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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hey Kola, the Black section in stores was partly due to customer demand -- people wanted to know where the book written by Black writers were. Folks wanted to be able to find them more easily so they were grouped together. There were so few published this was easy to do. Today I'm not convinced this is still not such a bad idea -- it really depends upon the store. If a store has a good database, knowledgeable sales staff and an intelligent readers. the book should be grouped by genre/subject.
  2. Yeah, a few years ago someone told me that they though (at least strongly enough to share with me) that ABM was Adam. While Kola did not say so I was at least one person to continue the speculation through the rumor mill. I swore her to secrecy as I could not validate the truth -- honestly I never did try. I don't try to divine the real life identities of people who post here under an alias. Yeah I too miss ABM's posts and exchanges with the other folks here including myself. Oh yeah, thanks for the claification Kola -- that is if Adam is to be believed Cynqie, I have not looked into the results of A Chapter A Month myself. I'll report back to you after the end of the year. But keep in mind all of this take time. Even the A Chapter A Month site itself needs to become better known. Kola can tell you while she might be known now, but that did not happen overnight and not with out a lot of work. Click to buy Go to F**K Asleep
  3. As I look at the results returned by this customized search engine. I have to admit I'm really impressed by what I'm discovering; content from websites that I would have NEVER found on the main Google search engine. Looking for non-US English language sites too. Please share any sites for this type that you like.
  4. I've customized a the Google search engine to return results that we would like to find for regarding Black books. It filters out all the nonsense coming from the corporate sites. If you are searching for Terry McMillan and want to know about ex husband -- go to Google main engine and you'll find that right away, but if you want to find infromation about here work -- search here: the URL is: http://thebestblackbooksearch.com/ or http://bit.ly/tbbbse for short. Search for your favorite authors and let me know what you think. It is a work in progress, and I'm looking for feedback too. I've discovered content I would never have found in a normal Google search. The Best Black Book Search Engine http://thebestblackbooksearch.com
  5. Thanks Nazhite! I'm very familiar with folks at UMI. They are doing great things and are a relatively unheralded organization. I will absolutely do a lot more to promote them going forward and in fact will mention this site in my next eNewsletter. You are a self described geek huh? I stopped playing video games after Atria 5200. I have a PlayStation 3 but have only played guitar hero with the kids a few times -- they always spank me, Thanks for popping in. here is my about me page: http://about.me/aalbc
  6. Blackplanet, brokers on sensationalism and scandal to drawn attention. I get their emails to get ideas to build my traffic. Rarely can i Implement them. Here are the top "news" stories from the latest email I received. • Did Kim Kardashian Hook Up With Her Ex Reggie Bush? • Travel Solo Dolo! Visit Bali • Halloween Brings Fears Of Gang Violence • Financial Woes! James Brown's Estate Was $20M In Debt • Is This Why Kim Kardashian Is Divorcing Kris Humphries? • How To Get Into First Class! Follow This GIANT Travel Tip • Black Tech Entrepeneur: We Are Still "Invisible" In Silicon Valley • Teens Drop Shopping Cart From 4th Story Ledge Onto Woman's Head • Packing Playlist: California • Naughty! Herman Cain Accused Of Inappropriate Sexual Behavior • Best Places to Travel Alone: Australia • Terrell Owens: "I Can't Afford My Child Support Payments" • Divorce Party Playlist [ORIGINAL] Here is why I don't do well on the pop-culture category of trivial pursuit: I while I've heard of Kim Kardasian I have not idea who she is or why Black people would care about her. I gather she slept with Reggie Bush, but again it is not clear why that is important or even interesting. Blackplanet is a typical example of what happens when we (read: Black people) do not control our media -- the information is not in our interest not does it nourish us.
  7. I remember this article. It was a good look for all of you. Just around the time I became active with the magazine. I still have my copy. A lot has changed since then...
  8. I'm on this mission to identify independent, Black owned, content providers. I'm most interested in new sources (you know the places where journalists used to work) It is part of a larger effort -- more on that later. At this point I'm not looking for sites producing the content of a single individuals, i.e. a Blog with only one contributor or authors websites promoting a single writer. Think sites like: The Network Journal http://www.tnj.com or The Amsterdam News http://www.amsterdamnews.com/ NOT sites like Black Voices http://www.huffingto...om/black-voices or The Griot http://www.thegrio.com/ Thanks
  9. Cynique it seems to me your description of a future Cain presidency "beholden only to the shareholders represented by corporate America" would fit Obama, Clinton, Bush I, Bush II...
