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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Hi PiggyAnn, I appreciate the historical perspective, however I'm most focused on the situation today. I have to agree however even in today's environment the remaining Black owned newspapers are so very important. Here in New York Black Star News and the The Amsterdam News are really invaluable for the reasons you described. Those and other publications aside, for the moment, we have a very serious and worsening problem as it related to Black news and journalism in terms of how, what, and who is covering it -- especially online.
  2. Carey, while all eyes are not closed some, like yours may as well be. If I just wrote that I would support Obama over any Republican candidate, how is it possible for me to be a closet Republican -- that is illogical, unless you think I'm lying or dumb. Sure my opinion of Obama is more closely aligned with that of Tavis and West, than yours, but how you construe that as being in support of Cain is beyond me. Would a closet republican run be running AALBC.com or engaged in an effort to identify and categorize all independently run Black websites without trying to make money in return for the effort. Brother you ain't makin' any sense today. Just accept the fact some people are not jockin' Obama the way you are and are willing to point out areas we he needs to do better. PiggyAnn, unfortunately anything can be spun by the media to make someone look bad, they tried with Obama using Jeremiah Wright, his smoking herb, being Muslim, having a middle name of Hussein, having an African father, etc, etc. People over looked this because they desperately wanted change. I seriously doubt, Martin Luther King, with his infidelity,or Malcolm X with his homosexual sex would have withstood a modern day media assault had those revelations been made public, when their most important work was being performed. Now that I think about it, the media assignation would have spared the physical assassination, without making them martyrs. PiggyAnn46 which Black media outlets, specially, do you respect the most? .
  3. PiggyAnn4612, most of the secrets or behaviors we all keep from the public would not withstand the the media spin. Nor should it be fodder to evaluate a presidential candidate. Two questions: (1) Is it the "news" media's role to reports on alleged non-criminal sexual behavior of politicians? (2) Does the non-criminal sexual behavior of a politician matter? There was a time where this stuff was fodder for the national inquirer. Today's tabloids are indistinguishable. Venerable newspapers like the New York Times are catching up (OK, maybe that last point was an exaggeration, but on some levels they are). I'd have agree, Obama must have a squeaky clean sexual history. But that does not mean the media did not run with silly allegations, like the long form birth certificate bull.
  4. "If you're havin' girl problems, i feel bad for you son I got 99 problems, but a bitch ain't one" I like the point about Cain actually "having" to run just to keep the paper flowing.
  5. Thanks for stepping out an saying that Suzyq the problem you described with the media are actually getting much worse on a LOT of levels the wild thing is that this issue is going largely unnoticed. The main reason for these problems is that we do not own our own media. When we do, we either sell out, or conform to what mainstream media does. Of course an insatiable need for money is the driver. There however are many who struggle to create something positive. They go largely ignored and unsupported. I've been writing a lot about this subject recently. Please check out a Blog post about Black book magazines: http://aalbc.it/blacklitmags PiggyAnn4612 (not trying to pick on you), comments really illustrates why the negative is so profitable. I submit, this is the only reason the media focuses. The problem I have with it this is that someone call call up a news outlet, make an allegation, and presidential campaign and a potentially a marriage are destroyed -- all driven by the media created public spectacle. Again, all of this so that a few people can become fantastically wealthy. Carey your attempt to link me with Cain is puerile. If you bothered to ask you'd know that I would support Obama over Cain or any republican candidate. That is not to say, I don't have serious issues with Obama. Obama despite all the promise for "change" is merely a reflection of all that is bad with our government.
  6. What's up Carey? On this Sunday morning as i write this my wife shortly be rising and preparing to go to church. Occasionally I join her or sometimes my mom, not so much for me, but for them. I've not read the entire Bible, cover to cover, but I neither has many church going Christians. I have read Psalms, the 10 commandments, Genesis, Revelations, and a good chuck of the rest of Good Book. However, I'm not sure why you use reading the Bible as requirement for being a detractor of the religion. Indeed for the majority of time that Christianity has existed most of it's adherents were illiterate. In reality many of the Bible's detractors or non-adherents have read not one but several versions of the Bible. Louis Farrakhan, for example, knows the bible better than most. Of course there is nothing "wrong" with the 10 commandments. But when you have most right wing of Christians, who support wars on several fronts, have to say about thou shall not kill? Of course we could go on and on... But as my very first post indicates, I agree with you it is a "fool's errand..." Ironsmith, yeah that does sound confusing (but honest), because the beliefs are incompatible. Perhaps this is why so many Christians are either fighting creationism or trying to modify the religion to accommodate (evolution, homosexuality, etc). I don't think the Big Bang theory, and it is still a theory, can be used as evidence to prove of disprove a God. Because the next logical question would be what was before the big bang? Then you are left to infinitely regress... There are some things man is incapable of comprehending, the nature of the universe is certainly one of them. Read one of those books on quantum theory to really get you head twisted Perhaps this is where faith come in.
