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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Who are "they?" Even if I knew who the "they" were, your idea seem preposterous to me. Don't get me wrong these young men present themselves in a very odd manner. I suspect homie with the face tats will one day want to removed them. Hopefully it will not be a problem for him. In any case, they are a product of a commercial environment and are pushing the envelope. Not my cup of tea fortunately I'm not expose to this stuff (outside of the forum).
  2. Greeks used the name Horus for Jesus which was originally Heru from Kemet (Egypt). (If memory serves).
  3. Del has a propensity for confusing lack of clarity with depth.
  4. @Pioneer1 sure I won't dispute the notion that much what what Black people find worthy of attention or even praise worthy must be validated by white folks first. I get it. Theories like string theory, for example, are theories and there are Black physics that don't buy into it. You are unaware of these folks because you don't usually see them on TV or social media. I have not heard this where did you learn this? Have you considered that Russia is simply trying to undermine the US. There are people who do not believe we landed on the Moon and Russia apparently are taking advantage of this. I seriously doubt Russia would actually do what you say they are doing. I suspect you got this from the same place Del got the info on MLK's homosexual affairs.
  5. Because a dialogue involves both parties answering questions the other asks or at least acknowledging that they will not answer the question before moving on. I'm sure it is not lost on you that you rarely answer my questions @Delano.
  6. Just goes to show little dogs are useless. Literally all bark and no bite....
  7. In 10 days you may send my money to me vua paypal, square, venmo or number of ways just don't send me no check
  8. Oh no he didn't! I KNOW @Delano is not pressing me to answer a question LOL!
  9. People craft God in their image, but every educated person knows Christianity came from Africa. The bible white Christians use was crafted to suit their needs.
  10. Are you just looking to be contrary to me? You drew a conclusion about facts from the article and when i pointed out that the article did not even mention facts you now raise another unrelated issue. The theory of evolution did not involve math. It was based upon methodical observation. If you went to Brooklyn Tech you would know these things Yes, @Chevdove there are theories that will never be "proven" to be fact, and will always remain theories.
  11. Nope, that is not an accurate reflection of what i believe either. Consider the fact that the average man is taller than the average woman. That does not mean there are no women taller than men. The same goes for the different types of intelligences.
  12. Because saying "And some men have a higher level of emotional intelligence and empathy than the average man. " is a statement of the obvious that goes without saying. Of course there must be men who have both a higher and lower level of emotion intelligence than the average. Which is why I assumed you must have meant something different.
  13. Well the article does not use the word "fact," so be careful. The article addresses the terms "theory" and "proof." You and I both know that some theories like the existence of a multiverse or what existed "before" the big bang are theories that can never be proven, because it would require measuring something outside our own universe. Also, science is not math. In math you can have "proof" and while theoretical physics is largely based upon math (as the article stated) science relies on tests and observations. Theoreticians work closely with experientialists to test theories, which in turn help to understand the nature of the universe -- at lest as far as our limited intelligence will allow.
  14. Quoting directly from the conclusions drawn in the article: "This doesn't mean it's impossible to know anything at all. To the contrary, in many ways, scientific knowledge is the most "real" knowledge that we can possibly gain about the world. But in science, nothing is ever proven beyond a shadow of a doubt." "...Every scientific theory will someday fail, and when it does, that will herald a new era of scientific inquiry and discovery. And of all the scientific theories we've ever come up with, the best ones succeed for the longest amounts of time and over the greatest ranges possible. In some sense, it's better than a proof: it's the most correct description of the physical world humanity has ever imagined." The article yields nothing revelatory. The problem we have today is that publishers craft headlines which are designed to attract attention and are often misleading. They implication here is that scientific proof, a "myth," has no valve. What did you take away from the article @Delano? Oops I forgot you are remaining neutral
  15. I assume @Delano you meant, "...some men have a higher level of emotional intelligence and empathy than the average woman." @Pioneer1 was just playing with you Del; he knows you are trolling this forum for babes.
  16. Makes sense. In my current situation, we've decided to opt for honestly. It makes for some difficult conversations, but we are better off afterwards. This does however require trust and love -- usually not easy to find in another person. The goal is not always agreement, sometimes it is just understanding
  17. @Delano I understood what you wrote. All I'm saying is that expressing what you think is more interesting (to me at least) than remaining on the fence and quoting others. That said rhetorical questions do reveal something about the person posing the question.
  18. Sure it is @Delano, either you believe it or you don't. But if you don't want to say that is fine. Also, it is YOUR reasoning which is far more interesting.
  19. Well the word "genius" was on the screen the whole time and I kept thinking, this is what genius is now? I presume the two are well known rap artists. Is that right? @Pioneer1 they present far weaker than their words. But they are both "Lil," so this seems reasonable.
  20. Thank you. Point "a" seems to be true. I have not witnessed "b," but you probably have more experience with other forums.
  21. No need to tag me Del. A simple yes or no would suffice.
  22. That is just it @Delano you have no problem shooting down what the guys on this forum say, but never reveal what you actually think. You don't answer questions but instead obfuscate with incongruous follow up's. Your belief (or not) in the virgin birth or Christ or the or the asexual production of a male child from a female does matter. Are you really being supportive of @Chevdove by not revealing what you actually believe? Just because I disagree with Chevdove on this issue and the commingling of science and Christianity in general, does not mean I don't support her. In fact, I submit I'm more supportive of her because she knows my position and I'm willing to hear hers. You are confusing patronization with being supportive. No one knows what you think Del. Do you believe in the virgin birth or Christ or not?
  23. Still won't answer a question direct question huh @Delano?
  24. @Pioneer1 Well 18 might be too young for some and others can deal with it at an even younger age. I do however think, as a culture, we do a pretty poor job of educating young people about sex -- on every level. We send mixed and contradictory signals to young people and many are harmed as a result; by contracting serious STD's, having unwanted pregnancies, or just having a crappy experience because one or both partners have not idea how to please each other. I guess by the time someone is 18 they are old enough to begin to figure it out on there own which I suspect most of us have to do...
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