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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Ahh I'll inform my young friend! Yes I read Our Kind of People and the novels of his wife Pamela Thomas-Graham. It was these books, working on Wall Street, and increasingly moving in circles of people who were in this world that opened my eyes into it. I know people who have had homes on the Vineyard for generations and I have vacationed there myself on a number of occasions, but vacationing there and being part of the culture are too different things. ROTFLMBAO! When I wrote about my thought on Lawrence Otis Graham I wasn't gonna say it, but I hated the who pretentious of the Black elite culture (of course I don't mean everyone). But you see it anywhere the English dominated Black people. The Black elites, the strivers seemingly adopt the mindset of the White elite which includes contempt for the Black underclass. Melvin was important because he was doing his before anyone else. Mario, Spike, at al success was made easier by Mario breaking barriers. Speaking of Melvin did anyone see his film, Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song? Speaking using my Blaines Edward voice (from the Men On Film routine from Living Color) -- Hated it! I guess comedians can not do routines like this and expect to host the Oscars.
  2. @Cynique obviously not. MANY people don;t have a clue who Zora Neale Hurston is. I'm going to start a new conversation about this. Every day I delete (don't approve) seemingly innocuous messages posted by people looking to get an account approved so that they can spam the forums. This message almost did not pass my sniff test. I tend to err of the side of caution.
  3. Hi Marcus, Zora Neale Hurston's work is featured on the site and every book she has published, including the AALBC bestselling book, Their Eyes Were Watching God is reflected on this website. Enjoy!
  4. This was in my inbox this morning. I agree with this message. I'm completely dissatisfied with modern journalism. I know more about Kevin Hart's homophobic tweets than I know about anything of more substance. Of coure, the nature of our capitalist system makes this necessary -- there is no viable business model to support it. Pen America is soliciting donations, I don't know what they intend to do with the money. I'm not contributing I'm too busy trying to keep my head above water, but I figured I'd share it here for any well heeled folks who can contribute. But don't contribute to this cause before contributing to AALBC ! Dear Troy, There is a Western idea that wickedness, when committed by a certain kind of person and in a certain kind of way, is worthy of being engaged with. And there are certain things that people said would never happen in this country. But they are in fact happening. It is at times like these that we must counter lies with facts, repeatedly and unflaggingly. We must proclaim the greater truths of our equal humanity, of decency, of compassion. Every precious ideal must be reiterated, every obvious argument made, because an ugly idea left unchallenged begins to turn the color of normal. It does not have to be like this. Now is the time for the media, on the left and the right, to educate and inform. To be nimble and alert, clear-eyed and skeptical, active rather than reactive. To make clear choices about what truly matters. PEN America was founded in 1922 to stand at the intersection of literature and human rights—to protect free expression in the United States and around the world. To defend democracy and our free press in a country born from the idea of freedom. Today, we need the media to elevate the art of questioning, to frame questions differently, and to be precise about the meanings of words. Will you stand with me in supporting PEN America to defend our free press from repeated attacks and to protect our democracy and our right to information? Things that were recently pushed to the corners of America's political space—overt racism, anti-Semitism, glaring misogyny, anti-intellectualism—are once again creeping to the center. We will not stand by and watch. Now is the time to talk about what we are actually talking about. Thank you for standing with me and PEN America to tell our story. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Author and activist Copyright © 2018 PEN America | 588 Broadway Suite 303, New York, NY 10012 USA
  5. Comparing Blacks in Africa to Blacks in America on this basis is not fair or a valuable exercise. First, there are just so many more Blacks on the continent of Africa than there are here; you will find more geniuses, great athletes, and beautiful people than you will find here -- simply because of the larger talent pool in Africa. Of course much of that talent will never be realized because of poverty, but this is true here as well. Second, the African you find here are a biased sample. These are often the most wealthy, educated, and privileged. Even if they come here improvised -- they are still exceptional because they are highly motivated and passed muster with US immigration. What do ya'll think?
  6. Absolutely! Sometimes I feel like we get caught up in semantics, that than the idea I'm trying to express. I'll take responsibility for that as it may be due to a limitation of my written expression. Sure there are some men like this, but as Del implied it is cultural. We grew up teasing guys that were soft on any level. Fathers raised their boys not to cry.. to be a Man. I was a Division 1 gymnast and got teased for that. You get used to it. As an adult I would never tease a man for being gay or failing to conform to the American standards of manhood. But it took a lot of growing up to get to this place. Kevin Hart jokes about homsexuality because it resonates in our community that is what guys do or did. Now as a man short in stature he man have manhood issues, but who knows... I'm not sure much has changed what you've described mirrors my experience. Though membership has probably exploded since your time particularly in the sororities give the increased number of Black woman in college. I know a young man who was interested in joining the Masons, for the Brotherhood aspects of it, but was rejected in the last stages because he was Catholic.
