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  1. According to the article he problem would be the period between the reversals when we would be bombarded, unprotected, by cosmic rays.
  2. @Chevdove, I heard Tom Hartman (a progressive radio talk show host) say that our VP Pence is not concerned about man-made climate change he believes the rapture will occur before it becomes a serious problem. I don't know if that is true, but I do know there are many people who believe the end times are nigh. What do y'all believe?
  3. I'm glad you've recovered from pneumonia K2. I was surprised to see Kamala Harris with such high odds to win the Presidency 2020.
  4. This animation shows you how to find a books on AALBC in more than 1,500 categories The image below shows how to find juvenile history books covering the 19th century.
  5. Normally I archive my newsletters on my blog. But WordPress has updated their editor, making it harder to copy and paste information from other sources. I guess they are trying to make their software easier to use. I discovered the change to their editor while helping a client create a blog and I struggled to use the software and editor, for the first time since it was invented! I guess they call that progress. At any rate, I make the AALBC newsletter available on the website to allow people who don't subscribe to the newsletter to discover and read it. Ultimately I have to move my Blog from WordPress' database to my own to make the archival process more efficient. I hope you discover your next great read! Dear Reader, Happy New Year! 2018 was great a year for AALBC here is sample of what we’ve done: ▪ Showed visitors a record number of pages ▪ Quadrupled the number of authors profiled ▪ Added great new features like giving readers the ability to search for books by over 1,500 categories However, 2018 was not a year without challenges: Amazon is effectively a monopoly for the online sales of books; Google exerts near monopolistic control over the discoverability of websites; and social media, despite concerns over privacy and visitor manipulation, is increasingly becoming the only websites people visit — essentially becoming the WWW for many. Independent websites like AALBC can only thrive with your patronage and support. When you discover something of value on AALBC please be sure to share the information with others. If you value what we do, please purchase your subscription to AALBC's eNewsletter. If you have already paid for an annual subscription, thank you on behalf of AALBC and the writers whose work you support. Peace and Love, Troy Johnson Founder & Webmaster, AALBC.com December/November Bestselling Books Fiction: The epic fantasy novel, The Wolf Queen by Cerece Rennie Murphy has been the bestselling fiction title on AALBC for the past 4 months. Nonfiction: Tarkisha M. Wallace’s two-time #1 AALBC bestseller, Little Girl Arise, tells how she, after tragically losing her baby, realizes her true purpose. Children’s: Discovering Wes Moore is a young adult adaptation of the story of two fatherless boys from Baltimore, both named Wes Moore. One is in prison, serving a life sentence for murder. The other is a Rhodes Scholar and bestselling author. Poetry: One book made our poetry list this period, and it is enough, Furious Flower: African-American Poetry from the Black Arts Movement to the Present edited by Joanne V. Gabbin. This important volume covers the Furious Flower Conference of 1994 which was the largest gathering of African American writers in nearly thirty years. The book also contains performance photographs by C. B. Claiborne. Also check out all 127 bestselling books for 2018. Recently Reviewed Books ASCLEPIUS by Christopher M. Rutledge “Someone is killing all of the doctors opposed to the monopoly of the big drug companies. Those committed to the world of alternative medicine become aware of the ugly fact at the 10th annual health symposium of doctors and researchers chaired by Dr. Geoffrey Chance Du Bois in Atlanta. A shocking question about the recent deaths and disappearances of alternative medicine doctors rocks the building and everyone wonders who will be next.” ► The Power of Presence by Joy Thomas Moore “[Joy Thomas] Moore’s training unapologetically necessitates a need for introspection; good parents (both men and women) must work on their thinking: past mistakes must be identified as errors, toxic non-helpful relationships should be identified and avoided, a child’s need surpasses a parent’s discomfort — mental and or physical, financial choices should be studied and reviewed with an eye on the child's future. Moore’s training is not meant to coddle but to instruct. She uses her past life to exemplify these training points; this usage causes the training to take on a humble voice that instructs without judgment.” Moore is the mother of Wes Moore, author of the bestselling