  7. Paul Mooney is a riot! This Is Herman Cain: My Journey to the White House http://www.aalbc.com...erman_cain.html Ya' gotta love the title
  8. Read: What Happened to the Best African American Literary Magazines? We have lost so many important platforms for advancing our culture in recent years that it is a crying shame. Even more interesting it the fact that no one seems to notice -- or even care. Our major, so called, Black media will ignore these signicant losses. it is up to us to support the reminaing entities. Peace
  9. Yeah I remember seeing this opening sequence when it first aired. Omar the original homo-thug! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9kf1FeADYc
  10. Xeon! I missed you. Logically, stating that it "never happened" and that "It's no one's business" are not mutually exclusive statements. Both can be true. Thus dispatching your argument with little effort. But this situation does beg a couple of questions not just for Cain (who at this point is not a serious contender), but for anyone. Does it really matter what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Where do we draw the line draw the line on what is acceptable? Cheating on a spouse, going to a strip club, getting a hand job at a massage parlor, engaging in homosexual sex, a single person engaging in sex when they are not married, masturbation. There are people you have a problem with all of the above and other who have a problem with none of it and everything in between, Who decides who is the standard bearer of proper behavior? Even if we had answers to all of the above, does it really matter in terms of one's job performance? If so why? Is it really the media's role to dig up and circulate gossip, rumors and unproven accusations? If we all believed that Cain, affair was a factor on his ability to govern, the media still should not report it until it was something could prove. Besides even if Cain did have the affair how does that make in any different, or less potentially effective than Dr. King or Presidents Kennedy, or Clinton?
  11. Liar's suddenly becoming honest under the cloak of anonymity. I'm still not convinced it is a trust worthy sample set. But I guess you might have a point regarding the rampant dishonestly that transpires online. I knew this one Brother who arranged for a date with what he believed would be a Black woman. The woman turned out to be an older Chinese woman. The woman said it was a good way to get dates my friend carried on with the date -- true story.
  12. Two Things Authors Must Know if They Post Links to Sell Their Books via Amazon.com: 1 - Make sure you sign up for Amazon.com affiliate program otherwise you are just leaving money on the table: http://aalbc.com/writers/sign_up_as_an_amazon.html 2 - Can’t earn Amazon affiliate commissions? You can still benefit! http://aalbc.it/oWrxtM The vast majority of authors who post links to Amazon are simply leaving money on the table.
  13. Anika I don't disagree with you. My point is that the same "reasoning" Christians use to dispatch those who'd question any aspect of the religion is the same some Black folks use to dismiss other Blacks critical of Obama.
  14. sad2say it is the same reason they did not stop Michael, all those catholic priests, or even Eddie Long.
  15. Cynique, I'm not not trying to dictate people's tastes. Of course there are different types of news, as there are different types of books. You been around AALBC.com long enough to know that I sell and promote all types of books from the erotica of Zane to the poetry of NIkky Fiiney, from the Urban fiction of Kwan to the literary fiction of Jean Toomer. There is room for all of it and I make no value judgements on the people who consumer it or the writers who write it. I feel the same why about news. The problem I see is that the meaningful news is harder to find. The problem is much worse for Black folks which is really the motivation for my comments -- indeed my reason for running AALBC.com. There has to be balance, and this balance is disappearing. Trivia I enjoy trivia I just question the "fact" that 30% of the dating site users are already married. That percentage just seems very high. Plus it would seem to me that the data would be hard to compile since married people on dating sites would likely be trying to hide that information
  16. Keep in mind Michael could pay off his accusers and the case against the cat at Penn State is "alleged" as well. Carey perhaps it is only a matter of degree -- maybe.
  17. Anika99 I fundamentally agree with you. Consider your Obama argument for a moment. Speaking critically about Obama to many, Black folks, as you know, is like speaking critically about Jesus to a Christian. You can't reason with a rabid Obama supporter any more than you can reason with a Christian about their religion. I suspect there is a very high correlation between those who are Black and Christian and those who are fanatical Obama supporters. If this is true I suspect the reason boils down to the individuals ability to think freely -- the ability to question themselves, what they are told, to have an open mind and a willingness to consider various view points and information... I could use your religion argument against your being critical of Obama: "It has become popular to knock Obama and and blame him for everything.We forget about the community organizing, lack of republican support, health care reform, and other necessities that many people of that he provided for less fortunate in every state."
