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Everything posted by Troy

  1. I've only caught pieces of this series on Youtube. I find tis stuff facinating. In some sense if seems like quantum theory is being poistioned as a new relgion. What do you think?
  2. As Cornel would say our country is run by oligrachs and plutocrats. Obama seemingly is just one of their tools. The midterm elections showed you just how much Black folks care or even understand the process as virtually no one showed up. Even I am pretty feed up with the political system. The candidates say whatever is necessary to win, they need far too much money to a viable candidate.
  3. The media is certainly exacerbating the problem. People see folks like Weiner and think, “Wow I thought I was bad, but I’m not as bad a THAT guy!” The constant parade of sex scandals not only numbs us to the illicit activity. It indirectly tells us the behavior must be normal, as it appears that so many powerful people are doing it. If Bill Clinton can get head in the oval office what is so bad about me getting a hand job in a Korean massage parlor. The examples are endless. We lost count of how many women Tiger was banging on the side. Married, high profile politicians having babies out of wedlock seem to be the norm. Add this to the fact that the ghetto culture more and more of us are being raised in teaches us that the more women you can get pregnant, the more of a man you are. Again I assert the media tends to promote this activity by sharing it as if it was “newsworthy”. Perhaps if we had more stories about happy, monogamous marries people would give that a shot or at least believe it is a viable goal.
  4. Hey Cynique I have a reviewer who will do a review of Marable’s book. I have not read the book myself but I hear Marable related a story of Malcolm having sex with a white man for money. As a consequence, Marable has been hit, understandably, with some criticism. I suspect you did not get this far into the bio – unless you heard that story previously.
  5. There is no stigma attached to any negative behavior. People can pretty much do anything without consequences unless it involves an animal or a discharged weapon.
  6. Hence Palin's appearance on the Republicain ticket the last go around.
  7. Recently a white man was taken off a plane for swearing? Why was he swearing? Why do white guys think it is OK to swear in public?
  8. Hi Cynique is what we seeing today any different that what was going on 50 years ago? Is the behavior of men any different that even 100 years ago, 500 years – ever? I think the only reason it seems like more of an issue today is that we HAVE to know about it. I could not open a paper, turn or a TV, radio, computer or even my cell phone without learning about Weiner’s stupid tweets. The far bigger problem is not Weiner’s behavior (adolescent to be sure); but the money and time our media spent covering the issue. The media, not Weiner, is the most pathetic reflection of our culture. If this issue never hit the airwaves no one else would have known. The wife would have had their baby, Weiner would eventually calm down and it all may have worked itself out. But even if the wife found out it would have been a private personal matter for them to work out. The pubic airing of everyone’s dirty laundry is perhaps the biggest assault on marriage not the behavior of guys like Weiner. A middle class man, in a major urban center, has far more options to indulge his freaky predilections than any human before him. He lives in an environment with a large population density and easy transportation giving him greater access to a large number of women willing to do his bidding. Websites and social media make connecting with potential partners a very efficient process. Clearly a man like Weiner did not even consider getting caught. He was more concerned with showing off his body to other freaky 17 years olds. Boys will be boys.
  9. Lurkers, friends and fans to help spread the word about, http://aalbc.com African American Literature Book Club). It is very easy to do it; anytime you find content on AALBC.com valuableor interesting, please take a second to share the page with your friends. There are widgets at the top of everyAALBC.com page (see arrows above) to help you do this quickly and easily viaFacebook, Google, Twitter and almost all of the popular social mediaplatforms. As always thanks for yoursupport!
  10. Where do you go to read book reviews? Are they needed? What do you think about the reviews Amazon posts with thier books? Do you miss Black Issues Book Review magazine or more extensive book coverage from Essence Mag? I was just thinking about book reviews recently and shared some of my thoughts in a recent blog post: http://aalbc.it/blackbookreviews
  11. Rarely do I receive something via email that is worth sharing. I used to get some off color jokes that were pretty funny, but nowadays I mostly get the religous tracks asking you to forward the email to 15 of your friends.