book The Other Wes Moore. ► The Power of Presence is AALBC’s online book club’s January selection. We are planning a live chat with the author on January 17th at 8 p.m. Becoming by Michelle Obama “Being a Black woman in America right now comes with a great deal of scrutiny. We are praised for our diversity, yet simultaneously cast aside for our uniqueness. While this is a heavy load to bear, being the first African American First Lady of the United States of America is exponentially more difficult. In her recently released memoir, Becoming, Michelle Obama bares it all for readers, unleashing some of her most intimate thoughts and feelings.” ► The Zion & Zara Stories: The Big Bike Raceby Tenesha Jarvis, Illustrated by Gabriel Curley “Good children’s books are hard to come by. Many of them lack morals for children to learn from or educational content to grow their minds. Often, the books we consider to be classic in this genre are those that offer something to challenge our children’s thinking, ethics and integrity. First time author, Tenesha Jarvis, epitomizes what a good children’s book should be in her recently published book, Zion & Zara Stories: The Big Bike Race. We are introduced to ten-year-old twins, Zion and Zara, who are excited to embark on the first day of summer break. As we journey with them in preparation for Zion’s participation in a race, the bond that they share as brother and sister is evident.” ► AALBC Highly Recommends Raisins in Milk and The Summer of my Fifteenth Year Publisher Special: Get two bestselling books for one great price, $15 with Free Shipping! (sales tax collected in CA only). Both books are excellent reads and AALBC bestsellers! Blue Nile Press has given AALBC a great opportunity to sell these two popular titles for the price of just one book! This deal is not available anywhere else — not even Amazon! You WILL enjoy both books, The Summer of my Fifteenth Yearby Geri Spencer Hunter (read more) and Raisins in Milk by David Covin (read more). Trailblazer: A Pioneering Journalist’s Fight to Make the Media Look More Like America by Dorothy Butler Gilliam Dorothy Butler Gilliam, whose 50-year-career as a journalist put her in the forefront of the fight for social justice, offers a comprehensive view of racial relations and the media in the U.S. Most civil rights victories are achieved behind the scenes, and this riveting, beautifully written memoir by a “Black first” looks back with searing insight on the decades of struggle, friendship, courage, humor and savvy that secured what seems commonplace today-people of color working in mainstream media. The Talented Xth by Gibran Tariq Available, for a limited time, as free Kindle eBook. The Talented Xth is a coming of age story about a young boy whose life is turned upside down by a beautiful, dominating mother, and a terrifying secret. Growing up, he has to fight the “growing pains” of knowing he is “different,” and in an early effort to combat these feelings, and after he nearly kills a young, female playmate who refused to let him play “Mommy” in the childhood game of playing house, he turns to boxing as a way to “enhance” his masculinity. This giveaway, and the fascinating background behind this book, was discovered on AALBC’s Black Literature Discussion forum. Also check out other novels in the LGBT/Gay category. AALBC Discussion Forums There are not many Black-owned platforms left were we can have conversations, debate, and share ideas and information. AALBC’s forums are one of the few remaining places. If you an author of Black Literature, our forum is a great place to share information about your books with readers. Our most popular forum is dedicated to “Culture, Race & Economy.” This forums’s purpose is to facilitate the exchange of opinions, ideas, facts, and information as it relates to Black people. We also have forums dedicated to Bloggers, Poetry, Press Releases, and more. If you are looking for a alternative to social media check us out. You can remain completely anonymous, if you like, and we’ll always respect your privacy. Our newsletter may be read on your Kindle ebook reader or via RSS. Consider sponsoring our eNewsletter or a dedicated mailing. ★ AALBC.com eNewsletter – January 9, 2019 – Issue #265
  6. Men of their word; thank you Brothers! Man, I think the likelyhood of 45 serving a 2nd term is virtually nil -- as long as noone named "Clinton" tries to run against him. However gamblers, who are far more objective, disagree. They currently believe 45 has a 30% chance of winning in 2020 https://electionbettingodds.com/ My offer of a bet was in jest. I'm not willing to bet 45 wins in 2020: It is not an outcome I believe, or want, to occur.
  7. Yeah the girl is cute and I like all the hairs styles except the one from the 2010s. I don't care for that look at all -- unless it is ones real hair. I guess im just old school.
