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Everything posted by Troy

  1. For most of us, the answer is yes. Many football players have brain damage and are not completely responsible for their behavior.
  2. What do you think @Delano @Pioneer1, De is not above using tabloids are reference material. I never heard any, other than Del, say that MLK engaged in a honosexual affair. @Delano where did you get this information? Del why disparage the innocent children by calling them "Illegitimate." What does that mean? Again, I don't think you know enough about how they were brought into the world to be so judgemental. You don't even know how many children are involved throwing around ranges of numbers all willy-nilly. Why call the man "Honourable" when it is clear you have so much contempt for him. Do you know how many men and women make babies outside of wedlock? Do you run around calling all these people "Illegitimate?"
  3. Yeah @Delano you spend too much time trying to "win" arguments. So you aren't always forthright, for fear it will weaken you argument. This is the reason you rarely answer direct questions that I pose for fear it will weaken you case. @Pioneer1 always answer questions. He is not so much concerned about winning -- thought he can be less rigid and more willing to change his position with new and better information Often Del there is no winning position -- just differences of opinions on subjective matters. In terms of telling others what their position should be we all do this to a certain extent including you. You were involved in the fruitless effort to help Pioneer understand the "help" and "assist." If you were not trying to tell Pioneer what to think, what were you trying to do? (Not sure why I bothered to ask that question you will not answer it... ) No, this is certainly not true. The very fact that we are so often in disagreement about what constitutes integrity should be proof enough. We often don't have enough information to make the determination about who has integrity. We can about the integrity about of specific behaviors of people, but assessing the whole person is much more difficult and well can reasonably disagree. Neil Degrasse Tyson I heard recently has been caught up in #MeToo. He seemed like a nice guy until we learned more about him... It was considered perfectly reasonable to prevent women from voting until less than 100 years ago. It was concerned a bad thing to kill a baby, now it is considered a woman's right (not a man's). It still is perfectly legal to marry your 16 year old cousin in some jurisdictions while many people find that gross There will never be universal traits for anything relating to human beings. These are culturally defined and cultures change over time.
  4. I still see firefly occasionally in NYC but not nearly as much as I used to -- even in the south. Still plenty of roaches running around though.
  5. @Pioneer1 that was an Interesting video, I've shared it below
  6. Precisely. I think this is a much more important conversation that arguing over which gender if not being protected and who is not doing the protecting. We all need to be figuring out ways to protect each other, for we are all at risk. Interesting point. No I have not. I guess the U.S. does not think it will be a good look right now. They'll probably go in their secretly and get the body... @Pioneer1, If someone could get a DNA sample we could solve the mystery of where they came from in a few minutes.
  7. Again you are speaking for both Mel and Cynique. @Mel Hopkins gave us a beautiful anecdote about a Brother who stepped in front of a speeding car to protect her. On an individual level, many Brothers will lay down their lives to protect women. Why you reject this is beyond me. I can only suspect this is not something you would do and you are projecting. On a collective level however I'm inclined to agree. But I don't think Black men are any more protected than Black women. Indeed on a number of levels from incarceration rates, to educational attainment, to life expectancy one could make a strong case that Black men are LESS protected that Black women. The bottom line is that we can all do a better job of protecting each other. There you go speaking for the Mel again -- allow her to retain her agency please Again, yes, you continually speak for them. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with that, because I think you are trying to be supportive of them. The issue I have is your dismissal of the male perspective, while you are doing it. So says you Del. You are not in the NOI, you do know know the circumstances, you don't know their code of behavior. It is presumptuous of you to arrive at a conclusion based upon so little knowledge. The NOI are their own group and they handle their business the way they -- not you -- see fit. Besides, five minutes ago you were calling Malcolm X a pimp. Do you really expect me to say that the NOI does not protect their women simply because of what you think about the behavior of one man who died over 40 years ago?
  8. We'll it was always, ultimately, going to be a wrap. I just expected it to be on the order of an eon not a few generations. I did notice my car does not catch nearly as many bugs as it once did, and I drive quite a lot. I also noticed that I never see caterpillars in NYC anymore. When I was a kid they were all over the place. I
  9. I'm doing no such thing. You are taking it that way for some reason. I assume you are not questioning my respect for Black women. If you are I'll let me behavior and record speak for itself. If you mean in general, again. I disagree. Again, @Delano use YOUR words and tell me what you mean. I watched the video but you need to explain what you are talking about for the sake of clarity of nothing else. You tell me to ask, but when I do you rarely answer. You speak for others but lately, not for yourself.
  10. Here is a store which sold a terrific assortment of collectible books. The store was directly across the street fro Eso Won, the bookstore featured in the article linked in the Tweet.
  11. I feel l like you are mincing words to make a point, sort of like the "help versus assist" The implication is that once your kid reached a certain age they became independent and no longer need your protection. Are Black women the same? Do they ever reach a point when they no longer need protection from men? If not why not? What makes them different than your daughters?