  7. Yeah i heard the radio host blow a gasket over a tweet that was a joke. Hart said something like if he saw his son playing with his sisters dolls he would smash the doll house over his head. The talk show host said Hart was advocating violence against children -- oh brother! Apparently Hart did tweet an apology today. I did not look for it. Yeah i know very few twitter users who are not marketing something. Besides you dont need an account since the media covers tweets.
  8. @Mel Hopkins yes that is my quote, but your are taking out of context and naking an absolute. First, i said most not all; and second, i was talking in the context of the work environment and publishing. Q-dogs aren't setting up Black groups the help brothers in publishing. Generally brothers with power in corporations just do the basic stuff that any white boy does. They dont congregate because they need to do the stuff that is gonna advance their careers and hangin out with the brothers is not gonna make that happen. @Pioneer1 i was a gymnast that was considered gay. I did the cooking for my family that was considered weak. Many guys take pride in having they women cook for them. I settle fir live and respect. As i get older i notice guys would do stuff that we would all call gay in the past, like hugging each other, saying i love you, or talking about feelings and revealing weaknesses or fears -- talking about meaningful stuff not just sexual conquests or sports...
  9. I heard about this social media stupidity on the radio. F*uk the academy awards. See this Instagram video by @kevinhart4real
  10. Im not in favor of forcing people to get married. Nor am i in favor of old nen infecting young girls with AIDs. One is taking another's freedom and the other is violent. In general, im against both of these things. Of the two arranged marriages I'm thinking one took place in America and the other took place in India. I'm not versed in all the rules both couples were happy. Both guys had professional jobs in financial services. No need to womansplain marriage, i went through the process ;-)
  11. @Mel Hopkins im not disputing what you are saying im just sharing my perspective. Mel, i NEVER wrote this. I'm aware of the Black greek organizations. In college they hosted most if the parties. In fact i gave you examples of men congregating like in armies and the NOI. But women's groups have been far and away more support of AALBC. That is a fact, and it does not dispute what wrote.
  12. The same basis that told me 45 would be president on January 1, 2019... common sense.
  13. @Cynique we'll have agree to disagree. you don't believe in moral relativism. I do. @Mel Hopkins see arranged marriages as taking away the womans agency, but using your reasoning the mans agency is being taken away too. I actually know people, you probably do too, whose marriages were arranged. They are happier than all the divorced people who picked their mates. The obsessive belief that the way Europeans do things is the right way is also disappointing -- especially when you look at our abysmal divorce rates. The failure to even consider that arranged marriages might have benefits or even be superior is narrow minded but typical of Americans who believe everything they do is best, while lagging the world in education...
  14. Nope not gay just special (seriously no tongue in cheek - honest). It takes all kinds of men to make the world interesting. @Mel Hopkins this is why i have a special affinity for the NOI. They will help you if you are poor, incarcerated, uneducated. As far as the Boule I've heard of them, but they may well be Martians as far as im concerned. Besides most Black people are not "Elite" using your word for what presume mean rich. At the risk of sounding sexist Women are demonstrably better at organizing than men ALL the book related groups and organizations i work with are run by women. Even groups, like churches, which have male leaders are supported by women in the background. Men now if you need something killed like a mastadon, an invading army, a rival gang, an indegenous population of people, men are pretty good at that.
  15. @Cynique I would not judge the the future of Black folks inability to exert control over the environment based upon this thread or our disagreement. I'm definitely open to changing my opinion as a result of what I've read on these forums and have done so. Allow me to clarify: I'm not saying -- nor did I ever say -- that the definition of "integrity" has changed or has been corrupted. What I am saying is that what constitutes integrity is a function of culture and time. 200 years ago owning another human being was a sign of success and did not impinge one's integrity at all. It was perfectly acceptable to impregnate your slave and sell off your own children. Of course today most people would this repugnant. Surely, you understanding the distinction I'm making. I tend not to judge people based upon their cultural -- regardless of what I think about it personally. The only time I have an issue with this is if they try to shove their value systems onto me. The problem we have is that ALL of our values were stripped away from us when we were enslaved. Many of us reject the value system thrust upon us by our oppressor, but we have not clue what to replace it with. SO we either up inventing something out of whole cloth (like Kwanzaa), embrace the value system of the oppressor, or trying to rediscover an ancient African culture. The other problem that we have, one which has gotten FAR worse over the last 50 years, is the fact that were have rapidly lost all of the platforms that we once owned that could possibly help define a Black culture. The vacuous majority culture taking it's place is doing us FAR more harm than good. This is why I can't watch TV, have deleted my Facebook account, and find adult Black people doing a Wakanda salute depressing.