  8. Hey do y'all read the Bible as if it is history, a faithful chronicalling of the past?
  9. Yeah @Pioneer1 step away from the white jewish manual
  10. I've soured on the associates the commissions are now negligible. As a monopoly for online booksales Amazon does not have competition to worry about a competing bookstore paying affiliates more. I guess the data is valueable -- what little Amazon shares. There are others not willing to sell on Amazon. But third party sellers easily subvert the author/publishers desires which Amazon encourages.
  11. Robin Walker (Historian), Cerece Rennie Murphy (novelist), and Anthony Browder (Historian) a the most recent to our top-100-selling authors list Making the Top 100 is not easy, so these authors are worth checking out! Each are fairly prominent in their respective fields and genres, but do not enjoy wide popular acclaim. It is a dysfunctional quirk in our culture where those with the least to contribute garner our attention and those those with the most remain relatively unknown. Currently, the there are 102 authors who have made the cut off to be in the top 100. The minimum number of times required to make the top 100 is 5. The list I'm currently providing has the cut off at 4 which includes 114 authors. If I changed the cut-off these authors would not make the cut. When/if the top 100 goes to 120, I'll raise the cut off. Right now I like the list of authors. ...Maybe I'l just rename the list to Top 120 Authors
  12. Just this week one of my clients domains was hacked and her website was redirected to some malware sites. It appears she visited a website where software was downloaded to track all her key stokes....
  13. Hey @Gibran why should we care about this? Would this matter to anyone who does not care about Abraham? Do you have to believe on the Abrahamic religions to care?
  14. @Mel Hopkins you don't allow comments on your site? The difference between Anazon and everone else is that Amazon does not have to generate profit from the sale of books. But it does mske sense to use Amazons data and tactics whenever the possible i know i do
  15. Yeah you do have to be very careful about the sites you visit. I never consume news via social media, because they don't produce news, so I always go to the news source. The Internet is a vast, dark, and scary place. Proceed with caution.
  16. It turns out, a lot of it, actually This quote from the article linked below made me laugh out loud because it is so true: "Over at YouTube, the business of buying and selling video views is flourishing...." People buy views subscriber's etc. Much of YouTube's content is fake nonsense or pirated content. Real stuff no longer stands a chance against this stuff. https://nymag-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/nymag.com/intelligencer/amp/2018/12/how-much-of-the-internet-is-fake.html?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQECAFYAQ%3D%3D#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s&ampshare=http%3A%2F%2Fnymag.com%2Fintelligencer%2F2018%2F12%2Fhow-much-of-the-internet-is-fake.html
  17. Hey @Gibran no need to quote someone if what they wrote immediately precedes your reply (a lot of people do it when they first get started). Have you considered joining Amazon's affiliate program? If you send people there you'll earn commission on sales (in addition to your royalties). I used to make quote a bit of money with Amazon but since they reached monopoly status they have dramatically reduced what they pay affiliates. I can't bring up you site right now but I can tell from the URL you are linking to image files. I can add links to your book's buy button to send readers to your site if you are selling your book directly.
  18. Hey @Gibran I just added this book to AALBC and will mention it in the newsletter that i'm mailing today.
  19. Well what I mean when I say "people don't care," is that not enough of us care to make a difference.
  20. These are cultural problems. Even the life expectancy of white men has gone down in recent years.
  21. I'm amazed by gbe changes I've seen. I can't imagine the changes this Brother has witnessed. He literally had to crank his car to start it! I push a button.
  22. I really didn't know the whole backstory Gibran this is just so interesting. I also never appreciated the challenges endured to get the book done. Anita Diggs is a cool sister an early, in house, supporter of AALBC.
  23. @Chevdove i have seen maury's show but i don't watch it regularly for obvious reasons. @Cynique OK.
  24. Every relationship is different and there are a wide of problems that can plague a relationship. Some are due to external factors but most, i believe, are due to the individuals themselves. As a result, that is where I believe the focus should be placed -- not some nebulous white conspirator or harkening back to African traditions from a millenia ago.
  25. What!! Congrats man! I actually live in FL when you speak, hit me up ill come check you out if i can.
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