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Web Based Misinformation Fuels Racisms

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This has always true, but the web has made it far worse. 


A new poster to this forum with the counterintuitive moniker @Wide awake shared an inflammatory video (below).  Wide awake has been bombarding the site with a deluge of racist and antisemitic memes and content.  "Wide" shared so much content it was impossible to consume it all, let alone address it.


One such obviously untrue meme stated a Black man was the first to own a slave in America, suggesting that this Black man single handedly started slavery in America.  When I pointed out how the meme could not possibly be true Wide Wake accused me of cherry picking and ignoring the great number of other memes he (I'll go with "he") posted.


Wide Awake has exhibited "troll-like" behavior including the posting of great volumes of bogus information, "spamming." Normally I would just ban his account and keep it moving.  For some reason, and I'm probably wrong, I don't see Wide Awake as your garden variety troll, he seems somewhat willing to defend his posts, so I have not removed his posts.


Wide Awake feels the media is not reporting the "news" as reflected in the video.  The agenda he is promoting is that Black people are running amok beating white people and that the Jewish run media is failing to report this.  He already preempted any comparison the Montgomery Alabama ferry incident as looking like it was "staged."


This video is particularly pernicious in the sense that is can be particularly compelling if you don't think about the motivation of the people who created it and are sharing it.


The video was edited to speed up the action to make it look more frenzied. The voice overs of people taking about white racism created a sense of hypocrisy. Seeing little old ladies and babies assaulted was designed to ramp up the emotional impact. The faces of some victims were obscured if their race was unclear.  None of these are novel techniques. 


Actual journalists do not use these techniques. People looking to promote an agenda, in this case one biased against Black people do.  It is commonly known as propaganda, not reporting. 


Of course, none of the videos provide context.  Is it possible some of the folks being beat initiated the violence?  We will never know because that was not the intent of the video. 


Videos like this help me understand why white folks shoot Black people for asking for directions or walking through a neighborhood.  It may also be why white Americans are the most armed people on planet Earth.  Racist propaganda like that shared in the video, kills the incentive for teaching the history of slavery and makes it more difficult for people to entertain reparations. Too bad they did not have video cameras in the 19th century.


Clearly a video like this could be easily created showing the opposite.  But what would be the point? The record of racism in this country speaks clearly for itself.


The propaganda being shared on the web lead to schools become increasingly reluctant to teach the history of racism.  Instead, social media feeds student a steady diet of the nonsense shown in the video ... one can understand how progress toward ending racism is being undone. 


@Pioneer1 do you really think you can change the mind of someone like Wide Awake?




I believe AI has the potential to make people like Wide Awake far more effective.  Deep fakes and other AI enhanced technique will make propaganda videos more compelling and easier to make.  Algorithms will make it possible to more efficiently get these videos to the ones most likely to be incited -- all in the name of increasingly already fantastic profits. 😞

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  • Troy changed the title to Web Based Misinformation Fuels Racisms

Politicians seeking the highest office in the land (President) also fan the flames of racism too. 


The former POTUS (Orange Julius) could single-handedly plunge the country into a civil war. 


GOP candidate MoRon DeStupid is on a crusade to socially bankrupt the state of Florida.  One can only imagine what he'd do as POTUS.


GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy aka Ramen Noodles wants to roll the country back at least 100 years. 


Listening to Ramen Noodles' anti-Black and racist positions should put all Black folks on notice.


These potential leaders use a lot of misinformation to stir up their racist base.😎

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Yeah, this is really f'ed up man.  We live in a world where a candidate for President can be impeached twice and be facing four concurrent indictments on charges as serious as inciting an insurrection and it helps him in the polling!  


I think the misinformation is used to create and expand a racist base. 


As a country we really need to be dealing with more pressing issues. 

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Mr. T, you are 'wide awake', on Wide Awake.  Regarding my buddy Trump,  if someone stole your house, car, wife and children from you.  Would you  not do anything in your power to get them back?    Don't answer that question.   