  18. Happy thanksgiving everyone and drink one for me!
  19. Cynique I draw a distinction, perhaps an arbitrary one, between "Demi and Ashton's break-up or JR winning "Dancing with the Stars"." and information that is actually important. The former is simply entertainment -- which is what MOST news is today, entertainment. I think the problem we have when people confuse the two is some folks begin to think whatever a Kim Karadasian is doing is important we and the media treat it as if it is important. Far too many resources go to covering that nonsense, when it could be directed to meaningful things. While trivia may or may not be taken seriously, trivia needs to be truthful -- otherwise is is simply a lie.
  20. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE UPCOMING ANTHOLOGY TO EXAMINE BLACK LOVE Where Did Our Love Go? Love & Relationships in the African American Community Submissions Sought for Third Installment of Popular African American Lifestyles Anthology Atlanta, GA (October 24) – Bestselling lifestyle author Gil Robertson has issued a call to authors and storytellers to contribute to his next anthology, Where Did Our Love Go: Personal Essays on Love & Relationships in the African American Community. The highly anticipated follow-up to Roberson’s two previous bestsellers, “Not in My Family: AIDS in the African American Community” and “Family Affair: What It Means to be African American Today,” will seek to find an answer to the growing marriage gag that exists in Black America. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 43.3 percent of black men and 41.9 percent of black women in America have never been married. As with his earlier projects, Robertson will assemble a broad swath of black Americans, including prominent figures from the worlds of politics, entertainment and sports to share their perspectives on the subject. The book will consist of a total of 40 essays divided into 3 lifestyle categories (single, married, and divorced). Selected essayist will also be asked to participate in a cable network documentary that will air alongside the book. “I am specifically looking for writers who are prepared to be completely transparent in sharing their truth on this topic,” says Robertson. “Like my two previous African American lifestyle anthologies, the goal for this new project is to move beyond the surface and explore deep into the why and how of the subject, so that we can identify solutions.” Authors interested in submitting essays should visit www.wheredidrlovego.com for additional background and project guidelines. About the Author Gil Robertson, IV is one of America’s foremost authorities on African-American pop culture. He is the editor of two bestselling books on African American lifestyles, “Not in My Family: AIDS in the African American Community,” “Family Affair: What it Means to be African American Today,” and is the author of “Writing as a Tool of Empowerment” and the forthcoming children’s book, “21st Century African American in Politics”. In the media, Robertson’s byline has also appeared in a long list of publications that includes Essence, Ebony/Jet.com, Billboard, The Source, the Los Angeles Times and the Atlanta Journal Constitution. He also writes the syndicated lifestyle column the Robertson Treatment (RTSC), which is now in its 15th year and appears in over 30 markets across America. About the Publisher Agate was founded on the idea that well-written books that are creatively marketed to the reading public, will always find an audience. The company’s literary works focus on the areas of business, lifestyle, and African-American interest. Agate’s aim will always be to publish books that live up to its motto: “Fine Print.” Contact: Jeaunine Askew: (404)921-0622 ###
  21. Cynique, there is serious reporting going on, but there is, seemingly, much less of it. I don't have hard figures on this, but that has been my observation over the last 10 years. We do know that newspapers, magazines are closing and cutting back. There is also, apparently, much more coverage of the "frivolous and sensationalized". Again I don't have hard numbers but my observations show this to be true -- even more so as the news relates to Black folks. It really is a crying shame how much this has changed on the last decade alone. The crappy news is MUCH easier to find and consume. The serious journalism is more difficult to find and take work to consume. As a result, most people just believe what they are told. They are unwilling or unable to question anything. I guess it is just human nature. btw: Where are you getting your trivia from? It sounds interesting, but I'm not convinced the figure are true. The one about 30% of people are dating sites already being married is fascinating idea to ponder. The reputable sites ask the question and rule you out if you are married or even separated. How then would someone collect the data and arrive at such a scandalous conconclusion?
  22. Cynique, I guess that is the bottom line, whatever floats your boat and gets you through this thing called life. Anika99, how do you feel about Cynique's point, "You can't be a free-thinker if you embrace Christianity"? You can't be a Christian and question the faith's most basic tenets. People who are not Christian would find that to be the exact opposite of "liberating". As an aside, free thinkers recognize the Eddies Longs of the world for what they are. It is the rest of the folks that give me cause for concern...
  23. http://aalbc.it/news_nov2011 AALBC.com eNewsletter has been published! Check out our author profiles, interviews, book reviews, publishing industry information, best selling books list, and more. If you like it, please share this eNewsletter with your contacts. I need your support. It will not come from anyone else -- but us.
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