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Everything posted by Troy

  1. Anika99, the most recent publication of Jason's book I could find a record of was from 1985 pubed by Holloway House the ISBN's are 0870677187 9780870677182 Jason Grant's saga of a renegade cowboy named Coal, who went from slave to be called "El Diablo Negro" (The Black Devil). An unforgettable portrait of one of the many ex-slaves who became cowboys. There are many sources with which you can use the information to find this book (many use the same data), but you can look around deeper in the search results and maybe you'll get lucky. I'm curious why are you looking for THIS particular book? If you are interested in similiar stories you might consider Leonce Gaither's I Dreamt I Was in Heaven - The Rampage of the Rufus Buck Gang: http://aalbc.com/authors/leonce_gaiter.html
  2. Hi Christi, yeah the definition of what a "good man " (or women) is of course subjective, and to use it as a means for determining the unavailability of good men for women in the generla case is flawed reasoning. As you suggest there are of course good men that are overweight, perhaps a child from a previous marriage, and recently laid off. Of course some women might look for Brothers that are Christian or has some form of spiritual beliefs, and many other criteria that are not on the list above. At the end of the day women (and men) need to have realistic expections of what another human being can and are capable of offering. Humans are all individuals and should be evaluated as such. Using a laundry list like the one above, as the basis for your selection criteria for findling a "good man", will virtually guarantee that you rule out many of them.
  3. Shawneda, Thanks. I won't forget. I actually have to redesign the iPhone ap. The backend of the current ap no longer works and is no longer pushing update to the phone. I get to it shortly :-)
  4. Hickson help folks out always provide a link: http://aalbc.it/concandy
  5. The next AALBC.com eNewsletter is scheduled for publication on September 27th. It will be emailed to almost 20,000 subscribers and Facebook friends. It will also be shared via AALBC.com social media networks and is permanently archived on AALBC.com. There is only ONE ad in each enewsletter and it is only $149. If you are interested visit: http://aalbc.com/enewsletter_banner_advertisement.html for more information. Let me tell you, this is a really inexpensive ad given the reach. I will be raising the price for this ad going forward.
  6. Diane everyone need a break from time to time, thanks for weighing in :-) Don't get me wrong, I'm not shooting down data as a tool for understanding issues like this. My problem is with the way the data is used in this particular case.
  7. Kola, first thank you for comment HERE. I will invite the creator of this "infographic" to comment here, she has the link. I'm not sure how old she is, but I suspect she is relatively young as well. The problem I have with the analysis, is that the comparions assumes all the women actually meet the criteria that have been used to eliminate the available men. In order words, it ignores that fact that there are also fat women, uneducated women, gay women, incarcerated women, etc. The analysis also fails to consider that man of the men fall into multiple categories and as a result are double, triple, quadruple counted which greatly exaggerates the number of men eliminated from contention. The are many problems with the data as presented. Then of course there are the social ramifications of using flawed data, misinformation really, to promote an agenda which is not based in reality. If a woman finds it difficult to find a "good" Black man it will not be because of the reasons describe above.
  8. While this may be an interesting or thought provoking analysis; does anyone see the problem with this particular comparison?
  9. Check out the inforgraphic below, courtesy of Best Black Dating Sites Via Best Black Dating Sites
  10. http://aalbc.it/oWrxtM I'm suggesting that authors who are in states where Amazon does not pay affiliate commissions, to use an AALBC.com affiliate code in exchange for potentially free advertising. Check out the article and let me know what you think.
