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Everything posted by Troy

  1. You obviously missed my statement that I do not think ANYONE should get married before 21 today. Why do you think anyone here is advocating for a 6th grade boy to marry an adult male -- where are you getting this; certainly not from me. Come on people I'm not advocating or supporting anyone raping ANYONE sheesh! This is NOT a case of my miscommunication or my part either -- can we get past this point? It is not one of contention. Mel you obviously know more about why people have sex than I. I was just stating the fact that it is indeed legal for a 14-year-old to get married (under a variety of conditions) and for most of the time human have been on earth 14 girls have been engaing in sex and making babies. YOu can call this forced or rape that is up to you. I'm not making any value judgments. I'll let you do that. Just stop accusing me of advocating for rape.
  2. Let's start with the immaculate conception. Is there a scientific basis for virgins giving birth? Let try people being raised from the dead after being crucified and buried for three days.... How about walking water, parting a sea, or even the very prospect of an omnipotent being creating the multiverse out of nothing. Do you want me to continue -- just pick one and give me the scientific basis for it. Everybody here is against raping young boys. My point went completely over your head and you misinterpreted it. You can reread what I wrote. I think it was pretty clear.
  3. Deborah Turner-Bey please share an excerpt from your book. If you have a website please share a link to it.
  4. Sure some Europeans have DNA from Neanderthals, but they (and we) share FAR more DNA with Gorillas. Does that make us Gorillas? Of course not. There are very small difference in the genomes of humans -- almost trivial, but those small difference are enough to make all of unique while still being amazing similar. We are family. Racism is thrust upon Black people by people with small minds, so we must deal with it. But if you ask me, all the focus on racial differences is a big waste of time and divisive. So you believe that white supremacists (the alt right, skinheads, etc) have created a global agenda to promulgate homosexuality across all races? How will this advance their cause? Chevdove I'll tell you the truth any sentence that include this is one which I will normally will not finish reading. the Bible has NOTHING to do with science. Chevdove at the end of the day I believe you to be a sincere and righteous person who is seeking to increase their understanding of the world, but if there is one takeaway here don't confuse the Bible with science.
  5. This is simply not true Chevdove. Here us another site you xan check out. https://family.findlaw.com/marriage/state-by-state-marriage-age-of-consent-laws.html you'll see California, for example, has no minimum age for marriage. But my MAIN point was the fact that for most human history (incluing this country) 14 year girls olds engaged in sex with older people. What im saying is that we can not place our morals on others. Just because you and I might find something reprehesible, does not mean it is. We can call it pedophila and rape others call it love.
  6. @Chevdove homosexuality also has nothing to do with gender or geographic origin. Who is behind this nefarious plan and what is their goal? Yiu know Neanderthals are extinct right? @Pioneer1 yes it appears there us indeed a great if pressure for acceptance of homosexuality. Is this a bad thing? While it is not my life style, is what two consenting adults do really our business? Sure given the way i was raised seeing two dudes pressed up on each other is not the first i want to see, but im not into extreme displays of public effection by heterosexuals either.
  7. Chedove, the laws vary by jurisdiction but there are states where a 3 can get married under certain circumstances. One condition usually required is permission of the parents. Yes, Black girls (women, men, boys, institutions) are treated worse than white girls. This is America...
  8. Whew you scared me for a second Chevdove. You have answered your own question; there are more white men in the US than there are Black men. Which implies that you understand that homosexuality is not a function of race (obviously, because there is only one race). If you understand this you can move on from this fictional conspiracy theory. I feel your anger for how Kevin was treated. But I say F*ck the Academy. We are WAY TOO dependent upon white institutions for validation and continue to reject our own. So I'm not angry with the Academy, what I find troubling is our dependence upon them. Look, I understand hosting the Oscars comes with a big fat paycheck and the potential for bigger paydays and this is really the bottom line. But to get their money you have to sell out. Kevin refusing to sell out is why my level of respect for him went up. Kevin is not the only own one to make gay jokes, fat jokes, ugly jokes. retard jokes, race jokes, gender jokes marriage jokes, dead baby jokes, etc, etc. This is what comedians do.
  9. I think it is messed up too. Follow up on the link i shared with cynique for more info. Here we go again... @Mel Hopkins did you miss my statement that i dont think anyone should get married before 21.
  10. What!? Ok @Delano what is the reasoning for the premise of this question? (Or will you avoid this question too) Also what us the basis of this statement? @Delano i can say, with certainty, that you do not know enough about MLK's sexuality to pass judgement. Are you quoting someone? That is THE problem cynique. Del won't say where he is getting this scandalous information about MLK's sexuality. He wants to gossip, i don't. Suppose i asked the question: Hey everybody what do you think about Del raping that infant last year? Then if im asked how do you know Del raped a baby? How satisfied would you be by my replying: Or some bullshit like: In any case, we simply dont know if Del is in Australia to avoid being labeled as a sex offender for raping babies here in the US. I guess it is just a matter of perspective
  11. @Delano you're incorrigible. Men's ability to navigate has been measured to be better than women. Im not aware of an experiment to measure empathy. Maybe one was done, i just don't know about it. You see how @Cynique immediately understood the differences in intelligence by describing the intelligence related to detail orientation. Perhaps this why women are better organizers, in my exoerience. Again she understance that intelligence is layered and nuanced. The questions you are trying to get peoole answer reveals a lack of understaning of that nausance despite it being explained to you. In other words, the question are women smarter than men, is a bad question. I teach young men and women who are smarter than me a a variety of different ways -- but they all have something they can from me. Fortunately they are open to learning new things -- otherwise it would never work.
