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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hi Tanny I don't think this is a good idea. First $100K is not very much money and will not cover the costs at a decent 4 year college, let alone K through 12. Sure it sounds like something is better than nothing, but if everyone has an extra $100K to spend with on education, schools will just raises their tuition because so much money is available. Now if people could use the money for anything they wanted, I might be in favor of it, but then I'd want to know who would qualify to get the money. Also, what about the people who are already born and burdened crippled by student loan debt they can never repay? Who is going to pay that off? The student loan crisis is a much better problem, that is being ignored. Allocating resources to future generations while continuing to ignore people who are alive is a serious mistake. If you are estimating that it will cost $60B Sergei, Mark, and Jeff could pay that by themselves and still be multi-billionaires, but these folks are very greedy and are not going to get up off anything without a fight -- a fight they have the resources to easily win. A better solution would be to make education through college free, the way it used to be, and figure out how to help the people suffering under crippling debt -- often for degrees never received.
  2. QueenX please consider creating an account, so That I do not have to manually approve you posts. Thanks!
  3. @Pioneer1, you a gay mason? All jokes aside what is the deal with being a Mason anyway? Is that a negative thing? If so, why?
  4. Well @Delano thanks for the support. This thing would be impossible without folks like you. I like to think however that we support each other. I like to think I get the same thing out of it that you do. It is not like these forums have ever made me any money Pioneer, stop thinking like a "Westerner." It is not about cross contamination, it is about cross support. I participate on Lipstick Alley from time to time because people from there come here (they have not posted, but I can see the traffic). If folks from some of the other forums came here from time to time, that would be a good thing.
  5. I change my position from time to time and find it interesting to read a different perspective. Even if I don't change my position I find the alternative view points interesting. I'm one of those people who can sit on a bench and find it interesting to just look at different people walk by. I think people and their stories are fascinating. @Pioneer1 was actually asking to see if she was available. I need a passive woman who will do what I say, keep the house clean, cook, take care of my needs, and not give me any lip; you know a traditional woman Seriously, I did not think her personality was suited to being in a marriage -- at least not one she was not being walked all over. Is she cute?
  6. @Pioneer1 those observation are one of the few times I've almost agreed with your observations and resulting opinions. LOL! I've exchanged a coupe of emails with the Sister from Lip Stick Alley (still Black owned). I gather she more aggressively moderates her site than I do this one. As a result women seem to be all over it. I too enjoy engaging with other Black people. I'm disappointed there is not more action here. All of the folks that would be active here, and have been active here, have mostly gone to Facebook. But as far as "...a balanced male and female harmony where both groups can be themselves..." I'm not aware of any sites like this (@Pioneer1 won't share the ones he knows about.) Just today someone emailed me about an effort to provide more support for bookstores. This is something that I have actively done for as long as I've been running this website. But they want to have the conversation on Facebook. I'll invite the group here. We'll see what happens. I'm not participating in any group on Facebook. Our problems are never solved by trying to use the very thing that is causing the problem. as a solution or a tool to remedy it. Come back soon @Cynique
  7. I think I know what you mean Del. It is why I suggested that Harry consider stop railing against evil ministers it won't make a difference and negativity just brings you down. I'm actually trying to approach things from a positive perspective myself. Rather than focus on Black folks who would support Black business and bitching about that. I talk abut the folks that do support their own businesses. Rather than lament that fact that we give money to Amazon rather than our own business I simply work with those that get it. So you will not see be calling for a boycott of Amazon any more. I'll just work to uplift the Black owned bookstore that exist. You won't find me trying to explain to people why they need to get off Facebook. I just deactivated my account and will work with those that get it. It is much healthier, more fun, and productive to be positive rather than walking around complaining about what is wrong all the time. I like the interaction with other Black people too. @Pioneer1 is your cousin married?
  8. Del No one alive really has first hand accounts of Native American or African Traditions. Much was this was destroyed like the people of Tasmania. We are losing African and Native American languages along with the traditions that went with them. Islam and Christianity have seemingly taken over most of Africa and the United Stated for that matter. Pioneer when I wrote "as opposed to religion," that does not mean I spirituality is the "opposite" of religion. That is not what that combination of words mean. I was using "spirituality" and an alternative word to "religion," in contrast to religion, etc. If being less firm in my original position places me in your corner Pioneer, that is cool, but if I start talking about multiple human races then you know I've really lost it
  9. The Top 10 Black Panther Books #readingblack
  10. Originally I believed science has, or should, have nothing to do with religion. Now I'm not so sure... I'm not talking about comingling Christian fundamentalist dogma with science -- that is not possible. What I'm talking about a reverence for life, the environment, and even each other... that does not have to be, nor should it be, separate from science. Maybe what i really mean is spirituality (as opposed to reigion) spirtuality is not mutually exclusive of science.