  10. When I tell you it was a party y'all trust me the whole audience was getting down! More photos from the celebration
  11. Here are a just some of the recent nominees for 2011 National Book Awards. Dr. Manning Marable: http://aalbc.com/aut...ing_marable.htm Nikky Finney: http://aalbc.com/aut...kky_finney.html Yusef Komunyakaa: http://aalbc.com/authors/yusef.html Jesmyn Ward: http://aalbc.com/aut...esmyn_ward.html Carl Phillips: http://aalbc.com/aut...l_phillips.html
  12. “...we have fewer independent book sites focused on black authors than we did five years ago. And the ones that remain are even more difficult to find.” Read the rest of the interview: http://aalbc.it/troy2011
  13. Can you image two different Black men as consecutive US Presidents? Wow. While I'm not convinced that Cain will emerge as the GOP candidate it would be a fascinating study of American politics -- too bad the future of our country is on the line... Missed ya Xeon.
  14. Anika99, I just read in the Wall Street Journal that Long has had a civil law suit filed against him for running a Ponzi scheme, He is accursed stealing millions from his members. He needs to be thrown under the jail -- even if half of what he is accused of is true. Absolute power corrupts...
  15. This Brother seems to have a solution for the Sista's: Just marry white guys. Read a review of Ralph Richard Bank's book Is Marriage for White People? How the African-American Marriage Decline Affects Everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eksJYVPKqNI
  16. I got mines! (As we used to say) Pretty cool K.L. I noticed you thanked Selena James in your acknowledgements. She is a real trooper! I'll work this into the next eNewsletter. Kensington has always been a big supporter of website like AALBC.com, Mosaicbooks.com, etc.
  17. Do tell. While I heard Long had affairs I had not paid enough attention to know he was "apparently" molesting young men.... Sheesh! I image the book will sell quite well. You gotta love the title
  18. It looks like Michael "buy your way into a 3rd term" Bloomberg will have his hands full on trying to squelch the unrest in lower Manhattan. Will he sick the dogs on the protestors, or turn on the fire hoses? I'm sure he would like to just open fire...
  19. Who is the most popular author on the list above. Do you think any of the writers are widely known, if so who and why? If not, why not?
  20. Finalists for the 2011 National Book Awards include: Dr. Manning Marable (May 13, 1950 - April 1, 2011) http://aalbc.com/aut...ble.htm#2011nba Nikky Finney (b. 1957) http://aalbc.com/aut...ey.html#2011nba Yusef Komunyakaa (b. 1947) http://aalbc.com/aut...ef.html#2011nba Jesmyn Ward http://aalbc.com/authors/jesmyn_ward.html Carl Phillips (b. 1959) http://aalbc.com/aut...ps.html#2011nba
  21. Buy a read more mug -- better yet buy a set http://aalbc.it/readmorecup Here is another why to support AALBC.com's on-line efforts and get something really cool in return. The read more mugs are made of high quality materials, dishwasher safe and lets those around you know they need to "read more". The mugs are only $10.99.
  22. Common talks about not allowing another to "dim your light" a beautiful sentiment, however it is not necessary to relate the details of your relationship to communicate this idea. I'm sure Common and the publisher's incentive to reveal these details were financial. Indeed, without these details the book may never have been published. Common and Badu are celebrities and the public's appetite for relationship details is seemingly insatiable. I hope Badu was cool with it. So while I would not reveals details of my own relationships. No one is offering me a lot of dough to do so. Were this the case, i suspect I might be singing a different tune!
  23. http://aalbc.it/courageousfilm Courageous - An AALBC.com Film Review "A moving, modern parable not to be missed by anyone who’s always wondering why they don’t make wholesome movies with uplifting messages anymore." The Film opened to weekends ago at #4 at the Box office, Last weekend it was #6. If you are looking for something goo check it out.
  24. Cynique I think you've hit the nail on the head or at least touched on a major aspect of the issue. For the last 10 years I used to wonder way more people are not in the street -- what would it take? I now know; main stream America is now feeling the pain. it s not just Black folks, losing homes, out of work and unemployable and unable to pay for a decent education for their kids. We do know the ultra wealthy control all aspects of the country, to the detriment of the majority of us (the 99% if you will). They will not yield control easily. There is a long fight ahead and it will be hard, but it has to start somewhere. Perhaps this is a beginning...
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