  12. There are many different types of intelligences and some, like spacial intelligence, men are measurable superior. Women they say are more emotional intelligent, empathy for example But i do concur with Pioneer in that Del's statement, "the average woman is smarter than the average man" is yet another transparent example of Del attempting to garner the approval of women, at the expense of men, for a reason I've yet to fathom.
  13. @Cynique I pulled in the entire quote i was reacting to. The issue of age of consent was raised and this what I was reacting to in my remarks. Hopefully i don't have to express my distain for men raping girls this age. @Pioneer1 This is horrible. A man saying that 'he didn't force himself on a 12 year old' -- AND WHAT IN THE HELL COULD SHE SAY TO DEFEND HERSELF AGAINST A GROWN ASS MAN, SAYING THAT SHE WOULD HAVE AGREED!?  This makes me sick.  I don't think the age of consent is 12, 13, 14 or even 15 and ? As far as the laws regarding marriage you can start at wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_marriage_in_the_United_States and research the primary sources from there... but you already know how to do this. You also know about men like Jerry Lee Lewis marrying a 13 year old girl... Again this is nothing new. Now the issue of rape is a whole different conversation one which you all know much more about than i do.
  14. Lol dag @Delano why you so nasty these days? It was not that long when you and Pioneer were practically butt buddies. What happened?
  15. What?! @Pioneer1 just forget it. Del can't provide a source to substantiate MLK's gay affairs and apparently won't say he made a mistake, which is indeed surprising.
  16. Wow. @Pioneer1 i listened to the fuller clip. You know there are FAR more gay white men in the united states than there are gay Black men. If there is a conspiracy, then it appears to be backfiring, dont you think?
  17. You know 14, 13 and 12 year old girls can get married in this country today. For MOST of human existence girls this young had children. The age of consent is not some universal fixed number. While i dont think a 21 year old should get married. I do agree with Pioneer that there are far worse things that can, and have happened. Let's keep things in perspective
  18. Hey @Cynique i seem to recall you saying you knew one of the offspring of Elijah Muhammad's children. Do you have any insight on her take of the whole situation? While Del was obviously there, I'd like to get another perspective. @Delano here again you are jumping to conclusions and passing judgement. I said i have no idea what happened, so I'm not prepared to condemn anyone, or the entire NOI, based upon what YOU say. You whimsically, and without a shred of evidence, say MLK had sex with men. You then expect your Brothers to assess his legacy on your imagination. Keep on spreading gossip, just don't expect me to feed into it. I guess you've already condemned Neil deGrasse Tyson huh?
  19. @Delano I'll extend you the courtesy of actually answering your question, a courtesy you rarely extend to me. 1st, I'm not going to react to a statement out of context. That is for places like Twitter. 2nd go back and read the entire conversation there you can actually read my response. Finally, think. Stop generalizing and stop jumping to conclusions about situtations you can't possibly know, understand, and even prove like MLK's sexuality. What you are doing is no different than gossiping...
  20. Please stop generalizing. It is lazy and shows an unwillingness or inability to distinguish differences in opinions that differ from yours. Oh Brother, here we go with taking statements from one and generalizing across a group... please read what i wrote here since you obviously missed it:
  21. @Delano the book you are referencing is Malcolm X: A Life Of Reinventionby Manning Marable. However the books findings were shredded in the book A Lie of Reinvention (The above was written in reaction to your earlier post, it was saved but not posted) As far as what you just wrote. I gather it all means you have no proof to justify your secalious assertion that MLK has a homosexual affair. Reacting as if I'm making you a secretary for asked you to subtaintiate YOUR claim is absurd. If you can't or won't substantiate your accusation just say so. All the other stuff about K2 astrology statement (which i dont even recall), McCain, and Google you've thrown in is just noise.
  22. Maybe these authors, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Nnedi Okorafor, and Roxane Gay help can bring Blackness to the Black Panther Universe for Marvel Comics.
  23. @Delano just show us a source that states that MLK was having gay affairs. You can;t ask us to look up information to support your info -- no here has heard of such a thing before. Did you find this on Facebook too?
  24. Ouch! Spare us the self congratulatory hyperbole and the gross offensive generalization. @Delano you really seem to be bending over backwards to gain the approval of women, even going so far as hurl harsher criticism, than necessary, at the men here in order to gain the approval of the women here.
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