ProfD  is right aout Vivek rolling the country back, to pre-Civil War days, with Vivek's 'woke ideology' doctrine, that it must die.

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5 hours ago, Troy said:


@Pioneer1 do you really think you can change the mind of someone like Wide Awake?




But as I said on the other thread, what would be the BENEFIT?

Say I won him over and he starts growing dread locks and walks around with a Black power fist on his t-shirt.
He now LOVES Black folks!
But how does that actually HELP me or any other Black person?
Just having some ham-sandwich eating White man, "like" you?

If he's a judge or doctor or millionaire, perhaps him liking us may be of benefit if he shares some wealth or does us favors.
But just some random ass White man with tattoos on his legs stacking boxes in the back of a damn Target....who the HELL needs HIS friendship?



"Ok, I got somethin' to get off my chest!
Why is it that Black guys can say the n-word
but if I do it I'm the bad guy????"


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5 hours ago, Wide awake said:

Deep fakes? Always a deep fake when it ruins your narrative. Give me a brake!!!

you failed to understand what I wrote, try rereading it.


5 hours ago, Wide awake said:

I bet you're more scared in your own hood!

When I was a kid my neighborhood could be scary, but go into the wrong white  neighborhood you could definitely catch a beat down. White threw the rocks when we accidentally went into their neighborhood. They still had sun down towns (look it up) when I was a kids.


@Wide awake stop repeatedly posting the same stuff. I’ll give you a until Monday to edit them down, otherwise I’ll delete them entirely.


3 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:


But as I said on the other thread, what would be the BENEFIT


 One less person going around fouling up Black discussion forums. Still there is no way you could get him to change his world view.

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((Lol...is there an echo in here???)))



Wide awake


@Pioneer1 I see you know who Adam is.






So I find it funny you think Yahweh will make whites slaves. Looks like the whole book was written for whites.

I don't remember saying that, but since you mentioned it......
According to YOUR scriptures....didn't it say Yahoowah/Yahweh made Adam as a WORKER to till the garden and keep it?

Was Adam and Eve getting PAID to do it?

You tell me what that sounds like, lol.

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On 8/17/2023 at 1:13 PM, Troy said:

This has always true, but the web has made it far worse.

"Web Based Misinformation Fuels Racisms" - One could easily discount that and say that ignorance, illiteracy and and many other relevant and related factors are to blame. IMO, only the weak-minded and gullible are consistently susceptible to misinformation, unable to discern, analyze, evaluate and conclude based on (truth-based) facts, logic, reason and iron-clad rationale. Not understanding what misinformation really is no one's fault but that of the individual who believes it.

On 8/17/2023 at 1:13 PM, Troy said:

Black people are running amok beating white people

Perhaps what we do know is that black people aren't necessarily helping their cause by committing crimes at a rate that exponentially exceeds their value to society. 

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4 hours ago, nels said:

…only the weak-minded and gullible are consistently susceptible to misinformation,..

yeah I thought that too, but our collective behavior makes it impossible to maintain that belief.


@nels that quote you shared of mine , taken out of context and misrepresents what I wrote. Was that deliberate?


4 hours ago, nels said:

Perhaps what we do know is that black people aren't necessarily helping their cause by committing crimes at a rate that exponentially exceeds their value to society. 


Man, that comment is so hyperbolic it sounds crazy. how many people did the Sackler family kill?  

These people maintained their billions and spent no time in jail. We are so fixated on the hyper-incarcerated demonized black man that we can’t see the terrible crimes committed by anyone else. Sad.





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13 hours ago, Troy said:

Was that deliberate

It wasn't deliberate, nor was it judgmental. Seriously, I don't waste time cherry picking. I simply look at what has been said and then weigh that against any actions or outcomes that were the result of that. From what I've learned, things are often taken out of context because the source expression was not concise, accurate or properly structured, that's all and nothing more. Making an argument bullet proof is an art that very few people have ever mastered.

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