  11. Ok it appears Bill Cosby did not write the article. I asked my buddy to see if he could find a source and he dug up this blog post: http://tartanmarine.blogspot.com/2009/02/robert.html Of course this does not mean that THIS blogger is the originator of the content. It just deepens my suspicions that Bill did not write the article. The Blogger's rant is more indepth in this case I believe (can't prove) that it is correctly attributed to: "The Old Jarhead"
  12. I found this one Bill website, while looking for a source to prove Bill actually wrote the statement above:
  13. Presumably this came from Actor Bill Cosby. I got it in an email from a buddy. It sounds like something Bill would write, but it really does not matter too much in that I can relate to some of his sentiments. I'm not nearly as old as he is, and have not lost a child to murder or realized his financial sucess, but somethings are universal for men how have raised children in this society and have been around long enough to see how jacked up things ae becoming. What do y'all think? Bill Cosby: "I'm 76 and Tired" I'm 76. Except for brief period in the 50's when I was doing my National Service, I've worked hard since I was 17. Except for some some serious health challenges, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn't call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I'm tired. Very tired. I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it. I'm tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family "honour"; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; of Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers"; of Muslims burning schools for girls; of Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery"; of Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them to. I'm tired of being told that out of "tolerance for other cultures" we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and mandrassa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia, New Zealand, UK, America and Canada, while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance.. I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate. I'm tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off? I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor. I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems. I'm also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20's bedeck them selves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves un-employable and claiming money from the Government. Yes, I'm damn tired. But I'm also glad to be 76.. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are making. I'm just sorry for my granddaughter and her children. Thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in.
  14. Hi MissRMP, I hear you. Initially, and before I was reminded about Bill's abuse of Denise, I was raving about the film. I came away really admiring Bill. We are all human and make mistakes Bill is not different. However, I hold a special kind of animosity for those that abuse people weaker than themselves -- especially men who abuse women or children. Some abusers are the most charismatic people you'd ever want to meet. At the end of the day, I don't know BIll. I just felt slighted by a documentary that presumably revealed so much but clearly hid much more. It might have been a better documentary if he discussed that very public chapter of his life.
  15. Hey Ambishop1, thanks for stopping by. You may also embed videos directly:
  16. John it is worth mentioning your book again. Faces in the Mirror: Oscar Micheaux & Spike Lee by John Howard http://aalbc.it/facesin
  17. Deep Xeon. I have never known you to be so dense. You mentioned Obama death threats as if he was under great duress, more than any other president. However when I explained that there wre presidents that were actually shot or assissinated you tried to make it seem the threats -- even a great number of them -- was worse than an actual shooting or assassination. I'm not sure why that is so confusing. But I'll leave it alone. Xeon you wrote: that combined with the rest of your diatribe would be cause enough for a reasonable person to draw the conclusion that you feel Obama's detractors are simply "haters and racist" I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word "fact". Just because you say something or believe something does not make it a fact. Nonetheless I'll use the word and hope you understand my meaning. Keep in mind the "nigger" statement in reference to Barack was yours not mine. When people express dissatisfaction with Obama you feel the reason is "Simple" That is just what you think, that is not a fact. And I believe your opinion on this issue is false. Speaking about facts; While the fact is the majority of white people did not vote for Barack, But Black people could not have gotten him into office alone. Those white people who voted for Obama, but are unhappy now, have not all of a sudden become racist. There were not enough racists and haters in the country to prevent him from becoming president -- don't you see that? Another fact is I NEVER wrote that Obama was the cause of all of the problems our country is experiencing or facing. Indeed I don’t believe that he is. You are great a researching information on this board. Many times I've written our dysfunctional government is the cause. Obama has simply not proven himself to be the person who could change things despite his promise for change. Finally would you and Carey please stop asking me what I would do to correct the problems? That is, and since we are not mincing words here, stupid. What would it demonstrate or prove since any idea I could image is purely hypothetical. And of course you could shoot it down without any way of proving that it would fail. But since you pressed: I'll go from the mundane to the major. I think Obama demonstrated level of naïveté by inserting himself in the “Beergate” nonsense. I also think he should have let “too big to fail” fail -- no taxpayer financed bailout. Sure a global depression may have ensued, but if we are going to let the markets work -- then let them work. Our corrupt banking system did what was supposed to do; it failed. Perhaps a global calamity is what it would take for us to do things the right way. Clearly, many people, are misdirecting their anger at President Obama, and sure some of those folks are racist. But most people want things to “change” for the better. They voted for Obama, despite his having an African father,, because they believed in his message. That message does not have the same impact now. Some people believe a republican can fix things, some people believe Palin can. I seriously doubt it. Also I know is whoever is in office will need to do things that are radically different that what we have been doing – the kind of things that would make them unable to raise enough money to run and cerainly unelectable if they talked radical change, Our system is flawed and skewed to support the ultra powerful and rich. No Obama is not the cause he is a symptom of a very profound problem that is our political process. Obama I'm afraid has become (perhaps always was) part of the problem not the solution.