  11. @Delano I'm at a complete loss to understand how someone who claims an uderstanding of logic write that or say facts and truth are "subjective?" With that belief system what do you need logic for?
  12. I'm not sure the issue is on the web. But it can be found in books stores, newstands, and even the library for anyone who is interested.
  13. Ok I misunderstood your intent Del. I my case I completely understand Pioneer. But obviously I disagree with his position on race. As we know there is no scientific or genetic basis for Race -- this is not even open for debate. Where I disagree with Pioneer is how he takes his understanding of "race" and uses explain the behavior of people. For example, "Black and White girls were easier to meet and sleep with than East Asian girls." Don't mistake disagreement for a lack of understanding.
  14. @Pioneer1 I have no issues with what you wrote about Christianity. While I was raised a Christian it is not a religion that I practice. That said, I think the Black church has done and can do positive things for a community. I only suggest that Harry focus on the good they do rather than the evil some leaders practice.
  15. @Delano "Eastern Science" is a strawman that you've created for some reason. There is nothing for me to defend on that point and I've made my position clear. Why don't you simply say what you want to say about "Eastern Science?" This is not about "arguing" this is about clearly saying what you think. Rather that having others read your mind.
  16. @D.E. Eliot, no need to apologize about a delayed response. Shipping costs for individuals are high even at media mail rates. This is one reason distribution helps, but is very difficult for indie authors with a single book to secure. When you get a chance use the printing price calculator to see if I could have save you something on printing costs: https://aalbcprintsbooks.com/product/55x85-books The price should be competitive even before you factor in discounts offered on other services I provide.
  17. No Pioneer you do not need to personally meet a billion people to speak intelligently about them; you would need to me more than you have personally meet -- or could possibly meet. Here is something to consider in your understanding of Chinese people: The ones who have met are a very small biased sample and are not representative of the population that you would encounter on mainland China. Can you think of reasons why this might be true? If you can, then you might also understand why you should be careful making sweeping generalization about people you know every little about, for you reveal how much you don't know about a people when you do it. Look, personal experiences are all most of us have (we don't travel or read outside our culture); our experiences define who we are and how we perceive the world, but once we cross the line and start believing that our experience is the way the world actually is then we get into trouble. I guess what Del is trying to tell me, in essence, is to let you be happy believing what you believe. I'm beginning to see that he is right for I've had no impact on your use of biased and racial stereotypes. The the only reason the Black/negro race was created was to define us as subhuman worthy of being owned and treated like a dog or a mule.... usually worse. We should be the first ones in line to dispense with thinking of humans in terms of different races.
  18. @Pioneer1, I'm not silly enough to think that you would actually read (or even comprehend) a scientific study. Man you wont even read the science magazine which covers the issue from all angles. Besides, the science is clear and you can easily find supporting information -- that is if you were sincerely interested in learning the truth.
  19. I guess the real question is why do white people like this movie so much?
  20. @Pioneer1, what, pray tell, constitutes proof to you? You've rejected the magazine article devoted to the subject I just presented as well as all of the websites and information I've shared over the years. So, I'm at a loss to understand what would convince you. Obviously facts, reason, and information have proven insufficient...
  21. Pioneer. Wow! The racial/cultural stereotypes you believe are giving you a grotesquely distorted picture. Again it is a mistake to base your opinion, on over a billion people, upon your personal experience with Chinese people you've known (even if Del says this is cool). I'm sure well over a billion Chinese people practice some of religion. It also sounds like you believe that being in a religion is the only motivation for one not to around acting the fool.
  22. Fruitvale was another tragic story and a decent film. Regarding the historical significance of the Black Panther film {yawn}. Del, I don't read the Hollywood Reporter and will not subject myself to straight up gossip and propaganda--particularly on the subject of hollyweird. As far is the MSN article if what you took away from it is that, the Black Panther film is responsible for Saudi Arabia lifting their decades old ban on films, then you completely missed the point of the article. But given your reverence for the film I understand how that can happen.
  23. Del why ask me to define "Eastern Science?" You brought it up. Why don't you define it? Again Pioneer all I can say is that you should stop viewing everything through the lense of the "West." This is why you can't see that what you call "Knowledge" could have been obtained in a method that is indistinguishable from you you call science today. If you read the article I linked to, "Why Native Americans do not separate religion from science" You'd get a clearer understanding of the point I'm making.
  24. @Pioneer1 you believe there are multiple human races. This is factually incorrect (despite what Del says about opinions). Actually, the entire magazine is devoted to the subject of race; it is not just one article. The issue consolidates much of what we know about the subject. This is why I recommended the issue. Again, I know facts, no matter how compellingly presented, have not moved you to change your opinion on a subject in the past. But hey, I figured it was worth a shot.
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