  12. I'm often asked about book recommendations for young children and young adults. You really can't go wrong with the The Coretta Scott King Award winning book which are are presented annually by the American Library Association to honor African-American authors and illustrators who create outstanding books for children and young adults. Initially, the award was established in 1969 to recognize authors and then was expanded to include a separate award for illustrators in 1979. These awards are given to commemorate the life and work of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and to honor Mrs. Coretta Scott King (April 27, 1927 to January 30, 2006) for her continuing efforts in working for peace and civil rights issues. Follow this link: http://aalbc.it/cskawards and you'll find a list of all of Coretta Scott King's Author and Illustrator Awards from 1970 to Present -- an excellent start on your quest for the best in African-American literature for children.
  13. John H, the choice (or lack thereof) was clear in 2008 Obama-Biden Breathebooks, I'm unaware of any serious contenders ot Obama in 2012, though that guy (whats his name) with the white hair and the contract for America might give Obama a run.
  14. The was very good. Cynique who is this Jon Hammond fellow -- I thought it was your handy work until I got to the end.
  15. email me troy@aalbc.com your new email address and I'll see if I can update your email address for you. I did not see anything in the new pending memeber queue that looked like you.
  16. Carey, last night I watched the Academy Award winning documentary film Inside Job. If you watch it, I suspect it will put things into perspective for you and help you understand why Obama is really part of the problem. You don't get into the Whithouse without being controlled by the money that got you there. We have blinded ourselves with slavish devotion to Obama. The rhetoric for change, 1st black president, all that stuff is a smokescreen. One would think the lavish support of Wall Street over the middle class, health care without a public option, Libya, Gitmo, and so forth would have made it plain that Obama is no different that a Bush, or Clinton. The issue is not Black/White, Repubican/Democrat, Christian/Muslim, Northern/Southern, middle class/poor those are issues folks like us with no power or money squabble over while the folks with real control "stack mad paper". Any benefit that we accrue as a result of an Obama (any man's presidency) is purely incidental. I would liken it to the benefit folks today enjoy as a result of America's actions including that institution called slavery. Folks like Tavis, Dyson, West, Farakhan are trying to point out these problems -- it is not "hate" is is a cry for justice. Calling them and others who would listen to them "sell outs" ingnores the fact that we have a "Wall Street government". It does not appear an Obama presidency with not "change" that, indeed it looks like it will support those structures even more.
  17. Thanks for sharitng this Xeon. I introduced Dr. Marable during a panel once several years ago. i saw a video of it once -- I'll try to find it. Manning was well known on AALBC.com: http://aalbc.com/authors/manning_marable.htm He spoke at my local book store few weeks ago. What a surprise.
  18. Donlad Trump paid for a commecral to bring back the death penalty. he was trying to get some Black kids from my neighborhood executed for raping a white woman in central park back in the '80's the childrens were ultimately proven innocent but not after spending many years in prison. 'nuff said
  19. You'll find links to both articles here: http://aalbc.it/obamaprocon Two writers with two very different prespectives on President Barack Obama; read what they have to say and vote on which opinion most closely matches yours. http://aalbc.it/obamaprocon
  20. I really enjoyed O Brother Where Art Thou? it is a silly little film but very enjoyable. The song you posted is really moving. My favorite song was I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow
  21. Kola, all those permutations of human gender and sexuality has my head swimming. It would be interesting to read Dareen's response. Caramelgirl, no need to mince words here, just say what is on your mind. I keep forgetting to create one of those animated avatars. I think it would be really cool to use on Facebook.
  22. I got someone to write the article and will be publishing it shortly.
  23. Hey Xeon, you still think Obama deserves a Nobel Peace Prize? Three different wars -- that must be a record? Of course if being "sharp" and "on point" is defined by lock step agreement with Obama then I guess I'm not too bright. But I think you misunderstand me I'll expalin in a different point. Seriously anybody, who wants to write an article supportive of Obama's policy regarding Libya please send it to me (troy@aalbc.com) or publish it here. I will republish it on AALBC.com proper and promote it as well. I'm interested in doing a point/counterpoint type of coverage for our perspective. 500 word minimum $50 payment if article is published. Yeah, breathebooks, similiar questions can be raised by and against anyone. I believe much of what is coming out of Washington (even when delievered by Obama) is a lie.
  24. Leadership of the free world has its advantages. I'm not impressed with Obama's picks. I just looked them up and I see he selected all four #1 seeds to go to the final four -- anybody can do that. Experience demonstrates that no one ever wins a bracket pool by betting like that. A lack of experience can manifest in many ways. Hopefully we'll have more luck with Obama's choices regarding Libya.
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