  18. There is advertising position available on the AALBC.com homepage. To facebook fans and discussion board members only I'm making the advertising position available for 50% off the normal monthly price. Reply here or email me directly at troy@aalbc.com if you are interested. This price will be made available to the first three people who reply.
  19. Carey, I'm not a closet Obama hater. I too voted for him. Just 'cause I'm not jocking him like you are does not make me a hater. Since you seem to be so hell bend on me providing solutions. Why don't YOU provide solutions; or are you suggesting that no solutions are in order? Better yet I'll walk you through this slowly Carey; pick a specific problem; unemplyment, the deficit, the economy, health care and give me the solution that Obama has implemented and give me your assessment on how it is working.
  20. I share this here because Kimberla has been a long time supporter of AALBC.com. She was already a successful author when we first met in 1999. I was at convention called the National African American Cultural Expo in Philadelphis it was one of the first events where I exhibited as a vendor. E. Lynn Harris (RIP), Omar Tyree, Donna Hill and many other authors who are still writing today. If you get a change check out Kimberla work: SECRET OBSESSION by New Times Bestselling Author, Kimberla Lawson Roby goes on sale nationwide today, Tuesday September 6. Click here: http://aalbc.it/secretob to order your copy and get a 44% discount!
  21. Ok Xeon, if you want to elevate a bunch of death threats over an actual assignation we’ll have to just agree to disagree. Xeon, all your complaining about the Obama “haters” ignores the fact that we, and a whole lot of while folks, voted that “nigger” into office. If we are all haters and racist – how in the world did he get elected?! “…days of getting close enough to do what others did…” Xeon, if you believe that you have cornered the marketed on naïveté. Carey. I get it now. It really is a religious argument with you. Anyone who says something negative about Obama is a racist or a fool and damned for all eternity. Nuf Said. Dee please re-read what Cynique wrote it sounds simple but it is a profound statement. By the way even though you are new here you are doing quite well ;-) Cynique, again I disagreed with you years ago regarding Obama. But there is nothing that you’ve written recently that I disagree with. Truth be told I completely understood your points years ago – I just did not want anyone to jeopardize the chances of the nation’s first Black president While I supported Obama unconditionally, the 1st time it was not “blind” support; in that I KNEW I was not evaluating him on his then unquantifiable merits. I wanted a Black president. OK now that he is President I can treat him like every other one – approve when I think he is doing well and disapprove when he is doing badly. I completely understand why Carey and Xeon feel the way they do about Obama. I was guilty of the same affliction. What we really need to do is stop worshipping Obama as if he is the 2nd coming. Our dysfunctional political system is off the rails and I pray it rights itself for our children’s sake.
  22. Cynique, Hickson while quite formidable is no match for Kola A few things you can say about the results of Hickson's efforts; You know who he is You probably are not gonna forget him, He takes advantage of free resources He works hard. Kola exhibits the same characteristics. These are gonna be the characteristics of any successful author -- especually a sefl published one. I remember, quite clearly, the first day I met Hickson at a party in Harlem about 9 years ago. He was in the early days of GhettoHeat. Over the subsequent years I'd see him at book events and marveled at his growing roster of authors. He has even been known to shout out AALBC.com from time to time. My hat goes off to the brother.
  23. John, I read the excerpt. The story sounds interesting and I'd be curious to see how it pans out. Regarding the Black dialect of the period; you would be a better judge of it that I. What I read sounds reasonable, but I have now way of judging. Obvously I'm not from the period and have not I studied it. What you have written works for me, however The Association of Black Women Historians may diagree As with The Help most people really don't care must about that, they really want a compeling story. As long as the dialect is good enough and does not get in the way, readers will be fine -- which is why the vast majority of people enjoyed the book and film. Beside It is fiction, not a documentary expectations. Thanks again for introducing yourself here.
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