  12. I skimmed the tweets in the thread you linked to (embedded below) but did not see an article. As you know, i dont read tweets for information -- especially ones that start like this obscentiy laced comment. There is no science to support an out of India theory that @Pioneer1 but who knows...
  13. Have read you about this group? I havent but everthing i heard said noone knows anything abour them. Why do you say they were decimated?
  14. Thanks @Kalexander2. Your contribution should go to the Literary Freedom Project. Just in case there is a rip in the fabric space/time and we find ourselves in an alternative reality in which you win, please share the name of your charity.
  15. Because he is. Inorder to make that statements he made he had to be speaking on behalf of women. He obviously does not believe men do not protect women, because this is what he has said. Malcolm was also speaking for women. Look, if you want men to protect you at some point men will have to speak for you. You cant have it both ways. If you are so fixated on agency then you better be prepared to take care of yourself (not you specifically, but Black women in general). What @Mel Hopkins are YOU saying (of course anyone may answer) when you say Black men don't protect Black women? What are we collectively not doing that we should be doing?
  16. What do you think @Delano? This quote was particularly telling: "The current worldwide loss of biodiversity is popularly known as the sixth extinction: the sixth time in world history that a large number of species have disappeared in unusually rapid succession, caused this time not by asteroids or ice ages but by humans." Someone pass me a beer.
  17. @harry brown, yes where is he? Where are any of us? As (I) discussed, Colin's platform was his master's plantation, the NFL. Once he got booted he had no platform. It is not his fault. It is ours. We own no large platforms to communicate our outrage, so we are dependent upon those you don't have our interests in mind. Whenever what we find important is no longer important to them it is made unimportant. I'm sure Colin, like the rest of us, is outraged by police killings of our people, unless they choose to share our outrage, on their platforms, who would know? I'm glad that woman cop got locked up; that situation was particularly egregious.
  18. I don't know what you mean? No, but i was cosigning @Pioneer1's observation that you always side with the women on these debates -- even going so far as talking lead in exchanges. Recall when i asked you how @Mel Hopkinsthought about an issue recently. I did that because you were speaking for women in the conversation. Mel came in late and completely missed what I was doing and accused me of taking away her agency when i was actually emphasizing the fact that you had no problem speaking for women. Also i was not making a value judgment about your ability to think like a woman. Are you? Some women may find that trait appealing.
  19. Nah @Delano I dont have the knowledge to debate you on Astrology. It would be silly to try now if i did not previously know how much you knew i might try, but once it became clear i would just sit down and listen. Now i did not agree with your Astrological prediction about 45 leaving office before the end of the year, but i did not disagree based up your astrology -- which i never challenged. I disagreed based upon other sources.
  20. December is 31 days long. As long as a month gets, but not long enough my friend.
  21. Mainstream media is not really interested in depth, complexity, nuance, or even the truth when it comes to our story. The notion that Black books stores have come back or are coming back is one I've read a few stories about recently. Most look at my list of Black-owned bookstores, quote the number, and keep it moving. Why we have so fewer stores is the bigger story. What does it say about a culture in which a Black indie bookstore can not thrive? I guess it is the same one that locks so many of its Black citizens or takes away their vote. Meanwhile, Black-owned indie book websites are virtually nonexistent. A story that has never been covered, to my knowledge. I guess this coverage is better than nothing and if the additional exposure gets the stores more coverage I really can't complain too vehemently.
  22. Often I complain about how the NY Times covers Black people -- but this, this right here, is great!. Now people will argue about the authors NOT included and that is fine, but these presentation is spectacular. You all know how often I lament the invisibility of Black men. This is the opposite of that. A artistically grand presentation of Black men -- covering broad full spectrum of manhood (from an earlier discussion ) Follow this link to read the article and watch the video. Enjoy.
  23. Sure, I would not be surprises if 45 did not finish his term, but it is virtually 100% certain that he will finish the year. WIth your money I'm going to the casino and bet $50 on Black!
  24. Wow, they are Black people. I had no idea. I've been meaning to look them after hearing that story. They are lucky this is not the 15 century because they would have been annihilated or enslaved.
  25. No it is not that deep @Pioneer1. I can disagree and agree with anyone on this forum on any given the issue -- and change my stance given additional thought and debate. There is no hidden agenda, at least on my part. I will never debate @Delano on astrology because his knowledge far exceeds mine on the subject. I will always listen to @Cynique when she describes anything from a past that she lived and I only read about, Indeed I relish these stories and would allow ask question rather than argue with her about her experience. As far as this trivial debate about the your failure to recognize that Help and Assist are synonymous is nothing more than that - trivial. What I find surprising is that after all these years you will never change your stance on any issue -- even when you are demonstrably wrong, like now. The question you really be considering is why? Why are you so rigid? (I bet Del could guess you zodiac sign I'm thinking you're a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius). Why won't you take in information and use it to advance your understanding of, as in this case the English language
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