the wife and i split up. For 25 years i brought a tree and we'd dress it up with a variety of ornaments collected over the years. My favorite was my starship enterprise ornament. If was always fun to see the kids get excited about the presents left by santa and it was interesting to see them transition to the point where they would buy us the parents thoughful gifts. I cherish those memories. But I appreciate the time with extended family and friends both old and new today. But i appreciate, now, there are folks who may be lonely during the holiday season. Harry maybe ill take you up on you suggestion and do something in the community. happy holidays!
  15. Not surprising to me it is easier for people to deal with. There are, of course, women who want their men to lead and desire what would be considered by feminists to be a subservient role. These women though a good portion of the population are voiceless and considered "old fashioned" or an anachronism. Some I've talked to are disappointed in men who are unwillingly or unable to take charge and lead their families, but men are not raised to lead anymore. In addition to race and gender Black women have to deal with sexuality, weight, attractiveness, physical handicaps, maternity, age, religion, and any number of issues in which they can be discriminated against. It is not a three headed monster it is much more complicated, but culturally we dont handle complexity well so race (black and white) and gender is about all the intersectionality we can hande.
  16. Ok I'm done too. Similarly, just because you (and Del) see it does not mean it is on display, it is simply what you see.
  17. On any given characteristics people are distributed across a spectrum. Take a easily measured characteristic like height; the "average" man is taller than the average women. However if you pick any random set of men and women, there will be women who are taller than the men, but that does not mean that the averages no longer hold. Again a characteristics like intelligence can be viewed many different ways and is often be difficult to measure. Therefore, making a statement like, "I am smarter than the average woman." is meaningless. Indeed, it underlies a lack of understanding of what intelligence means, by the person saying it (how is that for toxic egocentricity ).
  18. Again Mel you are applying your world view onto me. I never make any moral judgments. The quote from Trump say explicitly that their were good white racist protesters. I never made an analogous statement, you are doing that on my behalf then stating, without justification, that these values are on display for all to see. Of course Del cosigning this perhaps gives you the impress it is correct. Again, despite expressing an opinion to the counter, you continue to argue that the statement of a fact about a law means I agree with the law. Despite saying that the law is arbitrary and citing an example of another arbitrary law that a reasonable person knew was bad -- even when it was enacted -- you still try to use it against me to push a world view I simply to not have. You are too biased to see me in this instance. Again, it is like the people vilifying Kevin for making some jokes. I'm sorry, you are wrong about me in this case.
  19. Really? Oh boy, I can hardly wait So @Delano do these Bonobos perfrom fellacio on or sodimize each other? I've heard of this of homosexual bonobos before, but never thought to look into it. But now I'm curious; what behaviors do these monkey perform to label them as homosexual? Do they also twitch when he walk, or have that lisp when the screech? (that last sentence was joke for those of you without any sense of humor. I don't have to worry about not being able to host the Oscars). @Pioneer1 the best test I've heard of came from the comedian Aries Spears. He said i you do something with another dude and one of you bust a nut (ejaculate) then you are both gay. I listed to a portion of the clip and agree with Tariq's observations, however i disagree with his conclusions. It is a not a "buck breaking process." it is a money making process. I'm familiar with the play Kinky Boots it is on broadway right now. The play features an virtually all white cast and seems to be related to gay stuff I know I have less than zero interest in seeing it. But the producers know the are folks who would pay to see a football player dress up in high heeled boots. I doubt they are interested in Tiki's acting chops
  20. That is fine Del, but the perspective of "toxic egocentricity" comes from within. How we interpret this is as much a function of who were are is it is the other person. It is like the Kevin Hart scenario. Kevin sad he was smash is kid over the head with a doll house if he caught him playing with one. Someone else took this joke to imply that Kevin was advocating for violence against children and was evil. Again this is more about the person than Kevin. Similarly, I shouldn't have to say rape is bad, but when I say it is bad and am not believed that has nothing to do with me... Exactly. Sometimes I (all of us) simply don't know what we don't know, and being exposed to new ideas and open to them is how we learn. Yeah I'm fire baby! Don't get too close or you might be burned. You know I'm an advocate of raping teenage girls
  21. Legal? What is legal is purely arbitrary. I was not legal for Black people to read in this country not very long ago. The statement of a fact is not making a "value judgement" If I say it is raining outside that is an observation. If I say it is a shitty day, because it is raining that is a value judgement -- people can disagree about vales, but not facts. Honestly @Mel Hopkins, in this instance, it is your values that are on display. Again I have not expressed any values. Indeed, I refuse to do so. Now if you perceive my unwillingness to make a value judgement on behavior, that I don't fully understand and want to construe that as me being complicit in that behavior, that is up to you. Surely you can appreciate that your belief of my values are probably less accurate than what I know about my own values. In fact, I would have thought my actual behavior would be a testament to those values. So no, I'm not going to condemn MLK or believe is legacy diminished because @Delano says he had an homosexual affair. Nor I'm not going to condemn the entire NOI because everyone is saying Elijah Muhammad raped a bunch of teenage girls 50 years ago. Why I actually have to say rape is a bad thing is beyond me.... I'm glad you wrote "appear." The statement otherwise, on its face, is in accurate and borderline offense from someone who knows me. I agree. I stated 21 as a minimum, but I would say 30 is a good age to consider getting married today and it is what I would tell my daughters. As far as sex, I think 18 is probably a bit young, but if you can die for your country in a war then for heaven's sake you should be allowed to have sex and buy a drink in bar. In some municipalities you can neither get married (without parent consent) or order a beer in a restaurant if you are under 21 -- but you can do a tour of duty in IRAQ and get you head blow off at 18 -- go figure.
  22. Today I actually participate on two other forums besides this one, Lipstick Alley, most in the Book Alley Forum and Nubian Planet which I started using very recently. I over the last several years I spent too much time with the massive corporate sites while the sites I enjoy and want to see grow are disappearing. SO going forward I'm going to spend my limited time supporting these types of sites.
  23. Chevdove, please just put that thought out of your head. If you express an idea or opinion that someone takes offense to that is THEIR problem, not yours. Now if someone disagrees with you can't be offended either. Sometimes things can appear to get headed but you can't take any of it personally. Sometimes you have to get to know folks. For example, I'd say things to Pioneer in a way that I would not with you -- simply because he is another dude with amazingly thick skin I cosign everything everyone else wrote and thanks for the kind words @Chevdove Your post was in the spirit of the holiday season and was needed thanks! Peace and Love
  24. You obviously missed my statement that I do not think ANYONE should get married before 21 today. Why do you think anyone here is advocating for a 6th grade boy to marry an adult male -- where are you getting this; certainly not from me. Come on people I'm not advocating or supporting anyone raping ANYONE sheesh! This is NOT a case of my miscommunication or my part either -- can we get past this point? It is not one of contention. Mel you obviously know more about why people have sex than I. I was just stating the fact that it is indeed legal for a 14-year-old to get married (under a variety of conditions) and for most of the time human have been on earth 14 girls have been engaing in sex and making babies. YOu can call this forced or rape that is up to you. I'm not making any value judgments. I'll let you do that. Just stop accusing me of advocating for rape.
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