  16. In virtually ALL industries I've worked in this has been the case. Publishing is particularly difficult because Black men are largely absent. I seriously doubt you could find half 62 Black men in big 5 NY publishing. People like me do not count. I do not believe this is a function of age. Most Black men do not congregate. It is not very conducive to success. You really have to immerse yourself in the dominant culture. Where you live, work, and play are a function of and validated by the majority's culture. Of course in mainstream publidhing it is far worse. The sisters are largely supportive. The Brothers are not -- there simply are nit enough of them and less than handful that i could possibly engage with have bever demonstrated a willingness. Honestly AALBC is underutilized by mainstream publishing it is a platform that would only get stronger with more patronage -- which would increase the benefit i can provide. But mainstream publishing is not exactky know for thinkning out the box. Well if there is a similar group for Black male Hollywood writers that is good. I wonder why these groups have to be gender based? When i first started AALBC. There was a group called BWIP (Black Women in Publishing). There allowed men to attend their meeting and a Brother was the treasurer. Years later the group changed its name to Black Americans in Publishing and disbanded shortly after that. Ultimately these "Black" groups were replaced by "diverse" affinity group effectively erasing any benefit to Black people... I could go on and on about the disappearance of pro Black groups in publishing. Sometimes i feel like a dinosaur advocating for Black folks--like some holdover from the Black Power movement.
  17. @Mel Hopkins i seriously doubt the republicans will see another president for a very long time after 45 loses, which is almost certain unless we go to war (read: start another war) or the Dems fail to find a warm body to oppose 45, before the next election. Im not sure Elijah got a "pass" at least not by the genersl public. Personally, i don't know enough about the NOI to pass judgment. They do a lot of things i disagree with like abstaining from pork and liquor -- which would probably be in my best interest. And I have no interest in regularly attending their services or worshiping their God. That said im also not about to reject all the good the have done for Black people -- including myself, and suggest they dont defend Black simply because of one man's actions. ...for the same reason i would not discard all the good the Black Christian church has done because @Delano says MLK engaged in gay sex.
  18. As a tech alum we are both good at math. We all know 45 did not get the majority of votes. That is not the point. No one can not win the office of presidency without major support. Major and majority are not synonymous in this context, or any other context for that matter.
  19. Men need to do this. Would this have gotten any coverage were it not for the Hollywood Reporter covered it? The New York Times did a simmilar photo shoot. The biggest difference was that the women are organized, where these brothers, serveral of whom i know and virtually all i have supported are not. This is a profoundly important difference. Here too, if the New York Times did not do this would it be noteworthy? I priase Del for sharing this article. However, to your point, that is just the way he is wired and It is all good. It takes all types of men to make an interesting world.
  20. The US$ will not be the currency oil is traded anytime in the near future -- that is my prediction. Now, If 45 gets a second term, anything is possible.
  21. Mel of course i know what the word means. I simply don't like using it to describe people. @Cynique says it is a legal term. I don't know if that is true, but it does not matter because I will not describe children that way. This is indeed disappointing. That idea that Del believes he understands the nature of MLK's sexuality based upon shit Hoover produced is shameful. @Mel Hopkins the man was elected POTUS, that is very definition of major support. Is this what we are debating now? Im not sure if anyone here is arguing sexuality abusing children. I'm not. MLK was killed for trying to improve the lives of not just Bkack people but all people. @Delano has questioned MLK's legacy based upon hearsay concerning his sexual activites. The man straight up gave up his life for all of us. Even if the rumors Del is spreading are true, this does not diminish king's legacy in my mind.
  22. Yes, because ALL Black Men are not defined by the actions of an individual or group that you dislike Del No, they are not. Look at how divided the American culture is and aways has been. NOTHING is "universal" when it comes to people. You seem to know a lot more about the feminine perspective. Stick with that. And stop grouping everone who disagrees with you in the same buckets. It shows you are not reading and understanding what is being written and more ficused on winning. I'm not so eager to say this is true. It is a practice that many cultures follow for a far longer period of time. Than we have practiced our form of mate selection based upon superficial things like physical attractiveness. Given our abysmal rates of successful marriages, Americans really should be quiet. Most of the Brothers i know, know their children and raise them. But this sample set is very biased, as is ours im sure. We simply don't surround ourselves with Brothers would not take care of their children 'Nuff said. You can condemn one gender for a problem neither gender is addressing very well. We are FAR too dependent on those who have created the hostile environment we live in -- their media and businesses. This would be ideal, but it can never happen in system were the acquisition of wealth is the primary objective. This makes people too focused on themselves rather than yourselves collectively.
  23. There was never a shortage of Black women for anything. Just a shortage of opportunities. I read about a 5th of the quotes. I'm not clear why being a staff writer, more than once, is bad.
  24. Wiley, Delano slippery enough to dodge any question for risk of revealing what he actually thinks? Shooting down what others think is much easier.
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